WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.920 .com will begin momentarily. 2 00:00:01.920 --> 00:00:03.610 This meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas 3 00:00:03.610 --> 00:00:05.280 will come to order to consider matters 4 00:00:05.280 --> 00:00:06.800 which have been duly posted 5 00:00:06.800 --> 00:00:10.500 with the Secretary of State for March 4th 2020. 6 00:00:10.500 --> 00:00:12.610 The Commission will consider the items on the agenda 7 00:00:12.610 --> 00:00:14.440 as posted on the agenda 8 00:00:14.440 --> 00:00:16.350 on our public participation policy. 9 00:00:16.350 --> 00:00:19.755 Anyone designed to offer public testimony on any items 10 00:00:19.755 --> 00:00:24.060 that are not noticed on the today's agenda 11 00:00:24.060 --> 00:00:26.120 will need to fill out a testimony form found 12 00:00:26.120 --> 00:00:27.010 in the back of the room 13 00:00:27.010 --> 00:00:30.420 and submit it to the Commission Secretary Kelly Farrar. 14 00:00:30.420 --> 00:00:32.883 Please silence all cell phones before we begin. 15 00:00:33.980 --> 00:00:36.440 Let's start with item number one. 16 00:00:36.440 --> 00:00:38.370 Good morning chairman and commissioners. 17 00:00:38.370 --> 00:00:40.570 I'm the Marlo Chico Administrative Law Judge 18 00:00:40.570 --> 00:00:42.560 with the Hearings Division. 19 00:00:42.560 --> 00:00:45.750 Item number one is the rate case expenses severed 20 00:00:45.750 --> 00:00:48.740 from the completed Atmos Energy Corporation, 21 00:00:48.740 --> 00:00:51.130 Mid-Tex Division rail case docket 22 00:00:51.130 --> 00:00:54.460 in GUD number 10779. 23 00:00:54.460 --> 00:00:58.060 These expenses were incurred by the utility Atmos 24 00:00:58.060 --> 00:01:01.650 and the intervener upper Texas municipalities. 25 00:01:01.650 --> 00:01:03.800 The parties ultimately settled this case 26 00:01:03.800 --> 00:01:07.100 and wait the issuance of a proposal for decision. 27 00:01:07.100 --> 00:01:09.170 The examiners recommend approval of the terms 28 00:01:09.170 --> 00:01:10.520 of the settlement agreement 29 00:01:10.520 --> 00:01:13.260 as reflected in the proposed final order. 30 00:01:13.260 --> 00:01:14.930 I'm available for questions. 31 00:01:14.930 --> 00:01:16.970 Are there any questions? 32 00:01:16.970 --> 00:01:19.140 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 33 00:01:19.140 --> 00:01:20.060 Is there a second? 34 00:01:20.060 --> 00:01:20.893 Second. 35 00:01:20.893 --> 00:01:23.261 Second by Commissioner Sitton, all in favor say, "Aye.". 36 00:01:23.261 --> 00:01:24.094 Aye. 37 00:01:24.094 --> 00:01:24.927 Any opposed? 38 00:01:24.927 --> 00:01:25.760 Motion passes. 39 00:01:25.760 --> 00:01:26.680 That item is approved. 40 00:01:28.430 --> 00:01:29.543 Item number two. 41 00:01:32.960 --> 00:01:34.163 Morning chairman and commissioners. 42 00:01:34.163 --> 00:01:34.996 Morning. 43 00:01:34.996 --> 00:01:36.370 I'm John Dodson Administrative Law Judge 44 00:01:36.370 --> 00:01:37.960 with the Hearings Division, 45 00:01:37.960 --> 00:01:41.280 agenda item two GUD 10897 46 00:01:41.280 --> 00:01:45.190 is an unprotestive request filed by Ocelot Energy Management 47 00:01:45.190 --> 00:01:47.410 for a waiver of certain commission rules and requirements 48 00:01:47.410 --> 00:01:50.500 to rehabilitate a pipeline segment utilizing FlexSteel pipe 49 00:01:50.500 --> 00:01:52.060 and fitting materials. 50 00:01:52.060 --> 00:01:54.400 Pipeline safety administratively review the application 51 00:01:54.400 --> 00:01:57.500 and recommends approval subject to certain conditions, 52 00:01:57.500 --> 00:01:58.920 Ocelot was given an opportunity 53 00:01:58.920 --> 00:02:02.220 to review those conditions and does not oppose them. 54 00:02:02.220 --> 00:02:04.110 Staff forwarded the application to hearings 55 00:02:04.110 --> 00:02:05.470 to prepare a written order, 56 00:02:05.470 --> 00:02:07.500 the proposed order provided 57 00:02:07.500 --> 00:02:09.840 to the commissioners approves Ocelot's waiver request 58 00:02:09.840 --> 00:02:12.810 and incorporates all of staffs recommended conditions. 59 00:02:12.810 --> 00:02:14.030 I'm available for questions 60 00:02:14.030 --> 00:02:15.460 Are there any questions? 61 00:02:15.460 --> 00:02:16.293 Nope. 62 00:02:16.293 --> 00:02:18.240 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 63 00:02:18.240 --> 00:02:19.153 Is there a second? 64 00:02:19.153 --> 00:02:19.986 Second. 65 00:02:19.986 --> 00:02:20.819 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 66 00:02:20.819 --> 00:02:22.112 All in favor say, "Aye.". 67 00:02:22.112 --> 00:02:22.945 Aye. 68 00:02:22.945 --> 00:02:23.778 Any opposed? 69 00:02:23.778 --> 00:02:26.110 Motion passes, that item is approved. 70 00:02:26.110 --> 00:02:27.780 Item number three. 71 00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:29.340 Agenda item three is a continued item 72 00:02:29.340 --> 00:02:33.040 from the previous conference GUD 10606. 73 00:02:33.040 --> 00:02:35.110 The discrimination complaints of CNOOC Energy 74 00:02:35.110 --> 00:02:38.780 and EXCO against respondents Williams MLP Operating 75 00:02:38.780 --> 00:02:40.980 and Mockingbird Midstream and Gas Services. 76 00:02:40.980 --> 00:02:42.870 At previous conference, there was conversation, 77 00:02:42.870 --> 00:02:43.990 there's some questions, 78 00:02:43.990 --> 00:02:45.360 I gave some answers. 79 00:02:45.360 --> 00:02:47.290 If I may, I'd like to circle back 80 00:02:47.290 --> 00:02:48.490 and just kind of provide some clarity 81 00:02:48.490 --> 00:02:49.323 with some of the things that I said 82 00:02:49.323 --> 00:02:50.810 just to make sure I'm giving all of you all the information 83 00:02:50.810 --> 00:02:51.721 Sure 84 00:02:51.721 --> 00:02:52.850 That you need. 85 00:02:52.850 --> 00:02:54.650 Number one, the issue of the effects 86 00:02:54.650 --> 00:02:56.180 of prior contracts was raised. 87 00:02:56.180 --> 00:02:58.070 I'm gonna be clear on my answer to that. 88 00:02:58.070 --> 00:02:59.610 Whether or not a pipeline 89 00:02:59.610 --> 00:03:01.493 or utility is bound by its own steel. 90 00:03:02.500 --> 00:03:04.860 Not with this PFD ,that's not what this PFD says. 91 00:03:04.860 --> 00:03:07.910 So the discrimination that we find in the PFD, 92 00:03:07.910 --> 00:03:09.900 it relates to capital expenditures, 93 00:03:09.900 --> 00:03:11.750 not the underlying fee itself. 94 00:03:11.750 --> 00:03:15.360 But the PFD acknowledges and says what this record supports 95 00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:16.810 is that Williams has a lot of customers 96 00:03:16.810 --> 00:03:18.660 and they all have unique customer needs, 97 00:03:18.660 --> 00:03:19.950 different contracts, arm lengths, 98 00:03:19.950 --> 00:03:22.303 different priority of service, priority 123. 99 00:03:23.330 --> 00:03:24.820 Everyone gets a unique deal, 100 00:03:24.820 --> 00:03:26.240 and everyone's paying a different rate in this case, 101 00:03:26.240 --> 00:03:27.213 that's fine also. 102 00:03:28.400 --> 00:03:30.280 The fees for the service is different 103 00:03:30.280 --> 00:03:32.700 than the capital expenditures that a utility may incur, 104 00:03:32.700 --> 00:03:35.040 and if it does can like add to those fees. 105 00:03:35.040 --> 00:03:37.330 So that's not what the PFD is saying there. 106 00:03:37.330 --> 00:03:40.363 As far as affects of a prior contract, a private contract 107 00:03:40.363 --> 00:03:42.790 that the parties enter into. 108 00:03:42.790 --> 00:03:46.250 The PFD does talk about that a bit in recommendation, 109 00:03:46.250 --> 00:03:48.820 the regulator should not not get anywhere near that. 110 00:03:48.820 --> 00:03:51.200 Private contracts are what they are. 111 00:03:51.200 --> 00:03:52.870 In this case to be private contract, 112 00:03:52.870 --> 00:03:55.680 It's that we're talking about this 2012 Anchor Agreements 113 00:03:55.680 --> 00:03:58.450 between the pipeline Williams 114 00:03:58.450 --> 00:04:00.870 and its Anchor Shipper customer Chesapeake. 115 00:04:00.870 --> 00:04:02.480 And this was an anchorship or contract, 116 00:04:02.480 --> 00:04:03.580 It's called the Mockingbird Agreements, 117 00:04:03.580 --> 00:04:04.750 it's also a financing agreement. 118 00:04:04.750 --> 00:04:07.560 So this is a private contract back in 2012, 119 00:04:07.560 --> 00:04:11.100 and the PFD says that the regulator should not go meddle 120 00:04:11.100 --> 00:04:11.933 in that. 121 00:04:11.933 --> 00:04:12.930 The parties agree to what they agreed to. 122 00:04:12.930 --> 00:04:14.460 It's private contract. 123 00:04:14.460 --> 00:04:15.910 That's just contract law, that's not even going 124 00:04:15.910 --> 00:04:16.800 to be saying anything. 125 00:04:16.800 --> 00:04:19.860 The parties you make a bargain you live with it. 126 00:04:19.860 --> 00:04:21.250 And my recommendation to you 127 00:04:21.250 --> 00:04:24.170 is that the regulator should not go anywhere near that stuff 128 00:04:24.170 --> 00:04:26.390 to help the party out or anything. 129 00:04:26.390 --> 00:04:27.500 Excuse me. 130 00:04:27.500 --> 00:04:29.620 And that cuts both ways in this case against the parties, 131 00:04:29.620 --> 00:04:30.540 so on the one hand, 132 00:04:30.540 --> 00:04:32.100 there's some different theories of discrimination 133 00:04:32.100 --> 00:04:34.380 that were offered by CNOOC and EXCO. 134 00:04:34.380 --> 00:04:37.050 One of those theories which we rejected was 135 00:04:37.050 --> 00:04:40.010 that this private contract itself on its face 136 00:04:40.010 --> 00:04:40.860 was discriminatory. 137 00:04:40.860 --> 00:04:44.230 Because it has this apparently unique approval term, 138 00:04:44.230 --> 00:04:46.250 if parties worked out between themselves. 139 00:04:46.250 --> 00:04:48.740 I say no, PFD says no. 140 00:04:48.740 --> 00:04:50.620 What the regulator cares about his actions, 141 00:04:50.620 --> 00:04:53.680 is conduct of utility, not private contract terms. 142 00:04:53.680 --> 00:04:56.530 And so they can agree to what they wanna agree to, 143 00:04:56.530 --> 00:04:58.540 but my recommendation to you is 144 00:04:58.540 --> 00:05:00.590 to not meddle with that contract at all. 145 00:05:00.590 --> 00:05:01.790 The parties agree to it. 146 00:05:01.790 --> 00:05:03.900 So as far as living with that, 147 00:05:03.900 --> 00:05:06.097 those parties should live with their own contract. 148 00:05:06.097 --> 00:05:09.540 And that is gonna bind them just under contract law. 149 00:05:09.540 --> 00:05:10.950 Cuts against Williams also, though, 150 00:05:10.950 --> 00:05:12.810 because what the PFD talks about 151 00:05:12.810 --> 00:05:14.560 as far as these capital expenditures 152 00:05:14.560 --> 00:05:17.693 that utilities can recover from certain customers. 153 00:05:20.650 --> 00:05:22.190 That contract that Williams agreed to 154 00:05:22.190 --> 00:05:24.140 the 2012 Mockingbird Agreement, 155 00:05:24.140 --> 00:05:26.640 it assured them about two thirds of the volumes 156 00:05:26.640 --> 00:05:28.140 on all Chesapeake's wells, 157 00:05:28.140 --> 00:05:31.220 at a price that Williams liked for about 20 years. 158 00:05:31.220 --> 00:05:33.960 Two thirds is what they agree to, 159 00:05:33.960 --> 00:05:35.590 they didn't get it all not 100%. 160 00:05:35.590 --> 00:05:38.320 And so they might have been a good deal, who knows? 161 00:05:38.320 --> 00:05:39.153 We don't really care. 162 00:05:39.153 --> 00:05:40.280 It's not really for us to pry on. 163 00:05:40.280 --> 00:05:41.440 It's private contract, they agreed to it, 164 00:05:41.440 --> 00:05:43.370 they're gonna go ahead and presumably, 165 00:05:43.370 --> 00:05:45.470 they got what they wanted out of the contract. 166 00:05:45.470 --> 00:05:48.720 But they got two thirds of the volumes, not 100%. 167 00:05:48.720 --> 00:05:50.570 A few years later, 168 00:05:50.570 --> 00:05:51.920 that remaining outstanding one third 169 00:05:51.920 --> 00:05:54.150 of the volumes comes along, 170 00:05:54.150 --> 00:05:56.600 CNOOC does actually try and take its gas in kind. 171 00:05:57.460 --> 00:05:59.560 Williams didn't get that with his contract, 172 00:05:59.560 --> 00:06:01.780 and so how I view the case 173 00:06:01.780 --> 00:06:05.590 is that Williams is holding CNOOC 174 00:06:05.590 --> 00:06:07.770 to the same contract terms 175 00:06:07.770 --> 00:06:11.133 that the Chesapeake agreed to back in 2012. 176 00:06:11.133 --> 00:06:15.630 And Williams didn't get CNOOC's one third by contract. 177 00:06:15.630 --> 00:06:18.440 So this case as I see it is, Williams is trying to get 178 00:06:18.440 --> 00:06:20.670 the regulator to try and give them that one third. 179 00:06:20.670 --> 00:06:22.210 Under the same terms Chesapeake agreed to 180 00:06:22.210 --> 00:06:23.640 under their private deal. 181 00:06:23.640 --> 00:06:24.690 I say no to that, too. 182 00:06:24.690 --> 00:06:27.540 I say Williams walked away from that deal, 183 00:06:27.540 --> 00:06:29.130 probably getting everything they wanted, 184 00:06:29.130 --> 00:06:30.750 might have been a good deal for them, 185 00:06:30.750 --> 00:06:31.930 but what they didn't get at all. 186 00:06:31.930 --> 00:06:33.540 They didn't get CNOOC's guaranteed volumes 187 00:06:33.540 --> 00:06:36.820 for a guaranteed price like they did for Chesapeake. 188 00:06:36.820 --> 00:06:39.563 So as far as that goes also, Williams made a deal, 189 00:06:40.610 --> 00:06:42.750 and the regulator now ,I'm not recommending any regulator 190 00:06:42.750 --> 00:06:44.480 to go back and strengthen a contract 191 00:06:44.480 --> 00:06:47.720 for a party or make it weaker or help out at all. 192 00:06:47.720 --> 00:06:49.580 It is what it is, it's a party's deal. 193 00:06:49.580 --> 00:06:53.780 So my recommendation there as far as going back 194 00:06:53.780 --> 00:06:55.305 and maybe helping Williams out a little bit. 195 00:06:55.305 --> 00:06:57.200 If I kind of read Williams right 196 00:06:57.200 --> 00:06:59.360 on what they're asking you to do I say no. 197 00:06:59.360 --> 00:07:00.360 I mean, they got what they bargained for, 198 00:07:00.360 --> 00:07:02.390 they got two thirds, they didn't get CNOOC's. 199 00:07:02.390 --> 00:07:04.470 So the one third, they didn't get by contract. 200 00:07:04.470 --> 00:07:06.620 In this case I see it, 201 00:07:06.620 --> 00:07:08.930 as they're trying to get that in the regulatory process 202 00:07:08.930 --> 00:07:11.720 through some kind of a Commission imposed order 203 00:07:11.720 --> 00:07:13.930 to impose contract duties through an order, 204 00:07:13.930 --> 00:07:15.030 if that makes sense. 205 00:07:15.030 --> 00:07:15.863 I say no. 206 00:07:15.863 --> 00:07:17.050 I say that's not really a regulator's job 207 00:07:17.050 --> 00:07:18.100 go ahead and do that. 208 00:07:19.330 --> 00:07:22.675 As far as effects of prior contracts, 209 00:07:22.675 --> 00:07:24.150 I wanna touch on that. 210 00:07:24.150 --> 00:07:27.513 The other thing if I may, is issue of benchmarking. 211 00:07:28.670 --> 00:07:30.910 Benchmarking is a featured argument in this case 212 00:07:30.910 --> 00:07:31.773 by Williams. 213 00:07:33.460 --> 00:07:36.370 Williams' central argument to get out of discrimination 214 00:07:36.370 --> 00:07:39.243 is they're treating CNOOC and EXCO. 215 00:07:42.399 --> 00:07:44.699 CNOOC is not operating working interest owners 216 00:07:45.610 --> 00:07:46.640 offering him same rate 217 00:07:46.640 --> 00:07:49.360 as their operators paying Chesapeake. 218 00:07:49.360 --> 00:07:54.064 And Williams' argument their theory there as well, 219 00:07:54.064 --> 00:07:57.290 we're benchmarking a non operating interest working owners 220 00:07:57.290 --> 00:07:59.670 on volumes who's taking their gas and kind 221 00:07:59.670 --> 00:08:01.670 against the same price paid by the operators. 222 00:08:01.670 --> 00:08:02.770 How can that be wrong? 223 00:08:03.890 --> 00:08:06.270 Who else are we gonna benchmark it against? 224 00:08:06.270 --> 00:08:08.720 That's not exactly what they're doing as I see it. 225 00:08:08.720 --> 00:08:11.480 There are a lot of operators, I mean, there's a lot 226 00:08:11.480 --> 00:08:13.010 but there's not that many Anchor Shippers, 227 00:08:13.010 --> 00:08:14.720 only one Anchor Shipper that we're talking about here. 228 00:08:14.720 --> 00:08:17.340 So not every operator is an Anchor Shipper. 229 00:08:17.340 --> 00:08:20.440 So when Williams benchmarks are rate 230 00:08:20.440 --> 00:08:21.890 against this operator, that may be fine. 231 00:08:21.890 --> 00:08:23.690 But when then operators also the only Anchor Shipper 232 00:08:23.690 --> 00:08:26.050 who also used to own the pipeline. 233 00:08:26.050 --> 00:08:28.770 So what the affiliate did the parent company, 234 00:08:28.770 --> 00:08:30.370 sold the pipeline got $2 billion 235 00:08:31.210 --> 00:08:33.530 as part of this links transaction 236 00:08:33.530 --> 00:08:36.780 and immediately flipped to being the Anchor Shipper. 237 00:08:36.780 --> 00:08:39.960 That's a lot of that money to be repaid 238 00:08:39.960 --> 00:08:43.540 over the course of 20 years plus interest rate of return. 239 00:08:43.540 --> 00:08:45.010 That is a very specific 240 00:08:45.010 --> 00:08:48.490 and individualized financial financing agreement. 241 00:08:48.490 --> 00:08:50.890 The Chesapeake agreed to it no one else did. 242 00:08:50.890 --> 00:08:51.723 So and William says, 243 00:08:51.723 --> 00:08:54.087 "Oh, we just benchmarked CNOOC and EXCO's rates 244 00:08:54.087 --> 00:08:55.297 "against the rates of this company 245 00:08:55.297 --> 00:08:57.297 "that looks a lot like them physically." 246 00:08:58.210 --> 00:08:59.043 That's not all they did. 247 00:08:59.043 --> 00:09:01.770 I mean, they benchmarked all these private individualize 248 00:09:01.770 --> 00:09:04.750 Chesapeake only contract terms also. 249 00:09:04.750 --> 00:09:06.430 But they didn't do that for any other customers also, 250 00:09:06.430 --> 00:09:08.640 I mean, the PFD talks about for extra customers 251 00:09:08.640 --> 00:09:12.760 for similar customers 14, 15, 27, 33. 252 00:09:12.760 --> 00:09:15.030 Those are for the complainants came in here with 253 00:09:15.030 --> 00:09:17.260 I mean really it was probably about 30 more. 254 00:09:17.260 --> 00:09:18.600 No one had to pay. 255 00:09:18.600 --> 00:09:21.220 Williams didn't make any other customers have to pay 256 00:09:21.220 --> 00:09:23.340 all that separate financing stuff. 257 00:09:23.340 --> 00:09:28.130 So a lot of companies or maybe a few but some companies 258 00:09:28.130 --> 00:09:28.963 Williams is saying, 259 00:09:28.963 --> 00:09:33.320 "Well look how similar CNOOC looks to Chesapeake." 260 00:09:33.320 --> 00:09:34.760 I mean, physically they do look similar, 261 00:09:34.760 --> 00:09:35.950 I think it makes sense 262 00:09:35.950 --> 00:09:37.460 to benchmark it against that 263 00:09:37.460 --> 00:09:40.900 they look a lot alike physically. 264 00:09:40.900 --> 00:09:43.660 Contractually, nobody is like Chesapeake. 265 00:09:43.660 --> 00:09:46.004 I mean nobody agreed what they agreed to. 266 00:09:46.004 --> 00:09:47.910 There's really unique 267 00:09:47.910 --> 00:09:50.470 and individualized anchor financing terms 268 00:09:50.470 --> 00:09:51.950 to pay back for a lot of this loan, 269 00:09:51.950 --> 00:09:56.370 a lot of the $2 billion they got back in 2012. 270 00:09:56.370 --> 00:09:57.640 No one agreed to do that for Chesapeake. 271 00:09:57.640 --> 00:09:59.810 So that's Chesapeake's own hat to wear. 272 00:09:59.810 --> 00:10:01.400 Chesapeake does wear two hats in this case. 273 00:10:01.400 --> 00:10:03.150 So if you're gonna benchmark against a company 274 00:10:03.150 --> 00:10:05.490 that looks like you like on a map, 275 00:10:05.490 --> 00:10:07.180 no problem there, 276 00:10:07.180 --> 00:10:08.500 but what Williams ought to have done 277 00:10:08.500 --> 00:10:10.670 is to adjust it out all that extra financing stuff. 278 00:10:10.670 --> 00:10:14.540 It didn't really pertain to or even involve CNOOC and EXCO. 279 00:10:14.540 --> 00:10:15.610 They didn't put that stuff in the rates 280 00:10:15.610 --> 00:10:16.820 of their other customers. 281 00:10:16.820 --> 00:10:18.840 And that's the discrimination finding there. 282 00:10:18.840 --> 00:10:20.820 You can't really tell that stuff from looking at a map 283 00:10:20.820 --> 00:10:25.820 or physical factors, but as the case is presented to me, 284 00:10:25.984 --> 00:10:26.817 that's how I see it. 285 00:10:26.817 --> 00:10:29.360 I see that Williams, 286 00:10:29.360 --> 00:10:31.180 they didn't make any adjustments to Chesapeake's, rate. 287 00:10:31.180 --> 00:10:32.013 They just said okay, 288 00:10:32.013 --> 00:10:33.167 "Chesapeake is paying this with their contract 289 00:10:33.167 --> 00:10:34.697 "and we're gonna go ahead and give that number to you 290 00:10:34.697 --> 00:10:35.530 "and you pay it too." 291 00:10:35.530 --> 00:10:38.050 Well when you do that, you're telling CNOOC and EXCO 292 00:10:38.050 --> 00:10:40.707 to pay for everything Chesapeake is paying. 293 00:10:40.707 --> 00:10:43.760 And we know from Chesapeake, I'm sorry, 294 00:10:43.760 --> 00:10:45.350 we know from Williams. 295 00:10:45.350 --> 00:10:48.980 Williams' own two witnesses told us that Chesapeake's rate 296 00:10:48.980 --> 00:10:51.190 it's for two different products. 297 00:10:51.190 --> 00:10:52.450 It's for gathering service 298 00:10:52.450 --> 00:10:55.730 which is about 20%, according to Williams' experts 299 00:10:55.730 --> 00:10:56.870 which is what everyone else gets also. 300 00:10:56.870 --> 00:10:58.750 Everyone else is paying for gathering service, 301 00:10:58.750 --> 00:11:00.860 so that 20% would be the right benchmark 302 00:11:00.860 --> 00:11:05.040 but the other 80%, that's custom financing 303 00:11:05.040 --> 00:11:06.580 that only Chesapeake is doing. 304 00:11:06.580 --> 00:11:09.640 So when the whole thing got benchmarked over to Chesapeake, 305 00:11:09.640 --> 00:11:11.573 I'm sorry, over to CNOOC and EXCO, 306 00:11:12.530 --> 00:11:14.070 there should have been an adjustment there. 307 00:11:14.070 --> 00:11:15.820 That wasn't apples to apples benchmark, 308 00:11:15.820 --> 00:11:19.393 It was benchmarking the anchor rate. 309 00:11:20.350 --> 00:11:21.890 I mean, benchmarking the gathering rate, 310 00:11:21.890 --> 00:11:23.010 which by itself would be okay, 311 00:11:23.010 --> 00:11:25.360 based on fiscal factors looking at math and stuff like that. 312 00:11:25.360 --> 00:11:27.730 But all that other stuff, that financing stuff, 313 00:11:27.730 --> 00:11:29.560 that's only for Chesapeake to pay back. 314 00:11:29.560 --> 00:11:31.810 So the discrimination that we find the PFD 315 00:11:31.810 --> 00:11:33.580 isn't for the map, it's not for the physical stuff, 316 00:11:33.580 --> 00:11:37.270 it's for taking private financing agreement terms 317 00:11:37.270 --> 00:11:38.930 and really forcing them on two companies 318 00:11:38.930 --> 00:11:41.463 that were not involved in any of that stuff. 319 00:11:41.463 --> 00:11:45.413 And so for that, the relevant factor there, 320 00:11:47.725 --> 00:11:50.970 for us the relevant decider, 321 00:11:50.970 --> 00:11:52.020 who's in who's out? 322 00:11:52.020 --> 00:11:53.710 Who is similar who's not? 323 00:11:53.710 --> 00:11:54.590 You go to the contract, 324 00:11:54.590 --> 00:11:57.390 and you see who actually signed on for those duties. 325 00:11:57.390 --> 00:12:00.420 The Anchor Shipper Agreement signatory page. 326 00:12:00.420 --> 00:12:01.930 I mean, it tells you all right there, 327 00:12:01.930 --> 00:12:04.150 who's in who's out. 328 00:12:04.150 --> 00:12:09.150 And only one corporate entity, signed that signature page. 329 00:12:09.680 --> 00:12:10.590 I didn't misspeak on that, 330 00:12:10.590 --> 00:12:12.900 I mean Chesapeake signed in both blocks. 331 00:12:12.900 --> 00:12:14.880 I don't know how that works but they did. 332 00:12:14.880 --> 00:12:16.799 We're not here to talk about arm's length contracts, 333 00:12:16.799 --> 00:12:19.710 but the point is that CNOOC and EXCO didn't sign 334 00:12:19.710 --> 00:12:21.540 or agreed to those duties. 335 00:12:21.540 --> 00:12:23.910 And no looking at a map 336 00:12:23.910 --> 00:12:28.020 or no physical geographical footprint type characteristics 337 00:12:28.020 --> 00:12:31.900 are ever gonna put EXCO and CNOOC's name on that contract. 338 00:12:31.900 --> 00:12:35.290 That's the discrimination finding there. 339 00:12:35.290 --> 00:12:37.690 If I was clear on that, I hope I was. 340 00:12:37.690 --> 00:12:39.150 Lastly, I won't even go into this, 341 00:12:39.150 --> 00:12:42.440 but lastly, there was, I think, a concern voiced 342 00:12:42.440 --> 00:12:43.840 about precedent. 343 00:12:43.840 --> 00:12:44.673 There were no questions for me on that 344 00:12:44.673 --> 00:12:46.390 so I won't go there, unless you have some for me. 345 00:12:46.390 --> 00:12:47.420 I'm happy to answer that if you do, 346 00:12:47.420 --> 00:12:49.520 but that was also raised at the last conference. 347 00:12:49.520 --> 00:12:51.350 So appreciate the time, 348 00:12:51.350 --> 00:12:52.740 I'm available for questions right now, 349 00:12:52.740 --> 00:12:54.100 if there are any more. 350 00:12:54.100 --> 00:12:55.090 Thank you for those comments John, 351 00:12:55.090 --> 00:12:56.820 I Appreciate you explaining that to us. 352 00:12:56.820 --> 00:12:57.810 Are there any questions? 353 00:12:57.810 --> 00:12:59.158 I have a motion. 354 00:12:59.158 --> 00:12:59.991 Motion. 355 00:13:02.140 --> 00:13:03.110 Do you have any questions? 356 00:13:03.110 --> 00:13:05.220 I do, actually, as far as so John 357 00:13:05.220 --> 00:13:06.280 make sure clarification. 358 00:13:06.280 --> 00:13:07.930 That was a really good breakdown, 359 00:13:09.142 --> 00:13:09.975 and I'll repeat back to you 360 00:13:09.975 --> 00:13:13.103 kind of in the simple terms for understanding. 361 00:13:13.970 --> 00:13:16.420 From a natural resource, 362 00:13:16.420 --> 00:13:18.010 sorry Texas Utility Code perspective, 363 00:13:18.010 --> 00:13:19.600 the question is, is there discrimination? 364 00:13:19.600 --> 00:13:21.740 And it seems like where you didn't mention this morning, 365 00:13:21.740 --> 00:13:26.360 but yes that CNOOC is being asked to pay rates 366 00:13:26.360 --> 00:13:28.480 different than most other people. 367 00:13:28.480 --> 00:13:30.040 And you said there's two reasons 368 00:13:30.040 --> 00:13:33.010 that Williams is explaining that difference. 369 00:13:33.010 --> 00:13:34.920 One is the benchmark, hey, 370 00:13:34.920 --> 00:13:37.170 we benchmark them against this one shipper. 371 00:13:37.170 --> 00:13:42.170 And two is that we have a contract that stipulates 372 00:13:44.010 --> 00:13:44.960 that they would be different. 373 00:13:44.960 --> 00:13:47.050 And what I understand you to say is, 374 00:13:47.050 --> 00:13:52.050 neither of those really absolve or provide a validation 375 00:13:52.630 --> 00:13:54.780 for why they could be appropriately discriminated against. 376 00:13:54.780 --> 00:13:57.590 You can't benchmark against one, 377 00:13:57.590 --> 00:13:59.140 only one of the shippers, 378 00:13:59.140 --> 00:14:00.860 if that one is the only Anchor Shipper 379 00:14:00.860 --> 00:14:02.400 and your contract doesn't say you are. 380 00:14:02.400 --> 00:14:05.430 So therefore that means that 381 00:14:05.430 --> 00:14:07.290 the benchmarking argument is no good. 382 00:14:07.290 --> 00:14:08.800 And from the contract perspective hey, 383 00:14:08.800 --> 00:14:11.240 that's a private contract issue, 384 00:14:11.240 --> 00:14:12.640 that's a civil court issue that's not us. 385 00:14:12.640 --> 00:14:14.410 So therefore, the simple question is, 386 00:14:14.410 --> 00:14:16.603 are they being asked to pay, 387 00:14:18.030 --> 00:14:20.500 are they being treated differently than everybody else 388 00:14:20.500 --> 00:14:21.520 who's in the same point, 389 00:14:21.520 --> 00:14:23.480 who has a regular just service contract, 390 00:14:23.480 --> 00:14:26.720 not an anchor/capital cost contract? 391 00:14:26.720 --> 00:14:28.950 And you said yes, that's where the PFD landed 392 00:14:28.950 --> 00:14:29.810 Did I summarized correctly? 393 00:14:29.810 --> 00:14:30.870 Absolutely. 394 00:14:30.870 --> 00:14:32.060 That's a very good explanation, 395 00:14:32.060 --> 00:14:33.800 thank you for that John 396 00:14:33.800 --> 00:14:34.830 Commissioner Craddick. 397 00:14:34.830 --> 00:14:36.250 John thank you for your work on this. 398 00:14:36.250 --> 00:14:38.810 So I appreciate your explanations this morning too, 399 00:14:38.810 --> 00:14:41.580 but I have a motion that I wanna send this back down 400 00:14:41.580 --> 00:14:43.030 for a very limited purpose 401 00:14:43.030 --> 00:14:45.660 'cause I still want to develop the record a little bit more. 402 00:14:45.660 --> 00:14:47.100 So, if you all will allow me, 403 00:14:47.100 --> 00:14:49.470 it's kind of a long motion for a second. 404 00:14:49.470 --> 00:14:52.650 I move that we remand the case back to the examiners 405 00:14:52.650 --> 00:14:53.980 for the limited purpose 406 00:14:53.980 --> 00:14:57.070 to reconsider the discrimination issue 407 00:14:57.070 --> 00:15:00.040 by reopening the hearing to further develop the record 408 00:15:00.040 --> 00:15:03.290 by giving the parties an opportunity to present evidence 409 00:15:03.290 --> 00:15:05.290 and argument on which parties if any, 410 00:15:05.290 --> 00:15:09.130 are similarly situated with particular consideration 411 00:15:09.130 --> 00:15:13.780 to A, whether CEU and Chesapeake are similarly situated, 412 00:15:13.780 --> 00:15:17.290 B, whether EXCO and Chesapeake are similarly situated, 413 00:15:17.290 --> 00:15:21.580 C, whether CEU and EXCO are similarly situated, 414 00:15:21.580 --> 00:15:24.940 and D, whether CEU and EXCO respectively, 415 00:15:24.940 --> 00:15:29.660 are similarly situated to shippers 14152723. 416 00:15:29.660 --> 00:15:32.310 And thereafter for the examiners to provide 417 00:15:32.310 --> 00:15:34.530 an in depth analysis of the evidence 418 00:15:34.530 --> 00:15:36.800 on the similarly situated requirement 419 00:15:36.800 --> 00:15:38.210 in their PFD. 420 00:15:38.210 --> 00:15:39.734 Understood. 421 00:15:39.734 --> 00:15:40.870 Do you have any questions? 422 00:15:40.870 --> 00:15:42.240 I'm sorry, it's was long motion. 423 00:15:42.240 --> 00:15:43.730 I got my folks writing it all, 424 00:15:43.730 --> 00:15:44.563 so we'll go ahead and review it 425 00:15:44.563 --> 00:15:46.528 and we'll get you a conforming order for that today. 426 00:15:46.528 --> 00:15:47.680 I appreciate. 427 00:15:47.680 --> 00:15:48.513 So that's my motion. 428 00:15:48.513 --> 00:15:49.930 Can you now second that? 429 00:15:49.930 --> 00:15:51.330 All in favor say, "Aye.". 430 00:15:51.330 --> 00:15:52.320 Aye. 431 00:15:52.320 --> 00:15:53.404 Oppose Sorry, aye. 432 00:15:53.404 --> 00:15:54.671 (laughs) 433 00:15:54.671 --> 00:15:55.504 Sorry, got a question. 434 00:15:55.504 --> 00:15:56.660 Motion passes. 435 00:15:56.660 --> 00:15:57.590 This item is remanded back 436 00:15:57.590 --> 00:15:59.730 to the Hearings Division for further processing. 437 00:15:59.730 --> 00:16:00.750 Thank you John from your work. 438 00:16:00.750 --> 00:16:02.530 It's our pleasure, thank you. 439 00:16:02.530 --> 00:16:03.573 Item number four. 440 00:16:07.130 --> 00:16:08.450 Good morning chairman and commissioners 441 00:16:08.450 --> 00:16:10.470 for the record my name is Ezra Johnson 442 00:16:10.470 --> 00:16:13.480 Administrative Law Judge with the Hearings Division. 443 00:16:13.480 --> 00:16:16.660 I will be presenting items four and five today. 444 00:16:16.660 --> 00:16:17.670 In item four, 445 00:16:17.670 --> 00:16:20.180 Terry and Barbara Alexander filed a complaint, 446 00:16:20.180 --> 00:16:21.941 claiming that Royal Texan Resources 447 00:16:21.941 --> 00:16:25.060 Endrologics Exploration LLC 448 00:16:25.060 --> 00:16:26.450 do not have a good faith claim 449 00:16:26.450 --> 00:16:28.770 to operate the subject wells. 450 00:16:28.770 --> 00:16:31.050 The Alexander's are the owners of the surface track 451 00:16:31.050 --> 00:16:32.950 where the subject wells are located. 452 00:16:32.950 --> 00:16:35.050 They claim that Royal Texan Endrologics 453 00:16:35.050 --> 00:16:36.410 have no good faith claim 454 00:16:36.410 --> 00:16:39.350 to operate the wells due to insufficient production, 455 00:16:39.350 --> 00:16:41.850 and that wells should be ordered plugged. 456 00:16:41.850 --> 00:16:43.630 Royal Texan Endrologic claim 457 00:16:43.630 --> 00:16:45.140 that they hold a good faith claim right 458 00:16:45.140 --> 00:16:46.420 to operate the wells. 459 00:16:46.420 --> 00:16:48.610 These parties provided two contractual oil 460 00:16:48.610 --> 00:16:52.160 and gas leases whose primary terms have not yet expired. 461 00:16:52.160 --> 00:16:54.060 These leases grant a continuing right 462 00:16:54.060 --> 00:16:57.680 to maintain the subject wells until September of 2020 463 00:16:57.680 --> 00:17:00.370 before production must be restored. 464 00:17:00.370 --> 00:17:02.130 The examiners recommend the commission find 465 00:17:02.130 --> 00:17:03.560 that Royal Texan Endrologics 466 00:17:03.560 --> 00:17:05.940 provided a reasonably satisfactory showing 467 00:17:05.940 --> 00:17:08.510 of a good faith claim to operate the subject wells 468 00:17:08.510 --> 00:17:09.900 and deny the complainants request 469 00:17:09.900 --> 00:17:11.450 to have the wells plugged. 470 00:17:11.450 --> 00:17:13.100 Exceptions and replies were filed 471 00:17:13.100 --> 00:17:14.630 and I'm available for questions 472 00:17:14.630 --> 00:17:16.650 Are there any questions? 473 00:17:16.650 --> 00:17:18.700 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 474 00:17:18.700 --> 00:17:19.533 Is there a second? 475 00:17:19.533 --> 00:17:20.366 Second. 476 00:17:20.366 --> 00:17:21.200 Second by Commissioner Sitton 477 00:17:21.200 --> 00:17:22.493 All in favor say, "Aye.". 478 00:17:22.493 --> 00:17:23.500 Aye. 479 00:17:23.500 --> 00:17:24.510 Any opposed? 480 00:17:24.510 --> 00:17:26.540 Motion passes that item is approved. 481 00:17:26.540 --> 00:17:27.630 Number five. 482 00:17:27.630 --> 00:17:28.463 Thank you. 483 00:17:28.463 --> 00:17:30.400 Item five concerns a motion for rehearing 484 00:17:30.400 --> 00:17:33.830 of a final order finding that NHRG Inc 485 00:17:33.830 --> 00:17:35.600 did not have a good faith claim right 486 00:17:35.600 --> 00:17:38.070 to operate the subject wells and lease, 487 00:17:38.070 --> 00:17:40.400 and ordering that the wells be plugged. 488 00:17:40.400 --> 00:17:42.730 The final order followed in NHRG's failure 489 00:17:42.730 --> 00:17:44.760 to respond to the notice of opportunity 490 00:17:44.760 --> 00:17:49.030 for hearing sent in NHRG on October 22 2019. 491 00:17:49.030 --> 00:17:51.390 A timely motion for rehearing was filed 492 00:17:51.390 --> 00:17:55.920 on January 10 2020 and no response to that motion was filed. 493 00:17:55.920 --> 00:17:58.480 Under applicable legal precedent and rules 494 00:17:58.480 --> 00:18:00.890 NHRG's motion fails to allege facts 495 00:18:00.890 --> 00:18:03.650 and circumstances sufficient to show a valid basis 496 00:18:03.650 --> 00:18:07.340 for rehearing the Commission's final order in this docket. 497 00:18:07.340 --> 00:18:10.470 It is recommended that the Commission deny the motion. 498 00:18:10.470 --> 00:18:12.380 The motion for rehearing will be overruled 499 00:18:12.380 --> 00:18:15.560 by operation of law on March 26th 2020 500 00:18:15.560 --> 00:18:17.146 and I'm available for questions. 501 00:18:17.146 --> 00:18:18.850 Are there any questions? 502 00:18:18.850 --> 00:18:20.850 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 503 00:18:20.850 --> 00:18:21.683 Is there a second? 504 00:18:21.683 --> 00:18:22.516 Second. 505 00:18:22.516 --> 00:18:23.360 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 506 00:18:23.360 --> 00:18:24.714 All in favor say, "Aye.". 507 00:18:24.714 --> 00:18:25.547 Aye. 508 00:18:25.547 --> 00:18:26.380 Any opposed? 509 00:18:26.380 --> 00:18:27.330 Motion passes. 510 00:18:27.330 --> 00:18:28.690 That item is approved. 511 00:18:28.690 --> 00:18:29.523 Thank you. 512 00:18:31.010 --> 00:18:32.423 Move on to item six. 513 00:18:33.530 --> 00:18:35.370 Good morning Chairman, commissioners, Kristi Reeve 514 00:18:35.370 --> 00:18:37.890 Administrative Law Judge with the Hearings Division. 515 00:18:37.890 --> 00:18:41.400 I'll be presenting items number six through eight. 516 00:18:41.400 --> 00:18:43.060 Item number six is the application 517 00:18:43.060 --> 00:18:44.610 of Double Play Oil and Gas 518 00:18:44.610 --> 00:18:47.820 for two year lease line spacing exception permit 519 00:18:47.820 --> 00:18:51.170 under the provisions of Statewide Rule 37. 520 00:18:51.170 --> 00:18:54.060 The exception is protested by the MacGuffin family, 521 00:18:54.060 --> 00:18:57.650 owners of unreleased acreage adjacent to the proposed well. 522 00:18:57.650 --> 00:19:00.170 The proposed location of the well is approximately 523 00:19:00.170 --> 00:19:03.833 102 feet south of the MacGuffin family's property line. 524 00:19:04.890 --> 00:19:08.560 Statewide Rule 37 requires a 467 foot 525 00:19:08.560 --> 00:19:10.040 minimum lease line distance 526 00:19:10.040 --> 00:19:13.140 to tracks externally adjacent to the lease. 527 00:19:13.140 --> 00:19:15.870 Double Play has met the requirements for an exception 528 00:19:15.870 --> 00:19:20.100 to Statewide Rule 37 by providing evidence to show 529 00:19:20.100 --> 00:19:22.630 that unusual local conditions exist, 530 00:19:22.630 --> 00:19:25.260 namely two water dry fault trap reservoirs 531 00:19:25.260 --> 00:19:28.660 at the lease line, which are located 532 00:19:28.660 --> 00:19:30.890 within the two primary target reservoirs 533 00:19:30.890 --> 00:19:33.140 the main Hawksley and the Yehuwa 534 00:19:33.140 --> 00:19:36.300 such as the proposed well location is necessary 535 00:19:36.300 --> 00:19:37.970 to prevent waste. 536 00:19:37.970 --> 00:19:40.580 It is recommended the application be approved. 537 00:19:40.580 --> 00:19:42.570 No exceptions or replies were filed. 538 00:19:42.570 --> 00:19:44.160 I'm available for questions. 539 00:19:44.160 --> 00:19:45.670 Are there any questions? 540 00:19:45.670 --> 00:19:46.503 No. 541 00:19:46.503 --> 00:19:48.100 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 542 00:19:48.100 --> 00:19:49.293 Is there a second? 543 00:19:49.293 --> 00:19:50.126 Second. 544 00:19:50.126 --> 00:19:50.959 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 545 00:19:50.959 --> 00:19:52.379 All in favor say, "Aye.". 546 00:19:52.379 --> 00:19:53.212 Aye. 547 00:19:53.212 --> 00:19:54.045 Any opposed? 548 00:19:54.045 --> 00:19:54.878 Motion passes. 549 00:19:54.878 --> 00:19:55.720 That item is approved. 550 00:19:55.720 --> 00:19:56.820 Thank you very much. 551 00:19:57.730 --> 00:19:58.640 Item number seven 552 00:19:58.640 --> 00:20:00.050 Item number seven. 553 00:20:00.050 --> 00:20:03.330 Venable LL filed a complaint against MD America 554 00:20:03.330 --> 00:20:04.967 regarding the subject well. 555 00:20:04.967 --> 00:20:06.860 The subject well is a horizontal well, 556 00:20:06.860 --> 00:20:10.290 that is drilled across multiple leases and, or pulled units 557 00:20:10.290 --> 00:20:12.300 without pulling of all leases traversed 558 00:20:12.300 --> 00:20:15.730 by the well commonly known as an allocation well. 559 00:20:15.730 --> 00:20:17.940 Venable assert the Commission does not have authority 560 00:20:17.940 --> 00:20:20.200 to issue drilling permits for allocation wells 561 00:20:20.200 --> 00:20:23.090 and MD America does not have a good faith claim. 562 00:20:23.090 --> 00:20:25.480 The Commission has already rejected Venable's argument 563 00:20:25.480 --> 00:20:27.780 and prior similar cases. 564 00:20:27.780 --> 00:20:30.673 Filing a motion for dismissal filed by MD America, 565 00:20:30.673 --> 00:20:32.550 a response for Venable 566 00:20:32.550 --> 00:20:33.790 and a pre hearing conference 567 00:20:33.790 --> 00:20:35.910 where the parties argued their motions. 568 00:20:35.910 --> 00:20:37.920 On January 2 2020, 569 00:20:37.920 --> 00:20:39.890 the Hearings Division director signed an order 570 00:20:39.890 --> 00:20:43.200 dismissing Venable's complaint with prejudice. 571 00:20:43.200 --> 00:20:45.990 Venable filed a timely motion for rehearing. 572 00:20:45.990 --> 00:20:48.030 It is recommended that the motion be denied, 573 00:20:48.030 --> 00:20:49.800 the motion be overruled 574 00:20:49.800 --> 00:20:52.720 by operation of law on April 30th 2020. 575 00:20:52.720 --> 00:20:54.750 I'm available for questions. 576 00:20:54.750 --> 00:20:56.160 Are there any questions? 577 00:20:56.160 --> 00:20:58.580 I mean, we approve the examiners recommendation 578 00:20:58.580 --> 00:20:59.413 is there a second? 579 00:20:59.413 --> 00:21:00.246 Second. 580 00:21:00.246 --> 00:21:01.079 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 581 00:21:01.079 --> 00:21:02.516 All in favor say, "Aye". 582 00:21:02.516 --> 00:21:03.720 Aye. 583 00:21:03.720 --> 00:21:04.553 Motion passes. 584 00:21:04.553 --> 00:21:05.600 That item is approved. 585 00:21:06.680 --> 00:21:08.080 Number eight. 586 00:21:08.080 --> 00:21:08.913 Item number eight. 587 00:21:08.913 --> 00:21:10.230 Apache filed a protest 588 00:21:10.230 --> 00:21:13.090 to Jetta's Statewide Rule nine application. 589 00:21:13.090 --> 00:21:14.050 Jetta filed a motion 590 00:21:14.050 --> 00:21:16.280 to dismiss Apache's protest. 591 00:21:16.280 --> 00:21:17.610 At the pre-hearing conference. 592 00:21:17.610 --> 00:21:20.290 Jetta argued Apache is not an affected party, 593 00:21:20.290 --> 00:21:22.690 per the definition and statewide rule nine 594 00:21:22.690 --> 00:21:25.190 and should be dismissed as a protestant. 595 00:21:25.190 --> 00:21:28.610 Apache argument is an affected person entitled to standing 596 00:21:28.610 --> 00:21:31.860 because it will suffer economic harm or actual injury. 597 00:21:31.860 --> 00:21:33.750 And economic damages as a result 598 00:21:33.750 --> 00:21:37.030 of the proposed disposal operation. 599 00:21:37.030 --> 00:21:40.100 Apache stated it has a concern for its social license. 600 00:21:40.100 --> 00:21:42.810 Additionally, Apache stated it has data unavailable 601 00:21:42.810 --> 00:21:45.820 to the commission regarding the proposed well location 602 00:21:45.820 --> 00:21:47.860 and faulting in the area. 603 00:21:47.860 --> 00:21:50.350 After review the filings and argument presented 604 00:21:50.350 --> 00:21:52.010 it was found that Apaches argument 605 00:21:52.010 --> 00:21:55.210 of entry to its social license did not elevate Apache 606 00:21:55.210 --> 00:21:57.020 from a member of the general public 607 00:21:57.020 --> 00:21:58.890 to one of an affected person. 608 00:21:58.890 --> 00:22:02.130 Subsequently, on this December 19 2019, 609 00:22:02.130 --> 00:22:04.630 the Hearings Division director signed an order dismissing 610 00:22:04.630 --> 00:22:07.770 the docket along with the protest of Apache. 611 00:22:07.770 --> 00:22:10.480 The timely motion for rehearing was received 612 00:22:10.480 --> 00:22:13.620 from Apache, Jetta filed a timely reply. 613 00:22:13.620 --> 00:22:15.750 It is recommended that the motion be denied, 614 00:22:15.750 --> 00:22:16.840 the motion will be overruled 615 00:22:16.840 --> 00:22:19.660 by operation of law on March 30 2020. 616 00:22:19.660 --> 00:22:21.400 I'm available for questions. 617 00:22:21.400 --> 00:22:23.286 Are there any questions? 618 00:22:23.286 --> 00:22:25.330 We approve the examiners recommendation 619 00:22:25.330 --> 00:22:26.170 is there a second? 620 00:22:26.170 --> 00:22:27.003 Second 621 00:22:27.003 --> 00:22:27.836 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 622 00:22:27.836 --> 00:22:29.380 All in favor say, "Aye.". 623 00:22:29.380 --> 00:22:30.213 Aye. 624 00:22:30.213 --> 00:22:31.046 Any opposed? 625 00:22:31.046 --> 00:22:31.879 Motion passes. 626 00:22:31.879 --> 00:22:32.860 That item is approved. 627 00:22:32.860 --> 00:22:34.830 Thank you very much. 628 00:22:34.830 --> 00:22:38.220 Let's move to the oil and gas consent agenda. 629 00:22:38.220 --> 00:22:41.740 There are now only 49 items on that consent agenda. 630 00:22:41.740 --> 00:22:44.600 I move we approve items nine through 60 631 00:22:44.600 --> 00:22:47.550 except items 42 through 44, 632 00:22:47.550 --> 00:22:50.250 which will be passed to the next conference. 633 00:22:50.250 --> 00:22:52.087 Is there a second? 634 00:22:52.087 --> 00:22:52.920 Second 635 00:22:52.920 --> 00:22:54.770 Second by Commissioner Sitton 636 00:22:54.770 --> 00:22:56.620 All in favor say, "Aye.". 637 00:22:56.620 --> 00:22:57.540 Aye. 638 00:22:57.540 --> 00:22:58.410 Any opposed ? 639 00:22:58.410 --> 00:23:00.803 Motion passes those items are approved. 640 00:23:03.120 --> 00:23:06.170 Rule 15 inactive wells items. 641 00:23:06.170 --> 00:23:07.950 There are now only 15 items 642 00:23:07.950 --> 00:23:10.070 on the rule 15 inactive wells list, 643 00:23:10.070 --> 00:23:14.983 I move we approve item 61 through 76 except for item 75. 644 00:23:15.890 --> 00:23:17.101 Is there a second? 645 00:23:17.101 --> 00:23:17.934 Second 646 00:23:17.934 --> 00:23:18.802 Second by Commissioner Craddick 647 00:23:18.802 --> 00:23:20.081 All in favor say, "Aye.". 648 00:23:20.081 --> 00:23:20.914 Aye. 649 00:23:20.914 --> 00:23:21.747 Any opposed? 650 00:23:21.747 --> 00:23:22.625 Motion passes. 651 00:23:22.625 --> 00:23:24.989 Those items are approved. 652 00:23:24.989 --> 00:23:26.847 Move on to Master Default Orders. 653 00:23:26.847 --> 00:23:29.785 There are 36 Master Default Orders. 654 00:23:29.785 --> 00:23:33.456 I move we approve item 77 through 112. 655 00:23:33.456 --> 00:23:34.445 Is there a second? 656 00:23:34.445 --> 00:23:35.278 Second. 657 00:23:35.278 --> 00:23:36.218 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 658 00:23:36.218 --> 00:23:37.342 All in favor say, "Aye." 659 00:23:37.342 --> 00:23:38.255 Aye. 660 00:23:38.255 --> 00:23:39.088 Any opposed? 661 00:23:39.088 --> 00:23:39.921 Motion passes. 662 00:23:39.921 --> 00:23:41.380 Those items are approved. 663 00:23:41.380 --> 00:23:43.980 Move to the Agreed Enforcement Orders. 664 00:23:43.980 --> 00:23:46.300 There are 201 Agreed Enforcement Orders. 665 00:23:46.300 --> 00:23:50.350 I move we approve items 113 through 313. 666 00:23:50.350 --> 00:23:51.183 Is there a second? 667 00:23:51.183 --> 00:23:52.016 Second. 668 00:23:52.016 --> 00:23:53.210 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 669 00:23:53.210 --> 00:23:54.614 All in favor say, "Aye.". 670 00:23:54.614 --> 00:23:55.447 Aye. 671 00:23:55.447 --> 00:23:56.280 Any opposed? 672 00:23:56.280 --> 00:23:57.210 Motion passes. 673 00:23:57.210 --> 00:23:58.300 Those items are approved. 674 00:23:58.300 --> 00:24:00.140 That concludes the hearing sections 675 00:24:00.140 --> 00:24:03.440 We will now take up our administrative agenda. 676 00:24:03.440 --> 00:24:05.170 Morning Chairman and commissioners. 677 00:24:05.170 --> 00:24:06.360 For the record, Wei Wang, 678 00:24:06.360 --> 00:24:07.720 the executive director. 679 00:24:07.720 --> 00:24:09.460 I'm glad to report that as of today, 680 00:24:09.460 --> 00:24:11.840 our headcount is 829. 681 00:24:11.840 --> 00:24:15.020 That put our vacancy rate as less than 5%. 682 00:24:15.020 --> 00:24:18.060 So it's a win for us. 683 00:24:18.060 --> 00:24:20.720 And also just an update on the dream 684 00:24:20.720 --> 00:24:24.410 from the processing we're holding steady below three days 685 00:24:24.410 --> 00:24:26.300 and for the GA EU letter, 686 00:24:26.300 --> 00:24:31.300 where expedited processing is two days. 687 00:24:31.570 --> 00:24:34.960 And for well plugging, as we conclude, 688 00:24:34.960 --> 00:24:36.080 the first half of the year, 689 00:24:36.080 --> 00:24:39.700 we have plugged so far 730 wells, 690 00:24:39.700 --> 00:24:41.270 and for site remediation, 691 00:24:41.270 --> 00:24:45.040 we have completed 165 sites. 692 00:24:45.040 --> 00:24:47.910 And that's against the goal of 230. 693 00:24:47.910 --> 00:24:52.390 So we're well above the half year mark, as well. 694 00:24:52.390 --> 00:24:53.810 That concludes my report today. 695 00:24:53.810 --> 00:24:55.710 Are there any questions? 696 00:24:55.710 --> 00:24:57.810 Above 820 for the first time. 697 00:24:58.870 --> 00:25:00.910 Thank you Wei for the good work that you 698 00:25:00.910 --> 00:25:02.500 and all your people across here 699 00:25:02.500 --> 00:25:03.590 and across the state are doing. 700 00:25:03.590 --> 00:25:04.590 We appreciate it. 701 00:25:04.590 --> 00:25:05.990 Thank you very much. 702 00:25:07.260 --> 00:25:09.910 Item 315 is the adoption of revisions 703 00:25:09.910 --> 00:25:10.743 of the delegation of authority. 704 00:25:10.743 --> 00:25:15.570 It's not easy for me. 705 00:25:15.570 --> 00:25:18.280 It's not, it's a mouthful. 706 00:25:18.280 --> 00:25:19.830 I couldn't pass for reading it, 707 00:25:20.810 --> 00:25:21.670 Good morning, commissioners. 708 00:25:21.670 --> 00:25:23.080 For the record, I'm Randall Collins, 709 00:25:23.080 --> 00:25:24.910 chief operating officer. 710 00:25:24.910 --> 00:25:26.980 Item 315 on the agenda pertains 711 00:25:26.980 --> 00:25:28.800 to the commissioner adoption of delegation 712 00:25:28.800 --> 00:25:30.050 of authority as set out 713 00:25:30.050 --> 00:25:34.503 in 22 61.254 and 21 55.088. 714 00:25:35.610 --> 00:25:37.660 The Texas government code. 715 00:25:37.660 --> 00:25:40.410 The commissioners' current internal delegation authority 716 00:25:40.410 --> 00:25:43.380 requires Commissioner approval of contracts, 717 00:25:43.380 --> 00:25:45.200 and associated amendments greater than 718 00:25:45.200 --> 00:25:47.930 or equal to $500,000. 719 00:25:47.930 --> 00:25:52.740 Section 22 61.254, the Texas Government code 720 00:25:52.740 --> 00:25:55.274 allows the commission the delegation 721 00:25:55.274 --> 00:25:57.770 of contract approval and execution 722 00:25:57.770 --> 00:26:00.436 of contracts less than $1 million 723 00:26:00.436 --> 00:26:02.410 to the executive director. 724 00:26:02.410 --> 00:26:04.360 contracts or amendments equal to 725 00:26:04.360 --> 00:26:06.700 or greater than $1 million would still be subject 726 00:26:06.700 --> 00:26:08.420 to the commissioner approval. 727 00:26:08.420 --> 00:26:13.080 Section 21 55.088 will require Commissioner consideration 728 00:26:13.080 --> 00:26:14.730 for material changes to contracts, 729 00:26:14.730 --> 00:26:18.620 including an increase of greater than 10%. 730 00:26:18.620 --> 00:26:19.710 Approval of the items today 731 00:26:19.710 --> 00:26:21.613 will ensure agency operations remain on schedule 732 00:26:21.613 --> 00:26:24.070 and necessary approvals will be in place pursuant 733 00:26:24.070 --> 00:26:26.800 to the Commission's delegation of authority and state law. 734 00:26:26.800 --> 00:26:27.633 In full summary, 735 00:26:27.633 --> 00:26:29.080 the delegation of authority is included 736 00:26:29.080 --> 00:26:30.300 in your notebooks. 737 00:26:30.300 --> 00:26:31.510 Staff asked the commission 738 00:26:31.510 --> 00:26:34.520 to approve the change percentage commission's delegation 739 00:26:34.520 --> 00:26:35.587 of authority and state law 740 00:26:35.587 --> 00:26:37.630 and I'm available if you have any questions, 741 00:26:37.630 --> 00:26:39.320 So you stumbled on delegate 742 00:26:39.320 --> 00:26:40.403 the first time too? 743 00:26:41.410 --> 00:26:44.040 Those of us that weren't bi phonics, 744 00:26:44.040 --> 00:26:46.040 we look at D and that's what we say first, 745 00:26:46.040 --> 00:26:48.240 and that screws it all up. 746 00:26:48.240 --> 00:26:50.210 Are there any questions? 747 00:26:50.210 --> 00:26:51.650 I move we adopt these changes 748 00:26:51.650 --> 00:26:54.070 to the delegation of authority, 749 00:26:54.070 --> 00:26:56.481 excuse, I'm kidding. Pressure is on now. 750 00:26:56.481 --> 00:26:57.590 Oh I know. 751 00:26:57.590 --> 00:26:58.555 Is there a second? 752 00:26:58.555 --> 00:26:59.388 Second. 753 00:26:59.388 --> 00:27:00.221 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 754 00:27:00.221 --> 00:27:01.560 All in favor say, "Aye." 755 00:27:01.560 --> 00:27:02.393 Aye. 756 00:27:02.393 --> 00:27:03.226 Any oppose? 757 00:27:03.226 --> 00:27:04.059 Motion passes. 758 00:27:04.059 --> 00:27:04.892 That item is approved. 759 00:27:04.892 --> 00:27:05.725 Thank you. 760 00:27:05.725 --> 00:27:07.010 Thank you much. 761 00:27:07.010 --> 00:27:10.750 Item 316 is our Office of General Counsel item. 762 00:27:10.750 --> 00:27:11.880 Morning Chairman and commissioners. 763 00:27:11.880 --> 00:27:13.310 For the record, my name is Alex Schoch, 764 00:27:13.310 --> 00:27:15.690 the General Counsel of the Railroad Commission of Texas. 765 00:27:15.690 --> 00:27:16.880 We've got no matters 766 00:27:16.880 --> 00:27:19.300 to report on this morning under Item 316. 767 00:27:19.300 --> 00:27:20.910 I can handle those. 768 00:27:20.910 --> 00:27:21.903 Any questions? 769 00:27:22.890 --> 00:27:23.723 Thank you, Alex. 770 00:27:23.723 --> 00:27:24.556 Appreciate that. 771 00:27:25.920 --> 00:27:27.530 Finding my page turn. 772 00:27:27.530 --> 00:27:31.323 Item 317 is the adoption of amendments to form PS-48. 773 00:27:32.200 --> 00:27:34.150 Good morning, Mr. Chairman, commissioners. 774 00:27:34.150 --> 00:27:36.050 For the record, my name is April Richardson, 775 00:27:36.050 --> 00:27:37.277 director of Alternative Fuel Safety 776 00:27:37.277 --> 00:27:39.990 within the oversight and safety division. 777 00:27:39.990 --> 00:27:41.700 And oversight and safety would like to pass 778 00:27:41.700 --> 00:27:43.243 on item 317 today. 779 00:27:44.620 --> 00:27:45.690 At the request of staff, 780 00:27:45.690 --> 00:27:46.760 this item will be passed 781 00:27:46.760 --> 00:27:48.640 to the next conference. 782 00:27:48.640 --> 00:27:50.370 Item 318, is a proposal 783 00:27:50.370 --> 00:27:53.970 to make changes to LPG Form 16. 784 00:27:53.970 --> 00:27:55.950 Correct, item 318 785 00:27:55.950 --> 00:27:58.300 as alternative fuel safety departments requests 786 00:27:59.250 --> 00:28:01.570 for approval to publish proposed revisions 787 00:28:01.570 --> 00:28:03.440 to LPG Form 16 788 00:28:03.440 --> 00:28:06.660 on the Commission's website for a two-week review period. 789 00:28:06.660 --> 00:28:10.383 The request also includes minor changes to 27 LP gas forms. 790 00:28:11.260 --> 00:28:13.080 The changes to LPG Form 16 791 00:28:13.080 --> 00:28:15.010 are related to the chapter nine rule changes 792 00:28:15.010 --> 00:28:18.020 that were made effective on January 6th of 2020. 793 00:28:18.020 --> 00:28:20.450 And combine the class attendance form used 794 00:28:20.450 --> 00:28:22.150 to collect information for individuals 795 00:28:22.150 --> 00:28:25.090 who attend an LP gas training class, 796 00:28:25.090 --> 00:28:28.870 and one or more LP gas certification exams. 797 00:28:28.870 --> 00:28:30.260 The changes update the division 798 00:28:30.260 --> 00:28:31.910 and department names, 799 00:28:31.910 --> 00:28:33.770 as well as add information regarding, 800 00:28:33.770 --> 00:28:36.420 training class attendance and payment information 801 00:28:36.420 --> 00:28:39.583 for attending a training class, exams taken 802 00:28:39.583 --> 00:28:41.653 and any renewal fees paid. 803 00:28:42.690 --> 00:28:44.760 The changes made to the other 27 forms 804 00:28:44.760 --> 00:28:47.110 are corrections to remove previous designations 805 00:28:47.110 --> 00:28:49.270 for the Alternative Fuel Safety department, 806 00:28:49.270 --> 00:28:50.550 and update those references 807 00:28:50.550 --> 00:28:52.440 to the current department name. 808 00:28:52.440 --> 00:28:54.160 All headers and contact information 809 00:28:54.160 --> 00:28:55.700 were updated on these forms 810 00:28:55.700 --> 00:28:58.010 to the current division and department names 811 00:28:58.010 --> 00:29:02.320 and any outdated contact information was also corrected. 812 00:29:02.320 --> 00:29:03.870 May I answer any questions? 813 00:29:03.870 --> 00:29:05.700 Are there any questions? 814 00:29:05.700 --> 00:29:09.540 I move we approve the proposal to amend LPG Form 16 815 00:29:09.540 --> 00:29:12.130 and make minor changes to other LP gas forms. 816 00:29:12.130 --> 00:29:12.963 Is there a second? 817 00:29:12.963 --> 00:29:13.796 Second. 818 00:29:13.796 --> 00:29:14.629 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 819 00:29:14.629 --> 00:29:16.060 All in favor say, "Aye.". 820 00:29:16.060 --> 00:29:16.893 Aye. 821 00:29:16.893 --> 00:29:17.726 Any oppose? 822 00:29:17.726 --> 00:29:19.630 Motion passes, that item is approved. 823 00:29:19.630 --> 00:29:22.810 Item 319, is our public participation item. 824 00:29:22.810 --> 00:29:24.560 No one has turned in cards indicating 825 00:29:24.560 --> 00:29:27.420 that they wish to speak on any non-posted items. 826 00:29:27.420 --> 00:29:29.950 Item 320 is our executive session items 827 00:29:29.950 --> 00:29:32.110 which we will not be going into today. 828 00:29:32.110 --> 00:29:34.080 Are there any other duly posted matters 829 00:29:34.080 --> 00:29:36.630 to be brought before the commission at this time? 830 00:29:36.630 --> 00:29:37.910 Mr. Chairman, I just like to note 831 00:29:37.910 --> 00:29:39.600 that for item 318, 832 00:29:39.600 --> 00:29:40.970 the document that was in the book 833 00:29:40.970 --> 00:29:43.640 did not have a T-bar on it for signature. 834 00:29:43.640 --> 00:29:45.910 So we have two options. 835 00:29:45.910 --> 00:29:47.375 We could either have April prepare a T-bar, 836 00:29:47.375 --> 00:29:49.580 and bring it by for signature, 837 00:29:49.580 --> 00:29:50.800 if that's your preference, 838 00:29:50.800 --> 00:29:54.050 we could rely on the motion in the record as well 839 00:29:54.050 --> 00:29:55.290 and vote in the record. 840 00:29:55.290 --> 00:29:57.500 If we're going to order since everything else has two bars. 841 00:29:57.500 --> 00:29:59.100 If we prefer we could have that prepared 842 00:29:59.100 --> 00:30:01.490 and then brought up to in due course. 843 00:30:01.490 --> 00:30:02.840 If you can do it just by record, 844 00:30:02.840 --> 00:30:04.050 I would think that saves ink, 845 00:30:04.050 --> 00:30:05.136 with the taxpayer dollars 846 00:30:05.136 --> 00:30:06.964 and whatever, sound good. 847 00:30:06.964 --> 00:30:08.500 Doesn't matter. 848 00:30:08.500 --> 00:30:12.610 Yeah just roll without wasting resources. 849 00:30:12.610 --> 00:30:13.750 Okay, sounds good. 850 00:30:13.750 --> 00:30:14.583 Thank you. 851 00:30:16.520 --> 00:30:17.920 Any other posted items 852 00:30:17.920 --> 00:30:20.330 do need to be brought before this commission at this time. 853 00:30:20.330 --> 00:30:21.780 Hearing none, the meeting 854 00:30:21.780 --> 00:30:24.230 of The Railroad Commission of Texas is adjourned. 855 00:30:25.760 --> 00:30:26.687 Papers are signed.