WEBVTT FILE 1 00:04.757 --> 00:05.912 Good morning. 2 00:05.912 --> 00:07.683 This meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas 3 00:07.683 --> 00:10.138 will come to order to consider matters 4 00:10.138 --> 00:11.491 which have been duly posted with 5 00:11.491 --> 00:15.171 the Secretary of State for December 11, 2018. 6 00:15.171 --> 00:16.762 The Commission will consider the items 7 00:16.762 --> 00:19.103 on the agenda as posted on the agenda 8 00:19.103 --> 00:22.892 under our public participation policy anyone desiring 9 00:22.892 --> 00:26.340 to offer public testimony on any items that are not noticed 10 00:26.340 --> 00:28.761 on today's agenda will need to fill out 11 00:28.761 --> 00:31.187 a testimony form found in the back of the room 12 00:31.187 --> 00:34.119 and submit it to Commission Secretary Kathy Way. 13 00:34.119 --> 00:36.766 Reminder to please turn off your cell phones 14 00:36.766 --> 00:38.031 and item number one. 15 00:38.031 --> 00:38.864 Good morning. 16 00:38.864 --> 00:40.806 Good morning chairman and commissioners. 17 00:40.806 --> 00:42.954 For the record, my name is Claudia Godoy 18 00:42.954 --> 00:45.125 with the Oversight and Safety Division. 19 00:45.125 --> 00:46.803 Today's first agenda item is 20 00:46.803 --> 00:50.268 Gas Utilities Docket Number 10752. 21 00:50.268 --> 00:54.047 Application of Red Bluff Express Pipeline, LLC pursuant 22 00:54.047 --> 00:57.710 to the Natural Gas Policy Act Section 311 23 00:57.710 --> 01:01.263 for a review of the reasonableness of transportation rates. 24 01:01.263 --> 01:04.537 Red Bluff Express Pipeline, LLC provided testimony 25 01:04.537 --> 01:06.842 in supporting information demonstrating 26 01:06.842 --> 01:10.388 that the requested rates do not exceed cost-based rate. 27 01:10.388 --> 01:13.036 Staff recommends approval of the application. 28 01:13.036 --> 01:15.027 May I answer any questions? 29 01:15.027 --> 01:15.860 Thank you. 30 01:15.860 --> 01:17.676 Are there any questions? 31 01:17.676 --> 01:20.428 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 32 01:20.428 --> 01:21.827 Is there a second? 33 01:21.827 --> 01:22.660 Second. 34 01:22.660 --> 01:23.493 Second. 35 01:23.493 --> 01:24.326 Commissioner Sitton. 36 01:24.326 --> 01:25.159 All those in favor say aye. 37 01:25.159 --> 01:26.186 (majority says aye) 38 01:26.186 --> 01:27.370 Motion is approved. 39 01:27.370 --> 01:29.489 Thank you Claudia. 40 01:29.489 --> 01:31.468 Good morning, how are you John? 41 01:31.468 --> 01:32.571 Good morning, commissioners. 42 01:32.571 --> 01:35.021 I'm Administrative Law Judge John Dodson, Hearings Division. 43 01:35.021 --> 01:37.355 I'll be presenting the next two agenda items. 44 01:37.355 --> 01:40.419 Agenda item two is GUD 10742, 45 01:40.419 --> 01:43.496 a rate case filed by Atmos Energy's Mid-Tex Division, 46 01:43.496 --> 01:44.727 to change gas utility rates 47 01:44.727 --> 01:46.799 for its unincorporated customers. 48 01:46.799 --> 01:49.226 Commission staff is the only intervening party. 49 01:49.226 --> 01:50.625 The Commission has jurisdiction in this case 50 01:50.625 --> 01:53.817 over environs rates only, not rates in cities. 51 01:53.817 --> 01:55.419 Atmos and staff reached a settlement, 52 01:55.419 --> 01:59.169 agreeing to a revenue decrease of $2,850,968. 53 02:01.323 --> 02:03.843 Cost of equity set at 9.8 percent, 54 02:03.843 --> 02:05.723 a reduction of the corporate income tax rate 55 02:05.723 --> 02:08.127 from 35 percent to 21 percent, 56 02:08.127 --> 02:12.231 to reflect changes due to the tax cuts in Jobs Act of 2017. 57 02:12.231 --> 02:14.677 Certain affiliate expenses and recovery by Atmos 58 02:14.677 --> 02:19.677 of its rate case expenses totaling no more than $98,762.23. 59 02:21.248 --> 02:23.013 We recommend approval of the settlement. 60 02:23.013 --> 02:24.238 Atmos timely filed the exceptions 61 02:24.238 --> 02:25.759 to the PFD that address certain 62 02:25.759 --> 02:28.133 typographical and clerical errors. 63 02:28.133 --> 02:29.329 We've verified their accuracy 64 02:29.329 --> 02:30.559 and made all the necessary changes 65 02:30.559 --> 02:33.967 in the recommended final order that I have here today. 66 02:33.967 --> 02:36.045 Today is the last scheduled Commission conference 67 02:36.045 --> 02:38.222 prior to the deadline for Commission action. 68 02:38.222 --> 02:39.557 We're available for questions. 69 02:39.557 --> 02:40.390 Thank you. 70 02:40.390 --> 02:41.336 Are there any questions? 71 02:41.336 --> 02:43.432 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 72 02:43.432 --> 02:44.265 Is there a second? 73 02:44.265 --> 02:45.098 Second. 74 02:45.098 --> 02:46.126 Second by Commissioner Christian. 75 02:46.126 --> 02:47.304 All those in favor, say aye. 76 02:47.304 --> 02:48.137 (majority says aye) 77 02:48.137 --> 02:49.472 Motion's approved. 78 02:49.472 --> 02:50.579 Number three. 79 02:50.579 --> 02:54.120 Item three is GUD item 10743, a rate case filed 80 02:54.120 --> 02:56.848 by Atmos Energy's West Texas Division to change 81 02:56.848 --> 02:59.780 gas utility rates for its unincorporated customers. 82 02:59.780 --> 03:02.009 Commission staff is the only intervening party. 83 03:02.009 --> 03:04.238 The Commission has jurisdiction, in this case, 84 03:04.238 --> 03:07.199 over environs rates only, not rates in cities. 85 03:07.199 --> 03:09.169 Atmos and staff reached a settlement agreeing 86 03:09.169 --> 03:12.002 to a revenue decrease of $866,090. 87 03:13.650 --> 03:16.332 Cost of equity set at 9.8 percent. 88 03:16.332 --> 03:17.882 A reduction of corporate income tax rate 89 03:17.882 --> 03:20.436 from 35 percent to 21 percent to reflect changes 90 03:20.436 --> 03:23.628 due to the tax cuts in Jobs Act of 2017. 91 03:23.628 --> 03:25.962 Certain affiliate expenses and recovery by Atmos 92 03:25.962 --> 03:30.962 of it's rate-case expenses totaling no more than $48,009.08. 93 03:31.338 --> 03:33.253 We recommend approval of this settlement. 94 03:33.253 --> 03:35.163 Atmos timely filed exceptions to the PFD 95 03:35.163 --> 03:37.926 that address certain typographical and clerical errors. 96 03:37.926 --> 03:39.354 We verified their accuracy and made all 97 03:39.354 --> 03:41.101 the necessary changes and the recommended 98 03:41.101 --> 03:42.970 final order that I have here today. 99 03:42.970 --> 03:44.770 Today is the last scheduled conference prior 100 03:44.770 --> 03:46.558 to the deadline for Commission action. 101 03:46.558 --> 03:47.492 We're available for questions. 102 03:47.492 --> 03:48.325 Thank you. 103 03:48.325 --> 03:49.292 Are there any questions? 104 03:49.292 --> 03:51.556 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 105 03:51.556 --> 03:52.389 Is there a second? 106 03:52.389 --> 03:53.222 Second. 107 03:53.222 --> 03:54.055 Second, Commissioner Sitton. 108 03:54.055 --> 03:55.080 All those in favor, say aye. 109 03:55.080 --> 03:55.913 (majority says aye) 110 03:55.913 --> 03:57.230 Motion passes, items approved. 111 03:57.230 --> 03:58.063 Thank you, John. 112 03:58.063 --> 03:59.122 Thank you. 113 03:59.122 --> 04:00.705 Item number four. 114 04:03.685 --> 04:05.403 Good morning, commissioners. 115 04:05.403 --> 04:06.947 Stephen Leary, Administrative Law Judge 116 04:06.947 --> 04:08.573 with the Hearings Division. 117 04:08.573 --> 04:11.348 Item four is the application by the Sabine Mining Company 118 04:11.348 --> 04:13.054 for a lease of phase one through three 119 04:13.054 --> 04:17.733 reclamation obligations on 191.1 acres, and phase two 120 04:17.733 --> 04:21.814 and three reclamation obligations on 36.9 acres. 121 04:21.814 --> 04:23.474 The subject acreage is located within 122 04:23.474 --> 04:27.300 the South Hallsville No. 1 mine in Harrison County, Texas. 123 04:27.300 --> 04:30.928 The approved post-mine land uses industrial and commercial. 124 04:30.928 --> 04:32.687 Sabine has demonstrated and is confirmed 125 04:32.687 --> 04:35.276 by staff's analysis of inspection that reclamation 126 04:35.276 --> 04:38.567 has been accomplished as required under the regulations. 127 04:38.567 --> 04:41.423 Public and other notices required by law were provided. 128 04:41.423 --> 04:43.060 No hearing was requested. 129 04:43.060 --> 04:45.701 Sabine and staff are the only parties to the proceeding. 130 04:45.701 --> 04:47.292 No exceptions were filed. 131 04:47.292 --> 04:51.959 Staff calculated eligible bond reduction of $178,820.40. 132 04:53.602 --> 04:55.779 No change to the current bald instrument 133 04:55.779 --> 04:57.416 is requested at this docket. 134 04:57.416 --> 04:59.372 I recommend approval of the requested releases 135 04:59.372 --> 05:01.282 of the proposed bond reduction amount 136 05:01.282 --> 05:02.786 and I am available to answer questions. 137 05:02.786 --> 05:03.619 Thank you. 138 05:03.619 --> 05:04.730 Are there any questions? 139 05:04.730 --> 05:07.064 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 140 05:07.064 --> 05:07.897 Is there a second? 141 05:07.897 --> 05:08.730 Second. 142 05:08.730 --> 05:09.618 Second, Commission Chistian. 143 05:09.618 --> 05:10.773 All those in favor, say aye. 144 05:10.773 --> 05:11.638 (majority says aye) 145 05:11.638 --> 05:12.979 Motion passes, items approved. 146 05:12.979 --> 05:15.324 Thank you, Stephen. 147 05:15.324 --> 05:16.741 Item number five. 148 05:18.256 --> 05:19.841 Good morning, chairman, commissioners. 149 05:19.841 --> 05:21.756 For the record, my name is Petar Buva, 150 05:21.756 --> 05:24.601 Technical Examiner with the Hearings Division. 151 05:24.601 --> 05:28.548 Item number five is the application of Shell Western E&P 152 05:28.548 --> 05:30.777 pursuant to Statewide Rule 46, 153 05:30.777 --> 05:33.424 to inject fluid into a reservoir productive 154 05:33.424 --> 05:37.341 of Oil and Gas for the Sabine 53-215 LOV lease. 155 05:40.146 --> 05:43.931 Well number 1-D, Dimmitt's Delaware Consolidated Field, 156 05:43.931 --> 05:46.491 Loving County, Texas. 157 05:46.491 --> 05:47.442 The application is for 158 05:47.442 --> 05:50.258 non-commercial disposal in a new well. 159 05:50.258 --> 05:52.591 The subject well would be located 160 05:52.591 --> 05:55.267 in the central part of Loving County. 161 05:55.267 --> 05:56.899 The applicant is seeking to inject 162 05:56.899 --> 06:01.334 up to 25 thousand barrels per day of produced salt water 163 06:01.334 --> 06:03.528 from Phantom Wolfcamp Field 164 06:03.528 --> 06:06.099 into the Dimmitt Delaware Consolidated Field 165 06:06.099 --> 06:10.016 into an interval from 4,640 feet to 8,180 feet. 166 06:13.343 --> 06:14.945 The application is protested by 167 06:14.945 --> 06:18.585 Iskandia Energy Operating, Incorporated. 168 06:18.585 --> 06:21.615 The proposed injection interval includes productive zones 169 06:21.615 --> 06:24.193 of the Dimmitt Delaware Consolidated Field. 170 06:24.193 --> 06:26.317 Shell claims that the productive zones 171 06:26.317 --> 06:28.361 in the field are discrete. 172 06:28.361 --> 06:30.404 Iskandia claims that the productive zones 173 06:30.404 --> 06:33.672 in the field have connectivity and continuity 174 06:33.672 --> 06:37.415 and that Shell failed to show they are discrete. 175 06:37.415 --> 06:40.352 Iskandia maintains that the proposed injection operations 176 06:40.352 --> 06:44.685 will adversely affect oil production from the field. 177 06:46.187 --> 06:49.362 Based on evidentiary records, the examiners conclude that 178 06:49.362 --> 06:52.207 Shell Western E&P failed to establish that 179 06:52.207 --> 06:56.143 the application for well number 1-D satisfy the requirements 180 06:56.143 --> 07:00.893 of the Statewide Rule 46 and Texas Water Code chapter 27, 181 07:02.180 --> 07:04.310 relating to injury to oil, gas, 182 07:04.310 --> 07:06.806 and other mineral formations. 183 07:06.806 --> 07:10.191 The examiners recommend denial of the application. 184 07:10.191 --> 07:13.256 Exceptions and replies have been filed. 185 07:13.256 --> 07:16.030 I am available for any questions. 186 07:16.030 --> 07:16.863 Thank you. 187 07:16.863 --> 07:18.863 Are there any questions? 188 07:21.272 --> 07:24.640 Okay, I've got several people, like six, 189 07:24.640 --> 07:26.852 that have signed up to testify 190 07:26.852 --> 07:29.366 if we have any questions of anybody. 191 07:29.366 --> 07:30.748 Alright? 192 07:30.748 --> 07:35.502 I think that there's a concern for my perspective that, 193 07:35.502 --> 07:38.862 we've got a lot of people who already dispose in this area 194 07:38.862 --> 07:42.670 and that doesn't seem to have communication. 195 07:42.670 --> 07:44.707 So, I'm not sure that we've gone 196 07:44.707 --> 07:46.286 the right direction on this. 197 07:46.286 --> 07:49.703 I've got a motion to change the direction 198 07:50.936 --> 07:53.600 on this if anybody's got any thoughts. 199 07:53.600 --> 07:54.433 Ryan? 200 07:54.433 --> 07:56.056 Alright, if y'all want. 201 07:56.056 --> 07:58.889 I was gonna say, I move we approve 202 07:59.922 --> 08:02.589 the application instead of deny. 203 08:03.951 --> 08:05.034 Any comments? 204 08:06.232 --> 08:07.065 Alright? 205 08:07.065 --> 08:07.898 Is there a second? Well. 206 08:07.898 --> 08:08.731 Oh, I'm sorry, go ahead. 207 08:08.731 --> 08:10.783 Yeah, I was gonna say. 208 08:10.783 --> 08:15.783 I'd like to explore this issue of communication, real quick. 209 08:18.092 --> 08:21.917 In the replies, Shell's exceptions to the PFD, 210 08:21.917 --> 08:25.389 they've provided a table on page 20 that shows 211 08:25.389 --> 08:27.635 the Bottomhole Pressure Tests that were run 212 08:27.635 --> 08:31.542 in six different sections of the field 213 08:31.542 --> 08:35.257 and they all have pretty dramatic pressure differences, 214 08:35.257 --> 08:38.303 which seems to refute that there would 215 08:38.303 --> 08:41.386 be communication between these zones. 216 08:47.515 --> 08:48.409 Can you respond to that? 217 08:48.409 --> 08:51.076 What were your thoughts on that? 218 08:57.401 --> 08:59.484 What I can say, is that 219 09:01.217 --> 09:04.634 wells that are producing from that field, 220 09:05.642 --> 09:10.392 they've been completed at different times and as we know, 221 09:11.432 --> 09:14.682 the radius of depletion depends on time 222 09:17.829 --> 09:21.579 and how long those wells have been producing. 223 09:24.099 --> 09:28.174 So, if I'm looking at a table of Bottomhole Pressure Tests 224 09:28.174 --> 09:32.507 that range from 857 psi all the way up to 2,900 psi, 225 09:35.204 --> 09:40.037 seems that communication between these would be, unlikely? 226 09:43.493 --> 09:45.542 I can agree with you, yes. 227 09:45.542 --> 09:46.375 Yes. 228 09:46.375 --> 09:47.208 Okay. 229 09:51.051 --> 09:52.880 I second the motion. 230 09:52.880 --> 09:54.354 We have a motion and a second. 231 09:54.354 --> 09:57.100 Are there any other questions? 232 09:57.100 --> 09:57.959 Alright. 233 09:57.959 --> 09:59.956 All in favor, say aye. 234 09:59.956 --> 10:01.146 (majority says aye) 235 10:01.146 --> 10:01.979 Motion passes. 236 10:01.979 --> 10:02.812 Items approved. 237 10:02.812 --> 10:06.765 If you'll please bring us a new order. 238 10:06.765 --> 10:09.082 We will have a conforming order 239 10:09.082 --> 10:10.800 directly after conference. 240 10:10.800 --> 10:11.633 Oh, okay. 241 10:11.633 --> 10:12.466 Thank you very much. 242 10:12.466 --> 10:13.462 Thank you. Thank you. 243 10:13.462 --> 10:15.012 And welcome, by the way. 244 10:15.012 --> 10:15.845 Thank you. 245 10:15.845 --> 10:16.975 Is this your first conference? 246 10:16.975 --> 10:18.415 Yes. Yes. 247 10:18.415 --> 10:19.355 (laughing) 248 10:19.355 --> 10:20.708 [Commissioner Christian] And you were so mean to it. 249 10:20.708 --> 10:21.541 (laughing) 250 10:21.541 --> 10:22.374 I know. 251 10:22.374 --> 10:23.926 New guy. 252 10:23.926 --> 10:24.759 That's okay. 253 10:24.759 --> 10:26.758 You'll do better on your second one. 254 10:26.758 --> 10:27.591 (laughing) 255 10:27.591 --> 10:29.039 We were really mean to Karl the first time. 256 10:29.039 --> 10:30.763 So, see, Karl, we were really nice, right? 257 10:30.763 --> 10:31.596 He had to grow a beard. 258 10:31.596 --> 10:33.387 (laughing) 259 10:33.387 --> 10:35.030 Good morning, item number six. 260 10:35.030 --> 10:36.388 Good morning, chairman and commissioners. 261 10:36.388 --> 10:38.385 For the record, my name is Karl Caldwell, 262 10:38.385 --> 10:40.968 Technical Examiner, Hearings Division. 263 10:40.968 --> 10:43.778 Item number six is the Commission call of hearing 264 10:43.778 --> 10:46.019 to review the temporary field rules for 265 10:46.019 --> 10:50.285 the Bivens Lit Canyon Line Field in Oldham County, Texas. 266 10:50.285 --> 10:51.963 The Bivens Lit Canyon Line field 267 10:51.963 --> 10:54.880 was discovered on January 29, 2014. 268 10:56.380 --> 10:58.053 Temporary field rules were established 269 10:58.053 --> 11:01.803 by Commission final order on January 27, 2015, 270 11:03.069 --> 11:06.684 with an expiration date of November 12, 2016, 271 11:06.684 --> 11:10.131 or until Commission staffs evaluates appropriate data 272 11:10.131 --> 11:12.830 after noticing an opportunity for hearing. 273 11:12.830 --> 11:16.422 A hearing was held on June 20, 2018, 274 11:16.422 --> 11:18.918 to review the temporary field rules previously adopted 275 11:18.918 --> 11:21.574 and to assess whether the temporary field rules 276 11:21.574 --> 11:25.152 should be modified, continued or terminated. 277 11:25.152 --> 11:27.822 Apache operates the majority of wells in the field 278 11:27.822 --> 11:30.724 and considers the field to be in the experimental phase 279 11:30.724 --> 11:33.025 and young, in terms of development, 280 11:33.025 --> 11:35.767 with only 20 wells in the field. 281 11:35.767 --> 11:37.422 There are natural fractures in the field, 282 11:37.422 --> 11:39.635 with a large degree of variability 283 11:39.635 --> 11:43.894 in the number, intensity, and extent, on a given lateral. 284 11:43.894 --> 11:46.521 Apache asserts the current temporary field rules 285 11:46.521 --> 11:48.829 are sufficient and request the rules 286 11:48.829 --> 11:52.928 be continued without modification in a temporary status, 287 11:52.928 --> 11:56.085 for an additional two years. 288 11:56.085 --> 11:59.698 The request to extend the current temporary field rules 289 11:59.698 --> 12:02.478 is protested by Bivens Family Royalty, 290 12:02.478 --> 12:03.965 which consists of mineral owners 291 12:03.965 --> 12:06.730 of both on-lease minerals and minerals 292 12:06.730 --> 12:10.938 that are subject to the Apache lease and to other leases. 293 12:10.938 --> 12:13.144 Bivens's position is that the formula 294 12:13.144 --> 12:15.742 in the current temporary field rules provides 295 12:15.742 --> 12:18.144 for proration units that are large compared 296 12:18.144 --> 12:20.959 to what wells can effectively drain. 297 12:20.959 --> 12:24.391 Bivens proposes to reduce the standard proration unit size 298 12:24.391 --> 12:26.974 from 160 acres to 80 acres and, 299 12:28.150 --> 12:30.937 either modify the current formula used 300 12:30.937 --> 12:33.658 to assign additional acreage to horizontal wells, 301 12:33.658 --> 12:35.900 or default to Statewide Rules 302 12:35.900 --> 12:38.476 to assign additional acreage to horizontal wells. 303 12:38.476 --> 12:42.416 In addition, Bivens proposes to modify the method used 304 12:42.416 --> 12:46.342 to determine the oil allowable for wells in the field. 305 12:46.342 --> 12:49.745 Based on the evidence in the record, the examiners recommend 306 12:49.745 --> 12:52.691 the Commission extend the temporary field rules currently 307 12:52.691 --> 12:55.913 in effect for the Bivens Lit Canyon Line Field 308 12:55.913 --> 12:58.031 for an additional two year period. 309 12:58.031 --> 12:59.962 Exceptions and replies were filed 310 12:59.962 --> 13:02.066 and I am available to answer any questions. 311 13:02.066 --> 13:02.899 Thank you, Karl. 312 13:02.899 --> 13:04.649 Are there any questions? 313 13:04.649 --> 13:06.782 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 314 13:06.782 --> 13:07.615 Is there a second? 315 13:07.615 --> 13:08.448 Second. 316 13:08.448 --> 13:09.281 Second. 317 13:09.281 --> 13:10.114 Commissioner Christian. 318 13:10.114 --> 13:11.325 All those in favor, say aye. 319 13:11.325 --> 13:12.158 (Majority says aye) 320 13:12.158 --> 13:12.991 Motion passes. 321 13:12.991 --> 13:13.824 Items approved. 322 13:13.824 --> 13:14.657 Thank you. 323 13:16.078 --> 13:17.578 Item number seven. 324 13:20.562 --> 13:23.051 Good morning, chairman and commissioners. 325 13:23.051 --> 13:25.191 For the record, my name is Robert Musick, 326 13:25.191 --> 13:27.963 Technical Examiner for the Hearings Division. 327 13:27.963 --> 13:30.314 Item number seven is the Oil and Gas application 328 13:30.314 --> 13:33.754 of Valence Operating Company to amend field rules 329 13:33.754 --> 13:37.643 for the Girlie Caldwell Goodland LM Field 330 13:37.643 --> 13:42.447 in Smith, Henderson, and Van Zandt Counties, Texas. 331 13:42.447 --> 13:45.059 This application is not protested. 332 13:45.059 --> 13:49.333 The field is located on the outskirts of Tyler, Texas 333 13:49.333 --> 13:52.666 and has produced Oil and Gas since 1972. 334 13:53.737 --> 13:57.641 The field is located in an area of urban, rural, mixed, 335 13:57.641 --> 14:01.378 land use with relatively dense populations 336 14:01.378 --> 14:04.201 with horizontal well drilling units consisting 337 14:04.201 --> 14:08.410 up to five thousand mineral interest owners. 338 14:08.410 --> 14:10.753 In the hearing, Valence proposed to reduce 339 14:10.753 --> 14:13.315 the lease line spacing requirement for the field 340 14:13.315 --> 14:17.066 from 330 feet to 200 feet, and also change 341 14:17.066 --> 14:19.766 the reporting format from Form P-15 342 14:19.766 --> 14:22.599 to Form P-16, Acreage Designation. 343 14:25.396 --> 14:27.798 Valence asserts that the large number 344 14:27.798 --> 14:31.709 of mineral interest owners in the field 345 14:31.709 --> 14:34.430 is a field-wise issue and is seeking relief 346 14:34.430 --> 14:37.093 through an amended field rule. 347 14:37.093 --> 14:40.809 In the hearing, Valence used one well as an example. 348 14:40.809 --> 14:43.333 The proposed NED 1H well to demonstrate 349 14:43.333 --> 14:46.772 the relief they are seeking from the Commission. 350 14:46.772 --> 14:49.675 Narrowing of the lease line spacing in conjunction 351 14:49.675 --> 14:52.954 with a slight deviation of the proposed well track, 352 14:52.954 --> 14:54.884 will increase the number of participating 353 14:54.884 --> 14:59.551 mineral interest owners under Valence's lease agreement. 354 15:01.618 --> 15:05.522 The hearing record does not indicate a systemic problem 355 15:05.522 --> 15:10.439 in the field that should be addressed through a field rule. 356 15:11.632 --> 15:16.269 The existing field rule was modified in December 2016 357 15:16.269 --> 15:20.956 to change the lease line spacing from 467 to 330 358 15:20.956 --> 15:25.150 to promote horizontal drilling and prevent waste. 359 15:25.150 --> 15:27.313 Typically, the lease line spacing addresses 360 15:27.313 --> 15:31.819 the fields reservoir conditions for regulatory efficiency. 361 15:31.819 --> 15:35.382 The fields proration unit size is 40 acres. 362 15:35.382 --> 15:38.093 No evidence was entered into the record that indicate 363 15:38.093 --> 15:43.093 the wells are not effectively draining the assigned acreage, 364 15:43.093 --> 15:45.233 therefore a reduction in lease line spacing 365 15:45.233 --> 15:48.049 does not appear to be warranted. 366 15:48.049 --> 15:50.008 The examiners find that Valence failed 367 15:50.008 --> 15:52.286 to provide sufficient evidence 368 15:52.286 --> 15:55.718 for the necessity to amend the lease line spacing 369 15:55.718 --> 15:57.707 in the field rule. 370 15:57.707 --> 15:59.528 Relief is already available to Valence 371 15:59.528 --> 16:03.461 through rule number two in the existing field rule. 372 16:03.461 --> 16:05.405 Rule number two states, when an exception 373 16:05.405 --> 16:08.264 to these rules is desired, the request shall 374 16:08.264 --> 16:10.355 be acted upon in accordance with 375 16:10.355 --> 16:13.938 the provisions of Statewide Rule 37 and 38. 376 16:14.912 --> 16:17.140 The examiners recommend the Commission approve 377 16:17.140 --> 16:20.383 the Form P-16 reporting format 378 16:20.383 --> 16:22.321 to accommodate horizontal wells, 379 16:22.321 --> 16:24.897 but recommend denial to amend the lease line spacing 380 16:24.897 --> 16:27.908 to 200 feet through amended field rules. 381 16:27.908 --> 16:29.940 Exceptions were filed. 382 16:29.940 --> 16:31.500 I am available for questions. 383 16:31.500 --> 16:32.625 Thank you. 384 16:32.625 --> 16:33.645 Are there any questions? 385 16:33.645 --> 16:34.478 Nope. 386 16:34.478 --> 16:36.425 I move we approve the examiner's recommendations. 387 16:36.425 --> 16:37.258 Is there a second? 388 16:37.258 --> 16:38.091 Second. 389 16:38.091 --> 16:39.349 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 390 16:39.349 --> 16:40.576 All those in favor, say aye. 391 16:40.576 --> 16:41.933 (majority says aye) 392 16:41.933 --> 16:42.766 Motion passes. 393 16:42.766 --> 16:43.599 Items approved. 394 16:43.599 --> 16:44.509 Welcome Robert, by the way. 395 16:44.509 --> 16:46.485 Thank you. Thank you. 396 16:46.485 --> 16:48.488 Item number 8, we're gonna pass, correct? 397 16:48.488 --> 16:49.321 We are passing. 398 16:49.321 --> 16:50.825 Okay. 399 16:50.825 --> 16:52.392 Alright, we're doing nine, 10, 11. 400 16:52.392 --> 16:53.335 We're gonna do them together. 401 16:53.335 --> 16:54.168 Yes. 402 16:54.168 --> 16:55.099 One vote or three? 403 16:55.099 --> 16:55.932 One vote. One vote? 404 16:55.932 --> 16:56.765 Great. 405 16:56.765 --> 16:57.598 Thank you. 406 16:57.598 --> 16:58.431 Good morning, Jennifer. 407 16:58.431 --> 17:00.454 Good morning, chairman, commissioners. 408 17:00.454 --> 17:02.768 Jennifer Cook with the Hearings Division. 409 17:02.768 --> 17:04.329 In items nine through 11, 410 17:04.329 --> 17:06.716 George Christian filed three complaints 411 17:06.716 --> 17:08.472 claiming Chan West Oil Corporation 412 17:08.472 --> 17:10.264 does not have a Good Faith claim 413 17:10.264 --> 17:13.413 to operate three leases in Haskell County. 414 17:13.413 --> 17:16.192 Complainant owns the mineral interest and surface estate 415 17:16.192 --> 17:18.935 where the wells on the leases are located. 416 17:18.935 --> 17:20.742 Complainant requests that the Commission order 417 17:20.742 --> 17:22.371 the wells on the leases to be plugged, 418 17:22.371 --> 17:27.371 the site to be remediated and all surface equipment removed. 419 17:27.545 --> 17:30.295 Complainant asserts the contractual lease relied on 420 17:30.295 --> 17:33.575 by respondent has terminated for lack of production. 421 17:33.575 --> 17:36.383 The contractual lease is past the primary term 422 17:36.383 --> 17:39.851 and requires production thereafter to prevent termination. 423 17:39.851 --> 17:41.303 There has been no reported production 424 17:41.303 --> 17:44.539 on the leases since January 2017. 425 17:44.539 --> 17:48.276 Respondent does not dispute there has been no production. 426 17:48.276 --> 17:51.077 Chan West contests the surface is clean 427 17:51.077 --> 17:53.065 and in compliance with Commission rules. 428 17:53.065 --> 17:55.242 The examiners recommend that the Commission grant 429 17:55.242 --> 17:59.269 complainant's request and order Chan West to plug the wells. 430 17:59.269 --> 18:01.432 Exceptions were filed by complainant requesting 431 18:01.432 --> 18:03.304 the time frame be provided in the order 432 18:03.304 --> 18:04.908 for plugging the wells. 433 18:04.908 --> 18:06.990 The examiners agree that a time frame 434 18:06.990 --> 18:08.717 was inadvertently not included 435 18:08.717 --> 18:12.244 and recommend the 30 day time frame proposed by complainant. 436 18:12.244 --> 18:14.152 I have an order with that time frame. 437 18:14.152 --> 18:15.988 Chan West did not file exceptions 438 18:15.988 --> 18:18.652 or reply to complainants exception. 439 18:18.652 --> 18:20.379 I'm available for questions. 440 18:20.379 --> 18:21.212 Thank you. 441 18:21.212 --> 18:22.396 Are there any questions? 442 18:22.396 --> 18:24.928 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation 443 18:24.928 --> 18:26.757 for items nine, 10 and 11. 444 18:26.757 --> 18:27.590 Is there a second? 445 18:27.590 --> 18:28.423 Second. 446 18:28.423 --> 18:29.456 Second by Commissioner Christian. 447 18:29.456 --> 18:30.537 All those in favor, say aye. 448 18:30.537 --> 18:31.370 (majority says aye) 449 18:31.370 --> 18:32.203 Motion passes. 450 18:32.203 --> 18:33.036 Items approved. 451 18:33.036 --> 18:34.209 Thank you, Jennifer. 452 18:34.209 --> 18:37.489 Alright, we're going to the Oil and Gas Consent Agenda. 453 18:37.489 --> 18:39.267 There are 18 items on this. 454 18:39.267 --> 18:42.220 I move we approve items 12 through 29. 455 18:42.220 --> 18:43.053 Is there a second? 456 18:43.053 --> 18:43.886 Second. 457 18:43.886 --> 18:45.144 Second by Commission Sitton. 458 18:45.144 --> 18:46.414 All those in favor, say aye. 459 18:46.414 --> 18:47.247 (majority says aye) 460 18:47.247 --> 18:48.080 Motion passes. 461 18:48.080 --> 18:49.933 Those items are approved. 462 18:49.933 --> 18:51.863 Rule 15, Inactive Well Items. 463 18:51.863 --> 18:54.468 There are 21 items, but we've got one more 464 18:54.468 --> 18:56.398 has been resolved, correct? 465 18:56.398 --> 19:00.048 So, item number 39 is now in compliance. 466 19:00.048 --> 19:03.292 I move we approve items 30 through 50, 467 19:03.292 --> 19:05.549 with the exception of item 39. 468 19:05.549 --> 19:06.528 Is there a second? 469 19:06.528 --> 19:07.361 Second. 470 19:07.361 --> 19:08.807 Second by Commissioner Christian. 471 19:08.807 --> 19:10.135 All those in favor, say aye. 472 19:10.135 --> 19:10.998 (majority says aye) 473 19:10.998 --> 19:11.934 Motion passes. 474 19:11.934 --> 19:13.559 Those items are approved. 475 19:13.559 --> 19:14.764 Master Default Order. 476 19:14.764 --> 19:15.962 There's one item on this. 477 19:15.962 --> 19:18.129 I move we approve item 51. 478 19:18.980 --> 19:19.813 Is there a second? 479 19:19.813 --> 19:20.646 Second. 480 19:20.646 --> 19:21.716 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 481 19:21.716 --> 19:22.797 All those in favor, say aye. 482 19:22.797 --> 19:23.630 (majority says aye) 483 19:23.630 --> 19:24.463 Motion passes. 484 19:24.463 --> 19:25.917 That item's approved. 485 19:25.917 --> 19:27.332 And in Agreed Enforcement orders, 486 19:27.332 --> 19:30.090 there are 214 Agreed Enforcement orders. 487 19:30.090 --> 19:34.298 I move that we approve items 52 through 265. 488 19:34.298 --> 19:35.131 Is there a second? 489 19:35.131 --> 19:35.964 Second. 490 19:35.964 --> 19:37.157 Second by Commissioner Christian. 491 19:37.157 --> 19:38.616 All those in favor, say aye. 492 19:38.616 --> 19:39.449 (majority says aye) 493 19:39.449 --> 19:40.282 Motion passes. 494 19:40.282 --> 19:41.540 Those items are approved. 495 19:41.540 --> 19:43.013 That concludes the hearing section. 496 19:43.013 --> 19:43.846 Thank you. 497 19:43.846 --> 19:46.929 Now, I'll take up the administrative. 498 19:47.933 --> 19:49.016 Morning, Wei. 499 19:49.994 --> 19:52.047 Good morning chairman, commissioners. 500 19:52.047 --> 19:57.047 For the record, I'm Wei Wang, the Executive Director. 501 19:57.279 --> 20:00.072 Today's report, I always include some updates 502 20:00.072 --> 20:02.322 on the first quarter stats. 503 20:03.374 --> 20:06.197 We just completed the first quarter at the end of November 504 20:06.197 --> 20:08.860 and during the first quarter, 505 20:08.860 --> 20:12.193 we completed 1,108 pipeline inspections, 506 20:14.062 --> 20:17.979 33,611 Oil and Gas inspections and as of today, 507 20:20.085 --> 20:22.835 our head count is 758 people. 508 20:22.835 --> 20:25.897 And yesterday, I did a quick calculation of our turnover rate 509 20:25.897 --> 20:29.417 for the first quarter is close to four percent, 510 20:29.417 --> 20:31.695 which is a huge improvement from the year before. 511 20:31.695 --> 20:32.528 That's right. 512 20:32.528 --> 20:34.968 And that also includes people that retire 513 20:34.968 --> 20:37.515 from our agency and for other reasons. 514 20:37.515 --> 20:39.859 If I exclude that, our turnover rate 515 20:39.859 --> 20:42.732 for the first quarter is 2.68 percent, 516 20:42.732 --> 20:45.680 which is really good. Hooray. 517 20:45.680 --> 20:46.928 Hooray, good. 518 20:46.928 --> 20:49.068 So, we're making a lot of progress on that, 519 20:49.068 --> 20:52.951 in terms of retaining our employees and training them. 520 20:52.951 --> 20:55.541 And for well plugging, as of last Friday, 521 20:55.541 --> 21:00.541 we physically plugged 438 wells and staff reported 522 21:00.541 --> 21:05.458 to me that we're well on track meeting the 1,560 wells goal 523 21:06.679 --> 21:10.512 for the year given the number for last Friday. 524 21:12.659 --> 21:15.119 Another thing I'd like to just bring to your attention, 525 21:15.119 --> 21:17.303 during the first quarter, there are 526 21:17.303 --> 21:19.610 a couple IT projects we rolled out. 527 21:19.610 --> 21:23.877 One of them is the Pipeline Online Permitting System, 528 21:23.877 --> 21:27.694 the improvement for that system went live on October 1st 529 21:27.694 --> 21:32.251 so now operators can submit their pipeline files online, 530 21:32.251 --> 21:35.785 electronically, instead of manually entering information 531 21:35.785 --> 21:38.535 for each system and each segment. 532 21:39.841 --> 21:42.656 Because of that improvement, it greatly reduced 533 21:42.656 --> 21:45.029 the time needed for operators, and also 534 21:45.029 --> 21:49.492 our staff review time, and also ensure data accuracy 535 21:49.492 --> 21:52.706 because there are added checks embedded in the new system. 536 21:52.706 --> 21:55.258 So, our estimate is it saves cell operator 537 21:55.258 --> 22:00.175 and our agency approximately 165 thousand dollars per year. 538 22:01.273 --> 22:03.291 That's just from time saved from 539 22:03.291 --> 22:06.396 not having to manually update the data. 540 22:06.396 --> 22:08.602 Another thing that IT is working on is 541 22:08.602 --> 22:11.258 to digitize our historical files 542 22:11.258 --> 22:12.891 and during the first quarter, 543 22:12.891 --> 22:15.597 we completed the historical hearings files 544 22:15.597 --> 22:18.527 for districts one, two, and three. 545 22:18.527 --> 22:21.850 So, our goal is to complete all districts, 546 22:21.850 --> 22:23.882 the historical hearings files, 547 22:23.882 --> 22:26.051 by the end of this fiscal year 548 22:26.051 --> 22:28.642 and the next year we'll start digitizing 549 22:28.642 --> 22:33.068 the district office files that are currently located 550 22:33.068 --> 22:34.715 in the district offices. 551 22:34.715 --> 22:37.349 So, we're making great efforts in that regard as well. 552 22:37.349 --> 22:38.764 Great. 553 22:38.764 --> 22:40.847 That concludes my report this morning. 554 22:40.847 --> 22:41.805 Available for questions. 555 22:41.805 --> 22:42.904 Thank you. Thank you. 556 22:42.904 --> 22:44.150 Any questions? 557 22:44.150 --> 22:44.983 Nope. 558 22:44.983 --> 22:47.161 Thank you all for the continued great work. 559 22:47.161 --> 22:48.859 Alright, morning, Alex. 560 22:48.859 --> 22:50.143 Good morning chairman, commissioners. 561 22:50.143 --> 22:51.518 For the record, my name is Alex Schoch, 562 22:51.518 --> 22:54.528 General Counsel of the Railroad Commission of Texas. 563 22:54.528 --> 22:56.059 This morning, for item 267, 564 22:56.059 --> 22:57.916 we don't have anything to report. 565 22:57.916 --> 23:00.732 268 is a report on a proposed rulemaking 566 23:00.732 --> 23:02.771 that Mr. Cooney will present. 567 23:02.771 --> 23:04.309 Alright, thank you. 568 23:04.309 --> 23:05.760 Good morning, chairman, commissioners. 569 23:05.760 --> 23:07.843 David Cooney, from the Office of General Counsel. 570 23:07.843 --> 23:09.809 This is another request that we authorize 571 23:09.809 --> 23:11.790 or a request for the commissioners to authorize 572 23:11.790 --> 23:15.476 the executive director to join the TCEQ and comments 573 23:15.476 --> 23:19.475 on an EPA proposed rulemaking regarding 574 23:19.475 --> 23:23.255 air quality regulations in oil and natural gas sector, 575 23:23.255 --> 23:25.860 emission standards for new, reconstructive, 576 23:25.860 --> 23:27.587 and modified sources. 577 23:27.587 --> 23:29.822 A reconsideration of parts of that rule 578 23:29.822 --> 23:32.246 that was adopted in 2016. 579 23:32.246 --> 23:36.079 The main points in our comments are asking EPA 580 23:37.159 --> 23:39.819 to revise proposed alternative standards for Texas, 581 23:39.819 --> 23:43.331 to include monitoring of components at compressor stations, 582 23:43.331 --> 23:47.018 using TCEQ standards that are functionally equivalent 583 23:47.018 --> 23:48.462 to EPA standards. 584 23:48.462 --> 23:51.574 The rule as it is now only allows Texas to do that with 585 23:51.574 --> 23:55.565 well sites, so we're asking them, in the proposal. 586 23:55.565 --> 23:59.796 And the other point is asking EPA to delay 587 23:59.796 --> 24:03.308 or eliminate adoption of a guidance document 588 24:03.308 --> 24:07.770 that would end up imposing a process inconsistent 589 24:07.770 --> 24:11.195 with general approach of not requiring standards 590 24:11.195 --> 24:13.887 for existing sources to be as stringent 591 24:13.887 --> 24:15.868 as standards required for new, 592 24:15.868 --> 24:19.554 modified, or reconstructed sources. 593 24:19.554 --> 24:20.541 Those are the two main points 594 24:20.541 --> 24:24.003 and we're asking that the Commission allow Mr. Wei 595 24:24.003 --> 24:28.336 to sign a cover letter joining TCEQ in the comments. 596 24:30.577 --> 24:32.166 Thank you and thank you all for continuing 597 24:32.166 --> 24:33.857 to work with our sister agencies. 598 24:33.857 --> 24:35.794 Are there any questions? 599 24:35.794 --> 24:36.627 Okay. 600 24:36.627 --> 24:38.479 I move we approve the staff's recommendation. 601 24:38.479 --> 24:39.312 Is there a second? 602 24:39.312 --> 24:40.301 Second. 603 24:40.301 --> 24:41.483 Second, Commissioner Sitton. 604 24:41.483 --> 24:42.753 All those in favor, say aye. 605 24:42.753 --> 24:43.586 (majority says aye) 606 24:43.586 --> 24:44.419 Motion passes. 607 24:44.419 --> 24:45.252 Items approved. 608 24:45.252 --> 24:46.708 Thank you all for the work on that. 609 24:46.708 --> 24:47.541 Item 269. 610 24:52.069 --> 24:52.902 Morning. 611 24:53.899 --> 24:55.292 Good morning chairman, commissioners. 612 24:55.292 --> 24:57.302 For the record, my name is Natalie Dubiel 613 24:57.302 --> 24:59.327 with the Office of General Counsel. 614 24:59.327 --> 25:02.469 Item number 269 pertains to commissioner approval 615 25:02.469 --> 25:04.174 of certain contracts pursuant to 616 25:04.174 --> 25:06.656 the Commission's delegation of authority. 617 25:06.656 --> 25:09.108 The Commission's internal delegation of authority 618 25:09.108 --> 25:12.468 requires commissioner approval of contracts 619 25:12.468 --> 25:14.413 and associated amendments greater than 620 25:14.413 --> 25:16.800 or equal to 500 thousand dollars, 621 25:16.800 --> 25:20.798 and Section 2261.254 of the Government Code 622 25:20.798 --> 25:24.064 requires approval of contracts and associated amendments 623 25:24.064 --> 25:26.575 greater than one million dollars. 624 25:26.575 --> 25:29.005 At issue today, our approval for solicitations 625 25:29.005 --> 25:32.009 for statewide well plugging and related services 626 25:32.009 --> 25:34.260 for all 10 districts, deep well plugging 627 25:34.260 --> 25:37.532 and related services for the Midland District Office 628 25:37.532 --> 25:40.986 and offshore and bay well plugging in services. 629 25:40.986 --> 25:42.728 Additionally, at issue, is an amendment 630 25:42.728 --> 25:46.175 for an existing contract for site remediation services 631 25:46.175 --> 25:49.411 for the San Antonio District Office. 632 25:49.411 --> 25:52.292 And finally, staff is seeking approval for two contracts 633 25:52.292 --> 25:55.165 for which approval to award was received 634 25:55.165 --> 25:57.240 at the October 30 open meeting, 635 25:57.240 --> 25:59.134 but best value justifies award 636 25:59.134 --> 26:02.117 to a different vendor than was originally identified 637 26:02.117 --> 26:04.439 with no other substantive changes. 638 26:04.439 --> 26:08.219 Approval of these items will ensure agency operations 639 26:08.219 --> 26:10.505 remain on schedule and will ensure compliance 640 26:10.505 --> 26:12.711 with the Commission's delegation of authority 641 26:12.711 --> 26:14.670 in the Texas Government Code. 642 26:14.670 --> 26:17.101 I'm available for questions. 643 26:17.101 --> 26:17.934 Thank you. 644 26:17.934 --> 26:19.442 Any questions? 645 26:19.442 --> 26:20.516 Just to clarify on these, 646 26:20.516 --> 26:24.333 this is basically all the wells that we have on our books, 647 26:24.333 --> 26:26.582 year to date, that would need to be plugged. 648 26:26.582 --> 26:28.912 This would cover most of them, is that correct? 649 26:28.912 --> 26:30.022 That's my understanding, yes. 650 26:30.022 --> 26:31.599 Assuming we have dollars, right? 651 26:31.599 --> 26:32.432 Yes ma'am. 652 26:32.432 --> 26:33.701 Okay, alright. 653 26:33.701 --> 26:35.065 Are there any other questions? 654 26:35.065 --> 26:36.916 I move we approve the staff's recommendation. 655 26:36.916 --> 26:37.749 Is there a second? 656 26:37.749 --> 26:38.582 Second. 657 26:38.582 --> 26:39.818 Second, Commissioner Christian. 658 26:39.818 --> 26:40.711 All in favor, say aye. 659 26:40.711 --> 26:41.544 (majority says aye) 660 26:41.544 --> 26:42.377 Motion passes. 661 26:42.377 --> 26:43.210 Items are approved. 662 26:43.210 --> 26:45.130 Thank you, Natalie. 663 26:45.130 --> 26:46.650 Item 270. 664 26:46.650 --> 26:48.751 Good morning, Haley. 665 26:48.751 --> 26:49.956 Good morning, chairman, commissioners. 666 26:49.956 --> 26:51.828 Haley Cochran with the Office of General Counsel. 667 26:51.828 --> 26:54.012 Item 270 is staff's recommendation 668 26:54.012 --> 26:55.456 to publish proposed amendments 669 26:55.456 --> 27:00.310 to 16 Texas Administrative Code, Sections 3.37 and 3.38. 670 27:00.310 --> 27:02.923 To specify, the notice by publication procedure required 671 27:02.923 --> 27:05.731 when an operator seeks an exception to either rule. 672 27:05.731 --> 27:08.270 The proposed amendments add a specific notice 673 27:08.270 --> 27:10.244 by publication provision in each rule such 674 27:10.244 --> 27:11.848 that the general publication rule 675 27:11.848 --> 27:15.447 in Section 1.43 would no longer apply. 676 27:15.447 --> 27:17.094 The general publication rule requires notice 677 27:17.094 --> 27:20.229 to be published once each week for four consecutive weeks. 678 27:20.229 --> 27:23.073 The proposed provisions in Statewide Rules 37 and 38 679 27:23.073 --> 27:24.307 would require notice to be published 680 27:24.307 --> 27:26.919 once each week for two consecutive weeks. 681 27:26.919 --> 27:28.414 The notice must be published in a newspaper 682 27:28.414 --> 27:30.547 or general circulation in the county 683 27:30.547 --> 27:32.862 where the well will be located, with the first publication 684 27:32.862 --> 27:37.085 taking place at least 14 days before the protest deadline. 685 27:37.085 --> 27:38.572 Staff requests that Commission's approval 686 27:38.572 --> 27:40.125 to publish the propose amendments 687 27:40.125 --> 27:42.084 in the Texas Register for public comment. 688 27:42.084 --> 27:43.565 If approved today, the proposal should appear 689 27:43.565 --> 27:46.242 in the December 28 issue of the Register. 690 27:46.242 --> 27:47.955 The proposal, in an online comment form, 691 27:47.955 --> 27:49.962 would also be made available on the Commission's website, 692 27:49.962 --> 27:51.518 giving interested persons more than 693 27:51.518 --> 27:53.470 two additional weeks to submit comments. 694 27:53.470 --> 27:55.215 May I answer any questions? 695 27:55.215 --> 27:56.048 Thank you. 696 27:56.048 --> 27:57.020 Are there any questions? 697 27:57.020 --> 27:58.921 I move we approve the staff's recommendation. 698 27:58.921 --> 27:59.813 Is there a second? 699 27:59.813 --> 28:00.646 Second. 700 28:00.646 --> 28:01.526 Second, Commissioner Sitton. 701 28:01.526 --> 28:02.883 All those in favor, say aye. 702 28:02.883 --> 28:03.716 (majority says aye) 703 28:03.716 --> 28:04.549 Motion passes. 704 28:04.549 --> 28:05.382 Thank you. 705 28:11.431 --> 28:12.512 Morning. 706 28:12.512 --> 28:13.345 Good morning, how are you? 707 28:13.345 --> 28:14.178 Good. 708 28:14.178 --> 28:15.185 We're on 271, correct? 709 28:15.185 --> 28:16.018 Yes. 710 28:16.018 --> 28:16.851 (coughs) 711 28:16.851 --> 28:17.684 Excuse me. 712 28:17.684 --> 28:18.517 Good morning, chairman, commissioners. 713 28:18.517 --> 28:19.989 For the record, my name is Jason Clark, 714 28:19.989 --> 28:21.890 Assistant Director, Administrative Compliance 715 28:21.890 --> 28:23.965 in the Oil and Gas division. 716 28:23.965 --> 28:26.839 Today, we are bringing one item, item 271. 717 28:26.839 --> 28:28.363 We are requesting the approval to publish 718 28:28.363 --> 28:32.346 proposed revisions to the Form P-16 Acreage Designation 719 28:32.346 --> 28:34.037 along with associated instructions 720 28:34.037 --> 28:36.548 and data sheets on the Commission website 721 28:36.548 --> 28:39.610 for a 30-day comment, review period. 722 28:39.610 --> 28:41.228 The changes to the form and instructions 723 28:41.228 --> 28:43.202 provide greater detail to the form 724 28:43.202 --> 28:44.675 and incorporate calculated totals 725 28:44.675 --> 28:47.192 on the updated data sheet. 726 28:47.192 --> 28:50.001 Specifically, the proposed modifications to the form 727 28:50.001 --> 28:52.323 will include additional columns, allowing industry 728 28:52.323 --> 28:54.354 the ability to provide an accurate estimate 729 28:54.354 --> 28:57.460 of the acreage assigned for wells on a lease. 730 28:57.460 --> 28:59.731 The updated instructions provide clarity 731 28:59.731 --> 29:03.302 for the multiple instances when a Form P-16 is required, 732 29:03.302 --> 29:05.479 including during the drilling application, 733 29:05.479 --> 29:07.460 and while completion processes. 734 29:07.460 --> 29:10.028 The revised date sheets will allow industry access 735 29:10.028 --> 29:12.561 to a file that is easier to modify and submit 736 29:12.561 --> 29:14.803 as a hard copy PDF. 737 29:14.803 --> 29:16.682 I'm available for questions at this time. 738 29:16.682 --> 29:18.540 Thank you and I know you all have been working on this. 739 29:18.540 --> 29:20.470 Part of our oil field relief initiative 740 29:20.470 --> 29:22.400 and trying to make it streamlined. 741 29:22.400 --> 29:23.233 Yes ma'am. 742 29:23.233 --> 29:24.066 Which is helpful. 743 29:24.066 --> 29:24.899 I appreciate the work on that. 744 29:24.899 --> 29:26.529 Are there any questions? 745 29:26.529 --> 29:28.104 I move we approve the staff's recommendation. 746 29:28.104 --> 29:29.054 Is there a second? 747 29:29.054 --> 29:29.887 Second. 748 29:29.887 --> 29:31.231 Second by Commissioner Christian. 749 29:31.231 --> 29:32.486 All those in favor, say aye. 750 29:32.486 --> 29:33.319 (majority says aye) 751 29:33.319 --> 29:34.816 Motion is approved. 752 29:34.816 --> 29:36.754 Thank you. Thank you for the work. 753 29:36.754 --> 29:37.997 Item... is there anything else Alex? 754 29:37.997 --> 29:39.076 That's it for now. 755 29:39.076 --> 29:42.944 Okay, Item 272 is our public participation item 756 29:42.944 --> 29:44.686 and no one else has turned in any cards 757 29:44.686 --> 29:48.188 that they wish to speak on any non-posted items. 758 29:48.188 --> 29:50.517 273 is Executive Session. 759 29:50.517 --> 29:52.215 Is there anything else? 760 29:52.215 --> 29:53.048 Happy- Madam Chairman. 761 29:53.048 --> 29:55.997 Yeah, I was gonna say happy holidays. 762 29:55.997 --> 29:58.871 I think it's good we mentioned that, 763 29:58.871 --> 30:00.431 the US Energy Department always announces this stuff 764 30:00.431 --> 30:02.164 and dangit, this is Texas, 765 30:02.164 --> 30:04.456 and last week we had the largest find of Oil and Gas 766 30:04.456 --> 30:08.289 in the history of planet Earth in West Texas and New Mexico. 767 30:08.289 --> 30:10.802 I thought, we ought to brag about that 768 30:10.802 --> 30:12.572 a little bit up here at the Railroad Commission. 769 30:12.572 --> 30:14.769 I think that that's a good point. 770 30:14.769 --> 30:17.120 I think the world doesn't understand how big this is. 771 30:17.120 --> 30:19.174 No and it's just beginning, right? 772 30:19.174 --> 30:21.206 Good Lord just gave us a great Merry Christmas. 773 30:21.206 --> 30:22.039 That's right. 774 30:22.039 --> 30:23.143 Merry Christmas. 775 30:23.143 --> 30:24.014 Thank you all. 776 30:24.014 --> 30:24.847 Happy New Year. 777 30:24.847 --> 30:27.430 We'll see you in the new year.