WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.150 Brought to you by adminmonitor.com. 2 00:00:02.150 --> 00:00:03.690 We'll begin momentarily. 3 00:00:03.690 --> 00:00:05.820 Thank you for your patience. 4 00:00:05.820 --> 00:00:09.373 Now, is everybody in place and can you see me? 5 00:00:10.222 --> 00:00:11.110 Yes, sir. 6 00:00:11.110 --> 00:00:13.560 Everybody looks fabulous this morning. 7 00:00:15.200 --> 00:00:17.970 Good morning, this is Callie Farar, Commission Secretary. 8 00:00:17.970 --> 00:00:19.860 I will be serving as the meeting moderator 9 00:00:19.860 --> 00:00:21.760 for today's conference. 10 00:00:21.760 --> 00:00:23.890 Just a few reminders for those speaking today. 11 00:00:23.890 --> 00:00:26.210 When it is your time to speak you will be transferred 12 00:00:26.210 --> 00:00:30.030 over to video at the necessary time and if needed. 13 00:00:30.030 --> 00:00:32.560 Please remember you'll also need to remove yourself 14 00:00:32.560 --> 00:00:35.160 from mute for the audience to hear you. 15 00:00:35.160 --> 00:00:37.750 The Commission does reserve the right to remove any audio 16 00:00:37.750 --> 00:00:41.810 or video sharing capabilities from any person if needed. 17 00:00:41.810 --> 00:00:42.820 Chairman and Commissioners, 18 00:00:42.820 --> 00:00:44.980 we are ready to begin when you are. 19 00:00:44.980 --> 00:00:46.660 Before we begin our meeting officially, 20 00:00:46.660 --> 00:00:48.990 I want to ask those who would like to please join me 21 00:00:48.990 --> 00:00:50.930 in just a word of prayer. 22 00:00:50.930 --> 00:00:53.850 Father, we come to you this morning recognizing 23 00:00:53.850 --> 00:00:57.210 an attack upon us as a country, as a industry. 24 00:00:57.210 --> 00:00:58.860 Father, where there are decisions to be made 25 00:00:58.860 --> 00:01:02.190 that we need your counsel 26 00:01:02.190 --> 00:01:05.437 and for this morning we know that we are your people 27 00:01:05.437 --> 00:01:07.270 and our pledge is to the flag, 28 00:01:07.270 --> 00:01:11.250 it specifically says one nation, one state under God. 29 00:01:11.250 --> 00:01:16.250 So come to you confessing that we are looking for an answer 30 00:01:16.330 --> 00:01:18.270 which we ask you to provide 31 00:01:18.270 --> 00:01:20.900 and as your people, called by your name, 32 00:01:20.900 --> 00:01:22.410 we are humbling ourselves before you 33 00:01:22.410 --> 00:01:24.340 and asking for guidance. 34 00:01:24.340 --> 00:01:27.780 And we hope and pray that you'll give us the answer 35 00:01:27.780 --> 00:01:29.770 to the situations we have in the emergency 36 00:01:29.770 --> 00:01:33.890 both the disease, the virus and give us wisdom 37 00:01:33.890 --> 00:01:35.410 that only your counsel can provide. 38 00:01:35.410 --> 00:01:37.630 In your name I pray, amen. 39 00:01:37.630 --> 00:01:38.760 Amen. 40 00:01:38.760 --> 00:01:40.780 Members, this is Chairman Christian 41 00:01:40.780 --> 00:01:42.760 this meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas 42 00:01:42.760 --> 00:01:44.920 will come to order to consider matters 43 00:01:44.920 --> 00:01:46.200 which have been duly posted 44 00:01:46.200 --> 00:01:48.983 with the Secretary of State for April 21, 2020. 45 00:01:50.340 --> 00:01:52.320 Under our Public Participation Policy 46 00:01:52.320 --> 00:01:54.490 anyone desiring to offer public testimony 47 00:01:54.490 --> 00:01:57.180 on any item that were not noticed on today's agenda 48 00:01:58.170 --> 00:02:00.880 was required to register in advance. 49 00:02:00.880 --> 00:02:02.430 We did not have anyone 50 00:02:02.430 --> 00:02:04.620 registering in advance for this meeting. 51 00:02:04.620 --> 00:02:06.740 Commission will consider the Items Only Agenda 52 00:02:06.740 --> 00:02:08.500 as posted on the agenda. 53 00:02:08.500 --> 00:02:10.920 Before we get started on today's open meeting, 54 00:02:10.920 --> 00:02:12.960 I wanted to make another moment 55 00:02:12.960 --> 00:02:15.210 to acknowledge the elephant in the room. 56 00:02:15.210 --> 00:02:17.210 West Texas Intermediate traded as low as 57 00:02:17.210 --> 00:02:19.400 negative $40 yesterday, 58 00:02:19.400 --> 00:02:22.253 was in the positive the last I heard a few moments ago. 59 00:02:23.150 --> 00:02:25.920 But according to our primary vision 60 00:02:25.920 --> 00:02:28.200 over the course of the last five weeks 61 00:02:28.200 --> 00:02:33.200 the rig count is down 33%, fracking jobs are down 50%. 62 00:02:33.430 --> 00:02:35.610 This drop in price and reduction in production 63 00:02:35.610 --> 00:02:39.203 unfortunately means harm to Texas jobs and our economy. 64 00:02:40.120 --> 00:02:42.360 There is no simple answer during this time, 65 00:02:42.360 --> 00:02:45.510 but the Texas Oil and Gas industry is resilient 66 00:02:45.510 --> 00:02:47.460 and full of hardworking, creative professionals 67 00:02:47.460 --> 00:02:50.020 that solve problems for a living. 68 00:02:50.020 --> 00:02:52.330 While this is a dark time for our energy producers 69 00:02:52.330 --> 00:02:54.880 in our economy I have not doubt 70 00:02:54.880 --> 00:02:58.260 once this COVID-19 has rescinded 71 00:02:58.260 --> 00:03:01.420 and America's back to work a rebound will occur. 72 00:03:01.420 --> 00:03:04.430 This is not gonna be easy, will not happen over night, 73 00:03:04.430 --> 00:03:06.330 but Texans will rebuild this industry 74 00:03:06.330 --> 00:03:10.350 which has quite literally changed worldwide power dynamics 75 00:03:10.350 --> 00:03:12.223 and surrounding energy policy. 76 00:03:13.220 --> 00:03:17.040 We will discuss this more once we get to Item 309 and 310. 77 00:03:17.040 --> 00:03:20.010 Before we begin business as usual I wanted to make sure 78 00:03:20.010 --> 00:03:21.840 everyone who's watching knows that our agency 79 00:03:21.840 --> 00:03:24.390 is not taking this issue lightly 80 00:03:24.390 --> 00:03:27.220 and our hearts are with the thousands of Texans 81 00:03:27.220 --> 00:03:30.860 dealing with job loss and uncertainty during this time. 82 00:03:30.860 --> 00:03:34.970 Callie, please call up the presenter for Agenda Item One. 83 00:03:34.970 --> 00:03:36.270 Yes, thank you. 84 00:03:38.210 --> 00:03:41.810 Agenda Item Number One, Dee Marlo Chico presenting. 85 00:03:41.810 --> 00:03:43.723 You are invited to speak. 86 00:03:50.760 --> 00:03:52.837 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. 87 00:03:52.837 --> 00:03:53.670 Good morning. 88 00:03:53.670 --> 00:03:56.350 My name is Dee Marlo Chico, Administrative Law Judge 89 00:03:56.350 --> 00:03:57.773 with the Hearings Division. 90 00:03:58.894 --> 00:04:02.040 Item Number one is a gas utility rate case 91 00:04:02.040 --> 00:04:03.810 that resulted in a settlement 92 00:04:03.810 --> 00:04:06.123 between NatGas Incorporated and Staff. 93 00:04:06.960 --> 00:04:11.960 NatGas filed its statement of intent on September 27, 2019 94 00:04:12.120 --> 00:04:14.590 to increase rates in and around 95 00:04:14.590 --> 00:04:18.120 the unincorporated community of Ozona, Texas. 96 00:04:18.120 --> 00:04:20.630 The examiners recommend approval of this settlement 97 00:04:20.630 --> 00:04:23.560 as set forth in the proposed final order. 98 00:04:23.560 --> 00:04:25.650 The settlement represents diverse interests 99 00:04:25.650 --> 00:04:28.670 and the parties have engaged in significant discovery 100 00:04:28.670 --> 00:04:30.880 regarding the issues in dispute. 101 00:04:30.880 --> 00:04:34.580 The deadline for Commission action is April 23, 2020. 102 00:04:34.580 --> 00:04:36.970 I'm available for questions. 103 00:04:36.970 --> 00:04:39.090 Are their any questions, members? 104 00:04:39.090 --> 00:04:41.230 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 105 00:04:41.230 --> 00:04:42.490 Is there a second? 106 00:04:42.490 --> 00:04:43.323 Second. 107 00:04:43.323 --> 00:04:44.220 Second Commissioner Sitton. 108 00:04:44.220 --> 00:04:45.710 All those in favor say aye. 109 00:04:45.710 --> 00:04:46.950 Aye. 110 00:04:46.950 --> 00:04:47.783 Any opposed? 111 00:04:47.783 --> 00:04:49.890 Motion passes, that item is approved. 112 00:04:49.890 --> 00:04:51.990 Callie, please call up Item Number Two. 113 00:04:51.990 --> 00:04:53.710 Thank you, Dee. Okay. 114 00:04:53.710 --> 00:04:55.580 Agenda Item Number Two, 115 00:04:55.580 --> 00:04:57.590 John Dodson is presenting. 116 00:04:57.590 --> 00:04:59.333 You are invited to speak. 117 00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:02.020 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. 118 00:05:02.020 --> 00:05:03.860 I'm Administrative Law Judge, John Dodson, 119 00:05:03.860 --> 00:05:05.560 with the Hearings Division. 120 00:05:05.560 --> 00:05:10.110 Agenda Item Two, GUD 10900, is a rate case 121 00:05:10.110 --> 00:05:13.180 filed by Atmos Energy's, West Texas Division. 122 00:05:13.180 --> 00:05:15.380 Atmos seeks to establish cost-based rates 123 00:05:15.380 --> 00:05:17.020 for it's Triangle Distribution System 124 00:05:17.020 --> 00:05:18.690 for 10 transportation customers 125 00:05:18.690 --> 00:05:21.030 currently paying market-based rates. 126 00:05:21.030 --> 00:05:22.270 Commission staff intervened, 127 00:05:22.270 --> 00:05:25.150 as well as a coalition of 70 effected cities. 128 00:05:25.150 --> 00:05:26.990 Ultimately, the parties reached a settlement 129 00:05:26.990 --> 00:05:29.620 resolving all issues and agreeing to the establishment 130 00:05:29.620 --> 00:05:32.650 of cost-based rates for the Triangle. 131 00:05:32.650 --> 00:05:35.100 Premised on the revenue requirement of $7,681,934 132 00:05:38.360 --> 00:05:40.950 which is a decrease in annual base revenue 133 00:05:40.950 --> 00:05:43.550 provided from current market-based rates. 134 00:05:43.550 --> 00:05:45.910 Parties also agreed that the Triangle is properly treated 135 00:05:45.910 --> 00:05:47.960 as a natural gas distribution system 136 00:05:47.960 --> 00:05:49.840 for rate making purposes 137 00:05:49.840 --> 00:05:52.100 and that its acquisition by Atmos in 2003 138 00:05:52.100 --> 00:05:53.850 was in the public interest. 139 00:05:53.850 --> 00:05:55.840 The recommendation is to approve the settlement. 140 00:05:55.840 --> 00:05:57.770 Today is the last scheduled conference 141 00:05:57.770 --> 00:05:59.157 prior to the deadline for Commission action 142 00:05:59.157 --> 00:06:01.130 and I'm available for questions. 143 00:06:01.130 --> 00:06:02.171 Are there any question? 144 00:06:02.171 --> 00:06:03.004 This is Callie. 145 00:06:03.004 --> 00:06:05.580 Really quickly, this is Callie, a moderator. 146 00:06:05.580 --> 00:06:08.800 Ann Coffin on behalf of Atmos Energy has registered 147 00:06:08.800 --> 00:06:11.440 and is available for questions if needed. 148 00:06:11.440 --> 00:06:13.360 Are there any questions members? 149 00:06:13.360 --> 00:06:14.508 No. 150 00:06:14.508 --> 00:06:15.383 I hear none. 151 00:06:15.383 --> 00:06:18.000 I move the recommendation of the Examiner's recommendation, 152 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:19.183 I move... 153 00:06:19.183 --> 00:06:22.180 I move the approved Examiner's recommendation. 154 00:06:22.180 --> 00:06:23.630 Do I hear a second? 155 00:06:23.630 --> 00:06:24.463 Second. 156 00:06:24.463 --> 00:06:25.610 Second, by Commissioner Craddick. 157 00:06:25.610 --> 00:06:26.803 All in favor say aye. 158 00:06:26.803 --> 00:06:28.130 Aye. 159 00:06:28.130 --> 00:06:28.963 Opposed? 160 00:06:28.963 --> 00:06:32.016 No, I didn't vote no, aye. 161 00:06:32.016 --> 00:06:33.603 That item is approved unanimously. 162 00:06:34.560 --> 00:06:36.982 This is not comfortable, not being able to see you guys. 163 00:06:36.982 --> 00:06:38.370 Thank you, John. 164 00:06:38.370 --> 00:06:39.520 Thank you. 165 00:06:39.520 --> 00:06:40.847 Callie, please call up the presenter 166 00:06:40.847 --> 00:06:42.163 for Item Number Three. 167 00:06:43.160 --> 00:06:45.550 Certainly, Agenda Item Number Three 168 00:06:45.550 --> 00:06:46.963 presented by Kyle Lebby. 169 00:06:48.150 --> 00:06:50.003 You are invited to speak. 170 00:06:51.140 --> 00:06:53.000 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. 171 00:06:53.000 --> 00:06:55.670 Kyle Lebby, Administrative Law Judge. 172 00:06:55.670 --> 00:06:57.060 Item Three is an application 173 00:06:57.060 --> 00:06:59.830 by San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. 174 00:06:59.830 --> 00:07:03.180 in question Release of Phase II Reclamation Obligations 175 00:07:03.180 --> 00:07:07.933 on 477.7 acres within the San Miguel C-Area Mine, 176 00:07:09.220 --> 00:07:12.913 Permit Number 52A located in Atascosa County. 177 00:07:14.380 --> 00:07:15.890 The approved post-mine land use 178 00:07:15.890 --> 00:07:17.593 for the acreage is pastureland. 179 00:07:18.430 --> 00:07:21.220 Evidence in record indicates that reclamation activities 180 00:07:21.220 --> 00:07:24.000 related to revegetation and surface water protection 181 00:07:25.270 --> 00:07:28.500 as required for Phase II Release have been accomplished 182 00:07:28.500 --> 00:07:31.460 in accordance with the terms of the approved permit 183 00:07:31.460 --> 00:07:32.593 and the regulations. 184 00:07:33.640 --> 00:07:35.010 After notice, no comments 185 00:07:35.010 --> 00:07:37.270 or requests for a hearing were received, 186 00:07:37.270 --> 00:07:40.670 San Miguel and Staff are the only parties to the proceeding. 187 00:07:40.670 --> 00:07:42.083 No exceptions were filed. 188 00:07:43.380 --> 00:07:45.800 No changes to the current bond instrument are requested 189 00:07:45.800 --> 00:07:46.633 in this docket. 190 00:07:47.480 --> 00:07:48.920 The subject area is bonded 191 00:07:48.920 --> 00:07:50.933 based upon the worst-case bond method. 192 00:07:52.280 --> 00:07:54.320 Therefore, San Miguel is not eligible 193 00:07:54.320 --> 00:07:56.720 to reduce the amount of bond for the permit 194 00:07:56.720 --> 00:07:59.213 based on the release sought in this application. 195 00:08:00.120 --> 00:08:04.690 Phase II Release of the 477.7 acres is recommended. 196 00:08:04.690 --> 00:08:06.420 I'm available for questions. 197 00:08:06.420 --> 00:08:08.425 Are there any questions? 198 00:08:08.425 --> 00:08:09.258 No. No. 199 00:08:09.258 --> 00:08:10.103 No questions. 200 00:08:10.103 --> 00:08:11.610 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 201 00:08:11.610 --> 00:08:12.930 Is there a second? 202 00:08:12.930 --> 00:08:13.763 Second. 203 00:08:13.763 --> 00:08:14.780 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 204 00:08:14.780 --> 00:08:16.429 All in favor say aye. 205 00:08:16.429 --> 00:08:18.030 Aye. 206 00:08:18.030 --> 00:08:19.040 Any opposed? 207 00:08:19.040 --> 00:08:21.260 Motion passes, that item is approved. 208 00:08:21.260 --> 00:08:22.980 Thank you, Kyle. 209 00:08:22.980 --> 00:08:23.813 Thank you. 210 00:08:23.813 --> 00:08:25.100 All right, moving right along. 211 00:08:25.100 --> 00:08:28.430 Conference Agenda Item Number Four, 212 00:08:28.430 --> 00:08:30.630 presented by Veronica Ruberto. 213 00:08:30.630 --> 00:08:32.393 You are invited to speak. 214 00:08:33.290 --> 00:08:35.520 Good morning, Chairman, Commissioners. 215 00:08:35.520 --> 00:08:38.530 For the record, Veronica Ruberto, Administrative Law Judge 216 00:08:38.530 --> 00:08:40.140 with the Hearings Division. 217 00:08:40.140 --> 00:08:43.013 I will be presenting Items Four through Eight. 218 00:08:44.190 --> 00:08:46.210 Item Number Four is an application 219 00:08:46.210 --> 00:08:48.670 by Luminant Mining Company, LLC 220 00:08:48.670 --> 00:08:51.600 for Release of Phase I, II and III 221 00:08:51.600 --> 00:08:56.600 Reclamation Obligations for an aggregate 516.34 acres, 222 00:08:57.290 --> 00:09:01.770 Permit Number 34F within Monticello Winfield Mine 223 00:09:01.770 --> 00:09:04.403 located in Titus and Franklin Counties. 224 00:09:05.490 --> 00:09:07.700 There are five approved post-mine land uses 225 00:09:07.700 --> 00:09:09.820 within the subject area; pastureland, 226 00:09:09.820 --> 00:09:13.250 fish and wildlife habitat, develop water resources, 227 00:09:13.250 --> 00:09:16.450 forestry and industrial-commercial. 228 00:09:16.450 --> 00:09:18.210 Evidence in the record supports Luminant 229 00:09:18.210 --> 00:09:20.170 has satisfied all requirements 230 00:09:20.170 --> 00:09:22.590 for the requested release of the subject area. 231 00:09:22.590 --> 00:09:24.070 After notice, no comments 232 00:09:24.070 --> 00:09:26.870 or requests for a hearing were received. 233 00:09:26.870 --> 00:09:30.100 Staff and Luminant are the only parties to the proceeding. 234 00:09:30.100 --> 00:09:31.650 No exceptions were filed. 235 00:09:31.650 --> 00:09:34.840 No changes to the current bond are requested in this docket. 236 00:09:34.840 --> 00:09:37.990 It is recommended the request for Phase I, II and III 237 00:09:37.990 --> 00:09:41.390 Release for the subject area be approved 238 00:09:41.390 --> 00:09:42.790 and that Luminant be eligible 239 00:09:42.790 --> 00:09:44.750 to reduce the amount of bond for the permit 240 00:09:44.750 --> 00:09:47.670 that is attributable to the subject area. 241 00:09:47.670 --> 00:09:49.510 I'm available for questions. 242 00:09:49.510 --> 00:09:50.390 Thank you. 243 00:09:50.390 --> 00:09:51.240 Are there any questions? 244 00:09:51.240 --> 00:09:52.073 No. 245 00:09:52.073 --> 00:09:53.760 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 246 00:09:53.760 --> 00:09:55.084 Is there a second? 247 00:09:55.084 --> 00:09:55.917 Second. 248 00:09:55.917 --> 00:09:56.860 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 249 00:09:56.860 --> 00:09:58.522 All in favor say aye. 250 00:09:58.522 --> 00:09:59.720 Aye. 251 00:09:59.720 --> 00:10:00.940 Any opposed? 252 00:10:00.940 --> 00:10:04.410 Motion passes, that item is approved, Callie. 253 00:10:04.410 --> 00:10:05.510 Thank you. 254 00:10:05.510 --> 00:10:09.800 Veronica, if will continue with Agenda Item Number Six, 255 00:10:09.800 --> 00:10:11.193 you're invited to speak. 256 00:10:12.480 --> 00:10:14.610 I have not presented Item Number Five. 257 00:10:14.610 --> 00:10:15.570 My apologies. 258 00:10:15.570 --> 00:10:17.581 I'm trying to move along too quickly, here. 259 00:10:17.581 --> 00:10:19.704 (she chuckles) 260 00:10:19.704 --> 00:10:21.454 Agenda Item Number Five, thank you. 261 00:10:22.465 --> 00:10:24.240 Item Number Five is an application 262 00:10:24.240 --> 00:10:26.190 by the Sabine Mining Company 263 00:10:26.190 --> 00:10:29.220 for Release of Phase I Reclamation Obligations 264 00:10:29.220 --> 00:10:34.220 for 76.6 acres, Permit Number 55A within Rusk Mine 265 00:10:35.880 --> 00:10:39.150 located in Harrison, Panola, and Rusk Counties. 266 00:10:39.150 --> 00:10:40.840 The approved post-mine land use 267 00:10:40.840 --> 00:10:43.300 is fish and wildlife habitat. 268 00:10:43.300 --> 00:10:44.970 Evidence in the record supports Sabine 269 00:10:44.970 --> 00:10:47.080 has satisfied all requirements 270 00:10:47.080 --> 00:10:49.530 for the requested release of the subject area. 271 00:10:49.530 --> 00:10:51.260 After notice, no comments 272 00:10:51.260 --> 00:10:53.580 or requests for a hearing were received. 273 00:10:53.580 --> 00:10:56.480 Staff and Sabine are the only parties to the proceeding. 274 00:10:56.480 --> 00:10:57.820 No exceptions were filed. 275 00:10:57.820 --> 00:11:00.890 No changes to the current bond are requested on this docket. 276 00:11:00.890 --> 00:11:03.800 It is recommended that the request for Phase One Release 277 00:11:03.800 --> 00:11:05.670 for the subject area be approved 278 00:11:05.670 --> 00:11:09.350 and that Sabine be eligible to reduce the amount of the bond 279 00:11:09.350 --> 00:11:12.710 for the permit that is attributable to the subject area. 280 00:11:12.710 --> 00:11:14.390 I'm available for questions. 281 00:11:14.390 --> 00:11:16.180 Any questions, members? 282 00:11:16.180 --> 00:11:17.013 No. 283 00:11:17.013 --> 00:11:18.900 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 284 00:11:18.900 --> 00:11:20.341 Is there a second? 285 00:11:20.341 --> 00:11:21.174 Second. 286 00:11:21.174 --> 00:11:22.080 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 287 00:11:22.080 --> 00:11:23.801 All in favor say aye. 288 00:11:23.801 --> 00:11:25.140 Aye. 289 00:11:25.140 --> 00:11:26.170 Any opposed? 290 00:11:26.170 --> 00:11:28.480 Motion passes, that item is approved. 291 00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:29.730 Callie. 292 00:11:29.730 --> 00:11:30.970 Yes, thank you. 293 00:11:30.970 --> 00:11:33.040 Agenda Item Number Six, Veronica, 294 00:11:33.040 --> 00:11:34.913 if you will still please continue. 295 00:11:35.800 --> 00:11:37.690 Item Six is an application 296 00:11:37.690 --> 00:11:40.530 by San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Inc. 297 00:11:40.530 --> 00:11:43.470 for Release of Phase I Reclamation Obligations 298 00:11:43.470 --> 00:11:47.330 for 100.4 acres, Permit Number 52A, 299 00:11:47.330 --> 00:11:51.140 within San Miguel Lignite Mine, Area C 300 00:11:51.140 --> 00:11:53.770 located in Atascosa County. 301 00:11:53.770 --> 00:11:55.230 The approved post-mine land use 302 00:11:55.230 --> 00:11:58.150 within the area is pastureland. 303 00:11:58.150 --> 00:12:00.370 Evidence in the record supports San Miguel 304 00:12:00.370 --> 00:12:02.380 has satisfied all requirements 305 00:12:02.380 --> 00:12:04.330 for the requested release of the subject area. 306 00:12:04.330 --> 00:12:05.860 After notice, no comments 307 00:12:05.860 --> 00:12:08.030 or requests for a hearing were received. 308 00:12:08.030 --> 00:12:11.440 Staff and San Miguel are the only parties to the proceeding. 309 00:12:11.440 --> 00:12:13.620 No exceptions were filed. 310 00:12:13.620 --> 00:12:15.670 No eligible bond reduction amount 311 00:12:15.670 --> 00:12:17.240 is attributable to the acreage 312 00:12:17.240 --> 00:12:19.050 requested for Phase I Release 313 00:12:19.050 --> 00:12:21.180 because the bond has been calculated 314 00:12:21.180 --> 00:12:23.263 with the worst-case pit bond method. 315 00:12:24.330 --> 00:12:26.910 It is recommended that the request for Phase I Release 316 00:12:26.910 --> 00:12:28.500 for the subject area be approved 317 00:12:28.500 --> 00:12:31.140 and that San Miguel is not eligible. 318 00:12:31.140 --> 00:12:33.670 to reduce its bond amount at this time. 319 00:12:33.670 --> 00:12:35.163 I'm available for questions. 320 00:12:36.151 --> 00:12:37.187 Are there any questions? 321 00:12:37.187 --> 00:12:38.200 No. No. 322 00:12:38.200 --> 00:12:40.460 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 323 00:12:40.460 --> 00:12:41.610 Is there a second? 324 00:12:41.610 --> 00:12:42.443 Second. 325 00:12:42.443 --> 00:12:43.610 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 326 00:12:43.610 --> 00:12:45.270 All in favor say aye. 327 00:12:45.270 --> 00:12:46.530 Aye. 328 00:12:46.530 --> 00:12:47.500 Any opposed? 329 00:12:47.500 --> 00:12:49.400 Motion passes, that item is approved. 330 00:12:49.400 --> 00:12:51.520 Callie, please call up Item Seven. 331 00:12:51.520 --> 00:12:53.590 Thank you, Agenda Item Number Seven. 332 00:12:53.590 --> 00:12:55.820 Veronica, if you will still please continue. 333 00:12:55.820 --> 00:12:56.653 Thank you. 334 00:12:57.557 --> 00:12:59.300 Item Number Seven is an application 335 00:12:59.300 --> 00:13:02.440 by the Sabine Mining Company for Release of Phase I, 336 00:13:02.440 --> 00:13:07.440 II and III Reclamation Obligations for 24.6 acres, 337 00:13:07.540 --> 00:13:11.070 Permit Number 33I within South Hallsville, 338 00:13:11.070 --> 00:13:14.830 Number One Mine located in Harrison County. 339 00:13:14.830 --> 00:13:17.690 The approved post-mine land use within the subject area 340 00:13:17.690 --> 00:13:20.060 consists of industrial and commercial. 341 00:13:20.060 --> 00:13:21.640 Evidence in the record supports Sabine 342 00:13:21.640 --> 00:13:23.160 has satisfied all requirements 343 00:13:23.160 --> 00:13:25.770 for the requested release of the subject area. 344 00:13:25.770 --> 00:13:27.150 After notice, no comments 345 00:13:27.150 --> 00:13:29.300 or requests for a hearing were received. 346 00:13:29.300 --> 00:13:32.610 Staff and Sabine are the only parties in proceeding. 347 00:13:32.610 --> 00:13:33.840 No exceptions were filed. 348 00:13:33.840 --> 00:13:35.240 No changes to the current bond 349 00:13:35.240 --> 00:13:36.940 are requested in this docket. 350 00:13:36.940 --> 00:13:39.613 It is recommended that the request for Phase I, II 351 00:13:39.613 --> 00:13:43.170 and III Release for the subject area be approved 352 00:13:43.170 --> 00:13:45.420 and that Sabine be eligible to reduce 353 00:13:45.420 --> 00:13:47.410 the amount of the bond for the permit 354 00:13:47.410 --> 00:13:50.140 that is attributable to the subject acreage. 355 00:13:50.140 --> 00:13:52.506 I'm available for questions. 356 00:13:52.506 --> 00:13:53.817 Are there any questions, members? 357 00:13:53.817 --> 00:13:55.010 No. No. 358 00:13:55.010 --> 00:13:55.843 Hearing none, 359 00:13:55.843 --> 00:13:57.700 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 360 00:13:57.700 --> 00:13:59.060 Is there a second? 361 00:13:59.060 --> 00:13:59.893 Second. 362 00:13:59.893 --> 00:14:02.140 All in favor, the second by Commissioner Sitton. 363 00:14:02.140 --> 00:14:04.030 All in favor say aye. 364 00:14:04.030 --> 00:14:05.330 Aye. 365 00:14:05.330 --> 00:14:06.290 Any opposed? 366 00:14:06.290 --> 00:14:08.133 Motion passes, that item is approved. 367 00:14:08.133 --> 00:14:10.822 Callie, please call up Item Eight. 368 00:14:10.822 --> 00:14:13.700 Agenda Item Number Eight, Veronica, 369 00:14:13.700 --> 00:14:16.100 if you will still please continue. 370 00:14:16.100 --> 00:14:19.767 Item Number Eight is an application by Marshall Mine, LLC 371 00:14:19.767 --> 00:14:24.080 for the Renewal/Revision/Expansion of Permit Number 59, 372 00:14:24.080 --> 00:14:28.450 Consolidation of Permit Numbers 57 and 59 373 00:14:28.450 --> 00:14:31.940 and Release of Existing Bond for Permit Number 57 374 00:14:31.940 --> 00:14:35.000 within Marshall Mine and Marshall Mine facilities 375 00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:38.420 located in Harrison and Panola counties. 376 00:14:38.420 --> 00:14:41.010 The proposed permit area as revised, expanded 377 00:14:41.010 --> 00:14:46.010 and consolidated consists of approximate 3,025 acres. 378 00:14:46.120 --> 00:14:49.970 Marshall has selected Caddo Creek as its mine operator 379 00:14:49.970 --> 00:14:53.890 and proposes to mine approximately 1.8 million tons 380 00:14:53.890 --> 00:14:56.930 of lignite during the five year permit term. 381 00:14:56.930 --> 00:14:59.280 Marshall requests release of the amount of bond 382 00:14:59.280 --> 00:15:03.750 for Permit Number 57 which is currently bonded at 200,000. 383 00:15:03.750 --> 00:15:07.720 Permit Number 59 is currently bonded at 30 million 384 00:15:07.720 --> 00:15:10.190 exceeding the minimum required bond amount 385 00:15:10.190 --> 00:15:12.070 for this subject application. 386 00:15:12.070 --> 00:15:14.170 Evidence in the record supports that Marshall 387 00:15:14.170 --> 00:15:17.250 has satisfied all requirements for the requested mining 388 00:15:17.250 --> 00:15:21.740 and reclamation operations within the proposed permit area. 389 00:15:21.740 --> 00:15:24.850 The only parties to the proceeding are Marshall and Staff. 390 00:15:24.850 --> 00:15:27.300 All comments after public notice 391 00:15:27.300 --> 00:15:29.230 are addressed in the proposed order. 392 00:15:29.230 --> 00:15:30.490 No exceptions were filed. 393 00:15:30.490 --> 00:15:32.570 No hearing on the merits was held. 394 00:15:32.570 --> 00:15:35.030 It is recommended Marshall's application 395 00:15:35.030 --> 00:15:36.710 be approved with the adoption 396 00:15:36.710 --> 00:15:39.630 of permit provisions contained in Appendix One 397 00:15:39.630 --> 00:15:42.900 and soil testing plan contained in Appendix Two. 398 00:15:42.900 --> 00:15:46.210 The existing bond for Permit Number 57 be released 399 00:15:46.210 --> 00:15:49.130 and that Permit Number 59 be renumbered 400 00:15:49.130 --> 00:15:51.173 as Permit Number 59A. 401 00:15:52.030 --> 00:15:53.620 I'm available for questions. 402 00:15:53.620 --> 00:15:55.704 Are there any questions? 403 00:15:55.704 --> 00:15:57.610 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 404 00:15:57.610 --> 00:15:59.060 Is there a second? 405 00:15:59.060 --> 00:15:59.893 Second. 406 00:15:59.893 --> 00:16:01.030 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 407 00:16:01.030 --> 00:16:02.770 All in favor say aye. 408 00:16:02.770 --> 00:16:04.080 Aye. 409 00:16:04.080 --> 00:16:05.430 Any opposed? 410 00:16:05.430 --> 00:16:07.133 Motion passes, that item is approved. 411 00:16:07.133 --> 00:16:10.232 Callie, please call up Items Nine and 10. 412 00:16:10.232 --> 00:16:12.370 Thank you, Veronica. 413 00:16:12.370 --> 00:16:13.830 Yes, thank you. 414 00:16:13.830 --> 00:16:16.610 Agenda Items Number Nine and 10. 415 00:16:16.610 --> 00:16:18.300 Peter Buva will be presenting. 416 00:16:18.300 --> 00:16:19.993 You are invited to speak. 417 00:16:21.020 --> 00:16:23.760 Good morning, Chairman, Commissioners. 418 00:16:23.760 --> 00:16:25.940 My name is Peter Buva, Technical Examiner 419 00:16:25.940 --> 00:16:27.730 with the Hearings Division. 420 00:16:27.730 --> 00:16:31.020 I will be presenting Items Number Nine and 10 together. 421 00:16:31.020 --> 00:16:33.320 Items Number Nine and 10 are applications 422 00:16:33.320 --> 00:16:36.210 by Boykin Energy, LLC for two new, 423 00:16:36.210 --> 00:16:38.570 noncommercial disposal wells. 424 00:16:38.570 --> 00:16:41.370 For each well, Boykin requests authority to dispose 425 00:16:41.370 --> 00:16:45.200 a maximum of 20,000 barrels per day of produced water 426 00:16:45.200 --> 00:16:47.820 into the Delaware Mountain Group formation 427 00:16:47.820 --> 00:16:51.853 and a maximum surface injection pressure at 1,100 psig. 428 00:16:53.928 --> 00:16:57.470 The application is protested by Colgate Operating, LLC. 429 00:16:57.470 --> 00:16:58.770 The protestor maintains that Boykin's 430 00:16:58.770 --> 00:17:02.510 two proposed disposal wells would endanger Colgate's 431 00:17:02.510 --> 00:17:05.230 underlying oil and gas formations. 432 00:17:05.230 --> 00:17:06.750 According to Colgate, 433 00:17:06.750 --> 00:17:07.930 there are naturally occurring 434 00:17:07.930 --> 00:17:09.500 fractured zones in the vicinity 435 00:17:09.500 --> 00:17:11.183 of the proposed injection wells. 436 00:17:12.610 --> 00:17:15.410 Protestant's concern is that the graben-like fractured zones 437 00:17:15.410 --> 00:17:17.280 could potentially serve as a conduit 438 00:17:17.280 --> 00:17:20.500 and push the injected water from the Delaware Mountain Group 439 00:17:20.500 --> 00:17:23.380 down to the Upper Wolfcamp Formation, 440 00:17:23.380 --> 00:17:25.493 thereby, harming Colgate's production. 441 00:17:27.100 --> 00:17:28.650 Boykin presented evidence 442 00:17:28.650 --> 00:17:30.280 addressing each of the requirements 443 00:17:30.280 --> 00:17:33.660 in the Statewide Rule Nine regarding protestant's concern 444 00:17:33.660 --> 00:17:35.960 about graben-like fracture zones. 445 00:17:35.960 --> 00:17:37.660 Examiners find that these wells 446 00:17:37.660 --> 00:17:40.260 given their distance from the fractured zones 447 00:17:40.260 --> 00:17:42.070 would not generate sufficient pressure 448 00:17:42.070 --> 00:17:44.820 to impact the Wolfcamp Formation. 449 00:17:44.820 --> 00:17:48.080 Examiners recommend approval of the applications. 450 00:17:48.080 --> 00:17:50.440 Exceptions and replies have been filed. 451 00:17:50.440 --> 00:17:52.453 I'm available for questions. 452 00:17:54.000 --> 00:17:54.833 Callie. 453 00:17:54.833 --> 00:17:57.940 If I may (audio echoing drowns out speaker) 454 00:17:57.940 --> 00:18:02.940 George Neale and Seth Crawford on behalf of Boykin Energy 455 00:18:05.610 --> 00:18:08.890 and John Hicks from Colgate Operating are all registered 456 00:18:08.890 --> 00:18:11.003 and are available for questions if needed. 457 00:18:12.330 --> 00:18:14.890 Okay, are there any questions for George, Seth, 458 00:18:14.890 --> 00:18:17.923 Doug or John on this agenda item, members? 459 00:18:19.260 --> 00:18:20.534 No. 460 00:18:20.534 --> 00:18:21.934 Okay, I hear no questions. 461 00:18:25.620 --> 00:18:27.723 This is Agenda Item Number Nine and 10. 462 00:18:27.723 --> 00:18:29.840 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 463 00:18:29.840 --> 00:18:31.353 Is there a second? 464 00:18:31.353 --> 00:18:32.186 Second. 465 00:18:34.000 --> 00:18:35.266 Second. 466 00:18:35.266 --> 00:18:37.410 Okay, a second by Commissioner Sitton. 467 00:18:37.410 --> 00:18:39.160 All in favor say aye. 468 00:18:39.160 --> 00:18:40.430 Aye. 469 00:18:40.430 --> 00:18:41.410 Any opposed? 470 00:18:41.410 --> 00:18:43.860 Motion passes, those items are approved. 471 00:18:43.860 --> 00:18:45.440 Callie, please call up the presenters 472 00:18:45.440 --> 00:18:48.510 for Agenda Items 11 through 13. 473 00:18:48.510 --> 00:18:50.300 Thank you, Peter. 474 00:18:50.300 --> 00:18:51.300 Okay, thank you. 475 00:18:51.300 --> 00:18:53.043 Yes, hopefully, my- 476 00:18:54.260 --> 00:18:55.093 Better. 477 00:18:55.093 --> 00:18:56.222 Better, good. 478 00:18:56.222 --> 00:18:57.740 (she chuckles) 479 00:18:57.740 --> 00:19:01.900 Jennifer Cook is presenting Items Number 11 through 13. 480 00:19:01.900 --> 00:19:03.153 You are invited to speak. 481 00:19:04.907 --> 00:19:06.513 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. 482 00:19:06.513 --> 00:19:08.850 I am Jennifer Cook, an Administrative Law Judge 483 00:19:08.850 --> 00:19:10.150 with the Hearing Division. 484 00:19:11.080 --> 00:19:15.320 I am presenting Items 11 through 13 together. 485 00:19:15.320 --> 00:19:18.530 Items 11 through 13 regard an enforcement case 486 00:19:18.530 --> 00:19:20.500 alleging violations of Commission rules 487 00:19:20.500 --> 00:19:23.820 by Votaw Production Company, LLC. 488 00:19:23.820 --> 00:19:27.320 Commission staff initiated this case claiming Votaw 489 00:19:27.320 --> 00:19:31.070 is responsible for violations of Statewide Rule 14(b)(2) 490 00:19:31.070 --> 00:19:33.730 on three leases and an additional violation 491 00:19:33.730 --> 00:19:37.270 of Statewide Rule 3-2 on one of the leases. 492 00:19:37.270 --> 00:19:39.107 Staff requests that the Commission assess a penalty 493 00:19:39.107 --> 00:19:41.993 in the amount of $24,155, 494 00:19:43.620 --> 00:19:46.200 order Votaw to flood the subject wells 495 00:19:46.200 --> 00:19:49.160 and place the leases in compliance with Commission rules. 496 00:19:49.160 --> 00:19:52.750 Staff provided Commission records and workplace violations. 497 00:19:52.750 --> 00:19:56.040 Staff provided evidence that penalty requested 498 00:19:56.040 --> 00:19:57.840 is consistent with the Commission's practice 499 00:19:57.840 --> 00:19:59.980 in Statewide Rule 107. 500 00:19:59.980 --> 00:20:02.870 Votaw maintains it has made efforts to achieve compliance. 501 00:20:02.870 --> 00:20:05.750 It maintains the penalty amount requested is unwarranted 502 00:20:05.750 --> 00:20:07.820 considering the efforts that it's made. 503 00:20:07.820 --> 00:20:10.390 It is recommended that the Commission find the violations 504 00:20:10.390 --> 00:20:12.660 of Statewide Rules have occurred as alleged, 505 00:20:12.660 --> 00:20:15.873 assess a penalty of $24,155 506 00:20:16.804 --> 00:20:18.117 and order Votaw to plug the wells 507 00:20:18.117 --> 00:20:20.940 and place the leases in compliance with Commission rules. 508 00:20:20.940 --> 00:20:22.920 Exceptions and a reply were filed 509 00:20:22.920 --> 00:20:25.020 and I'm available for questions. 510 00:20:25.020 --> 00:20:26.930 Are there any questions, members? 511 00:20:26.930 --> 00:20:27.850 No. No. 512 00:20:27.850 --> 00:20:29.980 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 513 00:20:29.980 --> 00:20:31.210 Is there a second? 514 00:20:31.210 --> 00:20:32.043 Second. 515 00:20:32.043 --> 00:20:33.220 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 516 00:20:33.220 --> 00:20:35.030 All in favor say aye. 517 00:20:35.030 --> 00:20:36.000 Aye. 518 00:20:36.000 --> 00:20:36.833 Any opposed? 519 00:20:36.833 --> 00:20:38.330 Motion passes. 520 00:20:38.330 --> 00:20:39.940 Thank you, Jennifer. 521 00:20:39.940 --> 00:20:41.240 Yes, thank you. 522 00:20:42.538 --> 00:20:43.710 All right, Item- Please call up. 523 00:20:43.710 --> 00:20:46.420 Yes, Agenda Item Number 14 524 00:20:46.420 --> 00:20:48.010 presented by Joe Menefe. 525 00:20:48.010 --> 00:20:49.653 You are invited to speak. 526 00:20:50.650 --> 00:20:52.850 Good morning, Chairman, Commissioners. 527 00:20:52.850 --> 00:20:54.390 For the record, Joe Menefe, 528 00:20:54.390 --> 00:20:56.840 Paralegal in the Hearings Division. 529 00:20:56.840 --> 00:21:00.230 I'll be presenting Items 14 through 16 530 00:21:00.230 --> 00:21:03.710 all of which are P-5 Motions for rehearing 531 00:21:03.710 --> 00:21:07.440 filed as a result of a final order denying renewal 532 00:21:07.440 --> 00:21:09.640 of the operator's P-5 533 00:21:09.640 --> 00:21:13.393 because of wells noncompliant with Statewide Rule 15. 534 00:21:14.440 --> 00:21:16.310 Item Number 14. 535 00:21:16.310 --> 00:21:21.310 In its motion, Guardian Energy Operating Company, LLC 536 00:21:21.630 --> 00:21:25.330 states it needs more time to come into compliance 537 00:21:25.330 --> 00:21:27.220 but it does not give a reason 538 00:21:27.220 --> 00:21:29.790 for failure to request a hearing. 539 00:21:29.790 --> 00:21:31.950 Staff opposes the motion. 540 00:21:31.950 --> 00:21:34.830 Two wells remain noncompliant. 541 00:21:34.830 --> 00:21:37.650 It is recommended the motion be denied. 542 00:21:37.650 --> 00:21:39.050 The motion will be overruled 543 00:21:40.020 --> 00:21:42.990 by operation of law on April 23rd. 544 00:21:42.990 --> 00:21:44.800 I'm available for questions. 545 00:21:44.800 --> 00:21:46.460 Are there any questions? 546 00:21:46.460 --> 00:21:47.293 No. No. 547 00:21:47.293 --> 00:21:49.280 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 548 00:21:49.280 --> 00:21:50.627 Is there a second? 549 00:21:50.627 --> 00:21:51.520 Second. 550 00:21:51.520 --> 00:21:52.870 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 551 00:21:52.870 --> 00:21:54.644 All in favorite say aye. 552 00:21:54.644 --> 00:21:55.910 Aye. 553 00:21:55.910 --> 00:21:57.050 Any opposed? 554 00:21:57.050 --> 00:21:59.580 Motion passes, that item is approved. 555 00:21:59.580 --> 00:22:03.020 Please call up, Callie, Item 15. 556 00:22:03.020 --> 00:22:05.090 All right, continuing Joe Menefe 557 00:22:05.090 --> 00:22:07.563 presenting for Agenda Item Number 15. 558 00:22:15.680 --> 00:22:17.010 We lost Joe. 559 00:22:17.010 --> 00:22:17.843 There he is. 560 00:22:18.890 --> 00:22:20.390 Okay, welcome back. 561 00:22:22.510 --> 00:22:26.090 Item Number 15 in its motion for rehearing 562 00:22:26.090 --> 00:22:30.330 LT Oil, LLC states that due to medical problems 563 00:22:30.330 --> 00:22:35.070 the operator has been unable to address compliance issues 564 00:22:35.070 --> 00:22:37.900 and needs more time to come into compliance, 565 00:22:37.900 --> 00:22:42.100 but fails to give a reason to request a hearing. 566 00:22:42.100 --> 00:22:43.860 Staff opposes the motion. 567 00:22:43.860 --> 00:22:46.960 10 wells remain noncompliant. 568 00:22:46.960 --> 00:22:49.670 It is recommended the motion be denied. 569 00:22:49.670 --> 00:22:51.090 The motion will be overruled 570 00:22:51.090 --> 00:22:54.430 by operational of law on April 23rd. 571 00:22:54.430 --> 00:22:56.220 I'm available for questions. 572 00:22:56.220 --> 00:22:57.290 Any questions, members? 573 00:22:57.290 --> 00:22:58.530 No. 574 00:22:58.530 --> 00:23:00.670 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 575 00:23:00.670 --> 00:23:01.945 Is there a second? 576 00:23:01.945 --> 00:23:02.778 Second. 577 00:23:02.778 --> 00:23:03.840 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 578 00:23:03.840 --> 00:23:05.463 All in favor say aye. 579 00:23:05.463 --> 00:23:06.810 Aye. 580 00:23:06.810 --> 00:23:08.370 Any opposed? 581 00:23:08.370 --> 00:23:10.520 Motion passes, that item is approved. 582 00:23:10.520 --> 00:23:13.310 Please call up Item 16, Callie. 583 00:23:13.310 --> 00:23:14.150 Yes, thank you. 584 00:23:14.150 --> 00:23:18.760 Item Number 16 still continuing, Joe Menefe is presenting. 585 00:23:18.760 --> 00:23:20.510 Item Number 16. 586 00:23:20.510 --> 00:23:23.860 Subsequent to filing its motion rehearing 587 00:23:23.860 --> 00:23:27.490 Tristar Oil and Gas has come into compliance. 588 00:23:27.490 --> 00:23:30.180 Therefore, it's recommended the motion be granted 589 00:23:30.180 --> 00:23:33.470 and the underlying docket dismissed as moved. 590 00:23:33.470 --> 00:23:34.697 I'm available for questions. 591 00:23:34.697 --> 00:23:36.850 Are there any questions, members? 592 00:23:36.850 --> 00:23:38.050 We sure like good news. 593 00:23:38.050 --> 00:23:39.900 Thank you, Joe. 594 00:23:39.900 --> 00:23:42.059 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 595 00:23:42.059 --> 00:23:43.197 Is there a second? 596 00:23:43.197 --> 00:23:44.180 Second. 597 00:23:44.180 --> 00:23:45.480 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 598 00:23:45.480 --> 00:23:47.119 All in favor say aye. 599 00:23:47.119 --> 00:23:47.953 Aye. 600 00:23:49.300 --> 00:23:50.533 That item is approved. 601 00:23:52.880 --> 00:23:55.871 Let me find, I'm back on Number Two. 602 00:23:55.871 --> 00:23:57.617 Let me get my pages straightened out. 603 00:23:58.858 --> 00:24:01.183 Ah, got ya. 604 00:24:03.900 --> 00:24:05.050 Joe is it my understanding 605 00:24:05.050 --> 00:24:07.663 that we have an agenda Item Number 17? 606 00:24:09.343 --> 00:24:12.757 Agenda Item 17 is moving on to the Consent Agenda. 607 00:24:14.160 --> 00:24:15.353 Okay, well, let's move on 608 00:24:15.353 --> 00:24:17.650 to the Oil and Gas Consent Agenda. 609 00:24:17.650 --> 00:24:19.250 I've got my paper back. 610 00:24:19.250 --> 00:24:21.610 Okay, we have Cyrus Reed and the Sierra Club 611 00:24:21.610 --> 00:24:24.410 who has registered for Items 23 and 24. 612 00:24:24.410 --> 00:24:26.210 Does anyone want to hear from Cyrus? 613 00:24:27.930 --> 00:24:31.633 Okay, there are also 58 items on the Consent Agenda. 614 00:24:33.311 --> 00:24:36.420 I move we approve Item 17 through 75, 615 00:24:36.420 --> 00:24:39.150 except for Item 37. 616 00:24:39.150 --> 00:24:40.257 Is there a second? 617 00:24:41.213 --> 00:24:42.220 Second. 618 00:24:42.220 --> 00:24:43.440 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 619 00:24:43.440 --> 00:24:45.390 All in favor say aye. 620 00:24:45.390 --> 00:24:46.500 Aye. 621 00:24:46.500 --> 00:24:47.570 Any opposed? 622 00:24:47.570 --> 00:24:50.150 Motion passes, those items are approved. 623 00:24:50.150 --> 00:24:53.310 Let's move on to Rule 15 Inactive Well Items. 624 00:24:53.310 --> 00:24:56.700 There are 15 items on Rule 15 Inactive Wells list. 625 00:24:56.700 --> 00:24:59.890 I move we approve Items 76 through 96, 626 00:24:59.890 --> 00:25:04.890 except for Items 79, 82, 90, 91, 95 and 96. 627 00:25:08.830 --> 00:25:10.840 Are there any questions? 628 00:25:10.840 --> 00:25:12.210 Excuse me, Commissioner. 629 00:25:12.210 --> 00:25:14.990 We also need to pass item Item 82. 630 00:25:16.985 --> 00:25:17.818 Okay. And he said 82. 631 00:25:17.818 --> 00:25:19.490 He said it. 632 00:25:19.490 --> 00:25:20.323 Okay. 633 00:25:21.230 --> 00:25:23.610 You wanna pass 82, Dana, 634 00:25:23.610 --> 00:25:26.013 or do we wanna not vote on it? 635 00:25:28.487 --> 00:25:31.150 It is a pass of 82. 636 00:25:31.150 --> 00:25:36.150 And then an exception of 79, 90, 91 and 95. 637 00:25:38.813 --> 00:25:39.963 And 96, right? 638 00:25:42.370 --> 00:25:43.720 And 96, right? 639 00:25:43.720 --> 00:25:44.620 Yes, yes. 640 00:25:44.620 --> 00:25:45.530 Very good. 641 00:25:45.530 --> 00:25:50.450 All right, I'll move that we approve those items as stated. 642 00:25:50.450 --> 00:25:51.473 Is there a second? 643 00:25:52.442 --> 00:25:53.520 Second. 644 00:25:53.520 --> 00:25:54.500 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 645 00:25:54.500 --> 00:25:56.350 All in favor say aye. 646 00:25:56.350 --> 00:25:57.800 Aye. 647 00:25:57.800 --> 00:25:58.720 Any opposed? 648 00:25:58.720 --> 00:26:01.530 Motion passes, those items are approved. 649 00:26:01.530 --> 00:26:04.470 Let's move to the Master Default Orders. 650 00:26:04.470 --> 00:26:07.070 There are 11 Master Default Orders. 651 00:26:07.070 --> 00:26:10.630 I move we approve Items 97 through 107. 652 00:26:10.630 --> 00:26:12.439 Is there a second? 653 00:26:12.439 --> 00:26:13.272 Second. 654 00:26:13.272 --> 00:26:14.630 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 655 00:26:14.630 --> 00:26:16.490 All in favorite say aye. 656 00:26:16.490 --> 00:26:17.940 Aye. 657 00:26:17.940 --> 00:26:19.000 Any opposed? 658 00:26:19.000 --> 00:26:21.500 Motion passes, those items are approved. 659 00:26:21.500 --> 00:26:24.050 Let's moved to the Agreed Enforcement Orders. 660 00:26:24.050 --> 00:26:27.000 There are 198 Agreed Enforcement Orders. 661 00:26:27.000 --> 00:26:31.150 I move we approve Items 108 through 305. 662 00:26:31.150 --> 00:26:32.586 Is there a second? 663 00:26:32.586 --> 00:26:34.020 Second. 664 00:26:34.020 --> 00:26:35.010 Second. 665 00:26:35.010 --> 00:26:37.010 All in favor say aye. 666 00:26:37.010 --> 00:26:38.320 Aye. 667 00:26:38.320 --> 00:26:40.010 Any opposed? 668 00:26:40.010 --> 00:26:41.760 Motion passes, those items are approved. 669 00:26:41.760 --> 00:26:43.920 The second was by Commissioner Craddick. 670 00:26:43.920 --> 00:26:45.600 That concludes the hearing sections. 671 00:26:45.600 --> 00:26:48.450 We will now take up our Administrative Agenda. 672 00:26:48.450 --> 00:26:52.370 Callie, please call up the presenters for Agenda Items 306. 673 00:26:52.370 --> 00:26:53.870 Yes, thank you. 674 00:26:53.870 --> 00:26:56.390 Presenter for Agenda Item Number 306, 675 00:26:56.390 --> 00:27:00.093 Randall Collins, you are invited to speak. 676 00:27:04.650 --> 00:27:06.920 And I believe he is ready to go. 677 00:27:06.920 --> 00:27:08.883 We'll give him just a few moments. 678 00:27:15.500 --> 00:27:18.673 We may need to come back to Mr. Collins. 679 00:27:19.900 --> 00:27:22.960 Can we go on to Number 307, 308 680 00:27:22.960 --> 00:27:24.780 and come back to Mr. Collins? 681 00:27:24.780 --> 00:27:26.540 If you'll remind us to come back, Callie. 682 00:27:26.540 --> 00:27:27.626 I will. 683 00:27:27.626 --> 00:27:28.570 I'll put my paper right there. 684 00:27:28.570 --> 00:27:30.385 I'm writing it down. 685 00:27:30.385 --> 00:27:31.930 Please call up Item 307. 686 00:27:31.930 --> 00:27:33.782 Okay, thank you. Oh, there's Randall. 687 00:27:33.782 --> 00:27:34.754 There's Randall. 688 00:27:34.754 --> 00:27:35.722 Did we get him? 689 00:27:35.722 --> 00:27:36.555 We got him. 690 00:27:36.555 --> 00:27:37.582 Welcome, Randall. 691 00:27:37.582 --> 00:27:38.415 Take you off of mute. 692 00:27:38.415 --> 00:27:39.860 There you go, Randall, we're ready for you. 693 00:27:39.860 --> 00:27:42.070 Okay, Agenda Item Number 306, 694 00:27:42.070 --> 00:27:43.253 Randall Collins. 695 00:27:47.050 --> 00:27:48.573 Ready when you are, Randall. 696 00:27:54.020 --> 00:27:55.100 He got skipped. 697 00:27:55.100 --> 00:27:57.799 Poor guy's just having issues this morning. 698 00:27:57.799 --> 00:28:00.049 The sound didn't come in. 699 00:28:01.240 --> 00:28:04.040 Okay, looks like we're moving on to 307, 308. 700 00:28:05.024 --> 00:28:06.374 We'll come back to Randall. 701 00:28:07.710 --> 00:28:12.690 Agenda Item 307 and 308 will be given by Clay Woodul. 702 00:28:12.690 --> 00:28:15.269 Clay, you are invited to speak. 703 00:28:15.269 --> 00:28:17.850 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. 704 00:28:17.850 --> 00:28:19.430 Clay Woodul, the Assistant Director 705 00:28:19.430 --> 00:28:22.630 of the Oil and Gas Division for Field Operations. 706 00:28:22.630 --> 00:28:26.793 I will be presenting Items 307 and 308 this morning. 707 00:28:27.890 --> 00:28:30.650 Item 307 is the Oil Field Cleanup Program, 708 00:28:30.650 --> 00:28:34.053 Second Quarter Status Report for fiscal year 2020. 709 00:28:35.050 --> 00:28:36.450 During the second quarter, 710 00:28:36.450 --> 00:28:38.780 plugging operations were completed 711 00:28:38.780 --> 00:28:42.065 and files were closed on 277 wells 712 00:28:42.065 --> 00:28:47.065 at the cost of $6,852,065. 713 00:28:47.400 --> 00:28:50.340 This includes only those wells that were plugged, 714 00:28:50.340 --> 00:28:52.180 invoiced by the plugging contractor 715 00:28:52.180 --> 00:28:55.050 and approved for payment by Field Operations. 716 00:28:55.050 --> 00:28:56.370 During this same period, 717 00:28:56.370 --> 00:29:00.600 238 new wells were approved for plugging with state funds. 718 00:29:00.600 --> 00:29:02.150 The fiscal year-to-date totals 719 00:29:02.150 --> 00:29:03.460 through the end of the second quarter 720 00:29:03.460 --> 00:29:07.260 include 722 wells physically plugged, 721 00:29:07.260 --> 00:29:10.453 of which 587 have been invoiced and paid. 722 00:29:11.300 --> 00:29:13.514 As of last Friday, April 17th, 723 00:29:13.514 --> 00:29:16.760 922 wells have been physically plugged 724 00:29:16.760 --> 00:29:19.643 at an estimated cost 20.8 million. 725 00:29:20.780 --> 00:29:21.720 The well plugging target 726 00:29:21.720 --> 00:29:25.363 for fiscal year 2020 is 1,400 wells. 727 00:29:26.440 --> 00:29:28.930 The state managed cleanup program completed 728 00:29:28.930 --> 00:29:32.200 and closed 96 cleanup activities 729 00:29:32.200 --> 00:29:37.200 at a cost of $1,228,911 using OGRC funds 730 00:29:39.300 --> 00:29:44.040 and two activities at a cost of $31,134 using grant funds 731 00:29:45.750 --> 00:29:49.233 during the second quarter of fiscal year 2020. 732 00:29:49.233 --> 00:29:53.660 42 new activities were authorized during the second quarter. 733 00:29:53.660 --> 00:29:55.230 The fiscal year-to-date totals 734 00:29:55.230 --> 00:29:57.630 through the end of the second quarter include a total 735 00:29:57.630 --> 00:30:02.630 of 135 cleanup activities completed and closed. 736 00:30:02.780 --> 00:30:07.780 As of April 16th, 194 activities have been completed 737 00:30:08.260 --> 00:30:10.363 at an estimated cost of $3 million. 738 00:30:11.540 --> 00:30:13.023 May I answer any questions? 739 00:30:14.500 --> 00:30:16.650 Any questions, members? 740 00:30:16.650 --> 00:30:17.933 No. 741 00:30:17.933 --> 00:30:19.774 Thank you, Clay. 742 00:30:19.774 --> 00:30:21.030 I'm advised that votes are not needed 743 00:30:21.030 --> 00:30:22.910 by the Commissioners on this agenda item. 744 00:30:22.910 --> 00:30:23.880 So thank you, Clay. 745 00:30:23.880 --> 00:30:25.920 Appreciate your good work. 746 00:30:25.920 --> 00:30:26.753 Thank y'all. 747 00:30:26.753 --> 00:30:28.070 Thank you very much. 748 00:30:29.610 --> 00:30:31.030 Callie. 749 00:30:31.030 --> 00:30:33.900 Okay, do I understand Clay 750 00:30:33.900 --> 00:30:37.241 that you have Agenda Item Number 309 as well? 751 00:30:37.241 --> 00:30:39.670 I have 308. 752 00:30:39.670 --> 00:30:40.503 Right, it's next. 753 00:30:40.503 --> 00:30:41.720 Oh, I'm sorry. 754 00:30:41.720 --> 00:30:42.723 Let's backup. 755 00:30:43.570 --> 00:30:46.030 Let's do 308 and then we'll be bringing 756 00:30:47.080 --> 00:30:49.723 Mr. Collins back in for 306. 757 00:30:50.606 --> 00:30:51.850 Thank you. 758 00:30:51.850 --> 00:30:53.880 Very good, Item 308. 759 00:30:53.880 --> 00:30:56.960 Staff is seeking your approval to make available 760 00:30:56.960 --> 00:30:59.310 for public comment the Commission's 761 00:30:59.310 --> 00:31:02.720 Oil and Gas Division Monitoring and Enforcement Plan 762 00:31:02.720 --> 00:31:05.340 for fiscal year 2021. 763 00:31:05.340 --> 00:31:09.080 The Plan was required by House Bill 1818 764 00:31:09.080 --> 00:31:11.850 from the 85th Legislature. 765 00:31:11.850 --> 00:31:14.520 House Bill 1818 also requires the Commission 766 00:31:14.520 --> 00:31:18.610 to seek public input as the plan is developed. 767 00:31:18.610 --> 00:31:20.860 With your approval the plan will be made available 768 00:31:20.860 --> 00:31:24.750 to the public from today until May 21st, 769 00:31:24.750 --> 00:31:29.640 with the option to submit feedback via a web-based survey 770 00:31:29.640 --> 00:31:31.533 or via U.S. mail. 771 00:31:32.520 --> 00:31:34.920 We will return to conference on June 16th 772 00:31:34.920 --> 00:31:38.060 with a final version of the plan for your approval. 773 00:31:38.060 --> 00:31:39.560 That version will reflect 774 00:31:39.560 --> 00:31:43.370 any public comment received by May 21st. 775 00:31:43.370 --> 00:31:45.649 The final version of the plan must be posted 776 00:31:45.649 --> 00:31:49.970 to the Commission's website no later than July 1st. 777 00:31:49.970 --> 00:31:52.090 May I answer any questions? 778 00:31:52.090 --> 00:31:53.340 Any questions, members? 779 00:31:54.347 --> 00:31:55.180 No. 780 00:31:55.180 --> 00:31:57.270 I move we approve the draft Oil and Gas Monitoring 781 00:31:57.270 --> 00:32:01.933 and Enforcement Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2021, boom. 782 00:32:03.982 --> 00:32:04.815 It just- 783 00:32:04.815 --> 00:32:06.030 Second. 784 00:32:06.030 --> 00:32:08.030 Okay, a second by Commissioner Craddick. 785 00:32:08.030 --> 00:32:09.980 All in favor say aye. 786 00:32:09.980 --> 00:32:11.300 Aye. 787 00:32:11.300 --> 00:32:12.330 Any opposed? 788 00:32:12.330 --> 00:32:14.840 Motion passes, that item is approved. 789 00:32:14.840 --> 00:32:16.150 Thank you. Callie. 790 00:32:16.150 --> 00:32:18.010 Thank you, Clay. Thank you. 791 00:32:18.010 --> 00:32:19.130 We are now gonna go back 792 00:32:19.130 --> 00:32:21.780 to Agenda Item Number 306 793 00:32:21.780 --> 00:32:24.283 with Mr. Randall Collins presenting. 794 00:32:26.130 --> 00:32:27.280 Good morning, Commissioners. 795 00:32:27.280 --> 00:32:28.550 For the record, I'm Randall Collins, 796 00:32:28.550 --> 00:32:30.010 Chief Operating Officer. 797 00:32:30.010 --> 00:32:32.020 Item Number 306 on the agenda 798 00:32:32.020 --> 00:32:33.660 pertains to the Commission approval 799 00:32:33.660 --> 00:32:35.520 of an emergency purchase order 800 00:32:35.520 --> 00:32:38.570 pursuant to the Commission's delegation authority, 801 00:32:38.570 --> 00:32:42.920 Section 2261.254 of the Texas Government code. 802 00:32:43.860 --> 00:32:45.850 The Commission's internal delegation authority 803 00:32:45.850 --> 00:32:49.720 and Section 2261.254 of the Texas Government Code 804 00:32:49.720 --> 00:32:51.960 requires Commissioner approval of contracts 805 00:32:51.960 --> 00:32:54.310 and associated amendments greater than 806 00:32:54.310 --> 00:32:56.230 or equal to $1 million. 807 00:32:56.230 --> 00:32:58.370 At issue today is an emergency purchase order 808 00:32:58.370 --> 00:32:59.730 for well plugging. 809 00:32:59.730 --> 00:33:01.080 Approval of this item will ensure 810 00:33:01.080 --> 00:33:03.890 emergency well pugging operations remain on schedule 811 00:33:03.890 --> 00:33:07.420 and the necessary approvals will be in place 812 00:33:07.420 --> 00:33:10.490 with the Commission's delegation authority and state law. 813 00:33:10.490 --> 00:33:13.760 A summary of the emergency purchase order is included 814 00:33:13.760 --> 00:33:17.270 in your notebooks along with the EPO Number and amount. 815 00:33:17.270 --> 00:33:19.610 Staff asks the Commission to approve the contract 816 00:33:19.610 --> 00:33:21.500 pursuant to Commission's delegation authority 817 00:33:21.500 --> 00:33:23.450 and I'm available if you have any questions. 818 00:33:23.450 --> 00:33:25.648 Are there any questions, members? 819 00:33:25.648 --> 00:33:26.910 No. No. 820 00:33:26.910 --> 00:33:27.743 Okay. 821 00:33:31.457 --> 00:33:33.700 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. 822 00:33:33.700 --> 00:33:35.287 Is there a second? 823 00:33:35.287 --> 00:33:36.120 Second. 824 00:33:36.120 --> 00:33:37.110 Second by Commissioner Sitton. 825 00:33:37.110 --> 00:33:38.990 All in favor say aye. 826 00:33:38.990 --> 00:33:39.940 Aye. 827 00:33:39.940 --> 00:33:41.090 Any opposed? 828 00:33:41.090 --> 00:33:42.750 Hearing none, motion passes. 829 00:33:42.750 --> 00:33:44.100 That item is approved. 830 00:33:44.100 --> 00:33:45.310 Thank you, Randall. 831 00:33:45.310 --> 00:33:46.143 Thank you. 832 00:33:47.380 --> 00:33:52.380 Okay, I believe it's Items 309 and 310. 833 00:33:52.570 --> 00:33:54.730 And Commission if it's okay with you, 834 00:33:54.730 --> 00:33:57.860 I'd like to go out of order and discuss Item 310 835 00:33:57.860 --> 00:34:01.997 before we move to Item 309 an issue on proration. 836 00:34:03.105 --> 00:34:05.710 Item 310 is a consideration and possible action 837 00:34:05.710 --> 00:34:09.620 of potential waiver or suspension of applicable statutes, 838 00:34:09.620 --> 00:34:12.720 rules, final orders, or other regulatory requirements 839 00:34:12.720 --> 00:34:15.540 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 840 00:34:15.540 --> 00:34:16.990 While industry was split on whether 841 00:34:16.990 --> 00:34:19.330 or not proration is the answer, 842 00:34:19.330 --> 00:34:20.640 they were unified in their message 843 00:34:20.640 --> 00:34:22.650 the state must do everything it can to ensure 844 00:34:22.650 --> 00:34:26.200 the longterm future of the Texas Oil and Gas industry 845 00:34:26.200 --> 00:34:27.660 and I agree. 846 00:34:27.660 --> 00:34:30.180 That's why I would like to provide a big picture overview 847 00:34:30.180 --> 00:34:32.880 of everything the Commission has done so far 848 00:34:32.880 --> 00:34:35.590 during this downturn and some things we're working on 849 00:34:35.590 --> 00:34:37.283 to stabilize the Texas industry. 850 00:34:38.159 --> 00:34:40.170 In the start of this COVID-19, 851 00:34:40.170 --> 00:34:42.870 the Railroad Commission of Texas has been diligent 852 00:34:42.870 --> 00:34:46.840 about offering relief and flexibility through our operators. 853 00:34:46.840 --> 00:34:50.140 Some of these measures we have put in place by our own 854 00:34:50.140 --> 00:34:53.520 and others have been suggested by industry operators 855 00:34:53.520 --> 00:34:55.320 and trade associations. 856 00:34:55.320 --> 00:34:57.670 These include deadline extensions 857 00:34:57.670 --> 00:34:59.610 for certain requirements filings; 858 00:34:59.610 --> 00:35:02.460 online processing and electronic submissions; 859 00:35:02.460 --> 00:35:05.540 enforcement discretions and waiver considerations. 860 00:35:05.540 --> 00:35:07.890 I would like to call upon our agency's Executive Director, 861 00:35:07.890 --> 00:35:10.660 Wei Wang, to go into what our agency 862 00:35:10.660 --> 00:35:12.793 has done in greater depth, Wei. 863 00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:15.690 Good morning, Chairman, Commissioners. 864 00:35:15.690 --> 00:35:18.343 For the record, Wei Wang, Executive Director. 865 00:35:19.230 --> 00:35:22.430 So shortly after the Governor issued the declaration 866 00:35:22.430 --> 00:35:26.370 of disaster the following Monday we issued several notices 867 00:35:26.370 --> 00:35:30.200 to operators advising the operators that they may submit 868 00:35:30.200 --> 00:35:33.830 a request for extension on issues 869 00:35:33.830 --> 00:35:38.410 that they see appropriate during the COVID response time. 870 00:35:38.410 --> 00:35:42.440 And about a couple weeks after that in early April, 871 00:35:42.440 --> 00:35:45.595 we issued another notice to operators, 872 00:35:45.595 --> 00:35:49.490 essentially, granting an extension for all permits, 873 00:35:49.490 --> 00:35:52.200 licenses, registration, rule exceptions, 874 00:35:52.200 --> 00:35:55.680 that are expiring after March 1st. 875 00:35:55.680 --> 00:35:59.550 We extended that expiration til September 30th. 876 00:35:59.550 --> 00:36:01.130 So that would allow operators 877 00:36:01.130 --> 00:36:04.340 more time to apply for renewals. 878 00:36:04.340 --> 00:36:07.730 And, in addition to that, in the same notice 879 00:36:07.730 --> 00:36:12.730 we clarified on certain violations if they're not related 880 00:36:13.070 --> 00:36:18.070 to safety, health or environmental concerns 881 00:36:18.098 --> 00:36:20.120 that the operators will have more time 882 00:36:20.120 --> 00:36:22.040 to get into compliance. 883 00:36:22.040 --> 00:36:25.010 And it's important to know that these are not related 884 00:36:25.010 --> 00:36:26.580 to health and safety issues. 885 00:36:26.580 --> 00:36:29.383 These are just extensions for filing paperwork. 886 00:36:30.520 --> 00:36:33.760 In addition to oil and gas or gas services, 887 00:36:33.760 --> 00:36:36.510 we issued a notice to operators essentially, 888 00:36:36.510 --> 00:36:40.630 in the common order from the department advising them 889 00:36:40.630 --> 00:36:45.250 to create an account in their financial records 890 00:36:45.250 --> 00:36:50.000 to keep track of all COVID-19 related expenses 891 00:36:50.000 --> 00:36:52.720 and also we encouraged all utilities in Texas 892 00:36:52.720 --> 00:36:56.263 to not disconnect customers during COVID response time. 893 00:36:57.100 --> 00:37:00.470 And in addition to these notices to our operators, 894 00:37:00.470 --> 00:37:05.140 we also started in March a online training platform 895 00:37:05.140 --> 00:37:08.170 to provide electronic capabilities for people 896 00:37:08.170 --> 00:37:11.170 that are needing continuing education credits 897 00:37:11.170 --> 00:37:13.140 to keep their licenses. 898 00:37:13.140 --> 00:37:16.610 And also in March, we released our docket management 899 00:37:16.610 --> 00:37:19.430 system public portal RRC CASES. 900 00:37:19.430 --> 00:37:21.800 This online application allow the public 901 00:37:21.800 --> 00:37:25.260 and the practitioners to search case records online 902 00:37:25.260 --> 00:37:27.680 and also, they may file documents 903 00:37:27.680 --> 00:37:31.550 to a docketed case online as well. 904 00:37:31.550 --> 00:37:34.680 So, although a majority of our employees 905 00:37:34.680 --> 00:37:36.543 are working remotely from home, 906 00:37:37.430 --> 00:37:40.690 our agency's operation is running as normal. 907 00:37:40.690 --> 00:37:42.970 Our mailroom remains open. 908 00:37:42.970 --> 00:37:45.450 Our docket services remain open 909 00:37:45.450 --> 00:37:48.210 and our finance departments, the cash registers 910 00:37:48.210 --> 00:37:50.910 and the revenue department remains open. 911 00:37:50.910 --> 00:37:53.100 So thanks to the hard work of our employees 912 00:37:53.100 --> 00:37:56.440 and your leadership, I think our agency is well prepared 913 00:37:56.440 --> 00:37:57.820 and we are in good shape 914 00:37:57.820 --> 00:38:00.150 in terms of meeting our performance target. 915 00:38:00.150 --> 00:38:02.250 And as a matter of fact, for certain areas 916 00:38:05.170 --> 00:38:07.090 our performance has been becoming 917 00:38:07.090 --> 00:38:09.500 more efficient during this time. 918 00:38:09.500 --> 00:38:14.480 And I'm glad to report that for inspections, 919 00:38:14.480 --> 00:38:16.618 we already exceeded the number of oil 920 00:38:16.618 --> 00:38:18.160 and gas inspection target 921 00:38:18.160 --> 00:38:21.130 for the year by 30,000 inspections. 922 00:38:21.130 --> 00:38:24.240 And for the performance measure of wells 923 00:38:24.240 --> 00:38:27.980 not inspected in the last five years, the target is 5% 924 00:38:27.980 --> 00:38:31.250 and as of yesterday, we already met that target. 925 00:38:31.250 --> 00:38:33.520 So we're four months ahead of schedule. 926 00:38:33.520 --> 00:38:36.960 So, again, I think our agency is well prepared to respond 927 00:38:36.960 --> 00:38:38.890 and we continue to work with operators 928 00:38:38.890 --> 00:38:42.770 to answer their questions, provide electronic methods 929 00:38:42.770 --> 00:38:46.470 for them to file applications and reports electronically. 930 00:38:46.470 --> 00:38:50.201 So in summary, I think our agency staff, 931 00:38:50.201 --> 00:38:51.740 in terms of operations, 932 00:38:51.740 --> 00:38:54.193 we're not suffering during this time. 933 00:38:56.380 --> 00:38:57.370 Thank you, Wei. 934 00:38:57.370 --> 00:39:00.067 Are there an questions at this time, members? 935 00:39:00.067 --> 00:39:02.400 Mr. Chairman, if I could just reiterate I think 936 00:39:02.400 --> 00:39:04.330 what you've already said and what Wei's been saying. 937 00:39:04.330 --> 00:39:06.880 Wei, thank you to our staff and for you 938 00:39:06.880 --> 00:39:09.950 and all our administrators for keeping us up and going. 939 00:39:09.950 --> 00:39:11.940 I'm impressed 'cause there are other agencies 940 00:39:11.940 --> 00:39:14.330 not doing their job as effectively 941 00:39:14.330 --> 00:39:15.617 and efficiently as we are. 942 00:39:15.617 --> 00:39:18.040 And I would ask y'all and I know you have 943 00:39:18.040 --> 00:39:21.244 and will continue to work with operators 944 00:39:21.244 --> 00:39:24.140 and people who come and need some help. 945 00:39:24.140 --> 00:39:26.890 I think we're trying to continue to do that 946 00:39:26.890 --> 00:39:28.860 and if they come up with any other ideas 947 00:39:28.860 --> 00:39:32.970 that we night can look at or some creative things, 948 00:39:32.970 --> 00:39:35.280 I'd appreciate y'all continuing to do that as well. 949 00:39:35.280 --> 00:39:38.010 So thank you for keeping our agency up and running 950 00:39:38.010 --> 00:39:38.843 and to your staff. 951 00:39:38.843 --> 00:39:40.470 Y'all are doing a great job for us. 952 00:39:40.470 --> 00:39:41.970 Thank you, ma'am. 953 00:39:41.970 --> 00:39:42.803 Thank you, Commissioner. 954 00:39:42.803 --> 00:39:43.636 Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 955 00:39:43.636 --> 00:39:44.469 Thank you, Wei. 956 00:39:44.469 --> 00:39:45.302 I appreciate you. 957 00:39:46.787 --> 00:39:49.800 If you visit our website you'll see a full list 958 00:39:49.800 --> 00:39:52.000 of our notice to operators and learn more about 959 00:39:52.000 --> 00:39:54.890 the various relief initiatives to our agency. 960 00:39:54.890 --> 00:39:56.280 If you have any additional ideas, 961 00:39:56.280 --> 00:39:58.760 I believe I speak for everyone at our agency 962 00:39:58.760 --> 00:40:01.460 when I say we would love to hear them. 963 00:40:01.460 --> 00:40:03.610 So please don't hesitate to reach out. 964 00:40:03.610 --> 00:40:05.130 I also wanna make sure people are aware 965 00:40:05.130 --> 00:40:08.580 of the Production Tax Credit for all producing oil leases. 966 00:40:08.580 --> 00:40:12.500 This statute allows credits of 25% to 100% 967 00:40:13.540 --> 00:40:17.410 of your Production Tax as a result of sustained drop 968 00:40:17.410 --> 00:40:20.240 in oil prices below $30 a barrel. 969 00:40:20.240 --> 00:40:23.050 This tax credit could help thousands of small producers 970 00:40:23.050 --> 00:40:24.430 across the state. 971 00:40:24.430 --> 00:40:27.000 A low producing well is a well that produces less 972 00:40:27.000 --> 00:40:31.350 than 15 barrels a day or 5% recoverable oil per barrel 973 00:40:31.350 --> 00:40:34.730 of the produced water over a 90 day period. 974 00:40:34.730 --> 00:40:37.180 That credit applies when the previous three month period 975 00:40:37.180 --> 00:40:39.890 drops below $30 or the amount of credit 976 00:40:39.890 --> 00:40:42.283 and it increases as the price decreases. 977 00:40:43.930 --> 00:40:46.840 At the meeting last week, we heard several times 978 00:40:46.840 --> 00:40:49.200 that small producer contracts with shippers 979 00:40:49.200 --> 00:40:52.990 and purchasers are being reduced or canceled altogether. 980 00:40:52.990 --> 00:40:54.240 If you're in this situation 981 00:40:54.240 --> 00:40:56.440 and feel you've been unfairly discriminated against 982 00:40:56.440 --> 00:40:58.940 by a purchase you can file a complaint 983 00:40:58.940 --> 00:41:01.940 at the Railroad Commission under the Common Purchaser Act. 984 00:41:01.940 --> 00:41:06.190 Common carriers must provide space for walkup customers. 985 00:41:06.190 --> 00:41:09.010 Texas Natural Resources Code authorizes our agency 986 00:41:09.010 --> 00:41:12.580 to request common carrier pipelines to provide a report 987 00:41:12.580 --> 00:41:14.890 of their unfilled storage capacity. 988 00:41:14.890 --> 00:41:16.660 I have instructed the staff to request 989 00:41:16.660 --> 00:41:17.951 and compile this information 990 00:41:17.951 --> 00:41:20.310 so we have a better picture of the aggregate amounts 991 00:41:20.310 --> 00:41:24.461 held by all common carriers and their storage capacity. 992 00:41:24.461 --> 00:41:28.170 And speaking with enterprise partners last week, 993 00:41:28.170 --> 00:41:31.290 they told me they currently have 250,000 barrels per day 994 00:41:31.290 --> 00:41:33.220 of crude pipeline capacity, 995 00:41:33.220 --> 00:41:37.010 over two million barrels per day of crude export capacity. 996 00:41:37.010 --> 00:41:39.520 It'll be useful to know what is available generally 997 00:41:39.520 --> 00:41:42.330 by the midstream operators across the state. 998 00:41:42.330 --> 00:41:45.340 We have also reached out to the 25 refineries in Texas 999 00:41:45.340 --> 00:41:48.970 and asked them to submit an update R1 report 1000 00:41:48.970 --> 00:41:52.740 to provide the latest on their unfilled crude oil capacity. 1001 00:41:52.740 --> 00:41:56.290 My phone's been ringing off the hook this last week 1002 00:41:56.290 --> 00:41:58.210 speaking with producers big and small 1003 00:41:58.210 --> 00:42:01.190 about the right course of action for our agency. 1004 00:42:01.190 --> 00:42:03.300 The Texas Oil and Gas industry is resilient 1005 00:42:03.300 --> 00:42:06.740 and full of big ideas during this challenging time. 1006 00:42:06.740 --> 00:42:09.230 On that note, I'm excited to announce today 1007 00:42:09.230 --> 00:42:11.860 the formation of a Blue Ribbon Task Force 1008 00:42:11.860 --> 00:42:14.189 for oil economic recovery. 1009 00:42:14.189 --> 00:42:16.990 I want to challenge the Task Force to look at 1010 00:42:16.990 --> 00:42:19.730 every aspect of what can be done at the state level 1011 00:42:19.730 --> 00:42:22.450 to assist operators and to save jobs 1012 00:42:22.450 --> 00:42:25.910 as we endure these historic circumstances. 1013 00:42:25.910 --> 00:42:30.790 Operator's permitting timelines, tax policy 1014 00:42:30.790 --> 00:42:34.670 and deadlines, storage capacity expansion, 1015 00:42:34.670 --> 00:42:37.540 pipeline capacity, market access barriers, 1016 00:42:37.540 --> 00:42:40.270 anything else the Task Force can think of 1017 00:42:40.270 --> 00:42:41.480 that will aid the industry 1018 00:42:41.480 --> 00:42:43.860 in managing through difficult times. 1019 00:42:43.860 --> 00:42:45.560 The goal is to save as many jobs, 1020 00:42:45.560 --> 00:42:47.400 enable operators to survive 1021 00:42:47.400 --> 00:42:50.970 and return to a robust level as quickly as possible. 1022 00:42:50.970 --> 00:42:53.860 The heads of our state's many trade association 1023 00:42:53.860 --> 00:42:56.610 have graciously volunteered to lead this effort. 1024 00:42:56.610 --> 00:42:57.600 Including the leadership 1025 00:42:57.600 --> 00:42:59.800 of the Texas Oil and Gas Association, 1026 00:42:59.800 --> 00:43:02.020 the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, 1027 00:43:02.020 --> 00:43:03.400 the Texas Independent Producers 1028 00:43:03.400 --> 00:43:05.420 and Royalty Owners Association, 1029 00:43:05.420 --> 00:43:08.080 the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, 1030 00:43:08.080 --> 00:43:11.580 the Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association 1031 00:43:11.580 --> 00:43:13.610 and the Pipeline Association. 1032 00:43:13.610 --> 00:43:16.880 Everything should be on the table during this downturn. 1033 00:43:16.880 --> 00:43:18.960 Given the immediate nature of this emergency, 1034 00:43:18.960 --> 00:43:22.050 I've ask them to get us recommendations quickly 1035 00:43:22.050 --> 00:43:27.050 in my advance of our next open meeting on May the 5th. 1036 00:43:27.580 --> 00:43:30.440 Given this, I would like to pass on any action 1037 00:43:30.440 --> 00:43:34.103 on Item 310 at this time if there's no objections. 1038 00:43:35.380 --> 00:43:39.320 And at this time, we're gonna take up Agenda Item 309, 1039 00:43:39.320 --> 00:43:41.200 which is a motion by Pioneer and Parsley 1040 00:43:41.200 --> 00:43:43.610 on the Reasonable Market Demand 1041 00:43:43.610 --> 00:43:44.770 and Commissioner Craddick 1042 00:43:44.770 --> 00:43:48.874 has requested a time to comment at this time. 1043 00:43:48.874 --> 00:43:50.760 Commissioner Craddick. Well, first, Mr. Chairman. 1044 00:43:50.760 --> 00:43:53.490 I wanna thank you for your Task Force 1045 00:43:53.490 --> 00:43:56.440 and for, I think we've all been looking for real solutions 1046 00:43:56.440 --> 00:43:59.400 and I appreciate you putting that group together. 1047 00:43:59.400 --> 00:44:02.030 I look forward to seeing what they come up with. 1048 00:44:02.030 --> 00:44:03.383 If there's some other ideas as well. 1049 00:44:03.383 --> 00:44:05.720 I think that's gonna be really important 1050 00:44:05.720 --> 00:44:07.890 and I, too, about two weeks ago 1051 00:44:07.890 --> 00:44:12.299 asked the Controller to look at severance tax. 1052 00:44:12.299 --> 00:44:15.957 In fact, asked him to give operators more time 1053 00:44:15.957 --> 00:44:18.480 and in a 24 hour period he told us no. 1054 00:44:18.480 --> 00:44:20.230 So I think there's some opportunity now 1055 00:44:20.230 --> 00:44:23.550 for those operators to go back and look at severance tax 1056 00:44:23.550 --> 00:44:26.790 and see if there's a chance for them to pay less 1057 00:44:26.790 --> 00:44:30.170 and, hopefully, the Controller posts something timely 1058 00:44:30.170 --> 00:44:32.343 so we can move that process along. 1059 00:44:33.564 --> 00:44:37.010 And I think between that and what's going on today 1060 00:44:37.010 --> 00:44:41.100 and in the future there's some opportunity for that. 1061 00:44:41.100 --> 00:44:44.690 You started the meeting by talking about families 1062 00:44:44.690 --> 00:44:47.720 and people and their job losses and I wanna reiterate that. 1063 00:44:47.720 --> 00:44:50.260 I think we've been up a lot of nights, 1064 00:44:50.260 --> 00:44:52.430 or I have at least at my house for about a month, 1065 00:44:52.430 --> 00:44:54.190 knowing that some of that was coming 1066 00:44:54.190 --> 00:44:56.487 and some of them are personal friends and a lot of them are. 1067 00:44:56.487 --> 00:44:59.670 And I think that that's one of the reasons 1068 00:44:59.670 --> 00:45:02.790 why we're all taking this very, very seriously. 1069 00:45:02.790 --> 00:45:05.890 But I wanna thank you for having a hearing last week. 1070 00:45:05.890 --> 00:45:08.020 I thought it was important. 1071 00:45:08.020 --> 00:45:11.130 We've received a lot of information from all sides. 1072 00:45:11.130 --> 00:45:13.050 Look, I took 15 pages of notes 1073 00:45:13.050 --> 00:45:16.000 and I continue to receive more information 1074 00:45:16.000 --> 00:45:17.370 and visit with people. 1075 00:45:17.370 --> 00:45:20.620 And, look, I think it's our job as the Commission 1076 00:45:20.620 --> 00:45:24.120 to protect the industry as well as the overall state 1077 00:45:24.120 --> 00:45:26.770 as we look at this oil and gas world. 1078 00:45:26.770 --> 00:45:30.610 And one of the things that came up quite a bit last week 1079 00:45:30.610 --> 00:45:32.720 and think we're all continuing to do it 1080 00:45:32.720 --> 00:45:35.200 is we need to have conversations 1081 00:45:35.200 --> 00:45:37.330 whether they're states and the federal government 1082 00:45:37.330 --> 00:45:40.240 to see how we best continue to go forward. 1083 00:45:40.240 --> 00:45:41.750 But I still have some questions 1084 00:45:41.750 --> 00:45:44.370 that I believe need to be answered. 1085 00:45:44.370 --> 00:45:47.380 Based on newspaper reports, believe them or not, 1086 00:45:47.380 --> 00:45:50.590 but at the least the ones I'm thinking of 1087 00:45:50.590 --> 00:45:53.130 anything we do probably will end up in court. 1088 00:45:53.130 --> 00:45:54.220 So being the attorney, 1089 00:45:54.220 --> 00:45:57.280 I kind of look at the world from that direction. 1090 00:45:57.280 --> 00:45:59.680 Look, litigation for the next four to six years 1091 00:45:59.680 --> 00:46:02.050 doesn't help anyone if we don't do this right. 1092 00:46:02.050 --> 00:46:04.350 And so I think we should direct staff 1093 00:46:04.350 --> 00:46:07.570 to look at all the options, procedures 1094 00:46:07.570 --> 00:46:10.740 and answer the questions that were raised 1095 00:46:10.740 --> 00:46:12.710 during this hearing last week 1096 00:46:12.710 --> 00:46:15.220 and, specifically, we need to make sure 1097 00:46:15.220 --> 00:46:18.780 that we have the legal grounds to do what's appropriate. 1098 00:46:18.780 --> 00:46:21.720 If we have to do something right now that isn't legal, 1099 00:46:21.720 --> 00:46:23.770 then it shouldn't be done. 1100 00:46:23.770 --> 00:46:26.810 I believe our staff should consult with the Attorney General 1101 00:46:26.810 --> 00:46:29.430 who will be our attorney if we go forward 1102 00:46:29.430 --> 00:46:31.740 to help us answer these questions. 1103 00:46:31.740 --> 00:46:34.590 And so I have a few issues that this isn't exhaustive, 1104 00:46:34.590 --> 00:46:36.460 but these are some questions I still have 1105 00:46:36.460 --> 00:46:38.080 that are outstanding. 1106 00:46:38.080 --> 00:46:42.240 One, the Administrative Procedures Act has been implemented 1107 00:46:42.240 --> 00:46:47.240 since our proration hearings were enacted 50 years ago, 1108 00:46:47.900 --> 00:46:49.890 as there's been other case law. 1109 00:46:49.890 --> 00:46:50.900 What does that do to us? 1110 00:46:50.900 --> 00:46:53.440 What does that mean in our process? 1111 00:46:53.440 --> 00:46:56.590 Two, can we legally prorate statewide 1112 00:46:56.590 --> 00:46:58.773 or must we do it field by field? 1113 00:46:59.800 --> 00:47:03.230 Three, do we need an evidentiary hearing prior to any order 1114 00:47:03.230 --> 00:47:06.333 and is one necessary to defend an order? 1115 00:47:07.300 --> 00:47:09.850 Four, are marginal wells gonna be left out? 1116 00:47:09.850 --> 00:47:11.480 What about other types of wells? 1117 00:47:11.480 --> 00:47:16.480 What about other types of operators of certain sizes? 1118 00:47:17.220 --> 00:47:21.560 And last, do we need a data call to determine markets? 1119 00:47:21.560 --> 00:47:23.640 I think that's an important question for us. 1120 00:47:23.640 --> 00:47:26.210 So these are just some questions I have. 1121 00:47:26.210 --> 00:47:27.690 I'm sure plenty of others, 1122 00:47:27.690 --> 00:47:29.980 but those I wanna highlight today. 1123 00:47:29.980 --> 00:47:32.800 And I appreciate everybody's input 1124 00:47:32.800 --> 00:47:35.000 and I look forward to continuing to get input. 1125 00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:37.010 I think it's gonna be important for us 1126 00:47:38.350 --> 00:47:40.730 as we go through this historic time. 1127 00:47:40.730 --> 00:47:43.380 Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me a few minutes. 1128 00:47:43.380 --> 00:47:45.030 Thank you, Commissioner Craddick. 1129 00:47:45.030 --> 00:47:47.619 Commissioner Sitton, would you like 1130 00:47:47.619 --> 00:47:48.910 to make any remarks at this time? 1131 00:47:48.910 --> 00:47:50.710 Yes, thank you, Chairman, I would. 1132 00:47:51.710 --> 00:47:54.180 And I also appreciate your leadership on this. 1133 00:47:54.180 --> 00:47:56.510 I appreciate the hearing last week. 1134 00:47:56.510 --> 00:47:57.660 As I said at the end of that hearing, 1135 00:47:57.660 --> 00:47:59.190 it was the longest that I'm aware of 1136 00:47:59.190 --> 00:48:01.000 the Railroad Commission ever having. 1137 00:48:01.000 --> 00:48:02.810 And certainly the level of engagement 1138 00:48:02.810 --> 00:48:05.150 the three of us had and asking questions 1139 00:48:05.150 --> 00:48:09.520 brought out information and challenged folks 1140 00:48:09.520 --> 00:48:12.010 to think not just within the range 1141 00:48:12.010 --> 00:48:13.280 or the realm of where they came in, 1142 00:48:13.280 --> 00:48:15.870 but also what do you hear about, 1143 00:48:15.870 --> 00:48:17.410 what do you think about what other people are saying? 1144 00:48:17.410 --> 00:48:20.023 Which I think is crucial to this kind of move. 1145 00:48:21.680 --> 00:48:22.880 I'm gonna start by saying this, 1146 00:48:22.880 --> 00:48:26.750 while the Blue Ribbon Task Force is a great idea 1147 00:48:26.750 --> 00:48:28.530 and that's where we wanna get ideas from 1148 00:48:28.530 --> 00:48:31.330 is from industry, from trade associations, 1149 00:48:31.330 --> 00:48:34.280 from the general population, from any groups concerned 1150 00:48:34.280 --> 00:48:35.620 and we wanna bring that information in 1151 00:48:35.620 --> 00:48:38.330 and have an opportunity to consider it. 1152 00:48:38.330 --> 00:48:43.160 Let's be clear taking weeks, 1153 00:48:43.160 --> 00:48:47.980 even days right now to act is in itself a choice. 1154 00:48:47.980 --> 00:48:51.230 And we are seeing a level of demand destruction 1155 00:48:51.230 --> 00:48:53.860 and a level of oil industry downturn 1156 00:48:53.860 --> 00:48:57.290 that in the past happened over a course of years, 1157 00:48:57.290 --> 00:48:59.890 now happening over a course of days. 1158 00:48:59.890 --> 00:49:04.170 And so our normal process to go out and get information 1159 00:49:04.170 --> 00:49:07.040 and to allow input, if it takes us, 1160 00:49:07.040 --> 00:49:08.770 what normally would be considered 1161 00:49:08.770 --> 00:49:11.400 a very rapid amount of time, you know a couple, 1162 00:49:11.400 --> 00:49:14.840 three weeks, in the meantime the entire world changes. 1163 00:49:14.840 --> 00:49:18.330 In the last just five weeks, 1164 00:49:18.330 --> 00:49:22.730 we've seen the price of oil go from, I guess six weeks now, 1165 00:49:22.730 --> 00:49:25.620 the price of oil go from $50 a barrel down 1166 00:49:25.620 --> 00:49:27.580 to minus $37 a barrel. 1167 00:49:27.580 --> 00:49:29.670 Now, I recognize that that is all 1168 00:49:29.670 --> 00:49:31.440 about the May delivery contract 1169 00:49:31.440 --> 00:49:34.140 and I get that this has to do with specifically, 1170 00:49:34.140 --> 00:49:36.070 storage filling up in Cushing, Oklahoma, 1171 00:49:36.070 --> 00:49:39.430 which is a delivery point for those contracts. 1172 00:49:39.430 --> 00:49:41.130 The fact is the Spot Price 1173 00:49:41.130 --> 00:49:44.783 has moved $90 a barrel in six weeks. 1174 00:49:46.180 --> 00:49:51.110 You know when I think about the incumbency on us 1175 00:49:52.040 --> 00:49:53.960 to consider the landscape in front of us 1176 00:49:53.960 --> 00:49:57.160 and to make a decision on action or no action, 1177 00:49:57.160 --> 00:49:59.520 I think back to the history of the United States 1178 00:49:59.520 --> 00:50:02.140 over the last 40 years, 50 years even. 1179 00:50:02.140 --> 00:50:04.380 From the last time we prorated to today, 1180 00:50:04.380 --> 00:50:08.640 we've gone through in 1973, 1976 the United States 1181 00:50:08.640 --> 00:50:12.607 was at peak oil production up until the last five years. 1182 00:50:12.607 --> 00:50:15.750 The oil production began to decline as the Middle East 1183 00:50:15.750 --> 00:50:17.960 flooded the oil markets from the 1980s 1184 00:50:17.960 --> 00:50:19.830 all the way until 2006, 1185 00:50:19.830 --> 00:50:22.120 our oil production just dropped steadily. 1186 00:50:22.120 --> 00:50:24.980 And over that 40 year period the words energy independence 1187 00:50:24.980 --> 00:50:26.260 were used around this country 1188 00:50:26.260 --> 00:50:28.940 and especially, in this state constantly. 1189 00:50:28.940 --> 00:50:33.940 Because we watched as anything from military instability 1190 00:50:35.290 --> 00:50:38.570 to civil unrest, oil market flooding, 1191 00:50:38.570 --> 00:50:40.650 you know incidents around the world 1192 00:50:40.650 --> 00:50:43.540 would reek havoc on oil prices in the United States 1193 00:50:43.540 --> 00:50:44.530 and we watched as we were dependent 1194 00:50:44.530 --> 00:50:46.530 on foreign oil powers to make decisions. 1195 00:50:48.081 --> 00:50:50.760 And if you look back our peak oil production it took, 1196 00:50:50.760 --> 00:50:54.607 literally, 30 years for the oil production 1197 00:50:54.607 --> 00:50:56.490 in the state of Texas and in the United States 1198 00:50:56.490 --> 00:50:59.390 to drop at the rate that it is going to drop 1199 00:50:59.390 --> 00:51:00.380 in a matter of two months, 1200 00:51:00.380 --> 00:51:02.970 from a month ago to a month from now. 1201 00:51:02.970 --> 00:51:05.770 And so we have to inform our decisions 1202 00:51:05.770 --> 00:51:07.460 with the fact that what took 30 years before 1203 00:51:07.460 --> 00:51:10.410 is now gonna take two months with our own level of urgency. 1204 00:51:11.300 --> 00:51:14.480 I think that if we, we heard some of the testimony last week 1205 00:51:14.480 --> 00:51:16.730 about what's gonna happen in this market. 1206 00:51:16.730 --> 00:51:18.083 People talking about the numbers of jobs 1207 00:51:18.083 --> 00:51:19.370 that are gonna be lost. 1208 00:51:19.370 --> 00:51:20.670 Let's be clear about this, 1209 00:51:21.634 --> 00:51:23.340 if the oil industry drops 1210 00:51:23.340 --> 00:51:27.530 and the tens maybe hundreds of thousands are laid off, 1211 00:51:27.530 --> 00:51:30.820 eventually, those jobs will come back. 1212 00:51:30.820 --> 00:51:32.607 But they may never come back in the State of Texas 1213 00:51:32.607 --> 00:51:34.400 and the United States. 1214 00:51:34.400 --> 00:51:36.690 We may be sitting here in 10 years, 1215 00:51:36.690 --> 00:51:38.320 looking back at this time in history 1216 00:51:38.320 --> 00:51:40.560 and saying that America, we finally achieved 1217 00:51:40.560 --> 00:51:42.937 American energy independence over the last five years. 1218 00:51:42.937 --> 00:51:44.010 And some people will say, well, 1219 00:51:44.010 --> 00:51:45.060 you're still buying foreign oil. 1220 00:51:45.060 --> 00:51:50.060 Yeah, but we, the nation, determines when we buy that oil. 1221 00:51:50.209 --> 00:51:51.042 We're not incumbent. 1222 00:51:51.042 --> 00:51:53.400 We're not dependent on any one producer. 1223 00:51:53.400 --> 00:51:55.200 If any one producer decides they're not gonna sell 1224 00:51:55.200 --> 00:51:56.760 the United States oil, that's fine. 1225 00:51:56.760 --> 00:52:00.730 We saw just this past summer when Saudi Arabia was attacked 1226 00:52:00.730 --> 00:52:02.290 and five million barrels came offline 1227 00:52:02.290 --> 00:52:03.990 the price of a gallon gas in the United States 1228 00:52:03.990 --> 00:52:06.010 didn't change almost at all. 1229 00:52:06.010 --> 00:52:09.088 Because of our independence in energy. 1230 00:52:09.088 --> 00:52:10.860 And I believe that in 10 years people are gonna look back 1231 00:52:10.860 --> 00:52:13.940 and say that energy independence was threatened right now 1232 00:52:13.940 --> 00:52:17.160 at this time in history by these unprecedented, 1233 00:52:17.160 --> 00:52:19.813 we talk about unprecedented and things like that. 1234 00:52:20.870 --> 00:52:22.660 Let's talk about the market for a second. 1235 00:52:22.660 --> 00:52:24.240 We're in a market where the government has effectively 1236 00:52:24.240 --> 00:52:26.180 shutdown every restaurant in the United States. 1237 00:52:26.180 --> 00:52:29.690 We have planes flying from one city to another 1238 00:52:29.690 --> 00:52:32.880 carrying one passenger, a doctor to get them 1239 00:52:32.880 --> 00:52:36.410 from Las Vegas to New York to help with this pandemic. 1240 00:52:36.410 --> 00:52:38.380 This is not unprecedented, 1241 00:52:38.380 --> 00:52:41.480 this is completely out of the ordinary. 1242 00:52:41.480 --> 00:52:43.390 And when I hear people talk about the market is working, 1243 00:52:43.390 --> 00:52:45.080 I cannot help but ask myself 1244 00:52:45.080 --> 00:52:47.410 what part of this looks like the market? 1245 00:52:47.410 --> 00:52:48.810 So my concern is this, 1246 00:52:48.810 --> 00:52:49.960 go back to this idea of the market. 1247 00:52:49.960 --> 00:52:51.690 People are gonna look down in 10 years, 1248 00:52:51.690 --> 00:52:52.523 they're gonna look back 1249 00:52:52.523 --> 00:52:55.150 and say American energy independence was threatened 1250 00:52:55.150 --> 00:52:58.910 and I don't believe that inaction on our part is acceptable. 1251 00:52:58.910 --> 00:53:01.270 I believe that we have to step up 1252 00:53:01.270 --> 00:53:05.010 and do things to protect that energy independence, 1253 00:53:05.010 --> 00:53:07.460 because in the end, we don't work for the energy industry, 1254 00:53:07.460 --> 00:53:10.720 we work for 27, 28 million Texans. 1255 00:53:10.720 --> 00:53:12.700 And I believe it is in their interest 1256 00:53:12.700 --> 00:53:16.400 for our energy economy, our energy industry to be strong. 1257 00:53:16.400 --> 00:53:19.370 So while I think that all of the points 1258 00:53:19.370 --> 00:53:20.670 that we have discussed 1259 00:53:20.670 --> 00:53:24.330 about how this could be done are good points 1260 00:53:24.330 --> 00:53:26.510 and I think they should be discussed in the context 1261 00:53:26.510 --> 00:53:30.250 of taking action, not waiting to take action. 1262 00:53:30.250 --> 00:53:35.180 So where I sit today is I believe that we should take, 1263 00:53:35.180 --> 00:53:37.259 put it this way, I'm ready to vote. 1264 00:53:37.259 --> 00:53:40.860 And I'm ready for us to vote on proration 1265 00:53:40.860 --> 00:53:43.040 and following a motion that was filed 1266 00:53:43.040 --> 00:53:46.570 by Pioneer and Parsley to prorate 1267 00:53:46.570 --> 00:53:51.240 20% of Texas oil production, however, I've got some criteria 1268 00:53:51.240 --> 00:53:53.663 that I think we need to make it dependent on. 1269 00:53:54.830 --> 00:53:59.830 One is I think that that proration has to got to be tied to 1270 00:54:00.230 --> 00:54:02.200 other countries, other nations prorating. 1271 00:54:02.200 --> 00:54:03.910 So here's how I would do that. 1272 00:54:03.910 --> 00:54:08.170 I would prorate 20% of Texas oil production 1273 00:54:08.170 --> 00:54:12.186 starting June 1st, if another four million barrels per day 1274 00:54:12.186 --> 00:54:16.310 of production is brought offline by other U.S., 1275 00:54:16.310 --> 00:54:19.520 Canadian and OPEC Plus producers. 1276 00:54:19.520 --> 00:54:22.520 I'm expecting that other states in the nation would cut. 1277 00:54:22.520 --> 00:54:25.100 Canada would cut and then OPEC Plus would cut 1278 00:54:25.100 --> 00:54:27.330 another four million barrels to back up our one. 1279 00:54:27.330 --> 00:54:30.320 And so if we took a vote cutting a million barrels 1280 00:54:30.320 --> 00:54:31.940 contingent upon that four million, 1281 00:54:31.940 --> 00:54:35.730 then we would have done exactly what the statute requires 1282 00:54:35.730 --> 00:54:38.640 which is to take steps to minimize waste 1283 00:54:38.640 --> 00:54:43.020 and that definition of waste being reduction 1284 00:54:43.020 --> 00:54:45.660 in excess of reasonable market demand. 1285 00:54:45.660 --> 00:54:48.030 I think that this should absolutely be temporary. 1286 00:54:48.030 --> 00:54:50.310 In fact, I think what we should do is tie 1287 00:54:50.310 --> 00:54:53.630 that proration to market demand 1288 00:54:53.630 --> 00:54:58.100 and when market demand gets back to 85 million barrels a day 1289 00:54:58.100 --> 00:55:00.080 then I think that our proration should lift 1290 00:55:00.080 --> 00:55:02.170 without us taking affirmative action. 1291 00:55:02.170 --> 00:55:04.090 'Cause one of my real big concerns is 1292 00:55:04.090 --> 00:55:06.890 that we set a precedent that the Railroad Commission 1293 00:55:06.890 --> 00:55:10.410 gets involved in regulating the market, 1294 00:55:10.410 --> 00:55:13.680 but I think if we tie it to 85 million barrels a day 1295 00:55:13.680 --> 00:55:18.680 which is 15% less than market demand was just two months ago 1296 00:55:19.790 --> 00:55:22.960 I think we have set an extremely high threshold 1297 00:55:22.960 --> 00:55:24.840 for the Railroad Commission to get involved in the future, 1298 00:55:24.840 --> 00:55:26.803 since that's never happened before. 1299 00:55:28.480 --> 00:55:30.720 I think that this should only apply to Texas producers 1300 00:55:30.720 --> 00:55:32.853 who produce over 1,000 barrels a day. 1301 00:55:34.410 --> 00:55:36.090 I think that this proration should be done 1302 00:55:36.090 --> 00:55:38.800 by operator not by lease. 1303 00:55:38.800 --> 00:55:42.340 I think that we should, the basis for the new allowable 1304 00:55:42.340 --> 00:55:44.890 should be the maximum of their production in October, 1305 00:55:44.890 --> 00:55:45.723 November and December. 1306 00:55:45.723 --> 00:55:47.510 So whichever month they produced the most, 1307 00:55:47.510 --> 00:55:50.680 that becomes their maximum, it becomes their current basis 1308 00:55:50.680 --> 00:55:53.143 and we set the allowable at 20% of that. 1309 00:55:53.143 --> 00:55:56.570 I think we should be flexible to consider those 1310 00:55:56.570 --> 00:55:59.520 who have drilled new wells in-between that time to come in 1311 00:55:59.520 --> 00:56:02.120 and address or adjust allowables 1312 00:56:02.120 --> 00:56:03.280 or the basis depending on 1313 00:56:03.280 --> 00:56:05.030 if they've taken activity in the last three months, 1314 00:56:05.030 --> 00:56:07.040 but we don't have the production reports. 1315 00:56:07.040 --> 00:56:09.940 And then, finally, I think we should evaluate 1316 00:56:09.940 --> 00:56:12.360 this on a monthly basis as we go forward. 1317 00:56:12.360 --> 00:56:15.730 And we'll have two conference meetings between now 1318 00:56:15.730 --> 00:56:18.257 and June 1st to consider this action 1319 00:56:18.257 --> 00:56:19.700 and to take additional action 1320 00:56:19.700 --> 00:56:21.700 or additional adjustments if we need to. 1321 00:56:22.590 --> 00:56:24.970 I know that this is not comfortable for us. 1322 00:56:24.970 --> 00:56:27.090 I know that in general the rules of politics tells us 1323 00:56:27.090 --> 00:56:28.530 that we should wait for a consensus, 1324 00:56:28.530 --> 00:56:31.100 that it's politically risky to take these kind of votes. 1325 00:56:31.100 --> 00:56:34.020 And trust me, I see the opportunities out there 1326 00:56:34.020 --> 00:56:36.260 for challenges from across the spectrum, 1327 00:56:36.260 --> 00:56:37.610 but as I said in the beginning I believe 1328 00:56:37.610 --> 00:56:41.260 that this is much bigger than simply oil industry. 1329 00:56:41.260 --> 00:56:44.137 It's much bigger than production numbers. 1330 00:56:48.400 --> 00:56:49.690 It's bigger than corporate interests 1331 00:56:49.690 --> 00:56:50.590 and all those sort of things. 1332 00:56:50.590 --> 00:56:52.500 The fact is there is waste. 1333 00:56:52.500 --> 00:56:55.363 We saw yesterday that there's waste dollars, 1334 00:56:56.263 --> 00:56:58.480 there's waste economics on a dollar per barrel basis 1335 00:56:58.480 --> 00:57:01.650 is in the tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars 1336 00:57:01.650 --> 00:57:02.930 a day of waste. 1337 00:57:02.930 --> 00:57:06.160 We all know that this is due to market oversupply. 1338 00:57:06.160 --> 00:57:07.917 Supply in excess of reasonable market demand 1339 00:57:07.917 --> 00:57:09.900 and so I believe that it is incumbent upon us 1340 00:57:09.900 --> 00:57:11.500 to take action. 1341 00:57:11.500 --> 00:57:14.930 So, I will say I respect the two of you tremendously 1342 00:57:14.930 --> 00:57:18.010 and that I know this is challenging 1343 00:57:18.010 --> 00:57:20.050 and I have appreciated the conversation 1344 00:57:20.050 --> 00:57:23.910 and the difficulty that we've had in making this decision, 1345 00:57:23.910 --> 00:57:26.120 but I for one am ready to vote today. 1346 00:57:26.120 --> 00:57:29.300 And so, if either one of you is ready to take a vote 1347 00:57:29.300 --> 00:57:30.660 and I'm open for more discussion 1348 00:57:30.660 --> 00:57:31.810 before you get to that point, 1349 00:57:31.810 --> 00:57:34.690 then I'd say we move forward and we start the clock running 1350 00:57:34.690 --> 00:57:36.340 and we begin this process. 1351 00:57:36.340 --> 00:57:37.253 If neither of you are ready, 1352 00:57:37.253 --> 00:57:40.200 then I will instruct staff to bring an order 1353 00:57:40.200 --> 00:57:43.513 with all these specifics to vote on in the future. 1354 00:57:44.420 --> 00:57:45.803 Thank you, Commissioner. 1355 00:57:47.110 --> 00:57:49.360 If you would, I'd like to make my comments before 1356 00:57:49.360 --> 00:57:51.800 since we're all expressing what's going on 1357 00:57:51.800 --> 00:57:53.450 and I appreciate your view 1358 00:57:53.450 --> 00:57:55.377 and it's a challenging time to all of us. 1359 00:57:55.377 --> 00:57:57.560 And I wish there was a clear, 1360 00:57:57.560 --> 00:57:59.380 crystal clear picture to take on this 1361 00:57:59.380 --> 00:58:01.030 and want to make sure we do that. 1362 00:58:01.030 --> 00:58:02.235 But if you'd allow me. 1363 00:58:02.235 --> 00:58:03.677 Please. I'd like to make 1364 00:58:03.677 --> 00:58:06.350 a few comments before we go to the subject if I could. 1365 00:58:06.350 --> 00:58:08.190 Now, I'll just take a moment, of course, 1366 00:58:08.190 --> 00:58:10.100 and thank everyone who joined last week 1367 00:58:10.100 --> 00:58:13.800 for our 10 hour virtual open meeting on prioritization 1368 00:58:13.800 --> 00:58:15.690 and what Texans can do to stabilize 1369 00:58:15.690 --> 00:58:17.540 the international price of crude oil. 1370 00:58:18.430 --> 00:58:22.300 About 30,000 people in 86 countries, 49 states, tuned in, 1371 00:58:22.300 --> 00:58:26.190 over 50 witnesses, 130 written testimonies, 1372 00:58:26.190 --> 00:58:30.163 a variety of ideas people testified on what could be done. 1373 00:58:31.030 --> 00:58:33.120 Just to bring you up, Commissioners, 1374 00:58:33.120 --> 00:58:37.240 in the last 24 hours including just minutes prior 1375 00:58:37.240 --> 00:58:39.900 while dragging a little late having trouble getting set up, 1376 00:58:39.900 --> 00:58:42.360 this was Senator Cruz on the phone. 1377 00:58:42.360 --> 00:58:46.540 John Cornyn has reached out and scheduled calls 1378 00:58:46.540 --> 00:58:49.310 to discuss what is happening in our oil markets 1379 00:58:49.310 --> 00:58:54.310 and I've invited the North Dakota Oil Executive 1380 00:58:54.810 --> 00:58:58.910 or Oil Commissioner, whatever his title, to join in that. 1381 00:58:58.910 --> 00:59:01.010 Working with other states like North Dakota 1382 00:59:01.010 --> 00:59:02.970 and Oklahoma, at their request. 1383 00:59:02.970 --> 00:59:07.180 I visited with my friend in North Dakota 1384 00:59:07.180 --> 00:59:08.930 this morning regarding this. 1385 00:59:08.930 --> 00:59:12.590 And North Dakota will be going into a meeting noon today 1386 00:59:12.590 --> 00:59:16.389 and they have come to the point that they are considering 1387 00:59:16.389 --> 00:59:19.610 this is waste when the price gets to the price it is 1388 00:59:19.610 --> 00:59:21.650 on their natural resources 1389 00:59:21.650 --> 00:59:24.310 and are considering implementing that. 1390 00:59:24.310 --> 00:59:28.770 As has a judge in a case before Oklahoma 1391 00:59:30.030 --> 00:59:31.330 said that this is waste 1392 00:59:31.330 --> 00:59:34.250 and has ordered them to consider the same. 1393 00:59:34.250 --> 00:59:39.120 And I am to get back with our North Dakota friend 1394 00:59:39.120 --> 00:59:42.130 and visit with him today prior to his meeting, 1395 00:59:42.130 --> 00:59:43.950 to let him know where we stand 1396 00:59:43.950 --> 00:59:46.240 as a Railroad Commission in the state of Texas. 1397 00:59:46.240 --> 00:59:48.050 I think a lot of the testimony that we heard 1398 00:59:48.050 --> 00:59:51.590 said it would be much more powerful to move in conjunction 1399 00:59:51.590 --> 00:59:54.170 with other states and other countries 1400 00:59:54.170 --> 00:59:56.770 and so I've reached out to Canada this past week 1401 00:59:56.770 --> 00:59:59.360 and talked to their Oil Minister 1402 00:59:59.360 --> 01:00:03.310 and she has offered to help us if we decide. 1403 01:00:03.310 --> 01:00:05.823 And that they have been implementing some probate, 1404 01:00:07.750 --> 01:00:09.870 capping some of their supplies. 1405 01:00:09.870 --> 01:00:11.980 And they have been doing such in the past. 1406 01:00:11.980 --> 01:00:16.240 So she's offered to help us if we decide to. 1407 01:00:16.240 --> 01:00:17.250 Working with stakeholders 1408 01:00:17.250 --> 01:00:19.240 that participated in the hearing last week, 1409 01:00:19.240 --> 01:00:22.550 we've tried to find a solution that'll work for everybody. 1410 01:00:22.550 --> 01:00:26.183 But again, this is not a time, I think, to be timid. 1411 01:00:28.920 --> 01:00:30.067 Agenda Item is 311. 1412 01:00:32.282 --> 01:00:34.082 Well, we're still on 310, I'm sorry. 1413 01:00:35.880 --> 01:00:38.170 It's a time folks, we are here 1414 01:00:38.170 --> 01:00:42.880 and I've got the Senators asking to input federally. 1415 01:00:42.880 --> 01:00:47.360 We're on 309 right now, Item 309 and considering this. 1416 01:00:47.360 --> 01:00:50.163 And before we turn it back to Commissioner Sitton, 1417 01:00:51.330 --> 01:00:55.450 I just wanna say that I believe that with the forces 1418 01:00:55.450 --> 01:00:56.560 we have that are out working 1419 01:00:56.560 --> 01:00:58.900 trying to get the information together for us 1420 01:00:58.900 --> 01:01:00.340 with the Task Force, 1421 01:01:00.340 --> 01:01:03.160 I believe being called on by other states to visit 1422 01:01:03.160 --> 01:01:05.149 with them in the decision 1423 01:01:05.149 --> 01:01:08.630 and coordinate an action rather than go on our own alone 1424 01:01:08.630 --> 01:01:12.710 and I think it's time that we really need 1425 01:01:12.710 --> 01:01:13.880 to get the information correct 1426 01:01:13.880 --> 01:01:17.720 before we make a move alone and by ourself in Texas. 1427 01:01:17.720 --> 01:01:20.963 And with that, Commissioner Sitton, I recognize you. 1428 01:01:24.480 --> 01:01:26.670 Well, thank you, Chairman. 1429 01:01:26.670 --> 01:01:29.120 I appreciate your comments and I agree that it is 1430 01:01:30.520 --> 01:01:33.540 if we had more luxury to make more aggressive, 1431 01:01:33.540 --> 01:01:34.980 take more time I would take it. 1432 01:01:34.980 --> 01:01:36.230 But I just don't think we do. 1433 01:01:36.230 --> 01:01:37.820 But at the end of the day, as I said, 1434 01:01:37.820 --> 01:01:40.320 there's a reason that this is a three member commission 1435 01:01:40.320 --> 01:01:45.000 and that it takes two of us to make a vote to move forward. 1436 01:01:45.000 --> 01:01:46.760 I agree completely with your sentiment 1437 01:01:46.760 --> 01:01:50.050 that we have to do something leading a group 1438 01:01:50.050 --> 01:01:52.200 as opposed to simply on our own. 1439 01:01:52.200 --> 01:01:56.430 My point is that with a motion like the one I'm proposing 1440 01:01:56.430 --> 01:01:59.310 we begin that process by making a formal motion, 1441 01:01:59.310 --> 01:02:02.210 yes, we're gonna prorate a million barrels a day 1442 01:02:02.210 --> 01:02:04.650 if the rest of the world will prorate 1443 01:02:04.650 --> 01:02:06.810 an additional four million barrels a day 1444 01:02:06.810 --> 01:02:09.070 then we do that and we start that movement. 1445 01:02:09.070 --> 01:02:11.960 So as I said, though, if neither of the two of you are ready 1446 01:02:11.960 --> 01:02:16.250 I respect that and I'll ask the staff 1447 01:02:16.250 --> 01:02:18.920 to prepare an order for May 5th. 1448 01:02:18.920 --> 01:02:23.544 But if either of the two of you's ready to vote on this, 1449 01:02:23.544 --> 01:02:25.265 then I'll make a motion. 1450 01:02:25.265 --> 01:02:26.623 I'll follow you're lead. 1451 01:02:27.470 --> 01:02:29.870 I appreciate that Commissioner. 1452 01:02:29.870 --> 01:02:31.780 Commissioners, if I could, I'm sorry. 1453 01:02:31.780 --> 01:02:33.950 I do wanna include that Brian Sullivan 1454 01:02:33.950 --> 01:02:35.810 representing Pioneer Natural Resources 1455 01:02:35.810 --> 01:02:38.900 is available for questions if needed. 1456 01:02:38.900 --> 01:02:40.603 Are there any questions, members? 1457 01:02:41.564 --> 01:02:44.120 No, and if I could, Mr. Chairman. 1458 01:02:44.120 --> 01:02:48.150 Look, I think, Ryan, you can direct staff how you wish, 1459 01:02:48.150 --> 01:02:50.262 'cause I think that there are still questions 1460 01:02:50.262 --> 01:02:52.710 that I really would like staff to come back 1461 01:02:52.710 --> 01:02:57.710 and give us a process like I said in my statement 1462 01:02:58.630 --> 01:03:00.920 about what we do, how we do it. 1463 01:03:00.920 --> 01:03:02.800 I'm not sure, by law, 1464 01:03:02.800 --> 01:03:05.330 that some of what you're proposing is legal or not. 1465 01:03:05.330 --> 01:03:07.423 I think we need to clarify some of that. 1466 01:03:09.740 --> 01:03:11.640 I would hope that staff comes back 1467 01:03:11.640 --> 01:03:14.360 and not just if you direct them with your order, 1468 01:03:14.360 --> 01:03:18.620 but also a broad-based understanding of what we need to do 1469 01:03:18.620 --> 01:03:20.600 going down the road with proration. 1470 01:03:20.600 --> 01:03:23.763 Other options, all options should be on the table, 1471 01:03:25.551 --> 01:03:28.660 not just one perspective, but all options. 1472 01:03:28.660 --> 01:03:32.130 And we need to make sure our legal counsel is up-to-date 1473 01:03:32.130 --> 01:03:34.350 and knows what they are supposed to do 1474 01:03:34.350 --> 01:03:36.210 or what we can do legally. 1475 01:03:36.210 --> 01:03:39.090 'Cause I think there are some real questions about that. 1476 01:03:39.090 --> 01:03:42.070 And, look, I may be the only lawyer on the group, 1477 01:03:42.070 --> 01:03:44.180 but I'm telling you this is going to the courthouse 1478 01:03:44.180 --> 01:03:46.870 and we need to really think about that, too. 1479 01:03:46.870 --> 01:03:49.550 And I appreciate, Mr. Chairman, that you are continuing 1480 01:03:49.550 --> 01:03:52.360 to visit with other states and with our federal leadership, 1481 01:03:52.360 --> 01:03:56.010 because I hope that there is an all of the above 1482 01:03:56.010 --> 01:03:58.300 conversation that we continue 1483 01:03:58.300 --> 01:04:00.040 to figure out how to do it together. 1484 01:04:00.040 --> 01:04:02.040 So I think it's important for the United States, 1485 01:04:02.040 --> 01:04:05.190 Canada and, frankly, Mexico, too, to be all together 1486 01:04:05.190 --> 01:04:07.180 if we decide to go down this road. 1487 01:04:07.180 --> 01:04:10.360 So, thank y'all for both of your thoughts 1488 01:04:10.360 --> 01:04:12.110 and how we're working through this. 1489 01:04:13.610 --> 01:04:14.650 Frankly, Commissioner, 1490 01:04:14.650 --> 01:04:16.130 you know, frankly, there's a flotilla 1491 01:04:16.130 --> 01:04:19.230 from Saudi Arabia headed with a lot of oil 1492 01:04:19.230 --> 01:04:21.350 coming to the United States right now as we speak 1493 01:04:21.350 --> 01:04:24.940 that we need to visit with our senators 1494 01:04:24.940 --> 01:04:29.940 and federal administration regarding of the intent 1495 01:04:29.940 --> 01:04:34.090 that they had when OPEC made it's agreement. 1496 01:04:34.090 --> 01:04:35.650 There's a lot of challenges here folks 1497 01:04:35.650 --> 01:04:38.570 and I agree that this is not 1498 01:04:38.570 --> 01:04:41.220 the typical time of watching what's going on. 1499 01:04:41.220 --> 01:04:45.900 This is clearly a war on our industry by foreign advisories 1500 01:04:45.900 --> 01:04:48.110 and it's a time we need to respond. 1501 01:04:48.110 --> 01:04:53.110 I am still concerned to do it today as a vote, 1502 01:04:53.270 --> 01:04:55.020 because I'm with Commissioner Craddick 1503 01:04:55.020 --> 01:04:57.500 that I would rather our team at the Railroad Commission 1504 01:04:57.500 --> 01:04:59.740 make sure we research how we do it, 1505 01:04:59.740 --> 01:05:01.900 so it doesn't get turned around in some court 1506 01:05:01.900 --> 01:05:04.500 or get delayed even beyond the time 1507 01:05:04.500 --> 01:05:06.320 that we could do anything if it gets hung up 1508 01:05:06.320 --> 01:05:08.170 in some type of judge ruling. 1509 01:05:08.170 --> 01:05:11.020 I'd rather bring in General Paxton 1510 01:05:11.020 --> 01:05:14.160 to review this with our staff 1511 01:05:14.160 --> 01:05:14.993 here at the Railroad Commission 1512 01:05:14.993 --> 01:05:17.540 to make sure when we do make the motion, 1513 01:05:17.540 --> 01:05:19.970 that it doesn't get delayed. 1514 01:05:19.970 --> 01:05:23.580 In that case, that would impose a restriction 1515 01:05:23.580 --> 01:05:25.690 that'd be far out into the future. 1516 01:05:25.690 --> 01:05:27.390 So I agree with Commissioner Craddick 1517 01:05:27.390 --> 01:05:31.090 that we need to make darn sure when we make the motion 1518 01:05:31.090 --> 01:05:35.830 that it fits legal requirements not to get stuck in court 1519 01:05:35.830 --> 01:05:38.560 in another week and then we're sitting here for months 1520 01:05:38.560 --> 01:05:41.280 and it's totally too late for us to take action 1521 01:05:41.280 --> 01:05:42.900 if the courts tell us that we can't 1522 01:05:42.900 --> 01:05:44.700 or waiting on some court ruling. 1523 01:05:44.700 --> 01:05:46.530 And I've seen that for decades. 1524 01:05:46.530 --> 01:05:50.730 So what I do not want anybody from this meeting 1525 01:05:50.730 --> 01:05:53.570 to go forward that the Railroad Commission is hesitant, 1526 01:05:53.570 --> 01:05:55.573 is not taking action. 1527 01:05:56.450 --> 01:05:58.890 I want everybody to know that it is the intent 1528 01:05:58.890 --> 01:06:01.110 of all three of us Commissioners 1529 01:06:01.110 --> 01:06:05.180 and if you object say this, that we are proceeding 1530 01:06:05.180 --> 01:06:07.990 and have been working as independently 1531 01:06:07.990 --> 01:06:09.580 and now as a Commission giving orders 1532 01:06:09.580 --> 01:06:12.100 for both the industry, by our staffs, 1533 01:06:12.100 --> 01:06:15.520 for the Railroad Commission staff, General Paxton, 1534 01:06:15.520 --> 01:06:18.340 calling them all together to make darn sure 1535 01:06:18.340 --> 01:06:21.800 that when we make this motion that it will have affect. 1536 01:06:21.800 --> 01:06:24.250 I fear as Commissioner Craddick has expressed 1537 01:06:24.250 --> 01:06:26.960 and I repeat myself, I've seen too many times 1538 01:06:26.960 --> 01:06:29.040 the courts come in and have some quick ruling 1539 01:06:29.040 --> 01:06:32.650 by some opposing faction, which there will be in this, 1540 01:06:32.650 --> 01:06:36.030 guaranteed and if we make the motion today 1541 01:06:36.030 --> 01:06:38.380 without legal counsel screening this 1542 01:06:38.380 --> 01:06:39.980 and General Paxton going through it 1543 01:06:39.980 --> 01:06:43.000 and making sure that we stand together legally, 1544 01:06:43.000 --> 01:06:44.417 I have great fear, Commissioner Sitton, 1545 01:06:44.417 --> 01:06:49.417 that that would delay it past even two weeks, very easily. 1546 01:06:49.440 --> 01:06:51.690 And so I would request that we... 1547 01:06:51.690 --> 01:06:54.750 That I appreciate, I honor your suggestion 1548 01:06:54.750 --> 01:06:56.550 that if the two of us decide 1549 01:06:56.550 --> 01:06:59.440 we don't want to exactly move on that motion today 1550 01:06:59.440 --> 01:07:01.780 it's not because we don't have an intent 1551 01:07:01.780 --> 01:07:03.143 to desire to reflect it, 1552 01:07:03.143 --> 01:07:05.330 it's I'm negotiating again with other states, 1553 01:07:05.330 --> 01:07:06.380 with other countries. 1554 01:07:07.800 --> 01:07:10.360 I believe, as Commissioner Craddick has suggested, 1555 01:07:10.360 --> 01:07:14.110 have it reviewed by the Attorney General's office 1556 01:07:14.110 --> 01:07:16.330 and make darn sure we don't get shut down. 1557 01:07:16.330 --> 01:07:17.980 I'm repeating myself. 1558 01:07:17.980 --> 01:07:20.160 And so, I would request at this time 1559 01:07:20.160 --> 01:07:22.160 that we not consider a motion, 1560 01:07:22.160 --> 01:07:27.160 but, indeed, that we need to work toward that motion. 1561 01:07:27.580 --> 01:07:28.580 Commissioner Sitton. 1562 01:07:29.720 --> 01:07:31.070 Mr. Chair, thank you for that. 1563 01:07:31.070 --> 01:07:35.320 And in fact, since you both articulated the concerns 1564 01:07:35.320 --> 01:07:38.503 over legal precedent since Brian Sullivan is on the phone. 1565 01:07:39.450 --> 01:07:41.430 Well, I appreciate that Brian Sullivan's on the phone. 1566 01:07:41.430 --> 01:07:42.610 But I think we've heard 1567 01:07:42.610 --> 01:07:44.890 and I appreciate Brian has one perspective. 1568 01:07:44.890 --> 01:07:48.390 And, look, Brian I appreciate you as an attorney, 1569 01:07:48.390 --> 01:07:51.040 but I don't think until we hear all sides 1570 01:07:51.040 --> 01:07:53.690 and since he's the only one on the phone. 1571 01:07:53.690 --> 01:07:56.700 This is, frankly, above my pay grade 1572 01:07:56.700 --> 01:07:58.003 and above Brian's at this point. 1573 01:07:58.003 --> 01:08:00.380 That we really need to hear from the Attorney General 1574 01:08:00.380 --> 01:08:02.823 and our counsel staff. 1575 01:08:03.960 --> 01:08:06.930 Brian has a perspective, in my opinion, 1576 01:08:06.930 --> 01:08:09.960 about the motion you wanna bring. 1577 01:08:09.960 --> 01:08:12.620 But I think there are, we heard a lot of sides 1578 01:08:12.620 --> 01:08:16.128 this past week and just 'cause this is the direction 1579 01:08:16.128 --> 01:08:18.110 that his clients wanna go, 1580 01:08:18.110 --> 01:08:20.730 I'm not sure that that's exactly the direction 1581 01:08:20.730 --> 01:08:21.930 anybody else would wanna go. 1582 01:08:21.930 --> 01:08:24.470 So that's where I hope that our staff looks not just 1583 01:08:24.470 --> 01:08:29.470 at your proposed motion but gives us lots of options 1584 01:08:29.700 --> 01:08:32.760 of some other things we need to look at. 1585 01:08:32.760 --> 01:08:35.220 I like Brian, but I'm not sure that that's, 1586 01:08:35.220 --> 01:08:37.100 Mr. Chairman, necessarily appropriate 1587 01:08:37.100 --> 01:08:39.810 since there's not an opposing person on the phone as well. 1588 01:08:39.810 --> 01:08:42.810 And we always try to give everybody an opportunity. 1589 01:08:42.810 --> 01:08:44.060 I haven't made a motion. 1590 01:08:44.060 --> 01:08:45.890 So at this point I just wanna get some, 1591 01:08:45.890 --> 01:08:48.220 you both expressed concerns over legal input. 1592 01:08:48.220 --> 01:08:49.077 I'd like to get some legal input. 1593 01:08:49.077 --> 01:08:51.810 And I know that Brian and his team have studied this, 1594 01:08:51.810 --> 01:08:55.080 so I want an answer to the question, 1595 01:08:55.080 --> 01:08:57.500 Commissioner Craddick you brought up a number of questions. 1596 01:08:57.500 --> 01:08:59.740 I'd like to get his input on that 1597 01:08:59.740 --> 01:09:01.420 and all the research they've done. 1598 01:09:01.420 --> 01:09:03.150 Since I haven't make a motion I don't there's any risk 1599 01:09:03.150 --> 01:09:04.870 in us getting more input on this. 1600 01:09:05.955 --> 01:09:08.633 I'd like to go ahead and let Brian answer some questions. 1601 01:09:10.450 --> 01:09:12.950 Okay, Brian. 1602 01:09:12.950 --> 01:09:14.630 Now look, I mean I feel like 1603 01:09:14.630 --> 01:09:15.587 we heard a lot of it last week. 1604 01:09:15.587 --> 01:09:18.420 And, like I said, I appreciate Brian 1605 01:09:18.420 --> 01:09:19.790 and I appreciate the feedback. 1606 01:09:19.790 --> 01:09:21.730 And, Brian, you've given us some good memos 1607 01:09:21.730 --> 01:09:24.730 and I've read them and I still, 1608 01:09:24.730 --> 01:09:26.740 not all this has been answered. 1609 01:09:26.740 --> 01:09:29.150 It's my understanding that we've got a process 1610 01:09:29.150 --> 01:09:32.030 to make sure that we have people available. 1611 01:09:32.030 --> 01:09:35.970 And so I wanna make sure all sides are available on this 1612 01:09:35.970 --> 01:09:40.810 and I am concerned that we don't have all sides available. 1613 01:09:40.810 --> 01:09:43.170 And so, Brian's not my attorney. 1614 01:09:43.170 --> 01:09:46.510 Brian's a party's attorney and I think our attorneys 1615 01:09:46.510 --> 01:09:49.780 whether it's Alex, who is on the call 1616 01:09:49.780 --> 01:09:52.260 and I'm not sure that they're or Haley, 1617 01:09:52.260 --> 01:09:56.090 and I'm not sure they're ready to answer this question. 1618 01:09:56.090 --> 01:09:58.420 That's why I think that we need to make sure 1619 01:09:58.420 --> 01:09:59.880 some of these questions are answered. 1620 01:09:59.880 --> 01:10:01.720 And my list wasn't exhaustive, 1621 01:10:01.720 --> 01:10:03.120 I've got like I said a list. 1622 01:10:03.120 --> 01:10:05.960 But I think the Attorney General is our attorney 1623 01:10:05.960 --> 01:10:08.133 and that's who I would like to listen to. 1624 01:10:09.273 --> 01:10:10.830 We'll get a chance to listen to them, too. 1625 01:10:10.830 --> 01:10:12.825 But if we could, let's go ahead and have Brian come on. 1626 01:10:12.825 --> 01:10:14.700 I'd like him to answer some of these questions. 1627 01:10:14.700 --> 01:10:18.460 I agree and, Brian, I welcome you, 1628 01:10:18.460 --> 01:10:21.680 because I think we want to make sure 1629 01:10:21.680 --> 01:10:23.810 all people get to speak anytime 1630 01:10:23.810 --> 01:10:26.350 and I believe I will allow. 1631 01:10:26.350 --> 01:10:27.900 It's okay, the power of the Chair, 1632 01:10:27.900 --> 01:10:31.003 to recognize Brian Sullivan for comments at this time. 1633 01:10:32.150 --> 01:10:33.070 Thank you, Commissioners. 1634 01:10:33.070 --> 01:10:34.460 Can you hear me? 1635 01:10:34.460 --> 01:10:35.293 Yes. 1636 01:10:37.640 --> 01:10:39.610 I'm happy to answer questions. 1637 01:10:39.610 --> 01:10:42.890 I'm also happy to address the questions 1638 01:10:42.890 --> 01:10:46.043 that Commissioner Craddick raised in her statement. 1639 01:10:47.707 --> 01:10:51.163 What is best for you in terms of how I could address this? 1640 01:10:53.284 --> 01:10:54.470 If it's okay for my part, Brian, 1641 01:10:54.470 --> 01:10:58.250 I'd like to keep it specific to Commissioner Craddick 1642 01:10:58.250 --> 01:10:59.710 brought up some really good points. 1643 01:10:59.710 --> 01:11:01.260 We're gonna need a lot of opinions on this. 1644 01:11:01.260 --> 01:11:03.990 But just for your part, I know you guys have studied this 1645 01:11:03.990 --> 01:11:07.460 in terms of does the Administrative Procedures Act 1646 01:11:07.460 --> 01:11:08.403 affect us? 1647 01:11:12.260 --> 01:11:14.400 Can we legally prorate statewide as opposed to by field? 1648 01:11:14.400 --> 01:11:16.060 Some of the things Commissioner Craddick asked 1649 01:11:16.060 --> 01:11:20.143 and then in so far as the items that I've proposed, 1650 01:11:21.500 --> 01:11:22.360 didn't make a motion, 1651 01:11:22.360 --> 01:11:24.247 but that I think we should include in our motion. 1652 01:11:24.247 --> 01:11:26.697 I'd like to get your opinion on all those things. 1653 01:11:28.449 --> 01:11:29.610 And you can just take it in order 1654 01:11:29.610 --> 01:11:32.380 and I can re-offer my list if you need it. 1655 01:11:32.380 --> 01:11:34.590 No, I just briefly I think 1656 01:11:34.590 --> 01:11:38.170 I would point out to you that 85.051 1657 01:11:38.170 --> 01:11:42.110 says very clearly that you, as the Commission, 1658 01:11:42.110 --> 01:11:46.360 may issue any order that is reasonably required 1659 01:11:46.360 --> 01:11:49.190 to correct, prevent or lessen the waste. 1660 01:11:49.190 --> 01:11:52.280 So if you decide that you want to address this order 1661 01:11:52.280 --> 01:11:56.300 to operators you can do that. 1662 01:11:56.300 --> 01:11:58.940 The statutory provision that talks about 1663 01:11:58.940 --> 01:12:03.370 prorating as to field starts with the word if. 1664 01:12:03.370 --> 01:12:06.750 The Commission historically had a staff 1665 01:12:06.750 --> 01:12:09.880 that did an analysis on a field by field basis. 1666 01:12:09.880 --> 01:12:12.930 That is not required by the statute. 1667 01:12:12.930 --> 01:12:16.990 You can direct operators to reduce production 1668 01:12:16.990 --> 01:12:20.370 and provide the exceptions that you have recommended. 1669 01:12:20.370 --> 01:12:25.370 So, I don't see any legal impediment to the order 1670 01:12:26.110 --> 01:12:28.500 that you have proposed. 1671 01:12:28.500 --> 01:12:32.250 So, in my opinion, the Commission could do exactly 1672 01:12:32.250 --> 01:12:33.920 what you have proposed. 1673 01:12:33.920 --> 01:12:37.430 I think Commissioner Craddick makes a good point, though, 1674 01:12:37.430 --> 01:12:39.050 that there's going to be litigation, 1675 01:12:39.050 --> 01:12:41.730 but there could be litigation on either side. 1676 01:12:41.730 --> 01:12:44.350 If the Commission issues your order 1677 01:12:44.350 --> 01:12:46.960 and somebody seeks to enjoin it, 1678 01:12:46.960 --> 01:12:48.990 which I doubt they will, 1679 01:12:48.990 --> 01:12:50.940 won't they have to post a bond. 1680 01:12:50.940 --> 01:12:54.250 What would the bond be for some company 1681 01:12:54.250 --> 01:12:58.370 to interrupt the Commission's order? 1682 01:12:58.370 --> 01:13:00.700 I think your order would be affective 1683 01:13:00.700 --> 01:13:04.470 until some court ruled against you down the road. 1684 01:13:04.470 --> 01:13:08.943 So my view is that you can do this, if you choose to. 1685 01:13:11.070 --> 01:13:14.224 Brian, I appreciate the efficiency with your answer 1686 01:13:14.224 --> 01:13:16.530 and I understand what you're saying is 1687 01:13:16.530 --> 01:13:19.900 that the concern being if we took this action 1688 01:13:19.900 --> 01:13:21.630 it may get quickly overturned 1689 01:13:21.630 --> 01:13:23.670 with some sort of injunctive action to cancel it, 1690 01:13:23.670 --> 01:13:25.670 but you believe is it would be effective 1691 01:13:27.450 --> 01:13:29.660 until it was overturned in court. 1692 01:13:29.660 --> 01:13:30.630 And thank you for that commentary. 1693 01:13:30.630 --> 01:13:33.300 My question's in some of the more specific legal questions 1694 01:13:33.300 --> 01:13:37.250 in terms of, for example, making our action 1695 01:13:37.250 --> 01:13:38.470 contingent upon others 1696 01:13:38.470 --> 01:13:40.193 which is some things I proposed. 1697 01:13:41.490 --> 01:13:43.380 You already spoke to doing it by producer 1698 01:13:43.380 --> 01:13:46.463 as opposed to lease, I believe. 1699 01:13:48.390 --> 01:13:49.440 By field. 1700 01:13:49.440 --> 01:13:50.790 By field, sorry, yeah. 1701 01:13:50.790 --> 01:13:52.530 Well, actually I'm asking it too by lease. 1702 01:13:52.530 --> 01:13:54.330 Doing it, I'm pretty sure, as opposed to by lease. 1703 01:13:54.330 --> 01:13:55.730 Sounds like you've spoken to all that, 1704 01:13:55.730 --> 01:13:57.883 but if I missed something say so. 1705 01:13:59.900 --> 01:14:03.390 What about limiting it to a producer 1706 01:14:03.390 --> 01:14:05.060 producing over 1,000 barrels a day. 1707 01:14:05.060 --> 01:14:08.430 So is anything that I said in there give you any concern 1708 01:14:08.430 --> 01:14:10.790 or anything that we need to do from your perspective, 1709 01:14:10.790 --> 01:14:12.200 anymore homework on? 1710 01:14:12.200 --> 01:14:14.140 And not looking for a yes or a no. 1711 01:14:14.140 --> 01:14:16.590 I'm looking for a yeah, you need to look in this. 1712 01:14:18.380 --> 01:14:20.440 I'm assuming we're not gonna vote on something today. 1713 01:14:20.440 --> 01:14:22.903 but as we get ready for May 5th, 1714 01:14:24.160 --> 01:14:26.640 what things should we be looking at? 1715 01:14:26.640 --> 01:14:28.020 Sir, our legal team 1716 01:14:28.020 --> 01:14:29.620 and it's more than just me. 1717 01:14:29.620 --> 01:14:31.830 There are some other law firms that have been involved 1718 01:14:31.830 --> 01:14:33.363 and have vetted this. 1719 01:14:34.440 --> 01:14:36.820 We don't see any problem with you all 1720 01:14:36.820 --> 01:14:39.120 issuing a contingent order 1721 01:14:39.120 --> 01:14:42.090 as long as the contingencies are clear. 1722 01:14:42.090 --> 01:14:45.980 So the fact that you would not implement this until June 1st 1723 01:14:46.980 --> 01:14:51.193 if others participated we don't think is a legal impediment. 1724 01:14:53.930 --> 01:14:55.150 Okay. 1725 01:14:55.150 --> 01:14:57.030 We had the required hearing. 1726 01:15:00.560 --> 01:15:01.560 Any more comments? 1727 01:15:04.690 --> 01:15:06.450 I continue, thank you very much, Brian. 1728 01:15:06.450 --> 01:15:08.120 Appreciate your comments 1729 01:15:08.120 --> 01:15:12.270 and, again, I join Commissioner Craddick in believing 1730 01:15:12.270 --> 01:15:14.040 we need to check with our Attorney General on this 1731 01:15:14.040 --> 01:15:17.283 to confirm those points. 1732 01:15:18.210 --> 01:15:21.330 Frankly, agreeing with Commissioner Sitton 1733 01:15:21.330 --> 01:15:24.570 a date of June the 1st would be very good. 1734 01:15:24.570 --> 01:15:26.290 We will have power May the 1st, 1735 01:15:26.290 --> 01:15:29.330 hopefully, to meet that deadline. 1736 01:15:29.330 --> 01:15:33.760 So I would consider right now that we would not take action 1737 01:15:33.760 --> 01:15:36.960 on this motion if it's the pleasure of the Commissioners. 1738 01:15:38.563 --> 01:15:42.152 Okay, and let's move on to Agenda Item 311 1739 01:15:42.152 --> 01:15:44.550 is our Public Participation Item. 1740 01:15:44.550 --> 01:15:46.860 No one has registered indicating that they wish to speak 1741 01:15:46.860 --> 01:15:49.010 on any non-posted items. 1742 01:15:49.010 --> 01:15:51.600 Agenda Number 312 is our Executive Session item 1743 01:15:51.600 --> 01:15:53.653 which we will not be going into today. 1744 01:15:54.700 --> 01:15:56.510 Are there any other duly posted matters 1745 01:15:56.510 --> 01:15:59.370 to be brought before the Commission at this time? 1746 01:15:59.370 --> 01:16:01.090 Hearing none, this meeting 1747 01:16:01.090 --> 01:16:04.210 of the Railroad Commission of Texas is adjourned. 1748 01:16:04.210 --> 01:16:05.043 Thank you.