WEBVTT 00:00:03.339 --> 00:00:06.290 Okay, if everybody's ready. Good morning. This is Callie 00:00:06.290 --> 00:00:08.910 Ferrar, Commission secretary. I will be serving as 00:00:08.910 --> 00:00:11.839 the meeting moderator for today's meeting. Just a few 00:00:11.839 --> 00:00:13.779 reminders. When it's your time to speak, you'll be 00:00:13.779 --> 00:00:16.640 transferred over to video and unmuted. You will 00:00:16.640 --> 00:00:19.089 also need to remove yourself from mute for the audio 00:00:19.089 --> 00:00:22.440 to work. For any of our guest speakers, you will be 00:00:22.440 --> 00:00:25.809 audio only today. You will be unmuted when and if 00:00:25.809 --> 00:00:28.449 a question is needed to be answered by a Commissioner. 00:00:28.839 --> 00:00:31.039 You will also need to remove yourself from mute 00:00:31.050 --> 00:00:34.490 for audio to work. The Commission does reserve the 00:00:34.490 --> 00:00:37.750 right to remove any audio or video sharing capabilities 00:00:37.750 --> 00:00:41.210 from any person if needed. Commissioner Christian, we 00:00:41.210 --> 00:00:43.207 are ready to begin when you are. 00:00:43.232 --> 00:00:44.829 Thank you. This is Chairman 00:00:44.829 --> 00:00:47.130 Christian. This meeting of the Railroad Commission of 00:00:47.140 --> 00:00:49.740 Texas will come to order to consider matters which 00:00:49.740 --> 00:00:53.159 have been duly posted with Secretary of State for May 00:00:53.159 --> 00:00:58.399 20, 2020. Under our public participation policy, anyone 00:00:58.399 --> 00:01:01.229 desiring to offer public testimony on any items that 00:01:01.229 --> 00:01:04.430 are not noticed on today's agenda was required 00:01:04.430 --> 00:01:08.200 to register in advance. We had one person, Cyrus Reed, 00:01:08.200 --> 00:01:10.650 with the Sierra Club, register in advance for this meeting. 00:01:11.140 --> 00:01:13.709 The Commission will consider the items on the agenda 00:01:13.709 --> 00:01:17.120 as posted on the agenda. Callie please call up the presenter 00:01:17.120 --> 00:01:19.015 for Agenda Item Number one. 00:01:19.040 --> 00:01:20.840 Yes, thank you, Christina 00:01:20.840 --> 00:01:24.609 Pool will be presenting agenda item number one. Christina, 00:01:24.609 --> 00:01:26.020 we are ready when you are. 00:01:26.045 --> 00:01:27.944 Morning Chairman and Commissioners 00:01:28.239 --> 00:01:30.590 For the record, my name is Cristina Pool, and I'm with 00:01:30.590 --> 00:01:33.599 the Oversight and Safety Division. Before you today is 00:01:33.599 --> 00:01:37.400 Gas Utilities Docket number 10942, the application 00:01:37.400 --> 00:01:40.859 of Atmos Pipeline Texas, for the Test Year 2019 00:01:41.060 --> 00:01:44.030 Annual Interim Rate adjustment. This is the fourth 00:01:44.040 --> 00:01:48.019 interim rate adjustment the Atmos Pipeline Texas has 00:01:48.019 --> 00:01:51.120 filed since the company's last rate case, GUD number 00:01:51.120 --> 00:01:55.060 10580. This adjustment represents an incremental revenue 00:01:55.069 --> 00:02:01.400 increase of $49,250,788, affecting all the customers 00:02:01.540 --> 00:02:05.049 located on the Atmos Pipeline system. Staff recommends 00:02:05.049 --> 00:02:08.020 approval of the interim rate adjustment as proposed. 00:02:08.030 --> 00:02:10.480 I'm available to answer questions. 00:02:10.505 --> 00:02:12.210 Any questions? I move 00:02:12.210 --> 00:02:14.419 we approve the Examiners recommendation. Is there a 00:02:14.419 --> 00:02:14.864 second? 00:02:14.889 --> 00:02:15.372 Second. 00:02:15.397 --> 00:02:18.169 Second by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor 00:02:18.169 --> 00:02:22.400 say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes, that item 00:02:22.400 --> 00:02:24.800 is approved. Callie, please call up the presenter 00:02:24.800 --> 00:02:26.111 for Agenda Item 2. 00:02:26.136 --> 00:02:28.879 Yes, thank you, Frank Thomasek will 00:02:28.879 --> 00:02:32.370 be presenting agenda Item number two. Frank, we are 00:02:32.370 --> 00:02:33.806 ready when you are. 00:02:33.831 --> 00:02:36.150 All right. Very well. Chairman 00:02:36.150 --> 00:02:38.419 Commissioners. Good morning. I'm Frank Thomasek 00:02:38.419 --> 00:02:40.430 with the Oversight and Safety division. This morning's 00:02:40.430 --> 00:02:42.919 next agenda item is Gas Utilities Docket number 10944, 00:02:42.919 --> 00:02:46.669 application made by Atmos Energy Corporation 00:02:46.669 --> 00:02:49.439 for a Test Year 2019 Annual Interim Rate Adjustment for 00:02:49.439 --> 00:02:52.550 the unincorporated areas in its MidTex division service 00:02:52.550 --> 00:02:55.509 area. This is the second interim rate adjustment since 00:02:55.509 --> 00:02:58.930 the company's last rate case in GUD number 10742 00:02:58.960 --> 00:03:01.199 which set the basin or rate adjustment components. 00:03:01.689 --> 00:03:04.030 Under these factors, the company's identified an annual 00:03:04.030 --> 00:03:06.229 test year incremental rate requirement of approximately 00:03:06.229 --> 00:03:14.469 $113,027,985 of which $4,439,923 will be recovered 00:03:14.469 --> 00:03:17.150 from environs customers under the proposed rate adjustment. 00:03:17.659 --> 00:03:20.659 Atmos has also stated its intention by letter to defer 00:03:20.659 --> 00:03:23.379 the effective rate of the proposed IRA changing costs 00:03:23.389 --> 00:03:26.639 September 1st in recognizing the ongoing economic effects 00:03:26.639 --> 00:03:29.680 of the COVID 19 pandemic. Staff's review of the filing 00:03:29.680 --> 00:03:31.280 has found it to be compliant with the provisions of 00:03:31.280 --> 00:03:33.539 the GRIP statutes since staff is recommending approval. 00:03:33.659 --> 00:03:36.262 I can address any questions at this time. 00:03:36.287 --> 00:03:37.130 Any questions 00:03:37.129 --> 00:03:39.330 members? 00:03:39.330 --> 00:03:41.800 I move we approve the Examiner's recommendation. Is there 00:03:41.800 --> 00:03:42.330 a second? 00:03:42.355 --> 00:03:42.801 Second. 00:03:42.826 --> 00:03:44.979 Second by Commissioner Craddick. All 00:03:44.979 --> 00:03:49.330 in favor, say aye. Aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. 00:03:49.400 --> 00:03:52.360 That item was approved. Callie, please call the presenter for 00:03:52.360 --> 00:04:01.590 agenda item three. 00:04:01.590 --> 00:04:05.150 Agenda Item number three Veronica Roberto will be 00:04:05.150 --> 00:04:08.617 presenting. Veronica, we are ready when you are. 00:04:08.641 --> 00:04:09.789 Good morning, 00:04:09.789 --> 00:04:12.639 Chairman, Commissioners. For the record, Veronica Roberto, 00:04:12.639 --> 00:04:14.879 Administrative Law Judge of that Hearings division. 00:04:15.439 --> 00:04:19.019 I will be presenting items three through five, of which 00:04:19.029 --> 00:04:22.839 items three and four are both replacement bond applications 00:04:23.060 --> 00:04:27.189 by Texas Municipal Power Agency. Item number three 00:04:27.240 --> 00:04:31.439 is the application by TMPA for acceptance of replacement 00:04:31.439 --> 00:04:34.569 collateral bond and letter of credit for Permit number 00:04:34.569 --> 00:04:39.779 2060 within Givens Creek Lignite Mine. Located in Grimes 00:04:39.779 --> 00:04:44.240 County. Permit number 2060 is in reclamation and is 00:04:44.240 --> 00:04:47.720 currently bonded with a collateral bond and letter 00:04:48.639 --> 00:04:52.779 of credit issued by Wells Fargo in the amount of $11.4 00:04:52.779 --> 00:04:56.569 million. The existing bond expires on June 9, 2020. 00:04:57.129 --> 00:05:00.480 TMPA requests acceptance of a replacement collateral 00:05:00.480 --> 00:05:04.139 bond with a letter of credit, also issued by Wells Fargo 00:05:04.279 --> 00:05:08.980 in the amount of the $11.6 million. This is an increase 00:05:08.990 --> 00:05:12.699 from the existing bond. The profered bond has an expiration 00:05:12.699 --> 00:05:17.629 date of June 8, 2021. Staff's most recent reclamation 00:05:17.629 --> 00:05:25.449 costs proposed for adoption is in the amount of $10,942,642. 00:05:26.420 --> 00:05:29.079 The amount of the replacement bond for the permit will 00:05:29.079 --> 00:05:31.910 exceed the approved reclamation costs and is sufficient 00:05:31.910 --> 00:05:34.899 in amount. All other issues have been sufficiently 00:05:34.899 --> 00:05:39.000 addressed by TMPA, where acceptance of the bond, staff 00:05:39.009 --> 00:05:42.410 and TMPA are the only parties to the proceedings. No 00:05:42.410 --> 00:05:46.399 exceptions were filed. It is recommended the Commission 00:05:46.410 --> 00:05:49.180 accept the proper collateral bond and letter of credit 00:05:49.189 --> 00:05:52.147 to replace existing bond. I'm available for questions. 00:05:52.171 --> 00:05:57.750 Are there any questions? I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 00:05:57.759 --> 00:05:58.800 Is there a second? 00:05:58.824 --> 00:05:59.280 Second. 00:05:59.304 --> 00:06:00.649 Second by Commissioner 00:06:00.649 --> 00:06:05.160 Sitton. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Any opposed? 00:06:05.170 --> 00:06:08.029 Motion passes, that item is approved. Please 00:06:08.029 --> 00:06:09.431 call up agenda 4. 00:06:09.455 --> 00:06:12.189 Thank you, Veronica Roberto will 00:06:12.189 --> 00:06:15.720 be continuing with agenda item number four. Veronica, 00:06:15.720 --> 00:06:17.606 we are ready when you are. 00:06:17.630 --> 00:06:19.370 Item number four it is. 00:06:19.370 --> 00:06:23.379 It is an application by TMPA for acceptance of a replacement 00:06:23.379 --> 00:06:26.240 collateral bond and letter of credit for permit number 00:06:26.240 --> 00:06:31.410 38D, within Givens Creek Lignite Mined Five. Located 00:06:31.410 --> 00:06:35.199 in Grimes County. Permit number 38D is in reclamation 00:06:35.199 --> 00:06:38.319 and is currently bonded by both a self bond in the 00:06:38.319 --> 00:06:42.519 amount of $3.3 million and by a collateral bond with a 00:06:42.519 --> 00:06:45.170 letter of credit issued by Wells Fargo in the amount 00:06:45.170 --> 00:06:49.870 of $11.9 million. The existing bond expires on June 00:06:49.870 --> 00:06:54.959 9, 2020. TMPA request acceptance of a replacement collateral 00:06:54.959 --> 00:06:57.870 bond with a letter of credit issued by Wells Fargo 00:06:57.879 --> 00:07:02.230 in the amount of $6.5 million. This is a decrease from 00:07:02.230 --> 00:07:05.279 the existing bond to correspond to staff's 00:07:05.279 --> 00:07:08.379 most recent reclamation cost estimates. The proferred 00:07:08.379 --> 00:07:14.370 bond expiration date is June 8, 2021. Staff's nost 00:07:14.370 --> 00:07:17.439 recent reclamation cost estimate, which was approved 00:07:17.439 --> 00:07:22.319 administratively February 25, 2020, is in the amount 00:07:22.329 --> 00:07:29.189 of $6,134,953. The amount of the replacement 00:07:29.189 --> 00:07:32.420 bond for the permit will exceed the approved reclamation 00:07:32.420 --> 00:07:36.480 costs and is sufficient in amount. All other issues 00:07:36.480 --> 00:07:39.449 have been sufficiently addressed by TMPA for acceptance 00:07:39.449 --> 00:07:42.240 of the bond. Staff and TMPA are the only parties 00:07:42.240 --> 00:07:44.910 to the proceeding. No exceptions were filed. It is 00:07:44.910 --> 00:07:47.959 recommended that the Commission accept the proffered 00:07:47.959 --> 00:07:51.790 collateral bond and letter of credit to replace both existing 00:07:52.040 --> 00:07:55.949 self bond and collateral bond. I'm available for questions 00:07:56.339 --> 00:07:59.540 Are they need questions? I move we approve the examiners 00:07:59.540 --> 00:08:01.283 recommendation. Is there a second? 00:08:01.307 --> 00:08:01.851 Second. 00:08:01.875 --> 00:08:03.529 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:08:03.540 --> 00:08:08.329 All in favor, say Aye.Any opposed? Motion passes. 00:08:08.329 --> 00:08:10.930 That item is approved. Please call up agenda item 00:08:10.930 --> 00:08:12.015 five. 00:08:12.039 --> 00:08:15.319 Yes. Thank you. Veronica Roberto will be continuing 00:08:15.319 --> 00:08:18.730 with agenda item number five. Veronica, you may continue. 00:08:19.540 --> 00:08:22.480 Item number Five is an application by the Sabine 00:08:22.490 --> 00:08:26.149 Mining Company requesting a multi phase release of reclamation 00:08:26.149 --> 00:08:32.019 obligations on an aggregate 1422.5 acres. Permit number 00:08:32.019 --> 00:08:36.620 33I within South Hallsville Number one mine, located 00:08:36.620 --> 00:08:39.789 in Harrison County. There are four approved post mine 00:08:39.789 --> 00:08:43.379 land uses. Grazing land, pasture land, developed water 00:08:43.379 --> 00:08:47.440 resources and forestry. Evidence in the record supports 00:08:47.440 --> 00:08:50.009 that Sabine has completed all reclamation activities 00:08:50.019 --> 00:08:52.409 required for the various phases of released sought 00:08:52.779 --> 00:08:55.700 with the exception of two acres that do not meet the 00:08:55.700 --> 00:08:59.149 requirements for release. After notice, no comments 00:08:59.159 --> 00:09:02.360 or request for a hearing were received. Staff and Sabine 00:09:02.360 --> 00:09:05.450 are the only parties to the proceeding. No exceptions 00:09:05.450 --> 00:09:08.049 were filed. No current changes to the current 00:09:08.049 --> 00:09:12.240 bond are requested in this docket. It it is recommended 00:09:12.250 --> 00:09:14.720 that the requests for the various phases of release 00:09:14.759 --> 00:09:23.009 be approved for the aggregate 1420.5 acres and for 00:09:23.019 --> 00:09:26.600 two acres, be denied release without prejudice. And to 00:09:26.600 --> 00:09:29.289 then be eligible to reduce the bond monies attributable 00:09:29.360 --> 00:09:32.559 to the areas granted release on the docket. I'm available 00:09:32.559 --> 00:09:33.603 for questions. 00:09:33.627 --> 00:09:36.480 Any questions? I move we approve the 00:09:36.480 --> 00:09:38.979 examiners recommendation. Is there a second? 00:09:39.003 --> 00:09:39.539 Second. 00:09:39.563 --> 00:09:40.100 Second by 00:09:40.100 --> 00:09:43.220 by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor, say aye. Aye. 00:09:43.990 --> 00:09:46.879 Any opposed? Motion passes. That item was approved. 00:09:46.889 --> 00:09:49.398 Callie, please call up agenda Item number six. 00:09:49.422 --> 00:09:50.250 Yes 00:09:50.250 --> 00:09:53.820 Thank you. Robert Music will be presenting agenda 00:09:53.830 --> 00:09:56.990 Item number six. Robert. Good morning. We're ready 00:09:56.990 --> 00:09:57.966 when you are. 00:09:57.990 --> 00:10:00.940 Thank you. Morning, Chairman and Commissioners 00:10:01.169 --> 00:10:04.220 My name is Robert Music, technical examiner in the Hearings 00:10:04.220 --> 00:10:07.669 division. Item number six is the application of Round 00:10:07.669 --> 00:10:11.759 Rock Midstream LLC for a commercial permit to dispose 00:10:11.759 --> 00:10:15.679 of oil and gas waste by injection into a reservoir 00:10:15.679 --> 00:10:19.929 productive of oil or gas for the Mudhole Lease well Number one 00:10:19.929 --> 00:10:24.309 Carthage Travis Peak Field, Panola County, Texas. Round 00:10:24.309 --> 00:10:28.169 Rock seeks authority to inject 17,500 barrels per day 00:10:28.169 --> 00:10:32.990 into the Travis peak formation at a depth of 7320 to 00:10:33.000 --> 00:10:37.320 8400 feet. The Travis Peak formation is considered 00:10:37.320 --> 00:10:40.549 a productive, underdeveloped reservoir in the area 00:10:42.159 --> 00:10:46.149 The application is protested by Chevron USA Incorporated. 00:10:46.639 --> 00:10:49.740 Chevron operates in several fields near the proposed 00:10:49.740 --> 00:10:53.279 injection well. Chevron has plans to recomplete oil 00:10:53.279 --> 00:10:57.309 and gas wells from deeper reservoirs up into the Travis 00:10:57.309 --> 00:11:01.490 Peak to recover known proven gas reserves. Chevron 00:11:01.490 --> 00:11:03.620 contends that their mineral interest in the Travis 00:11:03.620 --> 00:11:06.200 Peak formacion would be harmed by the injection of 00:11:06.840 --> 00:11:10.019 disposal fluids. Chevron also contends that there is 00:11:10.019 --> 00:11:14.250 ample disposal capacity available in the area. Further 00:11:14.250 --> 00:11:16.470 evidence in the record indicates that the injected 00:11:16.470 --> 00:11:19.720 fluids would not be contained within the proposed 00:11:19.990 --> 00:11:24.480 injection intervals. The examiners find that Round Rock 00:11:24.480 --> 00:11:26.830 failed two of the four elements of the Texas Water 00:11:26.830 --> 00:11:30.529 Code. Specifically, Round Rock failed to show that 00:11:30.539 --> 00:11:33.529 the injected fluids would not harm or injure a reservoir 00:11:33.529 --> 00:11:37.820 productive of oil or gas, failed to show that the injected 00:11:37.820 --> 00:11:40.450 fluids would be confined to the proposed injection 00:11:40.450 --> 00:11:43.730 interval, and that the proposed injection well was in 00:11:43.730 --> 00:11:47.309 the public interest. The examiners recommended denial 00:11:47.309 --> 00:11:51.519 of the application. No exceptions were filed. I'm available 00:11:51.519 --> 00:11:52.774 for questions for. 00:11:52.798 --> 00:11:53.822 Any questions? 00:11:53.846 --> 00:11:55.389 Commissioners. I just 00:11:55.389 --> 00:11:59.120 want to let you know that we have Bill Hunger, Matthew 00:11:59.120 --> 00:12:02.500 Burgers and Eric Swanson, all with Chevron, who are available 00:12:02.500 --> 00:12:05.327 to answer any questions on agenda Item six. 00:12:05.351 --> 00:12:07.029 Are there any questions 00:12:07.029 --> 00:12:09.409 members? 00:12:09.409 --> 00:12:11.799 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. Is 00:12:11.799 --> 00:12:13.078 there a second? 00:12:13.102 --> 00:12:13.778 Second. 00:12:13.802 --> 00:12:17.080 All in favor. Say Aye. Any 00:12:17.080 --> 00:12:19.320 opposed? 00:12:19.320 --> 00:12:23.250 Motion passes. That item is approved. Callie, please 00:12:23.250 --> 00:12:25.415 call up agenda item seven. 00:12:25.439 --> 00:12:27.269 Yes, Thank you, Peter 00:12:27.269 --> 00:12:30.230 Bravo will be presenting agenda item seven. Good morning 00:12:30.230 --> 00:12:32.535 Peter. We're ready when you are. 00:12:32.559 --> 00:12:34.720 Morning, Chairman, Commissioners. 00:12:34.730 --> 00:12:37.340 For the record, my name is Peter Buva. Technical examinier 00:12:37.340 --> 00:12:40.669 with the Hearings division. Item number seven is the 00:12:40.669 --> 00:12:43.519 application of Ruger Properties LL C. Pursuant to 00:12:43.519 --> 00:12:46.759 Statewide Rule Nine. They inject fluid into a reservoir 00:12:46.759 --> 00:12:50.399 not productive of oil and gas for the White SWD 00:12:50.399 --> 00:12:53.980 lease, Well Number one in the Sprayberry trend area 00:12:53.980 --> 00:12:58.009 field in Morning, County, Texas. The application is 00:12:58.009 --> 00:13:00.860 protested by an adjacent surface owner, Cactus Energy 00:13:00.860 --> 00:13:03.919 Incorporated. The protestant contents that there 00:13:03.919 --> 00:13:06.779 are improperly plugged wells in the half mile area 00:13:07.139 --> 00:13:10.809 that will harm water and or mineral resources should 00:13:10.809 --> 00:13:15.710 the subject disposal well be approved. Protestant also 00:13:15.710 --> 00:13:18.110 claims that there is a lack of industry need for 00:13:18.110 --> 00:13:21.240 a disposal well in the area. 00:13:21.240 --> 00:13:24.070 Ruger presented evidence addressing each of the requirements 00:13:24.070 --> 00:13:26.980 in the Statewide Rule Nine. Regarding protestants 00:13:26.980 --> 00:13:30.649 claims about improperly plugged wells, examiners find 00:13:30.649 --> 00:13:32.759 these wells have been plugged in accordance with the 00:13:32.759 --> 00:13:35.889 Commission requirements. The applicant also provided 00:13:35.889 --> 00:13:38.049 evidence in support of the industry need for the 00:13:38.049 --> 00:13:41.539 proposed well.Eexaminers recommend approval of the 00:13:41.539 --> 00:13:44.830 application. Exceptions and replies have been filed. 00:13:45.350 --> 00:13:46.923 I'm available for questions. 00:13:46.947 --> 00:13:48.350 Are there any questions? 00:13:49.139 --> 00:13:50.568 I move we approve the-- 00:13:50.593 --> 00:13:52.990 Commissioners? Sorry. Excuse me really 00:13:52.990 --> 00:13:55.440 quickly. 00:13:55.440 --> 00:13:58.149 We have Stephen and I'm sorry if I butcher your name 00:13:58.299 --> 00:14:01.730 Finagolio, attorney for Cactus Energy Incorporated 00:14:01.740 --> 00:14:04.085 available to answer any questions. 00:14:04.110 --> 00:14:05.809 Thank you. Any questions, 00:14:05.809 --> 00:14:10.539 Members? I'm actually loving the way that that Callie 00:14:10.539 --> 00:14:13.639 is now having to pronounce the names of the people 00:14:13.639 --> 00:14:15.659 cause I always screw it up myself. And now it's her 00:14:15.659 --> 00:14:17.840 fun. 00:14:17.840 --> 00:14:20.990 Are there any questions? I move we approve the examiners 00:14:20.990 --> 00:14:23.035 recommendation. Is there a second? 00:14:23.060 --> 00:14:23.520 Second. 00:14:23.545 --> 00:14:24.899 Second by Commissioner 00:14:24.899 --> 00:14:29.240 Sitton. All in favor, say aye. Any opposed? Motion 00:14:29.240 --> 00:14:32.320 passes? That item was approved. Callie, please call up 00:14:32.330 --> 00:14:33.382 Agenda 8. 00:14:33.407 --> 00:14:36.539 Thank you. Mr. Joe Menefee will be 00:14:36.539 --> 00:14:39.759 presenting agenda item eight. Joe, we're ready when 00:14:39.759 --> 00:14:40.824 you are. 00:14:40.849 --> 00:14:44.019 Good morning, Chairman. Commissioners for 00:14:44.019 --> 00:14:46.669 the record, Joe Menefee, paralegal in the Hearings 00:14:46.669 --> 00:14:51.210 division. I'll be presenting items eight through 10, all 00:14:51.210 --> 00:14:54.870 of which are P5 motions for rehearing, filed 00:14:54.870 --> 00:14:57.909 as a result of final orders denying renewal of the 00:14:57.909 --> 00:15:02.159 operators P5 because of wells non-compliant with Statewide 00:15:02.169 --> 00:15:05.019 rule 15. 00:15:05.019 --> 00:15:08.950 It's my understanding that item number eight was passed. 00:15:10.340 --> 00:15:15.029 That is my understanding as well. So I apologize if 00:15:15.029 --> 00:15:18.139 that was on me, but it should only be agenda Item number 00:15:18.139 --> 00:15:19.119 nine and 10. 00:15:19.144 --> 00:15:22.059 Okay, well, staff has requested to pass 00:15:22.059 --> 00:15:24.980 this item. So Callie, please call up agenda number 00:15:24.980 --> 00:15:25.895 nine. 00:15:25.920 --> 00:15:28.639 Okay. Ah, Joe Menefee will be continuing with 00:15:28.639 --> 00:15:32.149 agenda Item number nine. Thank you, Joe. Please continue 00:15:33.340 --> 00:15:36.860 Item number 9. Subsequent to filing its motion 00:15:36.860 --> 00:15:41.610 for rehearing, but Vaquero Operating has come into 00:15:41.610 --> 00:15:45.269 compliance with statewide rule 15. It is recommended 00:15:45.269 --> 00:15:49.100 the motion be granted and the underlying docket dismissed 00:15:49.100 --> 00:15:51.832 as moot. I'm available for questions. 00:15:51.857 --> 00:15:52.940 And Commissioners, 00:15:52.950 --> 00:15:57.700 we have Matt Garvin and Casey Amsler. I'm sorry. Matt 00:15:57.700 --> 00:16:01.269 Garvin is representing Vaquero and Casey Amsler is 00:16:01.269 --> 00:16:04.899 representing Ten Man Energy to answer any questions 00:16:04.899 --> 00:16:06.062 on agenda item nine. 00:16:06.087 --> 00:16:08.004 Are there any questions, Members? 00:16:09.269 --> 00:16:11.820 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. Is there a 00:16:11.820 --> 00:16:12.329 second? 00:16:12.354 --> 00:16:12.910 Second. 00:16:12.935 --> 00:16:16.203 All in favor, second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:16:16.419 --> 00:16:20.690 All in favor, say, aye. Any opposed? Motion 00:16:20.690 --> 00:16:23.539 passes. That item was approved. Please call up Agenda 00:16:23.539 --> 00:16:24.552 item 10. 00:16:24.577 --> 00:16:27.590 Yes, thank you. Joe Menefee would be 00:16:27.600 --> 00:16:30.779 continuing with agenda Item number 10. Joe, you may 00:16:30.779 --> 00:16:31.937 continue 00:16:31.962 --> 00:16:35.410 Item number 10. and it's motionfor rehearing 00:16:35.419 --> 00:16:40.610 Walls, GM and Francis Inc states its failure to request 00:16:40.610 --> 00:16:43.840 a hearing was due to mail interruption and that the 00:16:43.840 --> 00:16:49.559 operator continues to pursue compliance. Staff opposes 00:16:49.559 --> 00:16:54.240 the motion. 15 wells remain noncompliant with Statewide 00:16:54.240 --> 00:16:58.379 Rule 15. It is recommended the motion be denied. The 00:16:58.379 --> 00:17:01.740 motion will be overruled by Operation of Law on June 00:17:01.750 --> 00:17:03.947 12. I'm available for cost. 00:17:03.972 --> 00:17:05.924 Any questions, members? 00:17:06.890 --> 00:17:09.289 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. Is there a 00:17:09.289 --> 00:17:09.730 second? 00:17:09.755 --> 00:17:10.234 Second. 00:17:10.259 --> 00:17:13.069 Second by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor, 00:17:13.069 --> 00:17:17.200 say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. That item 00:17:17.200 --> 00:17:20.089 is approved. Let's moved to the Oil and Gas Consent 00:17:20.089 --> 00:17:22.240 Agenda. 00:17:22.240 --> 00:17:25.160 There are 26 items on the Oil and Gas Consent Agenda. 00:17:25.579 --> 00:17:30.009 I move that we approved Items 11 through 38 except 00:17:30.019 --> 00:17:34.700 items 18 and 23, which would be passed to the next conference. 00:17:35.670 --> 00:17:36.670 Is there a second? 00:17:36.695 --> 00:17:37.314 Second. 00:17:37.339 --> 00:17:39.170 Second by Commissioner Craddick. All 00:17:39.170 --> 00:17:43.450 in favor, say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. 00:17:43.450 --> 00:17:46.630 Those items are approved. Let's move to the Rule 15 00:17:46.630 --> 00:17:50.039 Inactive Wells items. There's 17 items on the Rule 00:17:50.049 --> 00:17:54.680 15 Inactive Well items list. I move we approve items 00:17:54.690 --> 00:18:03.589 39 through 60, except items 40, 44, 48, 51, and 59. Items 40, 00:18:03.759 --> 00:18:08.079 44, and 59 have achieved compliance. Staff has requested 00:18:08.079 --> 00:18:12.690 to pass items 48 and 51 to the next conference. Is there 00:18:12.690 --> 00:18:13.262 a second? 00:18:13.287 --> 00:18:13.770 Second. 00:18:13.795 --> 00:18:16.630 Second by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor, 00:18:16.630 --> 00:18:18.990 say aye. 00:18:18.990 --> 00:18:26.069 Any opposed? Item is approved. Let's move to the Master 00:18:26.069 --> 00:18:30.240 Default Orders. There are two Master Default Orders 00:18:30.509 --> 00:18:34.849 I move, we approve these items 61 and 62. Is there a second? 00:18:35.779 --> 00:18:36.437 Second. 00:18:36.462 --> 00:18:38.410 Second by Commissioner Craddick. All in favor 00:18:38.410 --> 00:18:43.369 say Aye. Aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Those items 00:18:43.380 --> 00:18:46.859 are approved. Let's move to Agreed Enforcement Orders. There 00:18:46.859 --> 00:18:50.880 are 159 Agreed Enforcement Orders. I move we approve 00:18:50.890 --> 00:18:55.645 item 63 through 221. Is there a second? 00:18:55.670 --> 00:18:57.230 Second 00:18:57.230 --> 00:19:01.390 Second by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor, say aye. 00:19:01.670 --> 00:19:06.490 Any opposed? Motion passes. Those items are approved. That-- 00:19:06.490 --> 00:19:08.680 Mister Chairman, before we go forward. And I'm sorry, 00:19:08.690 --> 00:19:12.309 I just wasn't paying good attention on the Inactive 00:19:12.309 --> 00:19:15.140 Wells. Could you go back through and I voted on it. 00:19:15.140 --> 00:19:17.549 I just want to clarify which ones we passed again. 00:19:17.549 --> 00:19:21.250 Would you mind rereading that? I think we did it, I just didn't 00:19:21.250 --> 00:19:23.147 write it down right. Thank you. 00:19:23.172 --> 00:19:25.349 Okay. On the Rule 15 Inactive Wells 00:19:25.349 --> 00:19:30.339 items. There are 15, there are 17 items on the Rule 15 00:19:30.339 --> 00:19:34.109 Inactive wells items list. And we approved items 39 00:19:34.119 --> 00:19:40.119 through 60. Except items 40, 44, 48, 51, and 59. 00:19:40.144 --> 00:19:42.119 That's great. 00:19:42.119 --> 00:19:46.740 Thank you very much. I appreciate you reviewing that for me. 00:19:46.740 --> 00:19:50.339 Okay. 00:19:50.339 --> 00:19:53.286 Call up agenda item 222, Callie. 00:19:53.311 --> 00:19:56.073 We're ready to go. Thank you. 00:19:56.720 --> 00:19:59.660 Miss Colleen Forest will be presenting Agenda Item Number 00:19:59.660 --> 00:20:06.730 222. Colleen, we are ready when you are. 00:20:06.730 --> 00:20:09.380 Good morning, Chairman and Commissioners. For the record 00:20:09.380 --> 00:20:12.410 my name is Colleen Forest, Senior Management Analyst 00:20:12.410 --> 00:20:14.980 with the Commission's Executive Office. Today, I will 00:20:14.980 --> 00:20:18.970 be presenting item number 222. For your approval today 00:20:18.970 --> 00:20:21.460 is the Commission's strategic plan for Fiscal Years 00:20:21.460 --> 00:20:25.519 2021 through 2025. The plan lays out the Commission's 00:20:25.519 --> 00:20:28.640 strategic direction for the next five years and determines 00:20:28.640 --> 00:20:30.819 the Commission's budget structure for the Legislative 00:20:30.819 --> 00:20:35.259 appropriations request for Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023. 00:20:36.180 --> 00:20:38.480 The goals and action items laid out in this plan 00:20:38.480 --> 00:20:41.019 track to the goals that form the structure of the Commission's 00:20:41.019 --> 00:20:44.180 budget request. The plan also defines the Commission's 00:20:44.180 --> 00:20:46.849 performance measures for the coming biennium. The 00:20:46.849 --> 00:20:49.440 Governor's budget and policy teams and the Legislative 00:20:49.440 --> 00:20:52.170 Budget Board have not yet approved the Commission's 00:20:52.170 --> 00:20:55.190 proposed performance measure definition changes. We're 00:20:55.190 --> 00:20:57.799 seeking seeking approval of the plan 00:20:57.799 --> 00:21:00.380 and delegation of authority to the Executive Director 00:21:00.380 --> 00:21:03.450 for any conforming changes that may be necessary. The 00:21:03.450 --> 00:21:06.490 plan is due on Monday, June 1st. It will be submitted 00:21:06.490 --> 00:21:09.109 electronically to the Governor's office, the LBB, 00:21:09.109 --> 00:21:11.750 and other state officials, as well as being posted 00:21:11.750 --> 00:21:15.349 on the Commission's website. May I answer any questions? 00:21:15.680 --> 00:21:19.660 Are there any questions, Members? I move we approve the strategic 00:21:19.670 --> 00:21:24.930 plan for Fiscal Years 2021 through 2025. Is there a 00:21:24.930 --> 00:21:25.623 second? 00:21:25.648 --> 00:21:26.415 Second. 00:21:26.440 --> 00:21:30.079 Second by Commissioner Craddick. All 00:21:30.079 --> 00:21:34.359 in favor, say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. 00:21:34.369 --> 00:21:37.299 That item is approved. Callie, please call up the presenter 00:21:37.299 --> 00:21:39.103 for agenda Item 223. 00:21:39.128 --> 00:21:42.079 Yes, thank you. April Richardson 00:21:42.089 --> 00:21:48.200 will be presenting agenda Item number 223. April, we 00:21:48.200 --> 00:21:54.059 are ready when you are. 00:21:54.059 --> 00:21:56.240 Good morning, Mr Chairman and Commissioners. For the 00:21:56.240 --> 00:21:59.240 record, my name is April Richardson, director of Alternative 00:21:59.240 --> 00:22:02.359 Fuel Safety in the Oversight and Safety Division. 00:22:02.359 --> 00:22:05.309 Item 223 is the Alternative Fuels Safety Department's 00:22:05.529 --> 00:22:09.519 request for approval to adopt provisions to LPG Form 00:22:09.519 --> 00:22:13.519 16, application for certification or certification renewal, 00:22:13.650 --> 00:22:18.049 and minor corrections to 28 other LP gas forms. The changes 00:22:18.049 --> 00:22:21.099 to LPG Form 16 are related to the Chapter 9 00:22:21.099 --> 00:22:25.210 rule changes that went into effect January 6, 2020, and 00:22:25.210 --> 00:22:27.509 combined the class attendance form used to collect 00:22:27.509 --> 00:22:30.890 information for individuals who attend an LP gas training 00:22:30.890 --> 00:22:35.369 class and one or more LP gas certification exam. The 00:22:35.369 --> 00:22:38.190 changes update the division and department names, as 00:22:38.190 --> 00:22:41.079 well as at information regarding training class attendance 00:22:41.450 --> 00:22:44.180 and payment information for attending a training class, 00:22:44.579 --> 00:22:48.579 exams taken, and any renewal fees paid. The changes 00:22:48.579 --> 00:22:52.160 made to the other 28 forms are corrections to remove 00:22:52.160 --> 00:22:55.190 previous designations used for the Alternative Fuel 00:22:55.190 --> 00:22:58.240 Safety Department and update those references to the 00:22:58.240 --> 00:23:02.519 current department name. All headers and contact information 00:23:02.740 --> 00:23:05.339 were updated on these forms to the current division 00:23:05.339 --> 00:23:08.769 and department names, and any outdated contact information 00:23:08.769 --> 00:23:11.950 was also corrected. The proposed form changes were 00:23:11.950 --> 00:23:14.710 presented at conference on March 4th and posted on 00:23:14.710 --> 00:23:18.160 the Commission's website report for Public Comment. One 00:23:18.160 --> 00:23:20.990 positive comment regarding the changes was received. 00:23:21.000 --> 00:23:22.741 May I answer any questions? 00:23:22.766 --> 00:23:24.289 Are there any questions 00:23:24.289 --> 00:23:24.944 Members? 00:23:24.968 --> 00:23:25.290 No. 00:23:25.314 --> 00:23:28.339 I move we adopt the amendments to LPG 00:23:28.339 --> 00:23:33.339 Form 16 and corrections to other LP gas forms. Is there a 00:23:33.339 --> 00:23:36.930 second? Second. Second by Commissioner Sitton. All in favor, 00:23:36.930 --> 00:23:41.289 say Aye. Aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. That item 00:23:41.289 --> 00:23:46.190 was approved. Agenda Item 224 is our Public Participation 00:23:46.200 --> 00:23:49.849 item. Cyrus Reed with Sierra Club is registered indicating 00:23:49.849 --> 00:23:53.440 that he wishes to speak on a nonposted item. Callie, 00:23:53.450 --> 00:23:55.420 please call it Mr Reid. 00:23:55.444 --> 00:23:57.930 Yes, Thank you. Good morning 00:23:57.930 --> 00:24:00.553 Mr Reid. We are ready when you are? 00:24:00.577 --> 00:24:03.200 Yes. Good morning. Commissioners 00:24:03.200 --> 00:24:06.009 this is Cyrus Reed. I work with the Sierra Club Lone 00:24:06.009 --> 00:24:08.410 Star chapter. Thank you for the opportunity to speak 00:24:08.420 --> 00:24:12.000 very briefly. I wanted to speak very briefly about 00:24:12.410 --> 00:24:16.000 transparency issues involving enforcement data and 00:24:16.000 --> 00:24:19.339 Railroad Commission decisions. And I've sent each of 00:24:19.339 --> 00:24:22.150 you separately a little statement and I won't read 00:24:22.150 --> 00:24:25.470 the statement. I'll just kind of hit the highlights. 00:24:26.390 --> 00:24:29.369 I, first of all , want to praise some recent decisions 00:24:29.369 --> 00:24:32.480 you made before I criticized some of the other decisions. 00:24:32.480 --> 00:24:35.880 So I do want to recognize the Railroad Commission, 00:24:35.880 --> 00:24:39.079 this is an issue that we've been advocating for a long 00:24:39.079 --> 00:24:42.880 time, the fact that you've put the online inspection 00:24:42.880 --> 00:24:46.069 look up data that you seem to be improving over time 00:24:46.069 --> 00:24:48.369 and I think more improvements are needed. But I think 00:24:48.369 --> 00:24:51.349 this is very important that both regulated industry 00:24:51.349 --> 00:24:55.960 and the public can see inspection and potential violations 00:24:55.960 --> 00:25:00.130 related to those inspections at oil and gas wells and 00:25:00.130 --> 00:25:03.279 related infrastructure. So I want to recognize you 00:25:03.279 --> 00:25:05.839 guys for that effort and I know you got some money 00:25:05.839 --> 00:25:08.910 to do it as well, so I appreciate that. And I also 00:25:08.910 --> 00:25:12.700 appreciate that you've announced that you're online 00:25:12.700 --> 00:25:16.720 Railroad Commission cases database, which is good, 00:25:16.720 --> 00:25:19.420 but, you know, needs improvement is gonna be improved 00:25:19.420 --> 00:25:23.940 by September. One of the issues that I've come across 00:25:23.950 --> 00:25:27.690 is that until you guys make decisions on permits and 00:25:27.690 --> 00:25:30.460 enforcement cases, you can't actually see what 00:25:30.460 --> 00:25:33.029 you're deciding, and I think that's gonna be improved 00:25:33.029 --> 00:25:35.779 by September. And that's going to be a very important, 00:25:35.779 --> 00:25:38.359 I think, for the public and the regulator community. 00:25:38.359 --> 00:25:42.220 So I appreciate those changes. Now, I'm going to get to my criticism. 00:25:42.269 --> 00:25:45.980 You guys, comments are due tomorrow on the annual 00:25:45.980 --> 00:25:49.299 oil and gas division monitoring enforcement plan, and 00:25:49.299 --> 00:25:53.019 I just want to note that while you're complying with 00:25:53.019 --> 00:25:56.660 what's in statute, I think some important information 00:25:56.660 --> 00:25:59.140 that used to be on your website has been lost. And 00:25:59.140 --> 00:26:02.750 that's the information that was in Rider 11, which 00:26:02.750 --> 00:26:06.089 was very detailed enforcement data that was, you used to 00:26:06.089 --> 00:26:11.859 report quarterly. And annually. What's in the annual 00:26:11.859 --> 00:26:15.660 enforcement plan isn't as detailed, and I think it's 00:26:15.660 --> 00:26:18.319 a disservice to the public and, frankly, the good work 00:26:18.319 --> 00:26:21.710 a lot of your inspectors are doing to not have that 00:26:22.220 --> 00:26:26.450 trend analysis on your website. I was able to obtain 00:26:26.450 --> 00:26:30.130 it. Thank you. Thank you, Chairman, for your 00:26:30.130 --> 00:26:32.309 efforts in obtaining the information for the last 00:26:32.309 --> 00:26:34.599 couple of years. But I really think you should just 00:26:34.599 --> 00:26:37.019 place it on your website. You're collecting the data it 00:26:37.019 --> 00:26:39.460 makes sense to include it. It's helpful for the Legislature 00:26:39.460 --> 00:26:42.400 to see the work you're doing and where more inspectors 00:26:42.400 --> 00:26:45.109 may be needed. And then just, I'll hit a couple points 00:26:45.109 --> 00:26:48.690 very briefly sso I don't go over time, but I 00:26:48.690 --> 00:26:52.859 do think you need to also improve how you present information 00:26:52.859 --> 00:26:56.250 about complaints and response. TCEQ has a very good, 00:26:56.450 --> 00:26:59.589 searchable website on the number of complaints and 00:26:59.589 --> 00:27:01.849 how this complaints are handled. I think you guys could 00:27:01.849 --> 00:27:05.269 do something similar. I also think you should look 00:27:05.269 --> 00:27:08.200 at how to put enforcement data about pipelines online 00:27:08.200 --> 00:27:11.900 which is currently hard to find. And then you've heard 00:27:11.900 --> 00:27:15.390 me say this before, but I do think you should revisit 00:27:15.390 --> 00:27:20.240 your penalty matrix and open up a rulemaking on penalties. 00:27:20.440 --> 00:27:23.279 I know that there are statutory caps on what you guys 00:27:23.279 --> 00:27:25.890 are allowed to do in terms of penalties. That's a legislative 00:27:25.890 --> 00:27:29.680 issue that we'll bring up again next next year. But 00:27:29.680 --> 00:27:32.160 I think there are things that you can do at the Commission 00:27:32.339 --> 00:27:35.079 so that the penalty fits the crime because I think 00:27:35.079 --> 00:27:38.150 a lot of your penalties, frankly, are too low to deter 00:27:38.150 --> 00:27:41.990 repeat violators. And my last point, I'm gonna make, 00:27:42.230 --> 00:27:46.730 I think you probably heard me say this. I was very 00:27:46.730 --> 00:27:51.259 very pleased with how you got public input on 00:27:51.440 --> 00:27:54.339 the proration decision. It was very fair. You got lots 00:27:54.339 --> 00:27:57.799 of input. That's a model you should be using going 00:27:57.799 --> 00:28:01.160 forward. And I'm going to contrast that with your decisions 00:28:01.160 --> 00:28:03.960 on regulatory relief. I personally disagreed with those 00:28:03.960 --> 00:28:06.849 decisions. You obviously felt they were the right thing 00:28:06.849 --> 00:28:10.880 to do. But I do think it was unfair to make those 00:28:10.880 --> 00:28:14.410 decisions without at least posting the orders beforehand 00:28:14.569 --> 00:28:17.880 and giving a chance for the public to input on those 00:28:17.880 --> 00:28:20.950 issues. I don't think that's open and transparent government 00:28:21.440 --> 00:28:24.650 and you know, the Commission, the Chairman asked for 00:28:25.119 --> 00:28:28.759 information from industry on flaring to be taken up 00:28:28.759 --> 00:28:32.460 at a future meeting. I think you should post some 00:28:32.460 --> 00:28:35.799 questions to the public on flaring and get ideas 00:28:35.799 --> 00:28:38.250 not just from industry, but from all stakeholders. 00:28:38.250 --> 00:28:40.759 That's a better way to be transparent, and I'll end 00:28:40.759 --> 00:28:44.119 it there. And I do appreciate all of your guys' service. 00:28:44.240 --> 00:28:47.579 I know you're putting in long hours, but I've given 00:28:47.579 --> 00:28:50.299 you my my praise and my criticism, and I hope you'll 00:28:50.299 --> 00:28:51.986 take it seriously. Thank you. 00:28:52.010 --> 00:28:53.759 Thank you, Mr Reid. Thank you. 00:28:53.769 --> 00:28:59.140 Are the questions, members? No questions? 00:28:59.140 --> 00:29:02.319 Cyrus, I appreciate your commentary this morning and just 00:29:02.319 --> 00:29:05.849 want, in part, brag on my staff and the openness. 00:29:05.849 --> 00:29:10.319 We did receive the IOGCC, the National Award for 00:29:10.670 --> 00:29:14.670 Transparency, for our new reporting system online, and 00:29:14.670 --> 00:29:17.269 we will take into consideration those items you brought, 00:29:18.390 --> 00:29:22.069 frankly, the, right now, as you're well aware and all 00:29:22.069 --> 00:29:25.309 are, these are not normal times. And maybe that's 00:29:25.309 --> 00:29:29.069 part of the reason that we tried to quickly move to 00:29:29.069 --> 00:29:31.190 relieve some of the costs and burdens to some of our 00:29:31.190 --> 00:29:34.490 small producers across the state. Our big concern right 00:29:34.490 --> 00:29:38.259 now, I believe, are those moms and dads that are 00:29:38.269 --> 00:29:41.160 out of jobs and try and get those jobs back as quickly 00:29:41.160 --> 00:29:44.920 as possible without harming the environment and our 00:29:44.920 --> 00:29:48.210 citizens in the safety of what's going on. And so, 00:29:48.880 --> 00:29:52.359 frankly, I hope you'll excuse some of the immediacy 00:29:52.359 --> 00:29:55.259 of some of our rulemaking, contingent upon the current 00:29:55.259 --> 00:29:58.680 situation we have and the many families that are suffering 00:29:58.680 --> 00:30:02.609 right now. And we'll keep your comments in mind and continue 00:30:02.609 --> 00:30:04.990 to work for that. I ask the staff to kind of review them 00:30:05.289 --> 00:30:08.349 and appreciate your input and your comments today. 00:30:08.980 --> 00:30:12.880 Thank you. And again, I understand the immediacy of 00:30:12.880 --> 00:30:18.450 the time. My point is you could have done something 00:30:18.450 --> 00:30:22.529 like post the ideas for 10 days or one day or five 00:30:22.529 --> 00:30:25.440 days and get input. And I hope you'll do something 00:30:25.440 --> 00:30:28.880 similar on Flaring, where, if you are going to take 00:30:28.880 --> 00:30:31.710 it upon the 16th, you have something for the public 00:30:31.710 --> 00:30:34.119 to react to give their ideas as well. And that's 00:30:34.119 --> 00:30:36.400 what I'm asking. You don't have to do it. 00:30:36.539 --> 00:30:38.859 I'm just suggesting that would be a better way to get 00:30:38.869 --> 00:30:40.941 input from all stakeholders. 00:30:40.965 --> 00:30:42.819 And I respect that tremendously. 00:30:42.819 --> 00:30:47.210 Just personally. My thought was, being in the finance 00:30:47.210 --> 00:30:49.910 business for a number of years, the markets were very 00:30:49.910 --> 00:30:52.970 uncertain, the price of West Texas Intermediate had done 00:30:52.970 --> 00:30:55.670 things we don't want to see it do again. And I just 00:30:55.670 --> 00:30:59.650 felt that we needed to make some certainty in the market. 00:30:59.660 --> 00:31:02.890 And I'm glad to say that since the day that we 00:31:03.150 --> 00:31:06.480 did that motion a couple weeks ago, the West Texas 00:31:06.480 --> 00:31:09.730 Intermediate has gone up, not down. And I will forever 00:31:09.730 --> 00:31:12.190 as a politician take credit for helping with that with 00:31:12.190 --> 00:31:15.859 Railroad Commission and on that. But that's 00:31:15.859 --> 00:31:17.970 some of the reason I think there's some quick decisions 00:31:17.970 --> 00:31:20.940 that I think we're feeling we should make for the 00:31:20.940 --> 00:31:22.849 good of the industry. Any other comments, members? 00:31:25.519 --> 00:31:28.079 Okay, then. Thank you very much, Mr Reed, for your comments. 00:31:28.089 --> 00:31:32.309 Thank you. Agenda 225 is our Executive Session item. 00:31:32.450 --> 00:31:35.200 Which we will not be going into today. Are there any 00:31:35.200 --> 00:31:38.170 other duly posted matters to be brought before the Commission 00:31:38.170 --> 00:31:42.190 at this time? Hearing none, this meeting the Railroad 00:31:42.190 --> 00:31:47.279 Commission of Texas is adjourned. Okay. Thank you.