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To by adminmonitor.com
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will begin momentarily.
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Thank you for your patience.
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The feed for this streaming event
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brought to you by adminmonitor.com will begin momentarily.
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Thank you for your patience.
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Commission public voting meeting
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on this day Thursday, July 16 2020.
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Today's call is being recorded.
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if you have any objections you may disconnect at this time.
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President Batjer you may proceed.
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Thank you operator and good morning everyone.
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We need to first establish a quorum will the agenda clerk
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please call the roll.
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For Commission meeting 3465 July 16.
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Commissioner Shiroma.
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Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
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Commissioner Randolph.
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I'm here.
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Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
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President Batjer.
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Thank you a quorum has been established.
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Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission.
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I'm calling this meeting of July 16, 2020.
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Public agenda number 3465 to order.
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In March, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a stay at home order
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to protect the health and wellbeing of all Californians
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and to establish consistency across the state
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in order to slow the spread of COVID-19.
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As such, we're conducting today's business meeting online
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and by remote participation.
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This meeting is live streamed and on the CPUC's website.
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You can view the meeting at www.adminmonitor
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all one word
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.com hashtag not hashtag,
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backslash ca backlash cpuc.
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Public engagement is critical to the CPUC process.
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If you wish to make a public comment,
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dial into 800-857-1917
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and enter passcode 9899501.
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Let me repeat that.
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Dial into 800-857-1917
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and enter passcode 9899501
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and press the *1.
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You will be placed into a queue and the operator
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will take your name and organization.
00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:47.600
If there is a slight delay from the time you press *1
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to the time the operator asks for your information.
00:02:50.660 --> 00:02:53.050
Please be patient and stay on the line.
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You will be called upon to speak
00:02:55.610 --> 00:03:00.040
when we get to the public comment period in today's agenda.
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Email comments received will be distributed
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to the Commissioner and to senior management.
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Many of you have read or seen the news
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about the recent spike in
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the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in California,
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as well as other parts of the country.
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As of Sunday, the rate of positive tests
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over the last 14 days is about 7% in California.
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Just this morning, I'm sure many of you heard on the news
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that Johns Hopkins announced
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it's just in the last five days 400,000 positive diagnoses
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have occurred in the United States.
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And we have reached so sadly 137,000 deaths.
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The upward trend of confirmed cases is so worrisome,
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and so depressing.
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On Monday, Governor Newsom announced
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the closure of indoor operations
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for certain business sectors,
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and the closure of both indoor and outdoor operations
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for bars and similar establishment.
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Last month, the California Department of Public Health
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issued a statewide order to wear a face covering
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in most situations outside of the home
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in order to protect the health of oneself and others.
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A range of new research on face coverings
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shows that the risk of infection
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to the wearer is decreased by 65%.
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The use of face coverings combined with physical distancing
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and frequent hand washing will reduce
00:04:40.730 --> 00:04:42.810
the spread of COVID-19.
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The threat of COVID-19 is very real
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and until there is a vaccine,
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I fear we have to be extremely smart
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and continue to wear cloth covering or mask
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when six feet of distance cannot be maintained.
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Practice physical distancing,
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wash hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
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Do it frequently.
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Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
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And to the extent possible,
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stay home except for essential needs and activities.
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We will now turn to the public comment portion
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of our agenda.
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The Commission provides two minutes to each speaker
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you will hear a bell sound when your time is up.
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To make telephonic public comments,
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you may dial 800-857-1917
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and enter the passcode 9899501
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and press *1.
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If you are experiencing difficulty
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with getting into the public comment queue,
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please email us at all one word
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The operator will call your name
00:06:03.390 --> 00:06:05.420
when it is time for you to speak.
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You will hear a bell sound when your time is up.
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Please be mindful of the other people waiting in the queue
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to provide public comment.
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Your cooperation will help us ensure
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that everyone gets their turn to share their comments
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with the Commissioners.
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The CPUC rules do not allow for parties in proceedings
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to speak about open proceedings.
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The public can make comments addressing items
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on the consent and regular agenda
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and including items not on the agenda.
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Please note that there will not be public comments
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on items 25, 27, 49
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and any item on the closed session agenda.
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With that guidance in mind, I will welcome today's speaker.
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Now turn to the operator to open the public telephone line.
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Thank you.
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The public comment is now open.
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If you wish to speak during the public comment period,
00:07:06.970 --> 00:07:10.540
press *1, unmute your phone
00:07:10.540 --> 00:07:13.870
and clearly record your name and organization when prompted.
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Our first caller is Jennifer Tanner
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with Indivisible California, you may go ahead.
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Thank you and thank you President Batjer
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and the CPUC for allowing us to make public comments.
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Well, we're disappointed with
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the massive approval of diesel powered microgrid.
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I agree with Fran Pavley in her recent article,
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that that continues to give PG&E another break
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that hurts everyone else.
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We also reject the tired argument of cost shifting.
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It's a utility argument that falls flat.
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The reality is the cost shifts are based on policy decisions
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made by the CPUC like the PCIA, centralized procurement,
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transmission access charge et cetera.
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These are in direct opposition to state climate
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and de-carbonisation objectives.
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The argument falls even flatter when you consider the cost
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for disadvantaged communities of fires, pollution and PSPS,
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all of which are exacerbated
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by not choosing renewable energy.
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Going instead to diesel powered microgrid,
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hurts the environment and has no future benefit.
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Wasting that investment,
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but benefiting the utilities profit margin,
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as it is only used a few days a year,
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but permits slow cost recovery.
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Local renewables benefit much more than that.
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We reject that there are no other alternatives
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for this emergency.
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We all know there are readily available.
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SB 1339 was intended to remove the barriers
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to community microgrid development.
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It's been hijacked by the utilities.
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We believe the CPUC should allow some over defense projects
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because we are in an emergency plain and simple.
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Thank you for letting me comment.
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Thank you Miss Tanner.
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Operator, next caller please.
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Our next caller is with from Jim Stewart,
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and he is as a rate payer, so you may go ahead.
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Hi, this is Jim Stewart,
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I wanna say that all five of you Commissioners
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should be embarrassed.
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You've put millions of Californians at risk,
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because you failed to ensure that PG&E
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should immediately install arc interrupters
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and other technology in all fire danger areas.
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And of course, as you know, San Diego Gas and Electric
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has already done that.
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You should ensure that PG&E does that.
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You should also immediately fix your bad decision
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regarding microgrids.
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Your clearly failing to do your part
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in climate and pollution reduction
00:10:01.030 --> 00:10:05.530
as Fran Pavley pointed out in the Sacramento Bee
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and I also want to support the Jennifer Tanner's saying that
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you've got to allow microgrids.
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I mean, here we are shutting off the power
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and police and fire stations and city halls
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in these communities can't even establish
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a mic common microgrid so they can keep functioning
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during the shut offs, because you don't allow a microgrid
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to go over property lines are over the street.
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You can fix this.
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Don't embarrass us anymore by this inaction.
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Thank you Mr. Stewart.
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Operator next caller please.
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Our next caller is Laura Rosenberger Hyder
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with Residents against fracking.
00:10:57.110 --> 00:10:58.260
Ma'am you may go ahead.
00:10:59.540 --> 00:11:02.800
Hello please replace the backup diesel generators
00:11:02.800 --> 00:11:05.810
with electric or hydrogen cell generators.
00:11:05.810 --> 00:11:08.120
And community microgrid development
00:11:08.120 --> 00:11:10.430
should not be constrained by the restrictions
00:11:10.430 --> 00:11:13.400
imposed by PUC to a team.
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Any approved project which contributes to local resilience
00:11:16.900 --> 00:11:17.930
should be included in
00:11:17.930 --> 00:11:20.840
the Local Resource Adequacy consideration.
00:11:22.180 --> 00:11:25.810
Removes the barriers to community microgrid development
00:11:25.810 --> 00:11:29.380
by crossing the boundaries of properties or roads,
00:11:29.380 --> 00:11:32.880
barriers to low costs on bill financing
00:11:32.880 --> 00:11:35.000
and not enough insurance options.
00:11:36.080 --> 00:11:38.060
Better access to customer information
00:11:38.060 --> 00:11:41.150
for all locally distributed generation will help
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and utilities should modify their infrastructure
00:11:45.130 --> 00:11:48.410
to accommodate local renewable to get the benefits
00:11:50.090 --> 00:11:55.090
of like, less use of lines for the microgrids don't use
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so much transmission line and the transmission excess charge
00:12:00.920 --> 00:12:05.920
at PCIA hurts the CCA and the CCA is unnecessary
00:12:06.480 --> 00:12:10.660
to do the microgrids and many of them have chances
00:12:10.660 --> 00:12:15.120
of offering 100% renewable and we have the choice of taking
00:12:15.120 --> 00:12:17.440
that 100% renewable energy.
00:12:17.440 --> 00:12:18.273
Thank you.
00:12:19.640 --> 00:12:20.740
Thank you very much.
00:12:22.110 --> 00:12:24.410
Operator, the next caller please.
00:12:26.940 --> 00:12:28.910
Our next caller is Chuck Roselle
00:12:28.910 --> 00:12:30.520
and he's a member of the public.
00:12:30.520 --> 00:12:31.770
Roselle you may go ahead.
00:12:33.150 --> 00:12:34.900
Thank you very much.
00:12:34.900 --> 00:12:37.510
In a recent op-ed in the July 11 edition
00:12:37.510 --> 00:12:40.390
of the Sacramento Bee, Fran Pavley contrasted
00:12:40.390 --> 00:12:44.090
the CPU decision implementing diesel powered microgrids
00:12:44.090 --> 00:12:47.790
with that of card which has given diesel truck manufacturers
00:12:47.790 --> 00:12:50.460
a clear deadline for removing diesel powered vehicles
00:12:50.460 --> 00:12:51.970
from their fleet.
00:12:51.970 --> 00:12:54.480
It highlighted the power of California regulators
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to change industry behavior.
00:12:57.000 --> 00:12:59.410
It's been noted the diesel is necessary because
00:12:59.410 --> 00:13:02.560
there are no immediaetly available clean alternatives.
00:13:02.560 --> 00:13:05.160
It is also been noted there're restrictions
00:13:05.160 --> 00:13:07.720
upon third party microgrids deployment are necessary
00:13:07.720 --> 00:13:09.650
to limit cost shifting.
00:13:09.650 --> 00:13:12.340
I would like to offer a different interpretation.
00:13:12.340 --> 00:13:15.040
These decisions are actually driven by policy choice.
00:13:16.110 --> 00:13:18.660
Several recent CPUC workshop participants
00:13:18.660 --> 00:13:20.450
presented diesel alternatives,
00:13:20.450 --> 00:13:23.490
including one which has been successfully utilized
00:13:23.490 --> 00:13:25.720
in Delaware for over five years.
00:13:25.720 --> 00:13:28.970
The CPUC could also choose to require the utilities
00:13:28.970 --> 00:13:31.760
to reduce their own costs in order to promote the transition
00:13:31.760 --> 00:13:32.960
to microgrid deployment.
00:13:34.010 --> 00:13:38.450
Indeed, recent events highlight the current CPUC policy
00:13:38.450 --> 00:13:42.310
is empower the utilities to over invest on economic
00:13:42.310 --> 00:13:44.680
and inefficient power choices and under invest
00:13:44.680 --> 00:13:46.360
in the infrastructure.
00:13:46.360 --> 00:13:48.920
CPUC is now making decisions to provide
00:13:48.920 --> 00:13:52.390
California ratepayers with the benefits of microgrids.
00:13:52.390 --> 00:13:55.980
California has a disproportionate number of innovative firms
00:13:55.980 --> 00:13:59.950
distributed developing distributed resource solutions
00:13:59.950 --> 00:14:01.150
and the strongest network
00:14:01.150 --> 00:14:03.820
of locally directed energy service organizations
00:14:03.820 --> 00:14:04.653
in the nation.
00:14:06.850 --> 00:14:10.070
Proper policy choices could empower the resources
00:14:10.070 --> 00:14:13.310
to create reduced dependency upon transmission,
00:14:13.310 --> 00:14:16.410
increased resiliency, lowered energy peaks,
00:14:16.410 --> 00:14:19.500
wider adoption of EDs and de-carbonisation of
00:14:19.500 --> 00:14:21.700
the as broken infrastructure.
00:14:21.700 --> 00:14:25.510
I urge the CPUC to accelerate the use of
00:14:25.510 --> 00:14:28.300
these alternate resources in order to focus refocus
00:14:28.300 --> 00:14:31.270
the utilities towards strengthening the state grid.
00:14:31.270 --> 00:14:33.220
Thank you for the opportunity to speak.
00:14:34.100 --> 00:14:35.790
Thank you very much.
00:14:35.790 --> 00:14:37.390
Operator the next caller please.
00:14:39.900 --> 00:14:41.640
And before we go to the next caller,
00:14:41.640 --> 00:14:44.130
if you wish to speak during the public comment period,
00:14:44.130 --> 00:14:46.880
please press *1, unmute your phone
00:14:46.880 --> 00:14:49.010
and clearly provide your name and organization
00:14:49.010 --> 00:14:50.580
when prompted.
00:14:50.580 --> 00:14:53.920
Our next caller is Ben Schwartz with Clean Coalition.
00:14:53.920 --> 00:14:54.920
So you may go ahead.
00:14:57.540 --> 00:14:59.600
Hi, thank you for the opportunity,
00:14:59.600 --> 00:15:02.170
good morning Commissioners and President Batjer.
00:15:03.230 --> 00:15:08.230
The main reason that I'm commenting today is to request that
00:15:09.680 --> 00:15:14.680
the Commission hold to center agenda item 34 and 35,
00:15:14.900 --> 00:15:18.670
which is compensation denial for the Clean Coalition
00:15:18.670 --> 00:15:21.370
for failure to demonstrate eligibility
00:15:21.370 --> 00:15:23.980
to claim intervener compensation.
00:15:23.980 --> 00:15:26.920
And the reason I'm requesting that the Commission hold
00:15:26.920 --> 00:15:31.090
this item is that the Clean Coalition currently has
00:15:31.090 --> 00:15:35.530
an application for rehearing that's pending based on
00:15:35.530 --> 00:15:39.250
an alternate proposed decision from last year.
00:15:39.250 --> 00:15:44.170
And so we request that the Commission hold this until
00:15:44.170 --> 00:15:47.210
that is properly heard and there's a decision on that.
00:15:48.230 --> 00:15:53.230
And the second aspect is essentially changing the way
00:15:54.530 --> 00:15:56.390
that voices are heard.
00:15:56.390 --> 00:16:00.280
There are a multitude of voices that inform the IOU
00:16:00.280 --> 00:16:05.280
and work hard at the Commission and are denied compensation
00:16:05.980 --> 00:16:07.610
for one reason or another.
00:16:07.610 --> 00:16:12.050
But the end result is for nonprofit like the Clean Coalition
00:16:12.050 --> 00:16:15.870
so many others, that ends up pushing them out of the room
00:16:15.870 --> 00:16:19.830
and silencing the voices that are informing the process.
00:16:21.860 --> 00:16:25.260
And that leads to the IOUs having a larger
00:16:25.260 --> 00:16:30.260
than necessary share of what happens in the policy series.
00:16:31.170 --> 00:16:33.360
And the policy changes that are made.
00:16:34.500 --> 00:16:39.280
And if the Commission values the voices that are heard
00:16:39.280 --> 00:16:44.280
and actually having stakeholder participation from all walks
00:16:44.810 --> 00:16:49.810
of society involved in these OIRs and policy changes,
00:16:51.070 --> 00:16:53.410
then it's really essential to create a system
00:16:53.410 --> 00:16:56.950
that allows nonprofits ratepayers,
00:16:56.950 --> 00:17:01.040
and other stakeholder groups to participate
00:17:01.040 --> 00:17:04.390
and to get some sort of compensation to deem
00:17:04.390 --> 00:17:06.103
the contributions that they've made to be working.
00:17:06.103 --> 00:17:08.680
(bell rings)
Thank you.
00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:12.770
Thank you, Mr. Schwartz.
00:17:12.770 --> 00:17:15.880
Operator, the next caller, please.
00:17:17.250 --> 00:17:20.920
Our next caller is Ken Jones with 350 Bay Area,
00:17:20.920 --> 00:17:21.770
you may go ahead.
00:17:23.500 --> 00:17:26.470
Good morning President Batjer and Commissioners.
00:17:26.470 --> 00:17:28.690
Am Ken Jones with 350 Bay Area,
00:17:28.690 --> 00:17:30.960
a group that sees the climate emergency
00:17:30.960 --> 00:17:33.370
as the existential issue of our time.
00:17:34.250 --> 00:17:37.180
President Batjer I do feel there are some times
00:17:37.180 --> 00:17:39.410
or there a different feel to the CPUC.
00:17:39.410 --> 00:17:41.900
But since you, I've been here a year
00:17:41.900 --> 00:17:43.950
I'm going to comment on what hasn't happened
00:17:43.950 --> 00:17:45.120
as near as I can tell.
00:17:46.050 --> 00:17:48.300
Keep in mind that the failure of the governor
00:17:48.300 --> 00:17:51.290
and its energy staff to take climate breakdown seriously
00:17:51.290 --> 00:17:53.570
and along with the legislature,
00:17:53.570 --> 00:17:55.200
hiding behind the COVID crisis,
00:17:55.200 --> 00:17:57.840
is the reason they can't focus on energy
00:17:57.840 --> 00:18:01.540
makes things difficult for the CPUC and all of us.
00:18:01.540 --> 00:18:06.290
That said, though, what is lacking at the CPUC is a vision.
00:18:06.290 --> 00:18:09.310
Many of us heard that President Batjer you were picked
00:18:09.310 --> 00:18:11.860
by the governor in order to change the way the CPUC
00:18:12.820 --> 00:18:13.830
does its business.
00:18:14.830 --> 00:18:17.920
That does not necessarily mean a new vision though.
00:18:17.920 --> 00:18:21.310
Former President Picker had one, he thought that the CCA's
00:18:21.310 --> 00:18:24.060
were a collectivist plot of some kind.
00:18:24.060 --> 00:18:27.170
It was disorganized and threaten the stability provided
00:18:27.170 --> 00:18:30.120
by the centralized investor on utilities.
00:18:30.120 --> 00:18:33.000
He was worried about burnouts that could happen
00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:36.140
as it did in the energy crisis 20 years ago.
00:18:36.140 --> 00:18:40.745
Out of that vision, we got huge fires (indistinct)
00:18:40.745 --> 00:18:45.040
that we're not being overseen well and power shut off.
00:18:45.040 --> 00:18:47.880
So today, what does the CPUC see
00:18:48.936 --> 00:18:52.640
the California energy system looking like in five years
00:18:52.640 --> 00:18:55.210
or maybe in those eight or nine we have left
00:18:55.210 --> 00:18:58.300
before it is too late to stop the climate disasters
00:18:58.300 --> 00:19:00.950
from just getting continually worse.
00:19:02.480 --> 00:19:05.410
The difference in atmosphere between the CPUC often thought
00:19:05.410 --> 00:19:08.740
of as arcane and the CEC which oversees
00:19:08.740 --> 00:19:12.360
our municipal utilities, which in the way they're run,
00:19:12.360 --> 00:19:16.450
the CCAs are much more alike, and the CPUC was on display
00:19:16.450 --> 00:19:19.220
in last week's workshops where leadership of both agencies
00:19:19.220 --> 00:19:20.580
were participating.
00:19:20.580 --> 00:19:23.580
Almost felt like CEC leadership was trying to model
00:19:23.580 --> 00:19:28.230
a creative approach to energy thinking outside the box,
00:19:28.230 --> 00:19:31.240
in the panelists they chose and their comment.
00:19:31.240 --> 00:19:34.130
But the response from CPUC leadership was
00:19:34.130 --> 00:19:36.760
but we have to stick to our old concepts and worry about
00:19:36.760 --> 00:19:38.290
the budgets of the IOUs.
00:19:40.090 --> 00:19:42.970
Way too often in rule making after rule making the response
00:19:42.970 --> 00:19:45.900
to new ideas is we can't find it in the record
00:19:45.900 --> 00:19:49.300
or let's have a workshop and let the uncooperative utilities
00:19:49.300 --> 00:19:51.660
work it out with the other parties
00:19:51.660 --> 00:19:54.790
and see the joint utilities comments listened to more
00:19:54.790 --> 00:19:57.780
than all the others wanting change even though
00:19:57.780 --> 00:20:00.090
you have to know the IOUs are concerned
00:20:00.090 --> 00:20:01.710
first about their shareholders.
00:20:02.580 --> 00:20:06.220
That is how it feels to us we are that are trying
00:20:06.220 --> 00:20:09.210
to create a new climate emergency goal focused direction
00:20:09.210 --> 00:20:12.900
that comes up with the big changes we need to keep the costs
00:20:12.900 --> 00:20:16.360
of what we aren't doing from shifting on to
00:20:16.360 --> 00:20:19.440
in the short years we have left all living things.
00:20:19.440 --> 00:20:20.273
Thank you.
00:20:22.800 --> 00:20:25.350
Thank you, appreciate your comments.
00:20:26.880 --> 00:20:30.560
Operator, could you call the next caller.
00:20:32.650 --> 00:20:33.483
Thank you.
00:20:33.483 --> 00:20:38.090
Our next caller is Audrey Ichinose with CACE.
00:20:38.090 --> 00:20:39.880
Your line is open ma'am.
00:20:39.880 --> 00:20:40.990
Thank you.
00:20:40.990 --> 00:20:42.470
My name is Audrey Ichinose
00:20:42.470 --> 00:20:47.090
and I'm a community and energy advocate living in
00:20:47.090 --> 00:20:50.730
South Berkeley bordering on Oakland and I'm a member of
00:20:50.730 --> 00:20:53.860
the California Alliance for Community Energy
00:20:53.860 --> 00:20:57.160
and the East Bay Clean Power Alliance.
00:20:58.000 --> 00:21:01.800
Thanks for the opportunity to speak I appreciate being able
00:21:01.800 --> 00:21:04.540
to address the Commissioners directly.
00:21:05.890 --> 00:21:10.770
Now that we are committed for a year of wildfire mitigation,
00:21:10.770 --> 00:21:13.110
with blunt and outmoded tools,
00:21:13.110 --> 00:21:15.850
especially the use of diesel generators.
00:21:15.850 --> 00:21:18.430
I hope that the Commission is thinking
00:21:18.430 --> 00:21:21.680
about next year's fire season already
00:21:21.680 --> 00:21:25.800
and how to foster local microgrids,
00:21:25.800 --> 00:21:28.790
which I believe is the best tool to
00:21:28.790 --> 00:21:32.890
not only secure emergency services and the safety
00:21:32.890 --> 00:21:36.440
of vulnerable populations,
00:21:36.440 --> 00:21:41.160
but also to avoid the painful losses for local industries
00:21:41.160 --> 00:21:46.160
and businesses that in many cases exceed have exceeded
00:21:47.120 --> 00:21:51.260
the higher mitigation costs to the incumbent utilities.
00:21:52.170 --> 00:21:55.920
I hope that the Commission will learn powerful support
00:21:55.920 --> 00:22:00.920
in the coming year to the development of the local microgrid
00:22:01.060 --> 00:22:04.850
and I'd like to cite two ways they could do so.
00:22:04.850 --> 00:22:09.747
One is by removing utility obstructions to customer account
00:22:10.730 --> 00:22:12.600
and load information.
00:22:12.600 --> 00:22:14.680
And this is where the building out
00:22:14.680 --> 00:22:16.880
of local microgrids start.
00:22:18.430 --> 00:22:22.960
So that's very important and also this generally limiting
00:22:24.030 --> 00:22:28.280
the necessary utility involvement locally
00:22:29.130 --> 00:22:31.250
to grid connections.
00:22:34.716 --> 00:22:38.817
They have a tendency to encroach locally
00:22:39.800 --> 00:22:43.540
and being the organizations that they are,
00:22:43.540 --> 00:22:47.050
they're hard to defend against.
00:22:47.050 --> 00:22:49.870
So those are two things that I hope the Commission
00:22:49.870 --> 00:22:53.570
will keep in mind in the coming year.
00:22:53.570 --> 00:22:58.570
We don't have much type until the 2021 fire season starts
00:22:59.030 --> 00:23:03.800
and of course referring to our--
00:23:04.649 --> 00:23:08.180
(bell rings)
Thank you very much.
00:23:09.648 --> 00:23:10.990
Thank you very much.
00:23:10.990 --> 00:23:12.710
Operator the next caller please.
00:23:15.470 --> 00:23:16.400
Thank you and again,
00:23:16.400 --> 00:23:18.030
if you would like to ask a question,
00:23:18.030 --> 00:23:21.160
please unmute your phone, press *1
00:23:21.160 --> 00:23:24.510
and record your first and last name and organization clearly
00:23:24.510 --> 00:23:27.060
when prompted so it may introduce you.
00:23:27.060 --> 00:23:29.430
Again to make a comment, press *1.
00:23:30.380 --> 00:23:32.240
Our next caller is Lizzie Purcell,
00:23:32.240 --> 00:23:34.660
a member of the public, you may go ahead, ma'am.
00:23:36.480 --> 00:23:38.300
Hi, can you hear me?
00:23:38.300 --> 00:23:39.770
Yes, we can.
00:23:39.770 --> 00:23:40.750
Thank you.
00:23:41.710 --> 00:23:46.710
I'd like to support the microgrid idea
00:23:47.070 --> 00:23:50.620
that would use local solar and renewable energy
00:23:50.620 --> 00:23:54.010
with battery storage as opposed to diesel
00:23:54.870 --> 00:23:59.590
and I think there's a lot of availability for solar
00:24:00.650 --> 00:24:04.000
on parking lots and many, many commercial
00:24:04.000 --> 00:24:07.820
and municipal buildings that is just not being used.
00:24:08.800 --> 00:24:12.950
The second thing I'd like to talk about is SoCal Gas,
00:24:12.950 --> 00:24:17.260
which has a storage field in Playa del Rey.
00:24:17.260 --> 00:24:22.260
And we understand under the Ballona Wetlands Restoration EIR
00:24:26.940 --> 00:24:30.130
it for wells were leaking
00:24:30.130 --> 00:24:32.820
we'd like to know which wells those are
00:24:32.820 --> 00:24:37.560
and we need in more information on these well losses
00:24:37.560 --> 00:24:41.020
and leakage from storage fields.
00:24:41.020 --> 00:24:43.180
I have seen an old document
00:24:44.100 --> 00:24:47.060
that reference six different fields,
00:24:47.060 --> 00:24:51.430
including Playa del Rey and Aliso Canyon,
00:24:51.430 --> 00:24:56.430
and that there were losses from both the wells
00:24:57.090 --> 00:24:59.310
and the storage field itself.
00:24:59.310 --> 00:25:03.250
Now we have a lot have abandoned wells in old oil wells
00:25:03.250 --> 00:25:08.040
in the Ballona Wetlands area and we're very concerned
00:25:08.040 --> 00:25:10.810
that these gases are still escaping.
00:25:10.810 --> 00:25:13.900
We would like to see some kind of study done on this
00:25:13.900 --> 00:25:18.900
or documents if there are as to the amount of leakage of gas
00:25:22.250 --> 00:25:27.250
and what is being done to mitigate and address these issues
00:25:28.840 --> 00:25:31.280
because this is a real concern.
00:25:31.280 --> 00:25:35.760
We're trying to do conservation and protection of
00:25:35.760 --> 00:25:39.180
the Ballona Wetlands which the public acquired
00:25:40.730 --> 00:25:45.730
for wildlife habitat and also for public enjoyment.
00:25:47.660 --> 00:25:52.660
We need to know the status of this Playa del Rey,
00:25:54.560 --> 00:25:56.890
SoCal Gas storage field
00:25:56.890 --> 00:25:59.400
how much gas leaking
(bell rings)
00:25:59.400 --> 00:26:02.360
and what could be done about that, thank you.
00:26:06.160 --> 00:26:06.993
Thank you.
00:26:08.630 --> 00:26:10.280
Operator the next caller, please.
00:26:12.830 --> 00:26:15.240
I have no callers in queue at this time.
00:26:16.525 --> 00:26:18.990
(indistinct) operator please make an announcement
00:26:18.990 --> 00:26:22.650
and make sure everyone knows how to get online?
00:26:23.650 --> 00:26:24.640
Yes, if you would like
00:26:24.640 --> 00:26:27.690
to make a public comment, please unmute your phone,
00:26:27.690 --> 00:26:31.010
press *1 and record your first and last name clearly
00:26:31.010 --> 00:26:33.380
when prompted so I may introduce you.
00:26:34.520 --> 00:26:36.420
Please stand by for our next question.
00:26:40.900 --> 00:26:42.260
I believe there's one more caller
00:26:42.260 --> 00:26:43.560
in the queue now operator?
00:26:48.830 --> 00:26:52.070
Hallo President Batjer this is Robert Stanford.
00:26:52.070 --> 00:26:53.970
I see one more caller queued up.
00:26:53.970 --> 00:26:55.520
The operator will announce him.
00:26:56.520 --> 00:26:58.020
Thank you, Robert. operator.
00:26:59.170 --> 00:27:01.700
Our next caller Claire Broome,
00:27:01.700 --> 00:27:02.750
member of the public.
00:27:03.750 --> 00:27:04.600
You may go ahead.
00:27:06.990 --> 00:27:08.600
Good morning, President Batjer
00:27:08.600 --> 00:27:09.670
and Commissioners.
00:27:09.670 --> 00:27:12.490
My name is Claire Broome.
00:27:12.490 --> 00:27:15.320
I'm an adjunct professor of Public Health
00:27:15.320 --> 00:27:16.590
and live in Berkeley.
00:27:17.590 --> 00:27:21.480
I am calling because I think we are all aware that
00:27:21.480 --> 00:27:24.450
the climate crisis is bearing down on us
00:27:24.450 --> 00:27:28.730
and you have a critical role to play in assuring
00:27:28.730 --> 00:27:32.560
that California leads and addressing the climate crisis.
00:27:34.210 --> 00:27:38.710
The primary objective I think, the PUC should be pursuing
00:27:38.710 --> 00:27:43.520
is accelerating clean energy on the distribution grid.
00:27:44.860 --> 00:27:49.680
And I congratulate President Batjer and Commissioner Shiroma
00:27:49.680 --> 00:27:54.500
for their active participation in the microgrid workshop
00:27:54.500 --> 00:27:56.880
with the CEC last week.
00:27:56.880 --> 00:28:00.620
I think that shows your understanding of the importance
00:28:00.620 --> 00:28:02.370
of microgrids.
00:28:02.370 --> 00:28:06.910
That's part of clean energy on the distribution grid.
00:28:06.910 --> 00:28:09.470
But we also need to pay attention to
00:28:09.470 --> 00:28:12.730
in front of the meter wholesale distribution.
00:28:12.730 --> 00:28:17.730
Another way of getting increasing amounts of clean energy
00:28:19.310 --> 00:28:22.770
on the distribution grid, in addition of course
00:28:22.770 --> 00:28:25.680
to behind the meter, DVR.
00:28:26.520 --> 00:28:30.070
Now, it's great being in the workshop
00:28:30.070 --> 00:28:34.900
but I think as President Batjer has indicated,
00:28:34.900 --> 00:28:39.900
the PUC needs to take a deeper look at increased flexibility
00:28:40.900 --> 00:28:44.740
and working across silos to make this happen.
00:28:44.740 --> 00:28:47.940
Let me give you some specific areas
00:28:47.940 --> 00:28:52.940
that I think are currently handled inappropriately
00:28:53.070 --> 00:28:55.030
by the PUC.
00:28:55.030 --> 00:29:00.030
Specifically, your cost accounting you look primarily
00:29:03.348 --> 00:29:06.060
from the perspective of the investor owned utilities
00:29:06.060 --> 00:29:09.940
and that's important, but what about for ratepayers?
00:29:10.820 --> 00:29:13.360
When you have local clean energy,
00:29:13.360 --> 00:29:16.380
you avoid long distance transmission.
00:29:16.380 --> 00:29:20.120
This is an enormous, increasing part of the bill
00:29:20.120 --> 00:29:22.930
and is a huge benefit to local ratepayers.
00:29:24.150 --> 00:29:27.790
Secondly, the value of resilience with PSPS
00:29:29.000 --> 00:29:32.450
and the kind of wildfire threats,
00:29:33.520 --> 00:29:37.210
local clean energy value
(bell rings)
00:29:37.210 --> 00:29:38.950
for local resilience.
00:29:38.950 --> 00:29:42.880
I implore you not to do business as usual,
00:29:42.880 --> 00:29:46.690
and to address our climate crisis with all the tools
00:29:46.690 --> 00:29:48.930
and flexibility you can, thank you.
00:29:51.130 --> 00:29:53.400
Thank you, Miss Broome.
00:29:54.670 --> 00:29:56.800
Operator are there any other callers on the line
00:29:56.800 --> 00:29:57.633
at this time?
00:29:59.190 --> 00:30:01.270
Impressive Betjer I have no more speakers
00:30:01.270 --> 00:30:03.490
on the public comment telephone line but as again
00:30:03.490 --> 00:30:06.330
as a reminder if you would like to make a comment,
00:30:06.330 --> 00:30:08.960
please press *1, unmute your phone
00:30:08.960 --> 00:30:11.400
and provide your name and organization.
00:30:11.400 --> 00:30:14.080
So I may introduce you, again *1.
00:30:24.690 --> 00:30:26.580
Will just wait a minute to see if there's anybody else
00:30:26.580 --> 00:30:29.509
that joins us.
00:30:29.509 --> 00:30:30.342
00:30:30.342 --> 00:30:32.170
have a caller coming into the queue right now,
00:30:32.170 --> 00:30:33.003
one moment.
00:30:33.950 --> 00:30:34.783
Thank you.
00:30:44.640 --> 00:30:46.740
Operator do you wanna announce the caller?
00:30:49.690 --> 00:30:52.430
Yes our next caller is Jennifer Tanner,
00:30:52.430 --> 00:30:53.280
you may go ahead.
00:30:54.170 --> 00:30:56.720
Yes, I've already spoken but since there seems
00:30:56.720 --> 00:30:59.710
to be some opportunity, can I have another 20,30 seconds?
00:31:00.940 --> 00:31:02.840
Yes, you may of course.
00:31:02.840 --> 00:31:04.410
All right thank you so much.
00:31:04.410 --> 00:31:06.930
I just heard yesterday the unfortunate news
00:31:06.930 --> 00:31:10.770
that Assemblyman Holden decided that microgrid bills
00:31:10.770 --> 00:31:13.090
are no longer important this year,
00:31:13.090 --> 00:31:15.460
because the CPUC has it handled
00:31:15.460 --> 00:31:18.490
so that all five microgrid bills that are
00:31:18.490 --> 00:31:20.610
in a legislature right now,
00:31:20.610 --> 00:31:23.090
he will not hear in his committee.
00:31:23.090 --> 00:31:25.170
He made that unilateral decision
00:31:25.170 --> 00:31:27.570
because the CPUC has it handled.
00:31:27.570 --> 00:31:30.830
So you're basically all that we have to do anything
00:31:30.830 --> 00:31:32.180
about microgrids this year,
00:31:32.180 --> 00:31:34.650
as opposed to waiting an entire new year.
00:31:34.650 --> 00:31:36.930
And that's why everyone I think on this call is saying
00:31:36.930 --> 00:31:39.780
please do something more than what we're doing.
00:31:41.580 --> 00:31:42.840
That's what I wanted to say.
00:31:42.840 --> 00:31:43.960
Thank you.
00:31:43.960 --> 00:31:46.010
Thank you Miss Tanner, appreciate that.
00:31:47.110 --> 00:31:49.850
There anybody else on the line or into?
00:31:51.140 --> 00:31:53.430
President Batjer there are no more participants
00:31:53.430 --> 00:31:55.740
on the public comment telephone line at this time.
00:31:56.750 --> 00:31:58.690
Okay, thank you operator.
00:31:58.690 --> 00:32:00.670
With no more callers on the line,
00:32:00.670 --> 00:32:03.270
the public comment period is now closed.
00:32:04.350 --> 00:32:07.180
Thank you very much everyone who participated.
00:32:07.180 --> 00:32:09.360
Yes, excuse me, Commissioner Shiroma?
00:32:11.170 --> 00:32:14.650
Thank you, President Batjer and with your indulgence,
00:32:14.650 --> 00:32:18.660
I just wanted to say that on microgrids,
00:32:18.660 --> 00:32:23.660
there is an August 5 workshop to launch the truck
00:32:25.110 --> 00:32:28.470
to phase the microgrids proceeding.
00:32:28.470 --> 00:32:33.280
We also anticipate a second workshop devoted entirely
00:32:33.280 --> 00:32:38.280
to alternatives to diesel backup generation later in August.
00:32:40.270 --> 00:32:42.810
Thank you for your indulgence on me now say that.
00:32:43.930 --> 00:32:45.600
Thank you very much, Commissioner Shiroma
00:32:45.600 --> 00:32:47.840
for making that announcement.
00:32:47.840 --> 00:32:50.580
I think it will be very important and we look forward
00:32:50.580 --> 00:32:55.580
to thorough and participation from the public.
00:32:56.960 --> 00:33:00.460
These are very important matters to us
00:33:00.460 --> 00:33:04.830
and I very much personally look forward
00:33:04.830 --> 00:33:07.220
to additional solutions.
00:33:09.060 --> 00:33:14.060
Hearing about additional solutions to the diesel situation.
00:33:15.380 --> 00:33:17.130
So thank you, Commissioner shiroma.
00:33:18.800 --> 00:33:21.480
Okay, moving on then are there any other
00:33:22.330 --> 00:33:25.530
okay see no hands raised by my fellow Commissioners.
00:33:27.830 --> 00:33:32.830
I will move now to item two on today's meeting agenda
00:33:33.680 --> 00:33:37.120
was subject to a rate setting deliberative meeting and RDM,
00:33:38.120 --> 00:33:41.960
and a hold to the August 6 voting meeting
00:33:41.960 --> 00:33:44.140
has been requested and granted.
00:33:45.310 --> 00:33:47.980
As a result, this item will be subject
00:33:47.980 --> 00:33:51.510
to a default ex parte quiet period pursuant
00:33:51.510 --> 00:33:54.243
to the public utilities Code Section 1701.3h6.
00:33:59.060 --> 00:34:02.460
This item may be subject to additional quiet time
00:34:02.460 --> 00:34:03.900
if the Commission chooses
00:34:03.900 --> 00:34:07.810
to extended the default quiet time.
00:34:07.810 --> 00:34:11.610
The default quiet time is as follows.
00:34:11.610 --> 00:34:16.610
No oral or written ex parte communications will be allowed
00:34:16.620 --> 00:34:21.270
from August 3, 2020 to the end of
00:34:21.270 --> 00:34:24.750
the August 6, 2020 voting meeting.
00:34:28.450 --> 00:34:32.510
If the Commission establishes additional quiet time,
00:34:32.510 --> 00:34:37.510
or this item, oral and written ex parte communications
00:34:37.550 --> 00:34:40.710
will be restricted during that additional quiet time.
00:34:41.620 --> 00:34:44.200
This time is held again.
00:34:44.200 --> 00:34:47.480
If this item is held again, the Commission will continue
00:34:47.480 --> 00:34:49.620
to have the ability to establish
00:34:49.620 --> 00:34:52.950
further ex parte quiet period.
00:34:52.950 --> 00:34:57.100
So let me repeat, no oral or written ex parte communications
00:34:57.100 --> 00:35:00.730
will be allowed from August 3, 2020
00:35:00.730 --> 00:35:04.810
to the end of the August 6, 2020 voting Meeting.
00:35:06.710 --> 00:35:10.020
Okay, moving forward.
00:35:10.020 --> 00:35:12.660
Here are the changes to today's voting.
00:35:14.610 --> 00:35:17.840
Excuse me, here's the changes to today's meeting agenda.
00:35:19.760 --> 00:35:24.760
Item two be held to August 6, Commission meeting.
00:35:27.380 --> 00:35:32.140
Item three will be held to the August 27,
00:35:32.140 --> 00:35:33.800
Commission meeting.
00:35:33.800 --> 00:35:37.670
Item four will be held to the August 6, Commission meeting.
00:35:38.840 --> 00:35:42.800
Items 13 will be taken up with our regular agenda today.
00:35:44.340 --> 00:35:49.310
Item 15 will be held to the August 6, voting meeting.
00:35:51.230 --> 00:35:55.570
Item 25 will be held also to the August 6, voting meeting.
00:35:57.620 --> 00:36:02.620
And then item 33 will be held to the August 6,
00:36:03.060 --> 00:36:03.893
voting meeting.
00:36:05.480 --> 00:36:07.710
Item 46 has been withdrawn.
00:36:08.960 --> 00:36:12.870
Item 50 will be taken up with the consent agenda.
00:36:14.620 --> 00:36:16.450
At the request of staff
00:36:18.642 --> 00:36:20.880
and I from the Dias today
00:36:20.880 --> 00:36:25.260
will ask that we also hold item 16.
00:36:28.460 --> 00:36:31.930
So I will add that to the list of items.
00:36:35.000 --> 00:36:35.833
All right.
00:36:40.120 --> 00:36:43.560
We have I will need a vote on the consent items.
00:36:43.560 --> 00:36:44.570
Is there a motion?
00:36:45.720 --> 00:36:47.360
So moved.
00:36:47.360 --> 00:36:48.260
Is there a second?
00:36:49.420 --> 00:36:50.960
00:36:50.960 --> 00:36:53.050
Thank you, we have a motion and a second
00:36:53.050 --> 00:36:55.070
for the consent agenda items.
00:36:56.140 --> 00:36:57.840
Agenda clerk please call the roll.
00:36:59.580 --> 00:37:01.730
Commissioner shiroma.
00:37:01.730 --> 00:37:02.910
00:37:02.910 --> 00:37:05.050
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
00:37:05.050 --> 00:37:06.450
00:37:06.450 --> 00:37:07.650
Commissioner Randolph.
00:37:08.700 --> 00:37:09.990
00:37:09.990 --> 00:37:11.900
Commissioner Rechtchaffen.
00:37:11.900 --> 00:37:13.270
00:37:13.270 --> 00:37:15.010
President Batjer.
00:37:15.010 --> 00:37:16.180
00:37:16.180 --> 00:37:18.870
The vote is unanimous, thank you.
00:37:18.870 --> 00:37:23.300
Now, Commissioner Guzman Aceves would like to make comments
00:37:23.300 --> 00:37:26.210
or remarks on item nine, which is
00:37:26.210 --> 00:37:29.270
the automatic enrollment of disadvantaged communities,
00:37:29.270 --> 00:37:31.290
green care of customers.
00:37:31.290 --> 00:37:33.800
And then after Commissioner Guzman Aceves
00:37:34.707 --> 00:37:37.110
will turn to Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
00:37:37.110 --> 00:37:42.040
Please go ahead Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
00:37:42.040 --> 00:37:43.240
Thank you, President Batjerr.
00:37:43.240 --> 00:37:45.790
And I will also be making a short comment
00:37:45.790 --> 00:37:47.730
on the item 24 as well.
00:37:48.686 --> 00:37:50.160
Oh, okay fine.
00:37:50.160 --> 00:37:52.890
Sorry about that talk about item nine.
00:37:54.560 --> 00:37:57.070
Some of you may be familiar with this program
00:37:57.070 --> 00:37:59.970
was we voted out two years ago.
00:37:59.970 --> 00:38:01.970
This was one of the measures
00:38:01.970 --> 00:38:04.960
we took in implementing legislation
00:38:04.960 --> 00:38:08.980
for a rate reform legislation from many years ago,
00:38:08.980 --> 00:38:13.430
and it it charged us with looking at benefits
00:38:13.430 --> 00:38:16.630
for disadvantaged communities and low income communities
00:38:16.630 --> 00:38:18.890
from distributed solar.
00:38:18.890 --> 00:38:21.430
And at the time, we looked at many things related
00:38:21.430 --> 00:38:25.340
to NEM and potentially even a virtual NEM structure,
00:38:25.340 --> 00:38:27.180
but we ended up setting up
00:38:27.180 --> 00:38:30.490
a couple of few different programs.
00:38:30.490 --> 00:38:32.210
One of them is this program,
00:38:32.210 --> 00:38:36.240
the disadvantaged Community Green Tariff program.
00:38:36.240 --> 00:38:41.020
And what it is essentially is that it provides
00:38:41.990 --> 00:38:44.730
it requires a certain amount of megawatts for the utilities
00:38:44.730 --> 00:38:47.560
to build distributed solar projects
00:38:47.560 --> 00:38:49.920
in disadvantaged communities.
00:38:49.920 --> 00:38:53.730
And then it assigns those benefits of the clean energy
00:38:53.730 --> 00:38:56.630
to low income households in disadvantaged communities.
00:38:57.520 --> 00:39:00.720
And PG&E really wanted knowledge they stepped up
00:39:00.720 --> 00:39:02.120
in a couple of ways.
00:39:02.120 --> 00:39:07.120
One is they said, we have the existing small solar projects.
00:39:07.780 --> 00:39:10.820
And by small I mean less than, like 20 megawatts
00:39:10.820 --> 00:39:14.900
that currently exist a handful of them really,
00:39:14.900 --> 00:39:18.360
that exists already and are in disadvantaged communities.
00:39:18.360 --> 00:39:20.910
And so they have the ability to expedite
00:39:20.910 --> 00:39:25.240
the signing of the discount of this clean energy.
00:39:25.240 --> 00:39:27.860
And the beauty of the program is it assigned
00:39:27.860 --> 00:39:32.860
a specific discount of 20% on the bill.
00:39:32.870 --> 00:39:34.440
As you know, we've been dealing
00:39:34.440 --> 00:39:37.530
with many consumer fraud issues in the NEM program,
00:39:37.530 --> 00:39:41.690
where people end up paying more than before they had.
00:39:41.690 --> 00:39:44.500
So this was a program that really looked at
00:39:44.500 --> 00:39:47.470
a guaranteed savings for low income customers,
00:39:47.470 --> 00:39:49.480
and a way to really pull the projects
00:39:49.480 --> 00:39:52.090
that didn't have to be on rooftops.
00:39:52.090 --> 00:39:54.720
So this could benefit renters, it could benefit people
00:39:54.720 --> 00:39:57.460
that didn't have the right infrastructure.
00:39:57.460 --> 00:40:00.580
Fast forward now about eight months ago,
00:40:00.580 --> 00:40:04.560
PG&E also was very involved like many of the utilities
00:40:04.560 --> 00:40:06.890
and many of the stakeholders and parties
00:40:06.890 --> 00:40:09.450
in the disconnections proceeding,
00:40:09.450 --> 00:40:12.290
and then the disconnection is proceeding.
00:40:12.290 --> 00:40:15.830
Many organizations local and statewide asked
00:40:15.830 --> 00:40:19.000
that we prioritize our existing programs,
00:40:19.000 --> 00:40:23.234
be it care of 10 of our bread and butter programs, the ISA,
00:40:23.234 --> 00:40:25.580
but also our other incentive programs,
00:40:25.580 --> 00:40:29.710
SGIP, NEM, you know, and particularly this program,
00:40:29.710 --> 00:40:33.690
the DAC-GT program to really target these customers
00:40:33.690 --> 00:40:36.250
that deal with chronic disconnections.
00:40:36.250 --> 00:40:40.300
And so this is essentially effectuating that recommendation
00:40:40.300 --> 00:40:44.600
by saying that we're PG&E has submitted you know,
00:40:44.600 --> 00:40:47.510
this process that they will use to really prioritize
00:40:47.510 --> 00:40:50.470
for communities and it's not any communities
00:40:50.470 --> 00:40:52.920
is not aware of its some of those poverty pockets
00:40:52.920 --> 00:40:57.520
with chronic disconnection in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton
00:40:57.520 --> 00:41:01.030
were said there's a little less than 20,000 households there
00:41:01.030 --> 00:41:06.030
will be captured by this particular seven megawatts
00:41:06.390 --> 00:41:11.390
about 18500 and so this is going to auto enroll them
00:41:13.510 --> 00:41:14.790
in this benefits.
00:41:14.790 --> 00:41:19.790
And I really wanna thank PG&E for doing the legwork
00:41:19.820 --> 00:41:22.690
to really identify these households.
00:41:22.690 --> 00:41:25.780
So it cuts out kind of some of what we see
00:41:25.780 --> 00:41:30.760
in many of our programs where people, you know, inevitably
00:41:30.760 --> 00:41:34.380
having an enrollment process that burdens the customer
00:41:34.380 --> 00:41:36.940
for even knowing about the program,
00:41:36.940 --> 00:41:38.550
making sure they have the right evidence
00:41:38.550 --> 00:41:40.740
that they're eligible for the program and things like that.
00:41:40.740 --> 00:41:43.480
So the utilization of auto enrollment
00:41:43.480 --> 00:41:46.310
really get the benefit going quicker.
00:41:46.310 --> 00:41:49.200
And obviously, needless to say, with COVID,
00:41:49.200 --> 00:41:53.180
these communities are overly burdened as they are
00:41:53.180 --> 00:41:55.850
if this benefit comes at a much needed time.
00:41:56.690 --> 00:42:00.950
So with that, I do wanna thank folks in energy division,
00:42:00.950 --> 00:42:04.790
ALJ Division, Judge Doherty for really putting this on
00:42:04.790 --> 00:42:07.730
his heavy plate that he has already,
00:42:07.730 --> 00:42:09.990
Nora Hopkins who's working on this,
00:42:09.990 --> 00:42:11.670
in her previous assignment,
00:42:11.670 --> 00:42:15.150
Janell Sue who worked with us on the disconnection side,
00:42:15.150 --> 00:42:19.030
and of course my advisors, Sarah Sharpe and Maria Sotero.
00:42:21.740 --> 00:42:25.260
And ironically another issue item 24,
00:42:25.260 --> 00:42:27.620
that I that also fits within this bigger
00:42:28.480 --> 00:42:32.840
realm of issues dealing with distributed solar.
00:42:34.140 --> 00:42:38.480
This was a case that was brought forward to us
00:42:38.480 --> 00:42:40.300
to some of the members of the task force
00:42:40.300 --> 00:42:43.340
the solar consumer protection Task Force.
00:42:43.340 --> 00:42:48.340
A woman in Bakersfield, who had been paid for her
00:42:49.590 --> 00:42:53.020
solar project that was never actually connected.
00:42:54.500 --> 00:42:58.583
She actually was one of these predatory paste contracts
00:42:59.730 --> 00:43:02.260
that she got, she actually signed up for paste
00:43:02.260 --> 00:43:05.870
the month before the city of Bakersfield voted to ban paste.
00:43:07.140 --> 00:43:11.450
She and it's just one of these egregious cases, you know
00:43:11.450 --> 00:43:13.390
and by the way with this resolution,
00:43:13.390 --> 00:43:16.890
we're just dealing with getting the solar connected.
00:43:16.890 --> 00:43:20.300
So at least she benefits from the solar generation
00:43:20.300 --> 00:43:21.390
and the NEM.
00:43:21.390 --> 00:43:24.920
We're not dealing with the the pace element of that
00:43:24.920 --> 00:43:27.800
that's vbios jurisdiction.
00:43:27.800 --> 00:43:29.240
But it's just
00:43:29.240 --> 00:43:33.730
that I wanna really highlight the amount of engagement
00:43:33.730 --> 00:43:36.930
that is really needed to house follow up on some of
00:43:36.930 --> 00:43:41.240
these fraudulent cases and the role that we play in ensuring
00:43:41.240 --> 00:43:43.520
that these customers are really remedied.
00:43:44.730 --> 00:43:49.380
So this resolution is really basic and allowing the rules
00:43:49.380 --> 00:43:53.160
at the time to apply for her to be able to interconnect.
00:43:54.570 --> 00:43:58.160
So there's, you know, there's many more cases
00:43:58.160 --> 00:44:01.340
just this week, we've heard of two additional cases.
00:44:02.910 --> 00:44:06.290
It's just been a tough week to really juxtapose the
00:44:07.420 --> 00:44:10.369
some of the companies whose CEOs are now on
00:44:10.369 --> 00:44:15.369
the top 10 billionaires in the world and some of these cases
00:44:16.380 --> 00:44:19.980
were customers one of the customers has been disconnected
00:44:19.980 --> 00:44:23.500
for a month because he was unable to pay his true up
00:44:24.350 --> 00:44:27.800
and this these are you know customer not (indistinct)
00:44:27.800 --> 00:44:30.840
not wealthy by any means low income customers.
00:44:30.840 --> 00:44:33.700
So, anyhow we have a lot of work to do.
00:44:33.700 --> 00:44:36.270
I'm very glad, am very thankful for Elizabeth Dorman
00:44:36.270 --> 00:44:40.440
from legal who took the time to draft this resolution
00:44:40.440 --> 00:44:44.100
and for Chris Wessling, in energy division have helped
00:44:44.100 --> 00:44:49.100
with all the all of the logistics for getting it to
00:44:49.590 --> 00:44:51.150
this place as well.
00:44:51.150 --> 00:44:55.840
So, thank you very much for for the support of helping
00:44:55.840 --> 00:44:59.690
these particular customers and just want to highlight
00:44:59.690 --> 00:45:01.630
that we have continued work to do on
00:45:01.630 --> 00:45:05.020
the NEM Consumer Protection side, Thank you.
00:45:05.990 --> 00:45:08.790
Thank you, Commissioner Guzman Aceves very much
00:45:08.790 --> 00:45:10.310
it's very helpful.
00:45:10.310 --> 00:45:12.350
I believe that Commissioner Rechtschaffen
00:45:12.350 --> 00:45:15.270
would like to make a comment on item 22.
00:45:18.200 --> 00:45:21.740
No, actually item 19 I think it's item 19,
00:45:21.740 --> 00:45:26.740
the resolution for E5086 proving PG&E, SGIP marketing,
00:45:29.040 --> 00:45:32.400
education and outreach plan and that financing pilot,
00:45:32.400 --> 00:45:34.790
which we just voted for.
00:45:36.790 --> 00:45:38.290
Thank you for correcting me.
00:45:41.436 --> 00:45:43.760
That's correct item 19, thank you for correction.
00:45:44.880 --> 00:45:46.320
Okay yeah, sure of course.
00:45:48.040 --> 00:45:52.160
The resolution does two things that I wanna highlight.
00:45:52.160 --> 00:45:56.413
It approves an outreach plan from PG&E for
00:45:57.280 --> 00:46:01.340
the equity and equity resiliency incentives
00:46:01.340 --> 00:46:05.850
that we've authorized under the SGIP program
00:46:06.800 --> 00:46:10.990
over the past year, and it will focus outreach
00:46:10.990 --> 00:46:13.790
to organizations that work with access
00:46:13.790 --> 00:46:18.050
and functional needs customers, customers with disabilities,
00:46:18.050 --> 00:46:20.610
and disaster relief organization.
00:46:21.470 --> 00:46:25.260
For these organizations PG&E will offer
00:46:25.260 --> 00:46:30.260
a customer recruitment incentive of $300 per customer
00:46:31.456 --> 00:46:35.630
who applies and is eligible for energy storage incentive
00:46:35.630 --> 00:46:38.590
in the SGIP equity resiliency budget.
00:46:38.590 --> 00:46:40.730
Again, this is the budget targeted
00:46:40.730 --> 00:46:43.620
and our most disadvantaged needy customers
00:46:43.620 --> 00:46:48.090
in high fire threat areas, or areas that have been impacted
00:46:48.090 --> 00:46:49.310
by PSPS events.
00:46:50.410 --> 00:46:53.960
So very important that we target outreach at the community's
00:46:53.960 --> 00:46:55.900
most in need of the assistance.
00:46:56.950 --> 00:47:01.480
Second, in this resolution, we approved a financing pilot
00:47:01.480 --> 00:47:06.080
from PG&E that will modify The current rule
00:47:06.080 --> 00:47:10.850
are providing incentive payments after storage systems
00:47:10.850 --> 00:47:11.730
are installed.
00:47:11.730 --> 00:47:16.730
So, instead of that in this pilot, PG&E will pay 50%
00:47:17.000 --> 00:47:21.613
of the incentive upfront after the application accepted.
00:47:23.210 --> 00:47:26.600
And again, this is for in the equity budget
00:47:26.600 --> 00:47:29.780
and the equity resilience budget for those customers
00:47:29.780 --> 00:47:32.250
who are enrolled in medical baseline
00:47:32.250 --> 00:47:35.680
or have notified utility of a life threatening condition
00:47:35.680 --> 00:47:38.960
without electricity, again in those situations,
00:47:38.960 --> 00:47:42.050
PG&E will pay the money upfront that we can get
00:47:42.050 --> 00:47:45.470
the assistance to the customers as soon as possible.
00:47:45.470 --> 00:47:49.330
The final 50% will be paid after the installation
00:47:49.330 --> 00:47:50.550
of the storage system.
00:47:51.470 --> 00:47:56.130
And one final important twist on that this is something
00:47:56.130 --> 00:47:58.540
we did in response to comments,
00:47:58.540 --> 00:48:00.880
as well for a customer who received
00:48:00.880 --> 00:48:03.170
this 50% upfront payment.
00:48:04.330 --> 00:48:08.190
The developer cannot require a customer to pay any
00:48:08.190 --> 00:48:12.270
out of pocket costs before the final incentive payment
00:48:12.270 --> 00:48:14.200
is received.
00:48:14.200 --> 00:48:15.670
This will help remedy the problem
00:48:15.670 --> 00:48:17.960
that some of our neediest customers can't afford
00:48:17.960 --> 00:48:21.360
to make any upfront payment, thank you.
00:48:23.080 --> 00:48:25.890
Thank you, Commissioner Rechtschaffen very helpful.
00:48:27.360 --> 00:48:29.060
Do any of the other Commissioners have any comments
00:48:29.060 --> 00:48:30.900
to make on the consent agenda?
00:48:32.530 --> 00:48:34.350
Okay, seeing none.
00:48:35.860 --> 00:48:40.000
We will now move to the regular agenda.
00:48:43.900 --> 00:48:48.440
The first item on the regular agenda is item 13
00:48:49.890 --> 00:48:52.380
and that is assigned to me.
00:48:54.340 --> 00:48:56.280
Item search team it is
00:48:56.280 --> 00:49:01.280
a decision adopting wireless provider resiliency strategies
00:49:01.800 --> 00:49:04.300
affects over hundreds of thousands of Californians
00:49:04.300 --> 00:49:07.660
who were already impacted by the power shut off
00:49:07.660 --> 00:49:09.580
were forced to evacuate their homes
00:49:09.580 --> 00:49:11.860
as the Kincade fire burned uncontrolled.
00:49:12.810 --> 00:49:16.330
In moments like these Californians rely on their cell phones
00:49:16.330 --> 00:49:19.760
to receive alerts from emergency responders
00:49:19.760 --> 00:49:23.300
and access vital evacuation websites.
00:49:23.300 --> 00:49:26.740
Wireless service plays an essential role in the delivery
00:49:26.740 --> 00:49:31.050
of public safety services, distribution of emergency alerts,
00:49:31.050 --> 00:49:35.830
and particularly access to 911 where in 2019,
00:49:38.020 --> 00:49:43.020
88% of the 911 calls were delivered over wireless networks.
00:49:44.590 --> 00:49:46.440
Losing a critical Lifeline during
00:49:46.440 --> 00:49:51.120
these ever increasing times of emergency is not acceptable.
00:49:51.120 --> 00:49:54.230
It is dangerous and distressing for the public
00:49:54.230 --> 00:49:57.750
and it cripples the effort of the emergency responders
00:49:57.750 --> 00:50:00.540
to coordinate disaster response and evacuation.
00:50:01.410 --> 00:50:04.770
Today's decision creates a framework to ensure
00:50:04.770 --> 00:50:08.240
that wireless networks will provide reliable access
00:50:08.240 --> 00:50:12.460
to 911 and 211, emergency alerts
00:50:12.460 --> 00:50:16.270
and crucial internet services there are so very critical
00:50:16.270 --> 00:50:20.530
to the public safety and well being in times of disaster.
00:50:20.530 --> 00:50:24.040
This decision requires wireless service providers
00:50:24.040 --> 00:50:28.290
to develop comprehensive communications resiliency plans
00:50:28.290 --> 00:50:32.120
to ensure necessary planning and network investments
00:50:32.120 --> 00:50:34.900
are made to maintain service during a disaster
00:50:34.900 --> 00:50:35.830
or power outage.
00:50:36.800 --> 00:50:40.910
It further adopts a 72 hour backup power requirement
00:50:40.910 --> 00:50:44.500
the wireless providers to ensure a minimum level of service
00:50:44.500 --> 00:50:48.140
and coverage is maintained during the disaster
00:50:48.140 --> 00:50:51.000
and power outages in the tier two
00:50:51.000 --> 00:50:54.620
and tier three high fire threat districts.
00:50:54.620 --> 00:50:58.980
The it further directs wireless providers to improve
00:50:58.980 --> 00:51:02.810
their coordination with emergency response agencies
00:51:02.810 --> 00:51:05.650
by sharing their emergency points of contact,
00:51:05.650 --> 00:51:09.130
performing annual emergency preparedness exercises
00:51:09.130 --> 00:51:11.240
and sharing their disaster response plans
00:51:11.240 --> 00:51:13.900
with the emergency response agencies.
00:51:14.880 --> 00:51:17.540
In a future decision, we will consider
00:51:17.540 --> 00:51:20.800
resiliency requirements for the wireline providers.
00:51:21.640 --> 00:51:24.540
I'd like to thank the parties to this proceeding.
00:51:25.680 --> 00:51:30.030
For their detailed comments, which were extremely helpful.
00:51:30.030 --> 00:51:34.770
I'd like to thank Helen Mickiewicz for all of her wisdom,
00:51:34.770 --> 00:51:37.840
and help and Lindsay Brown in the legal division,
00:51:37.840 --> 00:51:42.400
administrative judge Collin Rizzo has just been fantastic
00:51:42.400 --> 00:51:46.300
and ever so energetic and thorough,
00:51:46.300 --> 00:51:51.170
and my advisor Michael Maloney, who has worked so very hard
00:51:51.170 --> 00:51:53.940
on this proceeding.
00:51:53.940 --> 00:51:56.000
So thank you all very, very much.
00:51:56.000 --> 00:52:00.090
And I asked for the approval and support of this item
00:52:00.090 --> 00:52:01.490
for my fellow Commissioners.
00:52:02.990 --> 00:52:06.940
So thank you and well now,
00:52:06.940 --> 00:52:10.850
come back for item 13.
00:52:13.790 --> 00:52:17.270
I need to have the agenda clerk, please call the roll.
00:52:17.270 --> 00:52:19.750
Excuse me, I think we have some comments.
00:52:19.750 --> 00:52:22.420
I'm sorry (chuckles) I've got so enthusiastic
00:52:22.420 --> 00:52:24.330
about my own NEM item.
00:52:24.330 --> 00:52:28.090
I think Commission Rechtschaffen hand up first
00:52:28.090 --> 00:52:29.610
and then Commissioner Shiroma.
00:52:31.430 --> 00:52:33.760
I don't know if one hand was up first.
00:52:33.760 --> 00:52:37.360
But I understand why you're ethusiastic
00:52:37.360 --> 00:52:42.360
on certainly supporting this decision,
00:52:42.380 --> 00:52:45.390
and I appreciate your extremely hard work.
00:52:45.390 --> 00:52:47.770
It's a very challenging but important proceeding
00:52:47.770 --> 00:52:50.670
and it's, it underscores that not just
00:52:50.670 --> 00:52:53.640
the energy utility who need to prepare for wildfires
00:52:54.614 --> 00:52:58.020
and PSPS events but is President Batjer as you said,
00:52:58.020 --> 00:53:01.170
it's critical that our communication providers
00:53:01.170 --> 00:53:04.470
be very well prepared and better than they have been.
00:53:04.470 --> 00:53:06.790
I wanna comment just on one issue which came up
00:53:06.790 --> 00:53:08.610
in the context of our comments,
00:53:08.610 --> 00:53:10.400
a lot of our public comments today
00:53:11.926 --> 00:53:15.540
in the context of the microgrid proceeding,
00:53:15.540 --> 00:53:17.870
but it was raised here as well.
00:53:17.870 --> 00:53:21.880
And that's the issue of providing backup generation
00:53:21.880 --> 00:53:25.810
that is clean rather than that relies on on fossil fuels.
00:53:25.810 --> 00:53:30.810
We know that as we, the need for backup power
00:53:30.810 --> 00:53:32.250
is gonna increase.
00:53:32.250 --> 00:53:35.720
It's not tenable to continue to rely on diesel generation
00:53:35.720 --> 00:53:37.680
or gas generation it doesn't comport
00:53:37.680 --> 00:53:40.640
with any of our environmental or climate goals.
00:53:41.600 --> 00:53:45.980
And while today's decision allows the wireless providers
00:53:45.980 --> 00:53:50.060
to use fossil generators for backup in the short term,
00:53:50.060 --> 00:53:52.720
that's not our long term objective or strategy
00:53:52.720 --> 00:53:57.690
and going forward, they will be required to annual report
00:53:57.690 --> 00:54:01.290
on the backup generation plan.
00:54:01.290 --> 00:54:04.930
Clean the GHG emissions from will the generators
00:54:04.930 --> 00:54:06.710
they've used in the past,
00:54:06.710 --> 00:54:08.760
their efforts to develop cooperative agreements
00:54:08.760 --> 00:54:13.340
with utilities and market developers,
00:54:13.340 --> 00:54:15.460
and a timeline an approximate timeline
00:54:15.460 --> 00:54:19.520
of when they anticipate a transition to renewable generation
00:54:19.520 --> 00:54:20.960
for backup power.
00:54:20.960 --> 00:54:22.460
We should be unmistakably clear
00:54:22.460 --> 00:54:25.490
this is the past we expect, anticipate,
00:54:25.490 --> 00:54:28.680
and will work very hard to make happen.
00:54:28.680 --> 00:54:30.830
I would have liked us to go further.
00:54:30.830 --> 00:54:32.900
Somewhat disappointed we couldn't.
00:54:32.900 --> 00:54:35.080
We did hear from some fuel cell providers
00:54:35.080 --> 00:54:36.560
and other market players
00:54:36.560 --> 00:54:39.910
that they've deployed backup solutions elsewhere.
00:54:39.910 --> 00:54:42.300
But we really did not have enough of a record
00:54:42.300 --> 00:54:47.270
in this time frame to impose stronger requirements.
00:54:47.270 --> 00:54:51.020
And we also very importantly needed to act right away
00:54:51.020 --> 00:54:52.770
because the fire season tier,
00:54:52.770 --> 00:54:55.120
we needed these baseline requirements in place.
00:54:56.000 --> 00:55:00.290
This is an iterative process, so we need to do more,
00:55:00.290 --> 00:55:05.290
or current energy backup power industry is vibrant
00:55:05.400 --> 00:55:08.280
and growing and the telco industry,
00:55:08.280 --> 00:55:13.280
as they tell us very very regularly is at the forefront
00:55:13.280 --> 00:55:14.680
of innovation.
00:55:14.680 --> 00:55:17.590
They're developing cutting edge services all the time.
00:55:19.250 --> 00:55:22.180
We hope and expect them to apply their ingenuity
00:55:22.180 --> 00:55:23.210
to collaborate with
00:55:23.210 --> 00:55:27.170
the growing renewable backup power industry
00:55:27.170 --> 00:55:29.520
and develop strategies to quickly move away
00:55:29.520 --> 00:55:33.230
from fossil fuel backup generation, thank you.
00:55:33.230 --> 00:55:34.540
Thank you, Commissioner Rechtschaffen
00:55:34.540 --> 00:55:38.760
and I wholeheartedly agree I've had made my comments known,
00:55:38.760 --> 00:55:42.240
I think to all the telcos the disappointment that
00:55:42.240 --> 00:55:46.720
we do not have the kind of backup clean backup path,
00:55:46.720 --> 00:55:49.530
backup power that we need.
00:55:49.530 --> 00:55:54.530
And we look very much forward to the 2021 season
00:55:55.050 --> 00:55:57.390
looking different than the 2020 season
00:55:57.390 --> 00:56:00.580
and one of our public commenters also mentioned that
00:56:00.580 --> 00:56:04.360
and technology is bettering every day.
00:56:05.910 --> 00:56:09.180
We look forward to the time on our backup path.
00:56:09.180 --> 00:56:12.040
Our backup power is all clean.
00:56:12.040 --> 00:56:16.200
And I think we've made that rather clear
00:56:16.200 --> 00:56:19.240
in this proposed decision,
00:56:19.240 --> 00:56:22.570
as well as in the microgrid decision,
00:56:22.570 --> 00:56:25.090
and I look forward again to that workshop.
00:56:26.140 --> 00:56:31.140
And really pressing the companies on making sure that
00:56:33.160 --> 00:56:36.420
as you said they're becoming far more innovative
00:56:36.420 --> 00:56:38.910
and challenging them to get
00:56:38.910 --> 00:56:42.970
to a much better and sooner faster, cleaner backup.
00:56:42.970 --> 00:56:43.830
So thanks and I think
00:56:43.830 --> 00:56:46.230
Commissioner Shiroma you have a comment to make?
00:56:47.740 --> 00:56:49.850
Yes, thank you, President Batger.
00:56:49.850 --> 00:56:54.570
I wanted to thank you and your team
00:56:54.570 --> 00:56:56.360
for the continued leadership
00:56:56.360 --> 00:57:00.530
in aquiring California's wireless providers
00:57:00.530 --> 00:57:03.120
to develop this comprehensive resiliency
00:57:03.120 --> 00:57:06.990
and overall for safety strategies in preparation
00:57:06.990 --> 00:57:10.510
for catastrophic disasters power outages.
00:57:11.440 --> 00:57:16.440
And I also express my things to to Judge Colin Rizzo,
00:57:16.890 --> 00:57:21.400
your advisor, Michael Mulvaney, communications division
00:57:21.400 --> 00:57:26.400
and the teams at the city, the interdivisional teams
00:57:26.680 --> 00:57:31.500
at the CPUC and putting forth this proposed decision,
00:57:31.500 --> 00:57:36.500
as you indicated, in times of disasters and outages,
00:57:36.930 --> 00:57:41.770
consumers must rely on their wireless and wireline devices
00:57:41.770 --> 00:57:44.370
to make emergency calls and receive
00:57:44.370 --> 00:57:47.770
the most current information and as you indicated
00:57:47.770 --> 00:57:49.340
the experience from
00:57:50.563 --> 00:57:52.560
the California Office of Emergency Services
00:57:52.560 --> 00:57:57.560
on the 911 calls 88% of those came from wireless devices
00:57:57.850 --> 00:58:02.850
now it is imperative because that very trend.
00:58:05.000 --> 00:58:08.620
Historically, back in the day before mobile devices,
00:58:09.510 --> 00:58:14.510
we all relied on the wireline phone service,
00:58:14.860 --> 00:58:19.860
but we've seen that trend go from wire line to wireless,
00:58:20.630 --> 00:58:24.210
over 45 million customers, are wireless subscribers
00:58:25.190 --> 00:58:28.620
under 14 million are wireline.
00:58:28.620 --> 00:58:32.430
This is really important for consumers participating
00:58:32.430 --> 00:58:35.710
in our phone or discount phone service,
00:58:35.710 --> 00:58:37.540
the lifeline program.
00:58:38.670 --> 00:58:43.210
Lifeline customers also reside in the tier two
00:58:43.210 --> 00:58:45.320
and tier three fire zones.
00:58:46.390 --> 00:58:49.970
And in California is earthquake country.
00:58:51.340 --> 00:58:54.670
The customers are dependent on reliable cellphone service
00:58:54.670 --> 00:58:59.370
in times of emergencies and need to get through to 911
00:58:59.370 --> 00:59:00.470
as well.
00:59:00.470 --> 00:59:03.710
So I'm glad to support the proposed decision
00:59:05.240 --> 00:59:08.890
as others have said, as you President Batjer is workshop
00:59:08.890 --> 00:59:12.300
and him indicated, the backup power requirements
00:59:12.300 --> 00:59:13.133
are essential.
00:59:14.090 --> 00:59:19.090
We are looking forward in our mystic on a renewable auction
00:59:19.890 --> 00:59:23.570
going into the 2021 season,
00:59:23.570 --> 00:59:28.570
the workshop that currently is through the microgrids
00:59:28.660 --> 00:59:33.660
proceeding will amplify on your proceeding here.
00:59:33.910 --> 00:59:37.370
And also I'm hopeful that it will really set the leadership
00:59:37.370 --> 00:59:42.190
for the because there is a lot of diesel backup generation
00:59:42.190 --> 00:59:44.800
been used all over California,
00:59:44.800 --> 00:59:47.760
for my hospitals and so forth and so on.
00:59:47.760 --> 00:59:52.040
I'm hopeful that the information that we glean
00:59:52.040 --> 00:59:57.040
from the alternative to diesel workshop will show leadership
00:59:57.330 --> 01:00:02.330
and inform beyond our own CPUC activities.
01:00:03.470 --> 01:00:04.620
So thank you very much.
01:00:07.180 --> 01:00:08.430
Thank you Commissioner Shiroma.
01:00:08.430 --> 01:00:10.180
Yes, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:00:12.950 --> 01:00:15.520
Thank you, President Batjer and thank you very much
01:00:15.520 --> 01:00:18.950
for a tremendous work and really balanced decision
01:00:18.950 --> 01:00:20.590
that we have here.
01:00:20.590 --> 01:00:24.980
I know that we just we know very well
01:00:24.980 --> 01:00:29.980
that having cellular communication is really saving lives
01:00:32.240 --> 01:00:35.680
at the most essential element we have seen this
01:00:37.230 --> 01:00:42.230
both in terms of being able to know your exit route,
01:00:42.490 --> 01:00:46.780
or where you can go for emergency services.
01:00:46.780 --> 01:00:51.680
The amount of leadership that was shown in some of the fires
01:00:52.810 --> 01:00:57.010
in particular was great in some areas,
01:00:57.010 --> 01:00:58.900
but not across the board.
01:00:58.900 --> 01:01:02.290
And share me with some of the shut offs that we saw
01:01:02.290 --> 01:01:04.400
the discrepancy again.
01:01:04.400 --> 01:01:08.703
So I think this is just a real basic threshold
01:01:10.450 --> 01:01:12.670
of what we expect from this sub sector
01:01:12.670 --> 01:01:15.020
of the telecommunications industry.
01:01:15.020 --> 01:01:18.240
And nearly everyone having to play a role
01:01:18.240 --> 01:01:22.950
in being more prepared for what we have to deal with here
01:01:22.950 --> 01:01:25.440
in our climate reality and our preparedness
01:01:25.440 --> 01:01:29.830
in particularly in the next 10 years as we really adjust
01:01:29.830 --> 01:01:33.140
to the infrastructure upgrades that are needed.
01:01:33.140 --> 01:01:36.693
I wanted to also recognize that the retention
01:01:38.360 --> 01:01:41.600
of the basic data components,
01:01:41.600 --> 01:01:44.580
so we're not just talking about the ability to call 911
01:01:44.580 --> 01:01:49.180
but we're talking about the ability to receive those alerts.
01:01:49.180 --> 01:01:51.750
You know, just as we sit here, I received an alert
01:01:51.750 --> 01:01:53.970
from the governor's New Order
01:01:53.970 --> 01:01:57.690
and how it implicates Sacramento County on COVID.
01:01:57.690 --> 01:02:01.870
Having you know, all the social media networks
01:02:01.870 --> 01:02:06.190
that are used, providing customers and Californians.
01:02:06.190 --> 01:02:10.290
This information be it as you know, during many of
01:02:10.290 --> 01:02:13.270
the events, Twitter was used as a main source
01:02:13.270 --> 01:02:17.860
of information so a basic necessity for that
01:02:17.860 --> 01:02:21.810
internet data service is such a key component,
01:02:21.810 --> 01:02:24.210
and it's something we're gonna am sure I have to monitor
01:02:24.210 --> 01:02:27.680
to ensure that that is provided to all Californians
01:02:27.680 --> 01:02:32.010
during these disasters and emergency times.
01:02:32.010 --> 01:02:34.180
The other thing I really appreciate is that
01:02:34.180 --> 01:02:35.950
local coordination that you mentioned,
01:02:35.950 --> 01:02:38.600
I know we've talked before about Lake County.
01:02:38.600 --> 01:02:41.070
Incidentally, we received another letter from them
01:02:41.070 --> 01:02:44.310
I know we'll be discussing on preparedness
01:02:44.310 --> 01:02:47.070
for these next few months coming up here.
01:02:47.070 --> 01:02:51.860
And, you know, Lake County had this just unique experience,
01:02:51.860 --> 01:02:56.430
where their wastewater facility had the back of generation
01:02:56.430 --> 01:03:01.060
that the signal they sent to the gate and that gate,
01:03:01.060 --> 01:03:04.550
didn't have the telecommunications backup.
01:03:04.550 --> 01:03:07.820
And so even though the facility to engineering,
01:03:07.820 --> 01:03:12.820
the gate to a powered the communication need that was needed
01:03:12.900 --> 01:03:17.530
to send the gate, the signal to close was not.
01:03:17.530 --> 01:03:20.360
And so there was a sewer spill due
01:03:20.360 --> 01:03:23.480
to a lack of telecommunications backup.
01:03:23.480 --> 01:03:26.420
And that really takes local planning.
01:03:26.420 --> 01:03:30.720
It takes the local carriers to be familiar with
01:03:30.720 --> 01:03:35.130
that critical infrastructure to know these individualized
01:03:35.130 --> 01:03:40.130
on necessities and so the criticalness of being in touch
01:03:40.360 --> 01:03:42.120
with the communities that you serve,
01:03:42.120 --> 01:03:44.220
with the local emergency responders,
01:03:44.220 --> 01:03:47.830
with the counties with the critical facility providers
01:03:47.830 --> 01:03:50.280
is something that I'm really glad to see in here.
01:03:51.737 --> 01:03:54.170
And there's nothing but progress that can be made
01:03:54.170 --> 01:03:56.150
from where we're at today.
01:03:56.150 --> 01:04:01.150
And finally, just to reiterate, the overwhelming focus
01:04:01.680 --> 01:04:04.570
on backup generation and the need for that to be clean.
01:04:06.338 --> 01:04:09.590
Interestingly enough for me, I do not see these in isolation
01:04:09.590 --> 01:04:11.470
from mighty good discussions at all,
01:04:11.470 --> 01:04:16.470
not just in terms of technology, but in terms of, you know,
01:04:16.510 --> 01:04:19.510
the major landlords for the cell providers,
01:04:19.510 --> 01:04:23.970
are the utilities and the opportunity for them to really
01:04:24.830 --> 01:04:29.830
have an optimization of planning and in both how
01:04:32.270 --> 01:04:33.980
as they prepare for PSPS.
01:04:33.980 --> 01:04:38.500
And as these carriers prepare, in their leases, as tenants,
01:04:38.500 --> 01:04:42.030
with these landlords do utilities, it's an area that,
01:04:43.050 --> 01:04:45.480
you know, really, it's a requirement,
01:04:45.480 --> 01:04:48.460
it gets down to the details on the availability
01:04:48.460 --> 01:04:52.560
of more land, the availability of local permitting.
01:04:52.560 --> 01:04:54.920
It's a problem that can be solved.
01:04:54.920 --> 01:04:59.880
And we have the we have all the key players fortunately
01:04:59.880 --> 01:05:02.520
there are looking at this issue and it is something
01:05:02.520 --> 01:05:04.600
that I'm very glad we're digging into
01:05:04.600 --> 01:05:08.400
in the next month here because it seems like
01:05:08.400 --> 01:05:12.580
we have jurisdiction, at least over the critical landlord.
01:05:12.580 --> 01:05:15.390
So I hope we can really focus on that
01:05:15.390 --> 01:05:20.390
and make some much more progressive progress
01:05:20.830 --> 01:05:23.470
on the back of generation but thank you very much.
01:05:23.470 --> 01:05:25.660
And thank you for the great team that's worked on
01:05:25.660 --> 01:05:28.950
keeping this a strong proposal and ultimately,
01:05:28.950 --> 01:05:31.790
a strong set of basic requirements
01:05:31.790 --> 01:05:35.610
that this the wireless carriers need to contribute
01:05:35.610 --> 01:05:37.630
to us be more prepared moving forward.
01:05:38.510 --> 01:05:39.420
Thank you.
01:05:39.420 --> 01:05:41.550
Thank you, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:05:41.550 --> 01:05:42.900
Yes, Commissioner Randolph.
01:05:43.740 --> 01:05:46.810
I'll just be really brief the downside of going last is
01:05:46.810 --> 01:05:50.510
I think everybody covered most of what I was gonna say.
01:05:50.510 --> 01:05:53.190
I really wanna echo Commissioner Guzman Aceves'
01:05:53.190 --> 01:05:55.390
point about including data.
01:05:55.390 --> 01:05:58.190
I think that was a really important aspect in the decision.
01:05:58.190 --> 01:06:00.940
I think we all recognized it simply calling
01:06:00.940 --> 01:06:02.540
and texting is not enough.
01:06:03.560 --> 01:06:07.400
And getting being able to access, you know,
01:06:07.400 --> 01:06:10.420
oh yes websites, utility websites, making sure
01:06:10.420 --> 01:06:14.960
that folks can use their map app if they need to
01:06:14.960 --> 01:06:17.750
all of that is is really important in an emergency.
01:06:17.750 --> 01:06:20.560
So I'm glad that we included that component.
01:06:20.560 --> 01:06:24.560
And then I'll just echo also that we really
01:06:24.560 --> 01:06:29.560
do view diesel generation and fossil generation backup
01:06:29.700 --> 01:06:30.670
as a stopgap.
01:06:30.670 --> 01:06:33.730
I mean, we are in fire season right now today.
01:06:33.730 --> 01:06:38.700
So we need to make sure we have in the electricity space
01:06:38.700 --> 01:06:42.280
that we have backup generation that's available
01:06:42.280 --> 01:06:44.130
to be used right now.
01:06:44.130 --> 01:06:46.200
And so I really appreciate the leadership
01:06:46.200 --> 01:06:48.960
of Commissioner Shiroma and President Batjer
01:06:48.960 --> 01:06:53.300
in the workshop later this year or next month actually,
01:06:53.300 --> 01:06:57.600
to really delve into the options related to moving away
01:06:57.600 --> 01:07:00.090
from diesel so I really do see it
01:07:00.090 --> 01:07:04.500
as a very temporary component right now
01:07:04.500 --> 01:07:07.900
and look forward to further developing options
01:07:07.900 --> 01:07:08.890
in the future.
01:07:08.890 --> 01:07:12.260
So thank you very much and I'll be supporting the decision.
01:07:12.260 --> 01:07:14.670
Thank you very much, Commissioner Randolph.
01:07:14.670 --> 01:07:18.790
Is that are there any other comments on item 13?
01:07:18.790 --> 01:07:20.690
I still appreciate the ones we've had.
01:07:21.920 --> 01:07:24.100
Okay, seeing none will the agenda clerk,
01:07:24.100 --> 01:07:27.300
please call the roll on Item Number 13.
01:07:27.300 --> 01:07:29.250
Item 13 Commissioner Shiroma.
01:07:30.110 --> 01:07:31.310
01:07:31.310 --> 01:07:33.810
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:07:33.810 --> 01:07:35.040
01:07:35.040 --> 01:07:37.090
Commissioner Randolph.
01:07:37.090 --> 01:07:38.320
01:07:38.320 --> 01:07:40.330
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:07:40.330 --> 01:07:41.340
01:07:41.340 --> 01:07:43.200
And President Batjer.
01:07:43.200 --> 01:07:47.818
Yes, the vote is unanimous for item number 13.
01:07:47.818 --> 01:07:50.420
We will now move on to item 44,
01:07:50.420 --> 01:07:52.220
which is Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:07:53.950 --> 01:07:56.050
Thank you very much, President Batjer
01:07:56.050 --> 01:07:59.330
and I will be showing some slides.
01:07:59.330 --> 01:08:04.330
And we're asking Joseph or Robert to to advance the slides.
01:08:04.620 --> 01:08:06.890
If you could go to the next slide, please.
01:08:09.880 --> 01:08:12.830
We opened this proceeding to establish a framework
01:08:12.830 --> 01:08:15.410
for affordability in 2018.
01:08:15.410 --> 01:08:19.900
I wanna first thank former Commissioner Peterman,
01:08:19.900 --> 01:08:21.250
who had the vision to launch it,
01:08:21.250 --> 01:08:24.170
I really think she thought through this a great deal.
01:08:24.170 --> 01:08:28.300
And her insights and perspective are very much reflected
01:08:28.300 --> 01:08:31.740
in the final decision that we've come up with.
01:08:31.740 --> 01:08:36.310
We were concerned about the growing pressure on consumers
01:08:36.310 --> 01:08:38.800
from all sorts of utility.
01:08:38.800 --> 01:08:41.530
And of course, the importance of this is
01:08:41.530 --> 01:08:43.390
only dramatically heightened with COVID
01:08:43.390 --> 01:08:45.380
where 45 million people in the state
01:08:45.380 --> 01:08:47.370
are currently out of work.
01:08:48.820 --> 01:08:52.110
We want it to be able to evaluate the costs faced
01:08:52.110 --> 01:08:56.670
by consumers for all of their essential utility services,
01:08:57.800 --> 01:09:00.080
not individual ones in isolation,
01:09:00.080 --> 01:09:02.580
that's not how consumers experience to the world
01:09:02.580 --> 01:09:05.260
they don't think about one bill at a time.
01:09:05.260 --> 01:09:08.380
The world works, the real world circumstance,
01:09:08.380 --> 01:09:11.740
is a combination of the bills.
01:09:11.740 --> 01:09:14.020
And you could certainly imagine this in the context
01:09:14.020 --> 01:09:16.210
of the growing rate of disconnection,
01:09:16.210 --> 01:09:18.440
which we've been trying to remedy.
01:09:18.440 --> 01:09:20.880
When a family loses electricity,
01:09:20.880 --> 01:09:23.400
it's not because they couldn't afford just that feel
01:09:23.400 --> 01:09:27.010
or 2% increase from the last general rate case.
01:09:27.010 --> 01:09:31.270
It's because of the cumulative cost of living that forced
01:09:31.270 --> 01:09:34.290
the family to make this very difficult decision
01:09:34.290 --> 01:09:37.670
to forego a bill risking disconnection.
01:09:39.450 --> 01:09:44.100
Essentially, utilities services include gas, electricity,
01:09:44.100 --> 01:09:47.460
water, and telecommunications.
01:09:47.460 --> 01:09:51.600
And they also part of telecommunications
01:09:51.600 --> 01:09:54.550
must be good quality internet service,
01:09:54.550 --> 01:09:59.550
not just any connection, but high quality internet service.
01:09:59.900 --> 01:10:04.270
The COVID crisis vividly underscores that has never before.
01:10:05.540 --> 01:10:09.370
We have never done this, evaluate cost
01:10:09.370 --> 01:10:11.310
in this cumulative way.
01:10:11.310 --> 01:10:13.500
And it turns out, nobody else really
01:10:13.500 --> 01:10:16.270
has even no other public utilities Commission's
01:10:16.270 --> 01:10:18.010
around the country have.
01:10:18.900 --> 01:10:21.020
And that's inpart because we tend to view
01:10:21.020 --> 01:10:24.600
these services individually one application at a time,
01:10:24.600 --> 01:10:26.610
one industry at a time.
01:10:28.320 --> 01:10:32.630
And in part, because it's actually quite hard to do this.
01:10:32.630 --> 01:10:34.490
It's quite hard to get all the data
01:10:34.490 --> 01:10:36.810
I'll talk about in a minute or so.
01:10:36.810 --> 01:10:40.360
It's quite hard to account for all the utility services
01:10:40.360 --> 01:10:42.950
used by all customers in the state
01:10:42.950 --> 01:10:46.710
as large and diverse as California.
01:10:46.710 --> 01:10:49.120
You can just imagine, just think of
01:10:49.120 --> 01:10:52.080
the hundreds of water utilities that serve
01:10:52.080 --> 01:10:54.760
the state's customers that you have to factor in
01:10:54.760 --> 01:10:55.860
to the equation alone.
01:10:57.200 --> 01:11:01.490
The goal of this proceeding was to give us a tool
01:11:01.490 --> 01:11:05.850
to allow us to better assess how individual applications
01:11:05.850 --> 01:11:07.440
from all of our utilities,
01:11:08.300 --> 01:11:12.260
impact consumers and their ability to pay their bills.
01:11:13.660 --> 01:11:17.640
I wanna emphasize that this is one of many tools
01:11:17.640 --> 01:11:22.640
that we are starting to use now at the PAC.
01:11:22.640 --> 01:11:25.870
This will be used in conjunction with something
01:11:25.870 --> 01:11:29.700
we've developed recently a rate and build tracker
01:11:29.700 --> 01:11:34.700
that estimates the likely rate increases consumers will face
01:11:34.770 --> 01:11:39.440
from all approved and pending applications of utilities.
01:11:39.440 --> 01:11:42.380
So that's one very important synergy.
01:11:42.380 --> 01:11:43.580
There's also a synergy with
01:11:43.580 --> 01:11:47.910
our recent disconnections proceeding where we set goals
01:11:47.910 --> 01:11:50.450
for reducing the number of disconnections,
01:11:50.450 --> 01:11:53.470
we approved in a rearrage management plan.
01:11:53.470 --> 01:11:55.940
And going forward, we will be examining
01:11:55.940 --> 01:12:00.940
for the very lowest income customers potential cap
01:12:01.040 --> 01:12:03.070
on the percentage of the income they have to pay
01:12:03.070 --> 01:12:05.560
for electricity bill.
01:12:05.560 --> 01:12:08.170
We also have a water affordability proceeding looking
01:12:08.170 --> 01:12:11.370
at file systems as needed for water customers.
01:12:12.464 --> 01:12:15.800
And this is other piece with all those efforts.
01:12:17.420 --> 01:12:20.000
Over the past 18 months or so we've had
01:12:20.000 --> 01:12:23.670
an interdisciplinary team from water, energy
01:12:23.670 --> 01:12:28.280
in the telecommunications industry, working extremely hard
01:12:28.280 --> 01:12:30.070
to develop staff proposals,
01:12:31.540 --> 01:12:33.620
overcome a range of technical issues,
01:12:33.620 --> 01:12:36.480
engage in some very sophisticated work,
01:12:36.480 --> 01:12:40.910
including GIS mapping of overlay utility territory,
01:12:40.910 --> 01:12:43.960
regression analysis, and so forth.
01:12:43.960 --> 01:12:46.510
A very challenging analytics efforts.
01:12:46.510 --> 01:12:49.330
We could help the workshops consulted with experts
01:12:49.330 --> 01:12:52.310
and learned about what other jurisdictions are doing the
01:12:52.310 --> 01:12:56.220
and as I said, they're not many are not very few are doing
01:12:56.220 --> 01:12:59.380
this and nobody's doing this comprehensively.
01:12:59.380 --> 01:13:01.690
So, the result is this decision which I will
01:13:01.690 --> 01:13:04.280
the key elements of which I will now describe.
01:13:04.280 --> 01:13:06.330
If you could go to the next slide please.
01:13:09.050 --> 01:13:14.050
This is the definition of affordability and we define it as
01:13:14.070 --> 01:13:18.180
the degree to which a representative household
01:13:18.180 --> 01:13:21.140
is able to pay for an essential utility charge
01:13:22.110 --> 01:13:24.130
given its socioeconomic status.
01:13:25.934 --> 01:13:28.490
The basic notion is that households
01:13:28.490 --> 01:13:31.900
have different socioeconomic status, of course,
01:13:31.900 --> 01:13:35.160
and different levels of discretionary income.
01:13:35.160 --> 01:13:37.640
And we tried to capture both of these ideas
01:13:37.640 --> 01:13:41.540
in the affordability metrics that we developed.
01:13:41.540 --> 01:13:45.360
And we focus on representative household representatives
01:13:45.360 --> 01:13:48.680
based on local income, local housing, data,
01:13:48.680 --> 01:13:50.760
local circumstances.
01:13:50.760 --> 01:13:52.860
Households have a variety of experiences
01:13:53.740 --> 01:13:57.810
and you can't capture them by depicting a single household.
01:13:59.100 --> 01:14:01.280
Part of this we had to determine what level
01:14:01.280 --> 01:14:06.280
of services truly are essential and how we define that as
01:14:08.010 --> 01:14:11.960
the quantity of utility services that enable health,
01:14:11.960 --> 01:14:16.590
safety and full participation in society.
01:14:16.590 --> 01:14:19.080
We connect the electricity, gas, water,
01:14:19.080 --> 01:14:20.230
and telecommunications.
01:14:22.860 --> 01:14:25.150
The significance here is we're working
01:14:25.150 --> 01:14:29.750
to a deeper understanding of the impact of our decisions
01:14:29.750 --> 01:14:33.420
on individuals and communities.
01:14:33.420 --> 01:14:38.160
And that's a departure that's different than a lot of what
01:14:38.160 --> 01:14:41.720
our traditional regulatory metrics focus on.
01:14:42.570 --> 01:14:47.270
For instance, we often talk about increases or decreases
01:14:47.270 --> 01:14:51.370
the system average rate, the average rates faced
01:14:51.370 --> 01:14:54.480
by ratepayers for giving utilities.
01:14:54.480 --> 01:14:58.520
We have well defined customer classes, residential,
01:14:58.520 --> 01:15:01.470
small business, commercial, industrial and so forth.
01:15:01.470 --> 01:15:03.500
But these are average measurements
01:15:03.500 --> 01:15:07.380
and they're really not sufficient to tell us
01:15:07.380 --> 01:15:10.860
what affordability means in a state like California,
01:15:10.860 --> 01:15:14.270
with 40 million people very diverse geographies,
01:15:14.270 --> 01:15:18.920
climate zones, energy needs, income, language
01:15:18.920 --> 01:15:20.720
and housing costs and so forth.
01:15:21.810 --> 01:15:26.180
So that's what's really new here, as well as fact that
01:15:26.180 --> 01:15:29.240
we're looking at cross utility services to examine
01:15:29.240 --> 01:15:33.470
the cumulative cost of the services as I mentioned.
01:15:33.470 --> 01:15:34.620
Next slide, please.
01:15:41.100 --> 01:15:44.980
We developed three different metrics that I'll talk about,
01:15:45.870 --> 01:15:48.250
to get a sense of what Californians are paying
01:15:48.250 --> 01:15:50.100
for their essential utility services.
01:15:51.210 --> 01:15:54.860
The metrics are designed to be complimentary.
01:15:54.860 --> 01:15:57.060
None of them are perfect they each have strengths
01:15:57.060 --> 01:16:00.550
and weaknesses but together we think that he will give us
01:16:00.550 --> 01:16:04.240
the full picture possible of affordability
01:16:04.240 --> 01:16:08.640
and they also account for the state's diversity by relying
01:16:08.640 --> 01:16:11.870
on geographically granular data
01:16:11.870 --> 01:16:14.580
very small geographically granular data.
01:16:14.580 --> 01:16:17.330
That's part of what the challenge was here to get down
01:16:17.330 --> 01:16:21.780
to levels that are very useful and informative
01:16:21.780 --> 01:16:23.850
in a state of 40 million people.
01:16:23.850 --> 01:16:26.200
So there's three metrics,
01:16:26.200 --> 01:16:29.830
the social Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index
01:16:29.830 --> 01:16:31.850
of communities in the state.
01:16:31.850 --> 01:16:36.420
The affordability ratio of essential utility service costs
01:16:37.520 --> 01:16:40.100
to non-disposable household income,
01:16:40.100 --> 01:16:43.500
non discretionary household income, and then the hours
01:16:43.500 --> 01:16:47.560
and minimum wage required
01:16:47.560 --> 01:16:49.980
to pay for essential utility services.
01:16:51.940 --> 01:16:53.740
You can go to the next slide please.
01:16:55.370 --> 01:16:59.680
This is the Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index
01:16:59.680 --> 01:17:03.060
and the map depicts what the state looks like
01:17:03.060 --> 01:17:05.640
using this index.
01:17:05.640 --> 01:17:08.390
So this index describes
01:17:08.390 --> 01:17:12.040
the relative socioeconomic characteristics
01:17:12.040 --> 01:17:14.820
of census tracts around the state.
01:17:15.800 --> 01:17:20.330
And it's based on the metrics that are used
01:17:20.330 --> 01:17:22.410
by callin virus screens,
01:17:23.570 --> 01:17:26.010
which is a well established screen used
01:17:26.010 --> 01:17:30.400
by the California EPA to determine levels of disadvantage
01:17:30.400 --> 01:17:33.690
throughout the state and you can see what
01:17:33.690 --> 01:17:38.130
the measures are poverty, unemployment,
01:17:38.130 --> 01:17:42.570
educational attainment, linguistic, isolation
01:17:42.570 --> 01:17:46.850
and percent of income spent on housing.
01:17:46.850 --> 01:17:51.370
Together these metrics give us a sense of
01:17:51.370 --> 01:17:54.170
the community's relative ability
01:17:54.170 --> 01:17:56.940
to pay essentially utility services.
01:17:57.920 --> 01:18:01.420
The maps on the right depict how different areas
01:18:01.420 --> 01:18:03.460
of the state rank.
01:18:04.550 --> 01:18:09.300
Green is low, meaning relatively low vulnerability,
01:18:09.300 --> 01:18:12.320
red you can see the areas of red is high
01:18:12.320 --> 01:18:16.060
and the states very different as this map indicates,
01:18:16.060 --> 01:18:18.720
again, this is the scientific way
01:18:18.720 --> 01:18:22.570
relative to others, which communities are most vulnerable?
01:18:22.570 --> 01:18:26.810
Which would have the greatest challenges paying
01:18:26.810 --> 01:18:29.060
their essential utility bills?
01:18:31.120 --> 01:18:32.060
Next slide please.
01:18:35.430 --> 01:18:38.300
This is the Affordability Ratio.
01:18:39.850 --> 01:18:42.580
And this measures, again the ratio
01:18:42.580 --> 01:18:45.030
of essential utility services to
01:18:45.030 --> 01:18:47.210
non-disposable household income.
01:18:48.110 --> 01:18:50.620
To calculate it, the numerator
01:18:50.620 --> 01:18:54.140
is essentially utility services
01:18:54.140 --> 01:18:59.140
and the denominator is household income
01:18:59.660 --> 01:19:04.660
minus housing costs and housing cost is a proxy for
01:19:05.810 --> 01:19:07.660
non-disposable household income.
01:19:07.660 --> 01:19:10.370
It's the biggest source by far of
01:19:10.370 --> 01:19:12.850
non-disposable household income in California.
01:19:13.950 --> 01:19:17.740
This metric attempts to answer the question after
01:19:17.740 --> 01:19:22.740
a household pays for all their non-discretionary expenses,
01:19:23.520 --> 01:19:25.960
what share the income then goes to pay for
01:19:25.960 --> 01:19:29.610
the essential service charges that's the ratio
01:19:29.610 --> 01:19:31.201
the ratio of service charges to
01:19:31.201 --> 01:19:34.440
non-disposable household income.
01:19:34.440 --> 01:19:37.150
As I mentioned, household costs are deducted,
01:19:37.150 --> 01:19:40.070
they're by far and away the largest expenditures
01:19:40.070 --> 01:19:40.910
in California.
01:19:41.820 --> 01:19:45.390
And again, this map depicts how different areas of
01:19:45.390 --> 01:19:49.150
the state fair and this is the ratio for
01:19:49.150 --> 01:19:51.940
the 20th percentile income level
01:19:51.940 --> 01:19:56.940
by something called public use micro data areas are very,
01:19:57.320 --> 01:20:00.050
a very small geographically annular area.
01:20:01.240 --> 01:20:03.500
Again green is represents areas of
01:20:03.500 --> 01:20:05.870
low affordability concern.
01:20:05.870 --> 01:20:09.610
Red represent areas of high concern, very diverse state.
01:20:11.700 --> 01:20:12.640
Next slide please.
01:20:15.140 --> 01:20:17.520
This is the hours at minimum wage.
01:20:18.450 --> 01:20:21.670
This gives us a sense of how many hours a household
01:20:21.670 --> 01:20:25.990
would need to work to afford essentially utility services.
01:20:27.620 --> 01:20:30.190
Considering what local minimum wages are
01:20:30.190 --> 01:20:33.590
in a given locality, so how many hours you need to work
01:20:33.590 --> 01:20:35.820
at local minimum at a minimum wage.
01:20:37.590 --> 01:20:40.930
But it's somewhat of an intuitive measure,
01:20:40.930 --> 01:20:43.330
it may be a little bit oversimplified,
01:20:43.330 --> 01:20:45.610
which is why we don't rely on it solely,
01:20:45.610 --> 01:20:47.260
but we thought it's useful in conjunction
01:20:47.260 --> 01:20:49.100
with the other metrics.
01:20:49.100 --> 01:20:52.100
Again, the maps here show how the states break down
01:20:52.100 --> 01:20:55.290
on the left, the hours worked at minimum wage in order
01:20:55.290 --> 01:21:00.290
to meet essential telecommunication utility services.
01:21:00.910 --> 01:21:04.860
On the right, hours work to meet essential
01:21:04.860 --> 01:21:07.230
electricity services levels.
01:21:07.230 --> 01:21:10.230
The green here reflects four to eight hours needed to pay
01:21:10.230 --> 01:21:12.200
for essential services,
01:21:12.200 --> 01:21:14.360
the yellow, eight to twelve hours,
01:21:15.802 --> 01:21:18.502
the red 16 hours needed to pay for essential services.
01:21:21.900 --> 01:21:23.200
So those are the three metrics,
01:21:23.200 --> 01:21:26.800
again designed to be complimentary and used together to give
01:21:26.800 --> 01:21:30.470
us the best possible picture of affordability.
01:21:30.470 --> 01:21:31.390
Next slide please.
01:21:35.990 --> 01:21:40.340
We've adopted hopefully we will adopt in this decision,
01:21:40.340 --> 01:21:43.190
these metrics what comes next?
01:21:43.190 --> 01:21:47.160
Well, there's lots of steps to take in the future
01:21:47.160 --> 01:21:52.160
but most immediately, decision says that the metrics
01:21:52.420 --> 01:21:55.470
should be used in rate steady proceedings
01:21:55.470 --> 01:21:59.270
in as widespread demand as the current methodology allows.
01:22:00.270 --> 01:22:02.020
We don't say use it in absolutely everything
01:22:02.020 --> 01:22:04.750
but we say use it in as widespread manner
01:22:04.750 --> 01:22:07.080
as the current methodology allows.
01:22:07.080 --> 01:22:09.110
We still have additional issues to resolve,
01:22:09.110 --> 01:22:10.210
which I'll talk about in a second
01:22:10.210 --> 01:22:13.140
but we think it's ready to be used right now,
01:22:13.140 --> 01:22:15.390
in cases with significant rate impacts
01:22:15.390 --> 01:22:18.550
and we want to encourage you the best you
01:22:18.550 --> 01:22:19.990
and the division to do so.
01:22:22.000 --> 01:22:23.270
Starting out, we're starting out
01:22:23.270 --> 01:22:25.760
with Individual Ratesetting Proceeding
01:22:25.760 --> 01:22:28.020
but down the road is the next box indicates
01:22:28.020 --> 01:22:32.500
we hope to evaluate the cumulative impact of unaffordability
01:22:32.500 --> 01:22:33.840
of multiple proceedings
01:22:33.840 --> 01:22:37.240
and we hope to do that in combination with the rates
01:22:37.240 --> 01:22:39.500
and build tracking tool I mentioned,
01:22:39.500 --> 01:22:41.950
which estimates future rates, again,
01:22:41.950 --> 01:22:46.950
based on approved impending application so we can say okay,
01:22:47.790 --> 01:22:50.210
we know what the rates are gonma be in
01:22:50.210 --> 01:22:52.370
all these proceedings so let's group
01:22:52.370 --> 01:22:55.780
the groupies together to come up with
01:22:56.950 --> 01:22:59.330
an affordability metric to see what the impact
01:22:59.330 --> 01:23:02.540
is on people's ability to meet their essential bill.
01:23:02.540 --> 01:23:05.680
There are unresolved issues methodological issues
01:23:05.680 --> 01:23:08.520
that we will need to deal with we have a face
01:23:09.663 --> 01:23:11.950
to address that notably,
01:23:11.950 --> 01:23:16.860
we need to better address forecasting issues
01:23:16.860 --> 01:23:20.690
which will help improve the usefulness of the methodology
01:23:20.690 --> 01:23:23.620
in proceedings with multiyear rate impacts
01:23:23.620 --> 01:23:25.570
such as general rate cases,
01:23:25.570 --> 01:23:28.520
forecasting is an issue that needs to be further developed.
01:23:29.750 --> 01:23:30.750
The order says that we
01:23:30.750 --> 01:23:34.090
will develop annual affordability report,
01:23:34.090 --> 01:23:37.710
which will analyze trends in the relative affordability
01:23:37.710 --> 01:23:40.070
of essential utility services
01:23:40.070 --> 01:23:43.990
and provide a summary of any affordability assessments
01:23:43.990 --> 01:23:46.240
that have been done.
01:23:46.240 --> 01:23:49.950
And the target is to publish the first one
01:23:49.950 --> 01:23:51.150
by the end of this year.
01:23:52.400 --> 01:23:55.810
That's the decision in nutshell I wanna thank
01:23:55.810 --> 01:24:00.810
an incredibly dedicated team that worked on this a long list
01:24:03.120 --> 01:24:08.040
but it's very important Jefferson Hancock, Whalen lei,
01:24:08.040 --> 01:24:12.980
Jeremy Whoa, Richard Terry Smith, Ann Keith Jan,
01:24:12.980 --> 01:24:17.980
Paul Phillips, Eric Van Amboki are gone
01:24:18.160 --> 01:24:20.360
but not forgotten staff Jr De La Rosa
01:24:20.360 --> 01:24:23.020
who started this originally energy division
01:24:23.020 --> 01:24:25.730
and intern extraordinary Emma Tomme.
01:24:26.590 --> 01:24:30.080
I also want to thank ALJ Park,
01:24:30.080 --> 01:24:32.920
who launched the proceeding and Judge Patrick Doherty,
01:24:32.920 --> 01:24:34.650
who did a fantastic job.
01:24:35.800 --> 01:24:38.610
In running the proceeding was really thoughtful
01:24:38.610 --> 01:24:42.510
and incisive analysis and writing, and my advisor,
01:24:42.510 --> 01:24:46.040
Julia Schmidt, Nicole Cropper, who helps work on it as well.
01:24:47.590 --> 01:24:50.550
With that, I'll see if there any questions,
01:24:50.550 --> 01:24:52.220
and I ask for your support.
01:24:55.770 --> 01:24:57.370
Thank you, Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:24:57.370 --> 01:25:00.232
Yes, Commissioner Shiroma I believe you have a question
01:25:00.232 --> 01:25:01.065
or a comment.
01:25:03.000 --> 01:25:05.430
Another question, just a few comments.
01:25:06.430 --> 01:25:08.980
And so thank you so much Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:25:09.829 --> 01:25:14.690
and our predecessor, Commissioner Peterson, Judge Doherty
01:25:14.690 --> 01:25:17.090
and the whole team that worked on this decision,
01:25:17.090 --> 01:25:22.090
it really shows the deep analysis, the thought,
01:25:24.250 --> 01:25:29.250
the reaching out to all of the stakeholders
01:25:30.040 --> 01:25:34.860
who work in this area and I'm appreciative that it's really,
01:25:34.860 --> 01:25:39.780
you know, at the beginning here, it's a three prong analysis
01:25:39.780 --> 01:25:43.060
as far as errands of minimum wage required to pay
01:25:43.060 --> 01:25:45.040
for those essential services
01:25:45.040 --> 01:25:50.040
or Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index of conditions
01:25:50.110 --> 01:25:53.630
in California and then the ratio
01:25:53.630 --> 01:25:56.010
of essential utility services to
01:25:56.010 --> 01:26:01.010
non-disposable household income aka the Affordability Ratio.
01:26:03.600 --> 01:26:08.330
I also appreciate that this is the first swash
01:26:08.330 --> 01:26:11.180
on this effort that you aren't drawing
01:26:11.180 --> 01:26:14.700
some kind of a bright line as to what is affordable
01:26:14.700 --> 01:26:19.240
what is not the rather, these are the tools we use
01:26:19.240 --> 01:26:22.850
going forward whether it's in general rate cases
01:26:22.850 --> 01:26:27.850
or in other proceedings that create a potential increase
01:26:28.660 --> 01:26:33.250
in rate and all I know all the nuances of this analysis
01:26:33.250 --> 01:26:38.150
will be further refined in the next proceeding.
01:26:38.150 --> 01:26:42.780
I think that the sensitivity analysis
01:26:42.780 --> 01:26:44.980
and so forth will be important
01:26:46.150 --> 01:26:50.390
and I note that the public
01:26:50.390 --> 01:26:54.380
are CPUC independent public Advocate's office,
01:26:54.380 --> 01:26:59.380
recommended that the requirement for utilities, water
01:27:01.110 --> 01:27:06.110
and energy, that to look at the cumulative impacts of rates
01:27:07.710 --> 01:27:09.600
all on the way be codified.
01:27:10.590 --> 01:27:15.590
And I think what you're saying Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:27:16.370 --> 01:27:19.660
that will be assessed in this next phase
01:27:19.660 --> 01:27:22.920
because, you know, what was all observed
01:27:22.920 --> 01:27:26.620
and the whole reason behind the development of great tools
01:27:26.620 --> 01:27:29.880
and energy, I know it's being worked on for water
01:27:29.880 --> 01:27:34.880
is because we look at revenue requirements for rate,
01:27:39.345 --> 01:27:41.020
translate into rate increases, you know,
01:27:41.020 --> 01:27:43.480
decision by decision, and there's
01:27:43.480 --> 01:27:46.840
an overall cumulative impact of those.
01:27:46.840 --> 01:27:50.370
And while we may approve many small programs
01:27:50.370 --> 01:27:53.410
and the price tag may be small,
01:27:53.410 --> 01:27:55.910
that when you added up all overall,
01:27:55.910 --> 01:28:00.910
we end up to a point where we may be seeing rates overall
01:28:02.150 --> 01:28:07.150
that are above inflation and so it's my hope that
01:28:07.210 --> 01:28:12.210
in this next phase that as far as our work
01:28:12.850 --> 01:28:16.980
at the CPUC will continue but I think it's important to look
01:28:16.980 --> 01:28:21.980
at whether the energy and water utilities ought to be doing
01:28:22.030 --> 01:28:24.080
this affirmatively themselves
01:28:24.080 --> 01:28:28.560
I think that it's an important piece also,
01:28:28.560 --> 01:28:32.720
to really tying back to customer experience
01:28:32.720 --> 01:28:35.920
and the customer service, if the utility themselves
01:28:35.920 --> 01:28:39.610
are having to track this and report it and provide
01:28:39.610 --> 01:28:44.500
that information to the CPUC.
01:28:44.500 --> 01:28:47.770
So I think all of that will could,
01:28:47.770 --> 01:28:52.197
I don't know if this is if the affordability proceeding
01:28:53.530 --> 01:28:56.800
is the right venue for that but I appreciate that
01:28:56.800 --> 01:29:01.210
it will be looked at in the next next phase.
01:29:01.210 --> 01:29:05.220
Lastly, again, I'm supportive of the PBN look forward
01:29:05.220 --> 01:29:06.660
to voting for it.
01:29:06.660 --> 01:29:09.810
I am a little bit concerned that some stakeholders
01:29:09.810 --> 01:29:13.280
and some utilities may try to, you know,
01:29:13.280 --> 01:29:17.990
use the metrics as some sort of definitive proof
01:29:17.990 --> 01:29:21.180
that what they are proposing for utility service
01:29:22.200 --> 01:29:25.420
that would increase rate is affordable.
01:29:25.420 --> 01:29:28.680
And I wanna make sure that we caution,
01:29:28.680 --> 01:29:31.050
this decision is not doing that.
01:29:31.050 --> 01:29:34.750
It is providing us with additional important tools
01:29:34.750 --> 01:29:39.130
to look at affordability, juxtaposed with, you know,
01:29:39.130 --> 01:29:42.140
our overall charge with determining whether rates
01:29:42.140 --> 01:29:44.170
are just and reasonable.
01:29:44.170 --> 01:29:47.940
Overall, what a herculean effort I thank you
01:29:47.940 --> 01:29:51.910
in your teams for this Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:29:51.910 --> 01:29:56.840
and I'm honored to be pleased to vote for it, thank you,
01:29:58.050 --> 01:30:00.020
President Batjer could I just--
01:30:00.020 --> 01:30:03.000
Yes of course, Thank you Commissioner Shiroma
01:30:03.000 --> 01:30:06.320
and yes, please go ahead Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:30:06.320 --> 01:30:08.430
I wanna respond and underscore
01:30:08.430 --> 01:30:10.880
a couple of things you said Commissioner Shiroma.
01:30:12.420 --> 01:30:15.430
The intent in this proceeding was to be,
01:30:15.430 --> 01:30:18.080
I wouldn't say modest but I guess you could say modest
01:30:18.080 --> 01:30:20.750
but not try to answer all the questions,
01:30:20.750 --> 01:30:23.610
rather develop a basic set of tools that
01:30:23.610 --> 01:30:25.530
the Commission would use.
01:30:27.020 --> 01:30:31.070
And very intentionally, we did not set out
01:30:31.070 --> 01:30:34.250
nor did we prescribe what comes next.
01:30:35.090 --> 01:30:37.580
Whether there should be thresholds for
01:30:37.580 --> 01:30:40.090
what starves thresholds for what's affordable
01:30:40.090 --> 01:30:43.020
and what's not affordable, some of the utilities argued
01:30:43.020 --> 01:30:48.020
for that at the very difficult contentious question
01:30:48.170 --> 01:30:49.580
we did try to tackle that.
01:30:50.620 --> 01:30:53.350
Is this definitive proof or not of affordability?
01:30:54.200 --> 01:30:58.110
Should we codify a requirement how should it be used?
01:30:58.110 --> 01:31:00.160
When we set out it was just to develop the tools
01:31:00.160 --> 01:31:04.290
and I think it's very much up to us to think about
01:31:04.290 --> 01:31:07.060
what the next steps are and how do we use this?
01:31:07.060 --> 01:31:08.960
How do we import it into our decisions?
01:31:08.960 --> 01:31:10.250
Do we wanna go beyond?
01:31:10.250 --> 01:31:12.450
And if so, how do we start that process
01:31:12.450 --> 01:31:16.170
but very much consciously since we're not taking on
01:31:16.170 --> 01:31:17.120
those issues here.
01:31:21.730 --> 01:31:24.860
I think Commissioner, I'm not sure whether
01:31:24.860 --> 01:31:27.310
Commissioner Randolph or Commissioner Guzman Aceves
01:31:27.310 --> 01:31:28.660
raised their hand up first.
01:31:29.580 --> 01:31:31.110
Commissioner Randolph you wanna go first
01:31:31.110 --> 01:31:33.899
and then we'll go to Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:31:33.899 --> 01:31:36.280
I think that's the first hand I saw.
01:31:36.280 --> 01:31:40.083
Sure I just wanted to, again,
01:31:41.840 --> 01:31:45.490
thank Commissioner Rechtschaffen and Commissioner Peterman
01:31:45.490 --> 01:31:47.900
who originally started this and the whole team
01:31:47.900 --> 01:31:48.900
that worked on this.
01:31:50.467 --> 01:31:51.300
The you know,
01:31:51.300 --> 01:31:56.050
creating these standardized data driven metrics
01:31:56.050 --> 01:31:59.240
will be useful and I'm kinda timish
01:31:59.240 --> 01:32:02.410
to Commissioner Shiroma's point like this is not
01:32:02.410 --> 01:32:04.380
the analysis that determines whether rates
01:32:04.380 --> 01:32:07.470
are just in reasonable, you know what this
01:32:07.470 --> 01:32:10.230
the purpose of this allows us to look at trends
01:32:10.230 --> 01:32:13.620
and to understand where we're going
01:32:14.657 --> 01:32:18.560
and how we can ensure that Californians are able
01:32:18.560 --> 01:32:21.930
to afford their utility services and under, you know,
01:32:21.930 --> 01:32:24.340
finding ways to understand that data
01:32:24.340 --> 01:32:27.010
and course correct if we need to
01:32:27.010 --> 01:32:30.880
and to also understand some of the utility
01:32:30.880 --> 01:32:34.290
how utility costs that maybe we don't necessarily approve,
01:32:34.290 --> 01:32:37.430
like, you know, the first piece of the bill, you know,
01:32:37.430 --> 01:32:40.770
sort of seeing all that in the context of
01:32:40.770 --> 01:32:44.250
this is what you are paying for utility services
01:32:44.250 --> 01:32:46.240
and is that affordable
01:32:46.240 --> 01:32:51.030
and just understanding that fundamental metric will,
01:32:51.990 --> 01:32:56.160
I think, provide us with a very good overall umbrella
01:32:56.160 --> 01:32:59.850
that we can think about as we are making decisions
01:32:59.850 --> 01:33:03.240
and charting paths forward so thanks
01:33:03.240 --> 01:33:04.880
for the great work on this.
01:33:09.330 --> 01:33:10.390
Sorry, iT was on mute.
01:33:10.390 --> 01:33:14.092
Thank you, Commissioner Randolph, Commissioner Guzman Aceves
01:33:14.092 --> 01:33:16.020
after you drink your water.
01:33:16.020 --> 01:33:21.020
Yeah I think there's I just wanna reiterate
01:33:21.060 --> 01:33:23.980
how tremendous support product is
01:33:23.980 --> 01:33:26.980
in both helping us move forward
01:33:26.980 --> 01:33:31.980
on really making better decisions, more informed decisions.
01:33:32.080 --> 01:33:34.310
I think the really exciting thing too,
01:33:34.310 --> 01:33:38.020
is that we have this set of data
01:33:38.020 --> 01:33:40.460
that can be updated obviously,
01:33:40.460 --> 01:33:43.610
it's really informing us about the demographics
01:33:43.610 --> 01:33:47.340
of our customers and it's something that we just
01:33:47.340 --> 01:33:51.530
don't always have the intentionality of looking at.
01:33:51.530 --> 01:33:53.970
And it's gonna change and certainly with COVID,
01:33:53.970 --> 01:33:57.410
it's changing very dramatically and it's allowing us to
01:33:57.410 --> 01:34:02.130
really check in on what the realities of our customers
01:34:02.130 --> 01:34:04.810
what they're facing in their realities.
01:34:04.810 --> 01:34:07.420
I really, I just appreciate having
01:34:07.420 --> 01:34:11.040
that kind of front and center and I'm very excited
01:34:11.040 --> 01:34:15.250
in particular about having the right and bill tracker tool
01:34:15.250 --> 01:34:18.810
to really help us make those better informed decisions
01:34:18.810 --> 01:34:21.400
and assess the cumulative impacts,
01:34:21.400 --> 01:34:23.840
individually impacts of our decisions
01:34:23.840 --> 01:34:27.950
and also just reiterating that although we're ready to go
01:34:27.950 --> 01:34:30.920
in the energy forum are not ready to go
01:34:30.920 --> 01:34:34.070
but closer to ready to go with all of our electricity,
01:34:34.070 --> 01:34:37.870
gas decisions and really those inputs for
01:34:37.870 --> 01:34:41.660
a lot of the work that's been done on those IOU side,
01:34:41.660 --> 01:34:45.160
but also this is a tool that hopefully we'll be using soon
01:34:45.160 --> 01:34:47.260
within the water decision making as well.
01:34:48.210 --> 01:34:52.520
I wanted to just talk a little bit about the excitement
01:34:52.520 --> 01:34:55.270
I have for implementation on some of these
01:34:56.610 --> 01:34:58.450
and just highlight in particular
01:34:58.450 --> 01:35:00.270
we have a proposed decision out
01:35:00.270 --> 01:35:02.520
in the water affordability proceeding
01:35:02.520 --> 01:35:04.480
where we have incorporated
01:35:04.480 --> 01:35:06.600
some of the metrics guiding metrics
01:35:06.600 --> 01:35:09.400
of the this affordability proceeding,
01:35:09.400 --> 01:35:11.590
and particularly in terms of what we consider
01:35:11.590 --> 01:35:16.020
kind of baseline qualities for basic use meet basic needs
01:35:16.020 --> 01:35:17.110
for water.
01:35:17.110 --> 01:35:21.040
Something the State Water Board has really set forth for us
01:35:21.040 --> 01:35:26.040
as well and to legislation, but just an example of how,
01:35:26.800 --> 01:35:30.240
as we have in the webpage here,
01:35:30.240 --> 01:35:34.800
the PowerPoint that we can really use those guidance
01:35:34.800 --> 01:35:36.840
for individual proceedings.
01:35:36.840 --> 01:35:39.470
The other that I'm very excited about as
01:35:39.470 --> 01:35:40.890
Commission Rechtschaffen had mentioned
01:35:40.890 --> 01:35:42.820
with the disconnections proceeding,
01:35:42.820 --> 01:35:45.088
we are moving forward with the development
01:35:45.088 --> 01:35:49.520
of a percentage of income payment plans.
01:35:49.520 --> 01:35:50.720
And this by the way is something
01:35:50.720 --> 01:35:52.390
that many other states offer.
01:35:52.390 --> 01:35:54.180
I just had a conversation with
01:35:54.180 --> 01:35:56.370
the Commissioner from Illinois yesterday on
01:35:56.370 --> 01:36:00.190
how they're expanding the use of their pip during COVID.
01:36:00.190 --> 01:36:02.660
But this is something that would be greatly informed
01:36:02.660 --> 01:36:04.330
by the tools that developed under
01:36:04.330 --> 01:36:08.230
this affordability proceeding to really evaluate, you know,
01:36:08.230 --> 01:36:10.850
what is that real percentage?
01:36:10.850 --> 01:36:13.290
We call it short hand percentage of income obviously
01:36:13.290 --> 01:36:15.930
but hopefully we can use all these weighted factors
01:36:15.930 --> 01:36:18.580
to come up with something that incorporates really
01:36:18.580 --> 01:36:20.830
what the real true disposable income is
01:36:20.830 --> 01:36:22.660
and what percentage of that should be paid
01:36:22.660 --> 01:36:23.560
on a monthly bill.
01:36:24.630 --> 01:36:29.540
Also, I do obviously wanna say that,
01:36:29.540 --> 01:36:33.080
I appreciate that the proceeding really reflects
01:36:33.080 --> 01:36:38.080
kind of the pre-COVID necessity has been necessity
01:36:38.470 --> 01:36:42.150
on communications on broadband in particular
01:36:42.150 --> 01:36:46.720
25 down three up and for my household,
01:36:46.720 --> 01:36:50.400
I can tell you when the kids are in Zoom school
01:36:50.400 --> 01:36:53.000
and my husband and I are working at home,
01:36:53.000 --> 01:36:56.210
we have four devices on the internet
01:36:56.210 --> 01:36:59.170
and 25, three is insufficient.
01:36:59.170 --> 01:37:02.440
If we are Zooming it's insufficient.
01:37:02.440 --> 01:37:06.540
So you know, this is just to say that obviously,
01:37:06.540 --> 01:37:09.300
we're gonna need to update this as the decision says
01:37:09.300 --> 01:37:11.830
we're gonna be updating this but with COVID,
01:37:11.830 --> 01:37:15.160
I really just want to highlight that the basic need
01:37:15.160 --> 01:37:20.160
even 25, three from my own anecdotal household
01:37:20.210 --> 01:37:25.210
is a greater need and it's something obviously that we're,
01:37:25.230 --> 01:37:28.920
we have to maintain and continue to upgrade our thinking
01:37:28.920 --> 01:37:33.340
but overall I'm just tremendously happy to see,
01:37:34.490 --> 01:37:36.690
these work products come forward.
01:37:36.690 --> 01:37:39.000
I'm very much looking forward to utilizing
01:37:39.000 --> 01:37:44.000
all the excellent analysis and continue to build on it.
01:37:44.020 --> 01:37:46.410
So thank you very much for all of the work done
01:37:46.410 --> 01:37:49.320
by energy division and ALJ.
01:37:49.320 --> 01:37:51.470
And your office Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:37:52.880 --> 01:37:56.500
Thank you, Commissioner Guzman Aceves and yeah
01:37:56.500 --> 01:37:57.850
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:37:58.820 --> 01:38:00.850
Just quickly President Batjer
01:38:00.850 --> 01:38:03.290
as Commissioner Guzman Aceves mentions
01:38:05.054 --> 01:38:06.754
we will be updating the data here.
01:38:08.060 --> 01:38:09.950
There's no intention of it being static
01:38:09.950 --> 01:38:12.840
so we will definitely be regularly updating it.
01:38:12.840 --> 01:38:14.860
And it will also be publicly available
01:38:14.860 --> 01:38:17.220
this tool is available to stakeholders in the public
01:38:17.220 --> 01:38:18.860
that's one of the beautiful things about it.
01:38:18.860 --> 01:38:22.800
It's a tool that's transparent and that other
01:38:22.800 --> 01:38:23.670
anybody can use.
01:38:26.480 --> 01:38:29.180
Thank you, Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:38:29.180 --> 01:38:31.930
I wanna add my voice everyone has
01:38:31.930 --> 01:38:34.240
been extraordinarily articulate and thorough
01:38:34.240 --> 01:38:38.660
with their comments so I just want to
01:38:38.660 --> 01:38:42.730
join my fellow Commissioners in thanking you.
01:38:42.730 --> 01:38:46.590
This has been I think of all the proceedings
01:38:46.590 --> 01:38:49.840
that you have had going on and the complications
01:38:49.840 --> 01:38:51.940
the last six to eight months
01:38:51.940 --> 01:38:53.670
it's really been quite extraordinary.
01:38:53.670 --> 01:38:56.650
I wanna thank you, ALj, the energy division
01:38:56.650 --> 01:38:59.600
this is an incredible tool and I might just
01:38:59.600 --> 01:39:03.690
in articularly probably say, just in the nick of time
01:39:03.690 --> 01:39:07.860
for us to use in these very difficult COVID-19 times
01:39:09.860 --> 01:39:14.860
with our fellow Californians struggling to pay bills,
01:39:15.560 --> 01:39:20.560
struggling to put the basics on the table for each family
01:39:22.660 --> 01:39:26.420
and each individual so this is extremely important tool
01:39:26.420 --> 01:39:29.580
on with the rate and build tracker another important tool
01:39:29.580 --> 01:39:33.010
so thank you so much everyone for the hard work
01:39:33.010 --> 01:39:35.970
and your leadership Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:39:35.970 --> 01:39:39.080
Incredible, incredible body of work.
01:39:39.080 --> 01:39:44.080
So I think with that on item 44 will the agenda clerk
01:39:46.170 --> 01:39:47.880
please call the roll.
01:39:47.880 --> 01:39:50.030
For item 44 Commissioner Shiroma.
01:39:50.940 --> 01:39:52.430
01:39:52.430 --> 01:39:54.680
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:39:54.680 --> 01:39:55.900
01:39:55.900 --> 01:39:58.270
Commissioner Randolph
01:39:58.270 --> 01:39:59.580
01:39:59.580 --> 01:40:01.520
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:40:01.520 --> 01:40:02.820
01:40:02.820 --> 01:40:04.490
President Batjer.
01:40:04.490 --> 01:40:09.010
Yes, thank you, the vote is unanimous for item number 44.
01:40:09.010 --> 01:40:11.600
Now moving on to item 45.
01:40:11.600 --> 01:40:14.720
That is also Commissioner Rechtschaffen's item.
01:40:16.340 --> 01:40:19.030
Thank you President Batjer no slides on this one.
01:40:19.030 --> 01:40:22.360
But I'm pleased to introduce this
01:40:22.360 --> 01:40:25.980
new risk based decision making framework OIR
01:40:25.980 --> 01:40:30.980
that builds on our safety model assessment proceeding
01:40:31.280 --> 01:40:34.050
colloquially known as SMAP.
01:40:34.050 --> 01:40:37.410
It follows from our last SMAP proceeding,
01:40:37.410 --> 01:40:41.660
where we adopted a new framework essentially transforming
01:40:41.660 --> 01:40:44.540
how our energy utilities make decisions
01:40:44.540 --> 01:40:46.680
about spending on safety risks.
01:40:47.640 --> 01:40:51.070
And the new framework requires the utilities
01:40:51.070 --> 01:40:54.910
to evaluate risk in a much more transparent way,
01:40:55.880 --> 01:40:59.040
uniform way and quantitatively rigorous way
01:40:59.040 --> 01:41:02.080
no longer just subjective subject matter expertise
01:41:02.080 --> 01:41:05.090
but a quantitative uniform way
01:41:05.090 --> 01:41:08.480
and additionally perform analysis
01:41:08.480 --> 01:41:11.520
to compare risk reduction benefits
01:41:11.520 --> 01:41:14.550
from various mitigation measures,
01:41:14.550 --> 01:41:16.780
including the relative efficiency
01:41:16.780 --> 01:41:18.610
of their risk reduction spending.
01:41:19.650 --> 01:41:23.420
A lot more analytics to how utilities approach safety,
01:41:24.560 --> 01:41:26.720
prioritization and spending.
01:41:28.020 --> 01:41:33.020
This is you know, very complex, very important framework
01:41:35.690 --> 01:41:37.630
and issue.
01:41:37.630 --> 01:41:41.100
We always intended that the SMAP proceeding
01:41:41.100 --> 01:41:44.810
would be iterative now gain some experience
01:41:44.810 --> 01:41:47.260
with the utility implementing the framework.
01:41:47.260 --> 01:41:51.710
So, it's an opportune time to build on our prior progress,
01:41:51.710 --> 01:41:54.160
which is what this new lawyer does.
01:41:55.080 --> 01:41:58.440
It will answer three primary questions.
01:41:58.440 --> 01:42:02.260
One, at a leverage the lessons we've learned so far
01:42:02.260 --> 01:42:04.260
from implementation.
01:42:04.260 --> 01:42:09.260
Two, whether we should adopt a risk tolerance standard
01:42:09.590 --> 01:42:13.170
something similar stand to say this level of risk
01:42:13.170 --> 01:42:15.280
is acceptable this level is not.
01:42:15.280 --> 01:42:16.930
we've never explicitly done that.
01:42:17.930 --> 01:42:22.390
And three, whether we should adopt or change
01:42:22.390 --> 01:42:25.550
any new safety performance metrics.
01:42:25.550 --> 01:42:27.760
You can recall in the last SMAP proceeding,
01:42:27.760 --> 01:42:31.760
we adopted close to two dozen safety metrics this ask
01:42:31.760 --> 01:42:35.050
whether we should adopt new ones or modify the ones we have.
01:42:36.590 --> 01:42:39.170
The last proceeding was very collaborative
01:42:39.170 --> 01:42:42.520
and utilities Commission staff, other stakeholders,
01:42:42.520 --> 01:42:47.210
academic experts working together and I look forward to more
01:42:47.210 --> 01:42:48.570
such collaborative discussions
01:42:48.570 --> 01:42:51.430
as part of this new proceeding, thank you.
01:42:54.670 --> 01:42:56.240
Thank you Commissioner Rechtschaffen,
01:42:56.240 --> 01:42:58.990
would anybody like to make a comment or.
01:42:58.990 --> 01:43:01.040
I have a question for Commission Rechtschaffen
01:43:01.040 --> 01:43:02.640
Yes, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:43:03.830 --> 01:43:07.570
Thank you President Batjer, Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:43:11.018 --> 01:43:12.830
I'm very glad we're looking at this in new way
01:43:12.830 --> 01:43:16.060
I think one of the things that we've gotten the utilities
01:43:16.060 --> 01:43:18.600
have really improved upon is kind of the thoroughness
01:43:18.600 --> 01:43:22.180
of how they're looking at all of their safety investments.
01:43:22.180 --> 01:43:26.150
I think we still have a ways to go at looking at
01:43:26.150 --> 01:43:30.580
the real risk analysis it's still an area that
01:43:32.390 --> 01:43:35.840
just even in looking through some of the reports that they
01:43:35.840 --> 01:43:37.570
do provide us annually now.
01:43:38.630 --> 01:43:41.910
They are really thorough but the waiting of
01:43:41.910 --> 01:43:44.980
the importance of why you know
01:43:44.980 --> 01:43:48.020
a dollar here versus a dollar there is still something
01:43:48.020 --> 01:43:50.800
that needs great improvement.
01:43:50.800 --> 01:43:54.840
So I think this further guidance and direction in the SMAP
01:43:54.840 --> 01:43:59.700
can hopefully further that decision making metric
01:43:59.700 --> 01:44:02.520
that we can see that they're taking into account
01:44:02.520 --> 01:44:06.060
as they prioritize their resources.
01:44:06.060 --> 01:44:09.800
And then also just having the transparency to track
01:44:09.800 --> 01:44:12.360
where they're at with the investments that they propose
01:44:12.360 --> 01:44:15.580
making and redirected that they make is something
01:44:15.580 --> 01:44:17.550
that I greatly appreciate.
01:44:17.550 --> 01:44:21.863
And having that in one place and being able to see
01:44:23.320 --> 01:44:25.860
how those investments are going.
01:44:25.860 --> 01:44:30.430
So this is something I know we are really growing
01:44:30.430 --> 01:44:35.430
and maybe even returning to our, you know, century old way
01:44:35.460 --> 01:44:40.460
of looking at our role, but this tracking that we've
01:44:40.880 --> 01:44:44.080
kind of have a refocus to really forcing the utilities
01:44:44.080 --> 01:44:48.340
to prioritize their investments is something I continue
01:44:48.340 --> 01:44:52.170
to see great progress in and really just thank you
01:44:52.170 --> 01:44:55.630
and thanks to Judge Vogel for explaining
01:44:55.630 --> 01:44:57.200
in such a great way.
01:44:57.200 --> 01:45:00.090
I appreciate graphics and I think she did
01:45:00.090 --> 01:45:03.920
a really excellent job in just laying out how all of
01:45:03.920 --> 01:45:06.780
the guiding documents and the reporting work together
01:45:06.780 --> 01:45:10.139
and how they, as you said, feed into each other
01:45:10.139 --> 01:45:11.520
for improvement.
01:45:11.520 --> 01:45:12.730
And so thank you very much
01:45:12.730 --> 01:45:14.630
and I look forward to supporting this.
01:45:16.180 --> 01:45:18.130
Thank you, yes Commissioner Randolph.
01:45:20.400 --> 01:45:23.407
I, thanks to Commissioner Randolph and Judge Vogel
01:45:23.407 --> 01:45:26.063
I'm Commissioner Randolph, Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:45:26.063 --> 01:45:28.146
01:45:33.078 --> 01:45:34.900
You can always pat yourself
01:45:34.900 --> 01:45:36.482
on the back Commissioner Randolph.
01:45:36.482 --> 01:45:38.565
01:45:41.580 --> 01:45:46.580
So anyway, thanks for this OIR I think we're really,
01:45:49.330 --> 01:45:53.260
really trying to move towards the risk based analysis
01:45:53.260 --> 01:45:54.850
in so many different formats
01:45:54.850 --> 01:45:57.360
in the wildfire mitigation context
01:45:57.360 --> 01:45:59.780
in the climate adaptation context
01:45:59.780 --> 01:46:03.134
and I appreciate the fact that this OIR calls out
01:46:03.134 --> 01:46:07.110
all these proceedings in areas where we're really gonna need
01:46:07.110 --> 01:46:12.110
to apply this framework and so I think this is gonna be
01:46:14.360 --> 01:46:19.360
a great opportunity as you know, in the coming years
01:46:19.430 --> 01:46:23.090
as the OIR plays out, so thanks for getting it started.
01:46:24.800 --> 01:46:26.330
Thank you, Commissioner Randolph.
01:46:26.330 --> 01:46:27.630
Yes, Commissioner Shiroma.
01:46:29.080 --> 01:46:31.700
Thank you President Batjer and thank you so much,
01:46:31.700 --> 01:46:35.840
once again to Commissioner Rechtschaffen on your leadership
01:46:35.840 --> 01:46:40.840
in this area this is a relatively new type of process
01:46:40.910 --> 01:46:44.620
in approximately three years or so,
01:46:44.620 --> 01:46:49.020
requiring these safety model assessment
01:46:49.020 --> 01:46:53.670
and the risk assessment mitigation phase that then feeds
01:46:53.670 --> 01:46:58.670
into the general rate cases in terms of feeding in
01:47:00.345 --> 01:47:05.230
the very important safety data driven analysis
01:47:05.230 --> 01:47:08.430
into the budget proceedings for
01:47:08.430 --> 01:47:10.380
the investor owned utilities.
01:47:11.290 --> 01:47:16.220
And, you know, I appreciate that you'll be looking at
01:47:17.670 --> 01:47:22.183
risk tolerance standards, and reasonably practical low
01:47:23.310 --> 01:47:26.230
as reasonably practicable type standards.
01:47:26.230 --> 01:47:30.300
Some of these things are used in other arenas,
01:47:30.300 --> 01:47:33.340
whether it's cancer prevention or what have you
01:47:33.340 --> 01:47:37.050
and see how that may or may not inform us
01:47:38.497 --> 01:47:42.720
in terms of safety overall and also that it looks like
01:47:42.720 --> 01:47:46.120
you're proceeding could be bringing in the small
01:47:46.120 --> 01:47:48.410
and multi-jurisdictional utilities,
01:47:48.410 --> 01:47:50.430
along with the large energy utilities
01:47:50.430 --> 01:47:54.150
and whether small or large we all need to be having an
01:47:54.150 --> 01:47:59.150
analytical approach to inform us in terms of safety overall
01:47:59.490 --> 01:48:04.090
for the utilities, for the customers, for the employees.
01:48:04.090 --> 01:48:08.490
So thank you for the effort and please do support
01:48:08.490 --> 01:48:10.580
the opening of this rulemaking.
01:48:10.580 --> 01:48:11.413
Thank you.
01:48:12.790 --> 01:48:14.500
Thank you, Commissioner Shiroma
01:48:14.500 --> 01:48:19.500
and I have always the unfortunate situation where everyone
01:48:20.010 --> 01:48:23.630
has said all the wonderful things that I would like to say
01:48:23.630 --> 01:48:25.960
and I would just be repeating that
01:48:25.960 --> 01:48:29.540
I do thank Commissioner Rechtschaffen for your leadership
01:48:29.540 --> 01:48:34.400
and obviously will strongly support this item until you sign
01:48:34.400 --> 01:48:37.840
the risk based decision making framework that was developed
01:48:37.840 --> 01:48:40.200
in the safety model assessment proceeding.
01:48:41.160 --> 01:48:46.160
This is such an important effort and I look forward
01:48:48.087 --> 01:48:51.373
to the reiteration of it.
01:48:53.700 --> 01:48:56.250
I appreciate this new rulemaking we'll consider
01:48:56.250 --> 01:48:58.760
the coordination between the SMAP and the RAMP
01:48:58.760 --> 01:49:00.470
and the wildfire mitigation plans
01:49:00.470 --> 01:49:03.120
and the climate change adaptation proceedings
01:49:03.120 --> 01:49:05.730
is sort of been mentioned important
01:49:05.730 --> 01:49:07.940
to eliminating duplication of efforts
01:49:07.940 --> 01:49:11.740
and that our safety related proceedings have work.
01:49:11.740 --> 01:49:14.530
I think they need to all work in a synergistic manner
01:49:14.530 --> 01:49:16.830
which I know we all appreciate.
01:49:16.830 --> 01:49:20.920
As much to be done of course I will be supporting this item
01:49:20.920 --> 01:49:25.050
and I also add my thanks to not only your leadership,
01:49:25.050 --> 01:49:27.980
Commissioner Rechtschaffen but that the wonderful work
01:49:27.980 --> 01:49:32.860
of Al J. Fogle, and Kirsten for their steady leadership
01:49:32.860 --> 01:49:35.460
in this area and I wanna thank Dave Peck,
01:49:35.460 --> 01:49:37.580
my advisor on this matter
01:49:37.580 --> 01:49:40.970
and the hard work that he also did.
01:49:40.970 --> 01:49:45.130
So thank you all very much and I'm going to now turn back
01:49:45.130 --> 01:49:48.740
to the agenda Clerk to please call the roll on item 45.
01:49:50.280 --> 01:49:53.230
For item 45, Commissioner Shiroma.
01:49:53.230 --> 01:49:54.700
01:49:54.700 --> 01:49:56.930
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:49:56.930 --> 01:49:57.763
01:49:58.700 --> 01:50:00.700
Commissioner Randolph.
01:50:00.700 --> 01:50:01.930
01:50:01.930 --> 01:50:03.900
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:50:03.900 --> 01:50:05.050
01:50:05.050 --> 01:50:06.650
And President Batjer.
01:50:06.650 --> 01:50:10.560
Yes, thank you the vote is unanimous for item 45.
01:50:10.560 --> 01:50:15.560
Returning to item 47, which is related to item 17,
01:50:18.410 --> 01:50:23.410
which we voted on, out on the consent calendar.
01:50:24.610 --> 01:50:28.330
This is Commissioner Shiroma so, we do not
01:50:28.330 --> 01:50:31.160
we can withdraw item 47 since it was dealt with
01:50:31.160 --> 01:50:34.320
on the consent calendar with item 17.
01:50:34.320 --> 01:50:36.600
So therefore, moving on to item 48,
01:50:36.600 --> 01:50:38.650
to and that's Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:50:40.310 --> 01:50:44.960
This is an extension order in our PURPA proceeding.
01:50:44.960 --> 01:50:49.960
We opened up this OIR in July of 2018 to modify
01:50:50.660 --> 01:50:55.660
our standard offer contract for electricity sale
01:50:56.590 --> 01:50:59.290
by generating facilities 20 megawatts or less,
01:51:00.260 --> 01:51:03.060
to invest your own utilities.
01:51:03.060 --> 01:51:06.860
In May we approved that new standard offer contract
01:51:06.860 --> 01:51:11.280
in a decision that was in response to a court order.
01:51:11.280 --> 01:51:14.740
Finding that are distinct standard also contract
01:51:14.740 --> 01:51:17.940
did not meet all the requirements of federal law.
01:51:17.940 --> 01:51:20.960
The decision left to proceed and open to consider whether
01:51:20.960 --> 01:51:24.340
any further action needed to comply with PURPA
01:51:24.340 --> 01:51:28.040
including any changes to PURPA regulations that
01:51:28.040 --> 01:51:33.040
may be handed down from for currently has on their agenda
01:51:35.030 --> 01:51:37.330
potential revisions to PURPA regulation
01:51:37.330 --> 01:51:39.660
is possibly next week, but we don't know when
01:51:39.660 --> 01:51:42.150
they're gonna ask but it's still an open question
01:51:42.150 --> 01:51:44.090
of whether they will and what they'll do.
01:51:44.090 --> 01:51:47.610
So in light of that, I'm asking for your support to extend
01:51:47.610 --> 01:51:51.810
the deadline in this case to January 2021.
01:51:51.810 --> 01:51:54.820
To allow staff to determine if any additional action
01:51:54.820 --> 01:51:56.730
is needed in this proceeding.
01:51:56.730 --> 01:51:57.880
I ask for your support.
01:51:59.500 --> 01:52:00.810
Thank you, Commissioner Rechtschaffen
01:52:00.810 --> 01:52:03.080
are there any comments or questions?
01:52:03.930 --> 01:52:05.320
On item?
01:52:06.660 --> 01:52:07.493
Okay seeing none,
01:52:07.493 --> 01:52:09.980
will the agenda clerk please call the roll?
01:52:09.980 --> 01:52:12.830
For item 48, Commissioner Shiroma.
01:52:12.830 --> 01:52:13.930
01:52:13.930 --> 01:52:16.050
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:52:16.050 --> 01:52:17.110
01:52:17.110 --> 01:52:19.170
Commissioner Randololph.
01:52:19.170 --> 01:52:20.450
01:52:20.450 --> 01:52:22.400
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:52:22.400 --> 01:52:23.660
01:52:23.660 --> 01:52:25.380
President Batjer.
01:52:25.380 --> 01:52:30.380
Yes, the vote on item 48 is a unanimous, thank you.
01:52:30.830 --> 01:52:33.490
Moving now on to item 49, Commissioner Randolph.
01:52:35.260 --> 01:52:39.780
This is an order extending statutory deadline
01:52:39.780 --> 01:52:43.520
in Rashid Al Malik versus Southern California Edison.
01:52:43.520 --> 01:52:46.180
This is an expedited complaint proceeding concerning
01:52:46.180 --> 01:52:49.820
a customer's participation in the care program
01:52:49.820 --> 01:52:53.990
and disputed charges over a four month billing period.
01:52:53.990 --> 01:52:57.810
The 12 month deadline for the proceeding was set to end
01:52:57.810 --> 01:53:00.090
on August 5, 2020.
01:53:00.090 --> 01:53:02.650
However, the assigned Administrative Law Judge
01:53:02.650 --> 01:53:06.890
requires additional time to prepare proposed decision.
01:53:06.890 --> 01:53:10.170
So this order we extend the deadline by about 10 weeks
01:53:10.170 --> 01:53:13.190
to October 15, 2020.
01:53:13.190 --> 01:53:14.890
With that, I ask for your support.
01:53:16.180 --> 01:53:17.290
Thank you, Commissioner Randolph.
01:53:17.290 --> 01:53:19.090
Are there any questions or comments?
01:53:20.430 --> 01:53:22.990
Okay, seeing none will the agenda clerk please call the roll
01:53:22.990 --> 01:53:24.610
for item 49?
01:53:24.610 --> 01:53:27.560
For item 49, Commissioner Shiroma.
01:53:27.560 --> 01:53:28.690
01:53:28.690 --> 01:53:30.850
Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
01:53:30.850 --> 01:53:31.970
01:53:31.970 --> 01:53:33.980
Commissioner Randolph.
01:53:33.980 --> 01:53:35.300
01:53:35.300 --> 01:53:37.270
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
01:53:37.270 --> 01:53:38.590
01:53:38.590 --> 01:53:40.230
President Batjer.
01:53:40.230 --> 01:53:41.760
Yeah, thank you.
01:53:41.760 --> 01:53:44.646
The vote is unanimous for item 49.
01:53:44.646 --> 01:53:47.610
We will now move on to the next item on our agenda today
01:53:47.610 --> 01:53:49.150
and that's management report.
01:53:50.090 --> 01:53:53.680
There's no report for item 51 which is a report
01:53:53.680 --> 01:53:56.110
and discussion on recent consumer protection
01:53:56.110 --> 01:53:57.390
and safety activities.
01:53:58.297 --> 01:54:02.650
I will now turn to executive director Stebbins for item 52,
01:54:02.650 --> 01:54:06.070
which is management report on administrative activities.
01:54:07.170 --> 01:54:08.003
01:54:09.500 --> 01:54:12.130
Thank you President Batjer I'm presenting today
01:54:12.130 --> 01:54:15.710
our first quarter of 2020 employee recognition awards.
01:54:17.260 --> 01:54:20.230
Our first award is for customer service.
01:54:20.230 --> 01:54:23.900
I give you the transportation licensing section of
01:54:23.900 --> 01:54:28.900
Jeff Kasmar, Marita Perez, Sandy Lam, Jason Lee,
01:54:30.600 --> 01:54:35.600
Armi Miranda, Jesse Hernandez, Lucia Magana,
01:54:35.720 --> 01:54:38.740
Don Wise, Charles Lorenzo,
01:54:38.740 --> 01:54:43.740
Lorena Marzan, Otis byrd, Raymond Tam and Sandra Baron.
01:54:45.030 --> 01:54:47.960
From our consumer protection and Enforcement Division.
01:54:49.320 --> 01:54:51.150
These individuals helped to expand
01:54:51.150 --> 01:54:54.440
a new transportation carrier call center,
01:54:54.440 --> 01:54:56.430
which provides a very valuable service
01:54:56.430 --> 01:54:59.230
to transportation carriers who call us frequently.
01:55:00.180 --> 01:55:02.570
Staff are available to answer calls
01:55:02.570 --> 01:55:05.070
on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.
01:55:05.070 --> 01:55:08.400
Understand it is open from one to three
01:55:08.400 --> 01:55:09.810
to respond to these questions
01:55:09.810 --> 01:55:11.730
on transportation applications,
01:55:11.730 --> 01:55:14.010
equipment updates and general issues.
01:55:15.070 --> 01:55:19.610
The call center process was designed by Marita Perez,
01:55:19.610 --> 01:55:21.890
Sandy Lam and Jason Lee,
01:55:21.890 --> 01:55:24.710
who worked with the technology provider Verizon
01:55:24.710 --> 01:55:26.480
to develop the phone system.
01:55:27.350 --> 01:55:29.080
At the time of this nomination
01:55:29.080 --> 01:55:32.590
the team has already assisted nearly 900 callers.
01:55:33.620 --> 01:55:38.620
So a special thank you to Jeff, Marita, Sandy, Jason, Armi,
01:55:38.890 --> 01:55:43.890
Jesse, Lucia, Don, Charles,Lorena, Otis, Raymond and Sandra.
01:55:45.500 --> 01:55:46.360
Thanks, everyone.
01:55:49.708 --> 01:55:50.920
President Batjer I'm sorry,
01:55:50.920 --> 01:55:52.610
can I just make a quick comment?
01:55:54.790 --> 01:55:57.830
I just I really wanna thank this team for putting
01:55:57.830 --> 01:56:01.640
this together this has been several years in the making
01:56:01.640 --> 01:56:06.640
and was one of the key goals for the transportation division
01:56:08.570 --> 01:56:10.760
when I first started here at the Commission
01:56:10.760 --> 01:56:14.930
and so really very much appreciate their work getting
01:56:14.930 --> 01:56:19.930
this going having that ability to interact, you know,
01:56:20.090 --> 01:56:23.790
more directly is so important in providing customer service.
01:56:23.790 --> 01:56:26.630
So I just really wanna thank you for all the work.
01:56:26.630 --> 01:56:30.450
Thank you (indistinct) I think I mentioned Guzman Aceves,
01:56:30.450 --> 01:56:32.450
did you have your no.
01:56:32.450 --> 01:56:34.550
Okay then Commissioner Shiroma.
01:56:34.550 --> 01:56:35.947
Yeah, I was clapping to.
01:56:35.947 --> 01:56:37.300
01:56:37.300 --> 01:56:41.920
Thank you I wanted to chime in and say congratulations
01:56:41.920 --> 01:56:46.530
to this team and for the viewing public.
01:56:47.730 --> 01:56:49.330
Cost may not be aware that there are
01:56:49.330 --> 01:56:53.150
over 1000 transportation network companies,
01:56:53.150 --> 01:56:57.560
charter party carriers, passenger stage corporations
01:56:57.560 --> 01:57:00.870
and also common carriers which are ferries across
01:57:00.870 --> 01:57:05.100
the state of California and his team really make sure that
01:57:05.100 --> 01:57:10.100
all of these carriers are meeting our safety requirements
01:57:11.610 --> 01:57:14.770
keeping the stamp on the road and on the ocean.
01:57:14.770 --> 01:57:16.620
So just wanted to chime in my thanks.
01:57:18.040 --> 01:57:22.020
Thank you I add my congratulations to this team
01:57:22.020 --> 01:57:25.820
and thank you, Alice for your terrific description
01:57:25.820 --> 01:57:27.500
of their hard work.
01:57:27.500 --> 01:57:29.434
Excellent job yay.
01:57:29.434 --> 01:57:30.267
01:57:30.267 --> 01:57:32.350
Okay, I think Alice back to you.
01:57:33.260 --> 01:57:34.560
Yeah thanks, Commissioner
01:57:34.560 --> 01:57:37.290
thank you President Batjer and a special shout out
01:57:37.290 --> 01:57:40.940
to Dougito I think his strong leadership really helped
01:57:40.940 --> 01:57:42.190
with the success of the.
01:57:43.120 --> 01:57:46.030
For our next award goes to Liela Tan Walsh
01:57:46.030 --> 01:57:48.900
from the communication division for collaboration.
01:57:49.930 --> 01:57:52.770
Upon becoming a supervisor Liela recognized that
01:57:52.770 --> 01:57:56.050
she needed to provide good customer service to her team
01:57:56.050 --> 01:57:57.340
and others.
01:57:57.340 --> 01:58:01.750
She collaborated with management, legal and human resources
01:58:01.750 --> 01:58:03.810
on being a great supervisor.
01:58:03.810 --> 01:58:06.750
Taking all the necessary training and seeking counsel
01:58:06.750 --> 01:58:08.850
which is often needed as a new supervisor.
01:58:09.940 --> 01:58:13.040
Liela reaches out for assistance from subject matter experts
01:58:13.040 --> 01:58:15.460
to address issues to identify and implement
01:58:15.460 --> 01:58:16.790
the correct path forward.
01:58:17.690 --> 01:58:20.810
As a supervisor working with her team and others,
01:58:20.810 --> 01:58:24.790
Liela is gracious, patient, diligent and wise.
01:58:26.040 --> 01:58:28.240
Liela is committed to fairness and has been
01:58:28.240 --> 01:58:30.140
an appropriate advocate for her staff.
01:58:31.030 --> 01:58:33.950
Liela stands out as an exceptional
01:58:33.950 --> 01:58:36.980
and collaborative supervisor, thank you Liela.
01:58:40.160 --> 01:58:42.630
Yes (chuckles) one second
01:58:44.443 --> 01:58:45.276
01:58:45.276 --> 01:58:48.437
I just I wanted to say that her name is Liela
01:58:49.370 --> 01:58:52.910
and Liela is amazing and has really
01:58:52.910 --> 01:58:57.000
is always positive attitude so thank you liela
01:58:57.000 --> 01:58:57.833
for everything.
01:58:59.610 --> 01:59:03.300
Again, Commissioner Guzman Aceves thank you for that
01:59:03.300 --> 01:59:07.450
and Liela thank you for putting up with my mispronouncing
01:59:07.450 --> 01:59:08.283
of your name.
01:59:10.530 --> 01:59:13.170
Our next award is for outstanding achievement and goes
01:59:13.170 --> 01:59:16.580
to Emma Johnston, Shayla Funk and Glenn Galman
01:59:16.580 --> 01:59:18.950
from the executive division.
01:59:18.950 --> 01:59:21.800
These individuals made significant contributions
01:59:21.800 --> 01:59:25.240
to the CPED enforcement prioritization project.
01:59:26.120 --> 01:59:29.810
This project was launched in December 2019
01:59:29.810 --> 01:59:33.540
and Emma, Shayla and Glenn joined the team in January 2020.
01:59:34.490 --> 01:59:36.000
The project was to assess
01:59:36.000 --> 01:59:39.710
the transportation enforcement branches efficiency
01:59:39.710 --> 01:59:42.690
and resource allocation essentially to answer
01:59:42.690 --> 01:59:46.780
whether CPED operations are efficient and maximize
01:59:46.780 --> 01:59:48.880
the use of their personnel resources.
01:59:50.040 --> 01:59:52.860
The project involved analyzing transportation data,
01:59:53.700 --> 01:59:56.430
interviewing subject matter experts,
01:59:56.430 --> 02:00:00.150
conducting research in the CPUCs general orders
02:00:00.150 --> 02:00:01.700
and the public utilities codes.
02:00:02.850 --> 02:00:05.970
Visiting airport facilities and reviewing policies
02:00:05.970 --> 02:00:06.910
and procedures.
02:00:08.140 --> 02:00:10.780
Glenn, Shayla and Emma worked well
02:00:10.780 --> 02:00:14.110
with cross divisional colleagues and management.
02:00:14.110 --> 02:00:16.310
They contributed in all areas of the report
02:00:16.310 --> 02:00:19.670
with exceptional performance in the following areas.
02:00:19.670 --> 02:00:23.830
Glenn for his project leadership and risk management,
02:00:23.830 --> 02:00:26.640
Emma with her exceptional skills for report writing,
02:00:26.640 --> 02:00:29.280
attention to detail and brainstorming
02:00:29.280 --> 02:00:32.310
and Shayla with her ability to look at big picture,
02:00:32.310 --> 02:00:34.070
thinking and quality assurance.
02:00:35.420 --> 02:00:37.080
The team was a pleasure to work with
02:00:37.080 --> 02:00:40.060
very professional and had a can do spirit.
02:00:40.060 --> 02:00:42.250
Thank you, Emma, Shayla and Glenn.
02:00:45.160 --> 02:00:46.206
02:00:46.206 --> 02:00:48.000
02:00:48.000 --> 02:00:49.460
thank you all.
02:00:49.460 --> 02:00:51.900
Thank you very, very much okay.
02:00:52.850 --> 02:00:54.440
So we've got two more
02:00:55.400 --> 02:00:59.470
and next is an award for outstanding achievement.
02:00:59.470 --> 02:01:03.940
Achievement which goes to Dennis aka Buzz Reeves
02:01:03.940 --> 02:01:05.440
from our rail safety division.
02:01:06.940 --> 02:01:10.730
Buzz is an exemplary employee on all fronts.
02:01:11.790 --> 02:01:14.610
He came to the CPUC from the railroad industry
02:01:14.610 --> 02:01:16.970
with over 40 years of experience
02:01:16.970 --> 02:01:18.560
and his knowledge of railroading
02:01:18.560 --> 02:01:21.560
and its governing regulations is truly extensive.
02:01:22.580 --> 02:01:27.350
As a railroad inspector Buzz work tirelessly, day and night,
02:01:27.350 --> 02:01:31.000
promoting safety and helping fellow workers on any project
02:01:31.000 --> 02:01:32.080
at the drop of a hat.
02:01:33.150 --> 02:01:35.660
He always goes above and beyond what is required.
02:01:37.240 --> 02:01:40.050
Buzz also instigated regulatory proceedings
02:01:40.050 --> 02:01:42.550
to improve railroad grade crossings throughout
02:01:42.550 --> 02:01:43.540
the Central Valley.
02:01:44.520 --> 02:01:46.490
He has diligently written both federal
02:01:46.490 --> 02:01:49.220
and state non compliance inspection reports
02:01:49.220 --> 02:01:53.220
that have either improved or eliminated unsafe work habits
02:01:53.220 --> 02:01:57.060
and is responsible for developing several best practices
02:01:57.060 --> 02:01:58.340
among inspectors.
02:01:59.660 --> 02:02:03.070
Buzz is knowledgeable and professional in all the dealings
02:02:03.070 --> 02:02:05.480
and is well respected by all that know him.
02:02:05.480 --> 02:02:07.400
Which generally enhances his ability
02:02:07.400 --> 02:02:10.710
to influence real change in the safety culture
02:02:10.710 --> 02:02:11.560
on the railroads.
02:02:12.510 --> 02:02:16.580
He is a shining example of what a field inspector should be.
02:02:16.580 --> 02:02:18.940
He has a strong work ethic and is always willing
02:02:18.940 --> 02:02:20.200
to share his experience.
02:02:21.060 --> 02:02:23.920
Buzz leads by example and provides inspiration
02:02:23.920 --> 02:02:25.610
to his fellow inspectors.
02:02:25.610 --> 02:02:26.443
Thank you Buzz.
02:02:31.550 --> 02:02:36.183
Leadership is our final award and goes to Amy Yip-Kikugawa
02:02:37.600 --> 02:02:38.800
from the legal division.
02:02:40.050 --> 02:02:42.760
Amy has regularly shown leadership in several ways.
02:02:43.790 --> 02:02:46.100
She works effectively with clients including
02:02:46.100 --> 02:02:47.760
the public Advocate's office
02:02:47.760 --> 02:02:50.250
and the Safety Enforcement Division.
02:02:50.250 --> 02:02:53.640
She supports her staff attorneys to effectively advocate
02:02:53.640 --> 02:02:54.580
for those clients.
02:02:55.760 --> 02:02:59.130
Amy regularly reviews attorney pleadings and brief
02:02:59.130 --> 02:03:01.720
often late at night to make sure attorneys have
02:03:01.720 --> 02:03:04.290
the guidance they need to represent clients.
02:03:05.430 --> 02:03:08.390
She holds regular brown bag lunches for staff,
02:03:08.390 --> 02:03:11.290
where she has raised current topics and issues to discuss.
02:03:12.530 --> 02:03:15.310
Amy recently agreed to be the first co-speaker
02:03:15.310 --> 02:03:18.420
at a lunchtime series of lectures to the legal division
02:03:18.420 --> 02:03:20.170
and the AL division interns.
02:03:21.200 --> 02:03:24.750
She often refers her staff to each other to help them learn
02:03:24.750 --> 02:03:27.410
from each other's experience and expertise.
02:03:28.540 --> 02:03:31.730
Amy shows kindness and generosity to her team as well
02:03:31.730 --> 02:03:33.680
as others throughout the Commission
02:03:33.680 --> 02:03:36.960
and her empathy and emotional intelligence have helped calm
02:03:36.960 --> 02:03:38.080
and guide her team through
02:03:38.080 --> 02:03:40.610
often difficult intense litigation.
02:03:41.780 --> 02:03:44.630
The CPUC is lucky to have Amy as a leader
02:03:44.630 --> 02:03:47.430
and as a better organization for having her.
02:03:47.430 --> 02:03:48.320
Thank you, Amy.
02:03:51.640 --> 02:03:53.990
So president Batjer I will turn it back to you.
02:03:55.490 --> 02:03:57.700
Thank you executive director Stebbins
02:03:57.700 --> 02:04:01.960
and congratulations once again to all of our magnificent
02:04:01.960 --> 02:04:04.350
fantastic colleagues.
02:04:04.350 --> 02:04:07.500
Yay thank you so very much.
02:04:07.500 --> 02:04:10.110
Congratulations for all of your hard work
02:04:10.110 --> 02:04:12.830
and your contributions to the CPUC.
02:04:13.910 --> 02:04:17.920
Okay, thank you we'll now move on to item 53.
02:04:17.920 --> 02:04:19.130
That will be an update on
02:04:19.130 --> 02:04:23.280
the energy IOU disconnections moratorium
02:04:23.280 --> 02:04:26.700
and the COVID-19 related consumer complaints
02:04:26.700 --> 02:04:28.430
and resolutions.
02:04:28.430 --> 02:04:32.450
For the first item, Deputy Executive Director,
02:04:32.450 --> 02:04:35.100
Edward Randolph will provide an overview of
02:04:35.100 --> 02:04:38.300
the disconnection moratorium and then he will be followed
02:04:38.300 --> 02:04:42.640
by Amy gmrt who will it was the program manager
02:04:42.640 --> 02:04:44.620
for the consumer affairs Batch and
02:04:44.620 --> 02:04:46.870
who will give us an update on the COVID-19
02:04:46.870 --> 02:04:50.740
related consumer complaints received and resolved.
02:04:50.740 --> 02:04:52.600
Ed would you like to take it away?
02:04:53.450 --> 02:04:55.460
Yes, can everybody hear me okay?
02:04:55.460 --> 02:04:57.000
Began thank you.
02:04:57.000 --> 02:04:59.780
Great if you'd indulge me for a second,
02:04:59.780 --> 02:05:04.780
I would like to issue a thank you as well after all of this
02:05:05.010 --> 02:05:08.020
going back to Commissioner Rechtschaffen presentation
02:05:08.020 --> 02:05:11.390
on the affordability proceeding,
02:05:11.390 --> 02:05:13.940
well Commissioner Rechtschaffen did a good job thanking all
02:05:13.940 --> 02:05:17.020
the staff who were actively involved in that.
02:05:18.090 --> 02:05:21.340
Just through probably no fault of anybody's on,
02:05:21.340 --> 02:05:23.620
I noted that several Commissioners,
02:05:23.620 --> 02:05:27.050
generically thank energy division staff and the ALJs.
02:05:27.050 --> 02:05:30.100
I'd like to note that that proceeding was truly
02:05:30.100 --> 02:05:34.400
a joint division effort with water division
02:05:34.400 --> 02:05:38.340
and communications division as well.
02:05:38.340 --> 02:05:40.900
A lot of the heavy lifting was done by those divisions.
02:05:40.900 --> 02:05:44.460
So I wanna make sure that their work on that proceeding
02:05:44.460 --> 02:05:45.950
is acknowledged as well.
02:05:46.930 --> 02:05:48.790
With that, I can start with the presentation
02:05:48.790 --> 02:05:50.790
if somebody can move the slides forward.
02:05:56.870 --> 02:06:00.420
So in this presentation, we're gonna give an update
02:06:00.420 --> 02:06:05.170
on disconnections during COVID-19
02:06:05.170 --> 02:06:09.530
and other customer protections that were put in place
02:06:09.530 --> 02:06:13.370
at the beginning of the emergency order for COVID-19.
02:06:13.370 --> 02:06:18.180
A massive broad reminder, the Commission in 2017,
02:06:18.180 --> 02:06:21.850
had ordered the utilities that had customers impacted
02:06:21.850 --> 02:06:26.850
by wildfires to institute a litany of customer protections
02:06:27.480 --> 02:06:31.540
for those customers as they were dealing
02:06:32.590 --> 02:06:34.000
with having their power shut off,
02:06:34.000 --> 02:06:36.720
being out of their house for a long time
02:06:36.720 --> 02:06:38.560
and reconnecting.
02:06:38.560 --> 02:06:43.560
We again did similar protections in 2018 and at that time
02:06:44.030 --> 02:06:47.640
also institutionalize those protections so that they would
02:06:47.640 --> 02:06:50.760
be automatically triggered anytime
02:06:50.760 --> 02:06:54.770
a natural disaster triggers a emergency declaration
02:06:54.770 --> 02:06:55.603
by the governor.
02:06:57.310 --> 02:07:01.100
Somewhat unfortunately that those decisions that
02:07:01.100 --> 02:07:04.690
institutionalize them did not anticipate a statewide
02:07:04.690 --> 02:07:05.760
or global pandemic.
02:07:06.890 --> 02:07:10.200
So the pandemic emergency order didn't directly trigger
02:07:10.200 --> 02:07:11.560
these mechanisms.
02:07:11.560 --> 02:07:14.110
But the Commission moved very quickly after
02:07:14.110 --> 02:07:15.860
the emergency order.
02:07:15.860 --> 02:07:17.850
First through directives,
02:07:17.850 --> 02:07:20.990
from executive director Alice Stebbins
02:07:20.990 --> 02:07:24.870
and then codified and resolution to extend
02:07:24.870 --> 02:07:29.670
all of those customer protections statewide
02:07:29.670 --> 02:07:33.280
to all customers that maybe impacted by COVID-19.
02:07:33.280 --> 02:07:36.620
Most importantly on of those with the outright ban
02:07:36.620 --> 02:07:40.050
on disconnections for non-payment of bills
02:07:40.050 --> 02:07:44.470
but also instituted flexible payment plan for customers
02:07:44.470 --> 02:07:46.990
who are struggling to pay their bills,
02:07:46.990 --> 02:07:50.060
suspension of requirements for deposits for re-establishment
02:07:50.060 --> 02:07:55.060
of service and a increased effort to market in outreach
02:07:56.220 --> 02:07:58.920
on the CARE/FERA programs.
02:07:58.920 --> 02:08:02.010
And while we don't have charts on the CARE/FERA programs
02:08:02.010 --> 02:08:03.880
in this presentation,
02:08:03.880 --> 02:08:07.510
I will note that since COVID-19 started and partially
02:08:07.510 --> 02:08:09.900
as the results of those outreach efforts.
02:08:09.900 --> 02:08:13.870
We've seen an increase of eight to 10%
02:08:13.870 --> 02:08:17.360
in total CARE/FERA participation over the timeframe
02:08:17.360 --> 02:08:18.350
since April.
02:08:18.350 --> 02:08:20.400
If we can move to the next slide, please.
02:08:22.280 --> 02:08:26.290
This slide shows the overall status of disconnect
02:08:26.290 --> 02:08:28.270
among the major utilities, there're actually all
02:08:28.270 --> 02:08:31.080
the electric and gas utilities in California.
02:08:31.080 --> 02:08:33.700
As you can see, with an exception, which I'll touch on
02:08:33.700 --> 02:08:35.980
in a second, Southern California Gas.
02:08:36.850 --> 02:08:39.120
There are actually no disconnected customers
02:08:39.120 --> 02:08:40.430
in California right now.
02:08:41.370 --> 02:08:44.870
That may seem like a number that is too good to be true.
02:08:46.444 --> 02:08:48.490
And I will explain why we are there
02:08:48.490 --> 02:08:49.790
and how that number works.
02:08:50.911 --> 02:08:54.490
The disconnection moratorium once that went in place,
02:08:54.490 --> 02:08:55.880
there were still a number of customers
02:08:55.880 --> 02:08:58.310
who had been disconnected prior to the moratorium
02:08:58.310 --> 02:08:59.460
or with the place.
02:08:59.460 --> 02:09:04.460
The Commission directed the utilities to aggressively work
02:09:05.450 --> 02:09:07.960
with customers that had been disconnected
02:09:07.960 --> 02:09:11.480
to reconnect them immediately with no requirement
02:09:11.480 --> 02:09:14.680
for additional deposits as required by the orders.
02:09:14.680 --> 02:09:18.010
And the utilities in response to that actually aggressively
02:09:18.010 --> 02:09:21.520
went out to all utilities who had been disconnected
02:09:21.520 --> 02:09:24.260
either through first phone calls
02:09:24.260 --> 02:09:26.740
and if they couldn't reach them through phone calls,
02:09:26.740 --> 02:09:30.860
through paying multiple personal visits to the customers
02:09:30.860 --> 02:09:31.980
to reconnect them.
02:09:32.820 --> 02:09:36.060
And so that is why all these customers got reconnected.
02:09:36.060 --> 02:09:39.130
There does come a time where the utility will mark
02:09:39.130 --> 02:09:42.390
a property or business down as abandoned.
02:09:42.390 --> 02:09:45.110
So at some point in time, customers at one point
02:09:45.110 --> 02:09:48.040
were disconnected would be taken off the list
02:09:48.040 --> 02:09:50.280
is disconnected even though they weren't reconnected
02:09:50.280 --> 02:09:52.470
because the property was determined abandoned.
02:09:52.470 --> 02:09:55.360
But that only occurs after multiple efforts to reach
02:09:55.360 --> 02:09:58.430
the customers and ensure that no one is still living
02:09:58.430 --> 02:09:59.530
in the property.
02:09:59.530 --> 02:10:04.530
The anomaly with SoCal gas is in large part that
02:10:04.570 --> 02:10:09.570
they don't remove the customers from the disconnection list
02:10:09.700 --> 02:10:12.290
that they report to us as quickly
02:10:12.290 --> 02:10:14.280
for being abandoned property.
02:10:14.280 --> 02:10:17.150
However, they also report that of
02:10:17.150 --> 02:10:21.410
the 53 residential customers and seven non-red,
02:10:21.410 --> 02:10:25.150
they've had multiple outreach efforts with them
02:10:25.150 --> 02:10:28.070
several customers are slated to be reconnected shortly.
02:10:29.050 --> 02:10:31.790
Approximately 20 customers will actually shortly be removed
02:10:31.790 --> 02:10:35.840
from the list after one more effort is made to determine
02:10:35.840 --> 02:10:37.830
if someone is living in the property.
02:10:37.830 --> 02:10:41.680
And approximately 10 customers can't be reconnected
02:10:41.680 --> 02:10:43.320
for health and safety reasons
02:10:43.320 --> 02:10:46.290
either there are other issues that are going on
02:10:46.290 --> 02:10:48.960
in their premises that need to be repaired first.
02:10:48.960 --> 02:10:53.490
That is the summary of my presentation
02:10:53.490 --> 02:10:54.920
and I can hand it over to Amy
02:10:54.920 --> 02:10:56.470
or I can address questions now.
02:10:58.030 --> 02:11:00.410
Lets first see if there are any questions
02:11:02.572 --> 02:11:04.650
for Deputy Executive Director Randolph
02:11:04.650 --> 02:11:06.150
before we move on to Amy.
02:11:07.710 --> 02:11:12.280
Yes Commissioner Guzman Aceves first.
02:11:12.280 --> 02:11:15.960
Thank you Ed, yeah I know I have to reach out to Ed
02:11:15.960 --> 02:11:18.160
seen the presentation.
02:11:18.160 --> 02:11:22.400
Seems a little too good to be true to see so many customers
02:11:22.400 --> 02:11:25.770
being connected virtually all I think that is,
02:11:26.950 --> 02:11:30.540
it's ironic when we started the disconnections proceeding.
02:11:30.540 --> 02:11:32.980
That was obviously the goal that many of us
02:11:32.980 --> 02:11:35.570
many of the folks advocating was
02:11:35.570 --> 02:11:38.750
that we would have zero disconnections in the state.
02:11:38.750 --> 02:11:43.320
And it's interesting to see that it's possible
02:11:43.320 --> 02:11:45.840
and how we could potentially maintain this.
02:11:47.120 --> 02:11:50.890
My question was actually related to the cost recovery.
02:11:50.890 --> 02:11:54.220
I think many of our just want to bring forward
02:11:54.220 --> 02:11:55.053
to the Commissioners.
02:11:55.053 --> 02:11:58.160
I know, in many of our decisions we don't get into
02:11:58.160 --> 02:12:00.390
a lot of the details when we get to vote on them
02:12:00.390 --> 02:12:05.390
but in the disconnections proceeding we allow the utilities
02:12:05.930 --> 02:12:09.180
to file a tier two advice letter requesting
02:12:11.570 --> 02:12:15.660
the cost from COVID to be transferred into
02:12:15.660 --> 02:12:18.920
what we authorized in that proceeding overarching
02:12:18.920 --> 02:12:21.390
two way balancing account from collectibles.
02:12:22.350 --> 02:12:27.280
And I'm mostly sharing that just as something that
02:12:28.928 --> 02:12:33.280
we hope to be able to track and really just seen
02:12:33.280 --> 02:12:38.280
Ed if you have any thoughts on concerns about that
02:12:38.780 --> 02:12:42.680
I know some other states have done the same allowing
02:12:42.680 --> 02:12:45.270
for two way balancing accounts
02:12:45.270 --> 02:12:49.220
or allowing for annual truing up.
02:12:49.220 --> 02:12:51.680
There's different approaches that different states
02:12:51.680 --> 02:12:55.580
are taking some are giving a much shorter timeframe
02:12:55.580 --> 02:12:59.790
for recovery so just wondering if you have
02:12:59.790 --> 02:13:02.870
any further thoughts on the cost recovery side of this.
02:13:04.660 --> 02:13:06.770
Thank you, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:13:08.000 --> 02:13:09.800
Just a couple observations on that.
02:13:09.800 --> 02:13:14.500
We have already begun tracking the costs related
02:13:14.500 --> 02:13:19.500
to unpaid bill since the beginning of the crisis.
02:13:19.570 --> 02:13:22.900
We actually tracked two different costs of utilities,
02:13:22.900 --> 02:13:24.380
provides us on a monthly basis
02:13:24.380 --> 02:13:27.080
and we keep them distinctly separate to cost recovery.
02:13:27.940 --> 02:13:29.830
Processes may be different for each,
02:13:29.830 --> 02:13:33.450
one is under collection that is resulting
02:13:33.450 --> 02:13:35.610
from decrease sales.
02:13:35.610 --> 02:13:38.740
And then the other is the amount of money
02:13:38.740 --> 02:13:41.680
that is in arrearages due to unpaid bills.
02:13:42.710 --> 02:13:46.370
And you are correct that your decision
02:13:46.370 --> 02:13:50.120
from several weeks ago actually changes the paradigm
02:13:50.120 --> 02:13:53.440
in which cost recovery would work for neither
02:13:53.440 --> 02:13:57.740
arrearage amounts and the utilities can start tracking them
02:13:57.740 --> 02:14:02.310
and two Way balancing accounts and seek cost recovery
02:14:02.310 --> 02:14:03.810
for the amounts in the future.
02:14:05.100 --> 02:14:08.360
What I'll note right now is even though we know
02:14:08.360 --> 02:14:11.999
the total number of the total dollar amount of
02:14:11.999 --> 02:14:16.900
the arrearages and that actually is marked confidential
02:14:16.900 --> 02:14:20.460
at the moment it's hard to do much analysis around it,
02:14:21.870 --> 02:14:26.860
because it is very there is no model or example
02:14:27.840 --> 02:14:32.250
for us to know how much of that will ultimately be repaid.
02:14:32.250 --> 02:14:35.010
As the economy comes back into place
02:14:36.340 --> 02:14:41.340
as the initial slide noted, there is new payment plans put
02:14:41.720 --> 02:14:44.760
into place to help people pay their bills
02:14:44.760 --> 02:14:46.340
if they can't afford them.
02:14:46.340 --> 02:14:49.870
And then decision the Commission approved several weeks ago
02:14:49.870 --> 02:14:52.300
with arrearage management program.
02:14:52.300 --> 02:14:55.270
We'll create different tools so it's very difficult
02:14:55.270 --> 02:15:00.000
to put a pinpoint on how much of the arrearage management
02:15:00.000 --> 02:15:02.500
will ultimately not be collected by the utilities.
02:15:04.760 --> 02:15:05.640
Yeah and then finally,
02:15:05.640 --> 02:15:08.300
I just wanted to share that I know Commissioner Shiroma
02:15:08.300 --> 02:15:10.180
is taking a lot of leadership on looking
02:15:10.180 --> 02:15:15.180
at bill reduction measures that can be done to alleviate
02:15:15.690 --> 02:15:19.900
as we discussed today we did another one on
02:15:19.900 --> 02:15:22.830
a particular set of folks in London the DAC GT,
02:15:22.830 --> 02:15:27.590
but there are I know many of us are participating
02:15:27.590 --> 02:15:31.490
with other states and Commissions and discussing whether
02:15:31.490 --> 02:15:33.470
what other states are doing.
02:15:33.470 --> 02:15:38.470
And so I hope that we can continue to have a few forums.
02:15:38.670 --> 02:15:40.930
Obviously, the disconnection proceeding is one
02:15:40.930 --> 02:15:44.190
but there are many other vehicles for us to effectuate
02:15:44.190 --> 02:15:47.870
some of these continued needs.
02:15:47.870 --> 02:15:49.700
And I just wonder if we should have maybe
02:15:49.700 --> 02:15:53.580
another touch point for Ed or somebody from his team
02:15:53.580 --> 02:15:56.400
to come back to us on that.
02:15:56.400 --> 02:15:58.980
You know, just this week, I learned of
02:15:58.980 --> 02:16:03.470
different approaches to debt relief that are taking place
02:16:03.470 --> 02:16:08.470
in not even as may I'll say complicated as the app
02:16:09.370 --> 02:16:13.250
in terms of utility Commission's and utilities
02:16:13.250 --> 02:16:15.920
just straight forgiving the debt without
02:16:15.920 --> 02:16:17.540
kind of those structure that we have,
02:16:17.540 --> 02:16:22.190
which is a kind of earnings of each bill
02:16:22.190 --> 02:16:23.690
that you pay on time.
02:16:23.690 --> 02:16:28.120
So there seems to be different things that states are doing.
02:16:28.120 --> 02:16:30.610
As I mentioned earlier today,
02:16:30.610 --> 02:16:34.020
some states have really expanded their PIPs and really,
02:16:35.190 --> 02:16:39.020
so I hope that we can, you know, look at what other states
02:16:39.020 --> 02:16:41.970
are doing and certainly have continued forums
02:16:41.970 --> 02:16:45.970
for us to discuss what other sort of alleviation
02:16:46.989 --> 02:16:49.370
we should be thinking of our customers,
02:16:49.370 --> 02:16:51.680
especially given that we have this opportunity
02:16:51.680 --> 02:16:53.570
with a moratorium.
02:16:53.570 --> 02:16:58.570
I know some of the unemployment checks you know,
02:16:59.402 --> 02:17:01.550
this is kind of the last of the subsidy
02:17:01.550 --> 02:17:04.250
unless Congress acts again, of course.
02:17:04.250 --> 02:17:07.000
So I think we're gonna start to see some
02:17:07.000 --> 02:17:10.980
more drastic impacts in the coming month or two.
02:17:10.980 --> 02:17:15.980
And being kind of at peace with that shift in loss of income
02:17:18.100 --> 02:17:21.010
is something that I'm concerned about and seeing
02:17:21.010 --> 02:17:23.850
if we can put more tools on the table.
02:17:25.310 --> 02:17:26.143
Thank you.
02:17:34.890 --> 02:17:35.870
Sorry, I was muted.
02:17:35.870 --> 02:17:36.740
Commissioner Shiroma.
02:17:36.740 --> 02:17:38.640
Thank you, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:17:39.890 --> 02:17:40.740
Yes, thank you.
02:17:43.858 --> 02:17:47.530
I wanna tag on to what Commissioner Guzman Aceves
02:17:47.530 --> 02:17:52.150
said in terms of future efforts to look at what else
02:17:52.150 --> 02:17:57.150
can be done with our utilities.
02:17:57.410 --> 02:18:01.250
We heard about afford ability and the various minimum wage
02:18:01.250 --> 02:18:05.690
and in a community metrics that we just voted out.
02:18:05.690 --> 02:18:08.980
I think it is so fortuitous that
02:18:08.980 --> 02:18:11.880
the disconnection proceeding was well underway
02:18:11.880 --> 02:18:14.360
and we voted that out last month,
02:18:14.360 --> 02:18:18.500
because the disconnections moratorium goes
02:18:18.500 --> 02:18:21.300
to April 2021 so far.
02:18:22.220 --> 02:18:24.640
In terms of helping our customers
02:18:24.640 --> 02:18:29.460
and the utilities reconcile repayment going forward,
02:18:29.460 --> 02:18:33.310
how is that done to assure that folks
02:18:33.310 --> 02:18:38.310
don't go completely underwater with bills
02:18:38.450 --> 02:18:41.170
that have just accrued and accrued and accrued
02:18:41.170 --> 02:18:44.990
where you can't even see light at the end of the tunnel
02:18:44.990 --> 02:18:47.200
for getting out of financial distress.
02:18:47.200 --> 02:18:50.140
So I think it'll be important for the Commission
02:18:50.140 --> 02:18:53.620
to continue to look at one of the ways
02:18:53.620 --> 02:18:57.210
where the forums you know, going forward in terms of
02:18:57.210 --> 02:19:01.440
having a dialogue amongst ourselves and also amongst
02:19:01.440 --> 02:19:04.840
the stakeholders in the utilities because the pandemic
02:19:04.840 --> 02:19:07.790
is not going away anytime soon.
02:19:07.790 --> 02:19:08.623
Thank you.
02:19:11.160 --> 02:19:13.620
Thank you, Commissioner there any other comments
02:19:13.620 --> 02:19:14.680
or questions of Ed?
02:19:15.650 --> 02:19:17.600
Or we then turn to okay.
02:19:17.600 --> 02:19:21.290
See now let's turn to Amy Chamarty
02:19:21.290 --> 02:19:24.620
who is the program manager for the consumer affairs branch.
02:19:24.620 --> 02:19:27.530
Who is going to give us an update on the COVID-19
02:19:27.530 --> 02:19:30.860
related consumer complaints received and resolved.
02:19:30.860 --> 02:19:32.473
02:19:32.473 --> 02:19:33.380
Good afternoon, Commissioners.
02:19:33.380 --> 02:19:34.750
Can you hear me okay?
02:19:34.750 --> 02:19:36.820
Yes we can thank you.
02:19:36.820 --> 02:19:39.300
Great, today I'll be presenting
02:19:39.300 --> 02:19:42.190
on the impact of COVID-19 on consumers.
02:19:42.190 --> 02:19:43.840
Can I have the next slide please?
02:19:47.340 --> 02:19:50.220
CAB handles complaints about communications, water
02:19:50.220 --> 02:19:51.930
and energy utilities.
02:19:51.930 --> 02:19:55.290
We also handle LifeLine participation appeal.
02:19:55.290 --> 02:19:58.810
We receive contacts mainly about communications
02:19:58.810 --> 02:20:00.110
and energy matters.
02:20:01.040 --> 02:20:03.860
You can see from this slide that
02:20:03.860 --> 02:20:07.310
we received very few water contacts.
02:20:07.310 --> 02:20:08.210
Next slide please.
02:20:12.480 --> 02:20:15.920
In mid-March, there were widespread shelter in place orders
02:20:15.920 --> 02:20:18.140
the CPUC thought to assist consumers
02:20:18.140 --> 02:20:19.490
by helping disconnections
02:20:19.490 --> 02:20:22.060
and temporarily suspending renewal requirements
02:20:22.060 --> 02:20:23.310
for assistance programs.
02:20:24.690 --> 02:20:25.523
Next slide.
02:20:29.580 --> 02:20:33.230
The main takeaway from our interactions with consumers
02:20:33.230 --> 02:20:36.000
is that they are very concerned about outages
02:20:36.000 --> 02:20:38.380
and maintaining service.
02:20:38.380 --> 02:20:40.750
So with the shelter in place orders,
02:20:40.750 --> 02:20:44.460
consumers have been at home.
02:20:44.460 --> 02:20:47.320
They have had to educate their children at home
02:20:47.320 --> 02:20:51.660
and so utility services are more important than ever.
02:20:51.660 --> 02:20:54.360
From March 15 to June 13,
02:20:54.360 --> 02:20:57.760
approximately 300 consumers contacted us
02:20:57.760 --> 02:21:01.510
about service outages or planned outages.
02:21:01.510 --> 02:21:06.350
The planned outages are specific to the electric utilities
02:21:07.660 --> 02:21:12.290
and another 300 consumers contacted us about disconnections
02:21:12.290 --> 02:21:13.920
or payment arrangements.
02:21:13.920 --> 02:21:16.170
And payment arrangements are of course,
02:21:16.170 --> 02:21:20.860
a method for the consumers to lower their monthly payment
02:21:20.860 --> 02:21:25.170
and pay their arrearage over a longer period of time.
02:21:26.730 --> 02:21:29.550
It's important that consumers have phone service
02:21:29.550 --> 02:21:33.120
in case of emergency and stay connected to family.
02:21:33.120 --> 02:21:35.670
For example, if you have elderly family,
02:21:35.670 --> 02:21:37.370
you may not be able to visit them.
02:21:38.910 --> 02:21:41.210
So you need to be able to contact them.
02:21:43.230 --> 02:21:46.420
And consumers were really upset about
02:21:46.420 --> 02:21:49.030
the planned power outages.
02:21:50.250 --> 02:21:53.380
Some outages lasted multiple days,
02:21:53.380 --> 02:21:57.890
meaning that their food spoiled especially elderly
02:21:57.890 --> 02:22:02.580
or immunocompromised consumers didn't feel safe
02:22:02.580 --> 02:22:04.060
going back out to the grocery store,
02:22:04.060 --> 02:22:06.540
they were really trying to limit their exposure.
02:22:06.540 --> 02:22:09.080
So these planned outages really caused a lot of stress
02:22:09.080 --> 02:22:09.913
for them.
02:22:10.870 --> 02:22:11.770
Next slide please.
02:22:14.780 --> 02:22:17.910
This chart shows the utilities that received
02:22:17.910 --> 02:22:19.060
the most complaints.
02:22:21.623 --> 02:22:24.950
I do wanna note that we do have updated numbers
02:22:24.950 --> 02:22:29.690
for this chart and since then, AT&T has actually exceeded
02:22:29.690 --> 02:22:32.550
Southern California Edison for the most complaints.
02:22:33.790 --> 02:22:38.660
And you can see that AT&T as well as Frontier
02:22:38.660 --> 02:22:42.610
received large amounts of service outage contacts
02:22:43.830 --> 02:22:47.110
and Edison received a disproportionate amount
02:22:47.110 --> 02:22:48.640
of planned outage contacts.
02:22:50.280 --> 02:22:51.180
Next slide please.
02:22:55.510 --> 02:22:58.080
CAB oversees the team and changes programs
02:22:58.080 --> 02:23:01.090
which support limited English proficient consumers
02:23:01.090 --> 02:23:03.310
that need help with their telecommunications
02:23:03.310 --> 02:23:04.560
and energy services.
02:23:05.600 --> 02:23:07.250
The support services are provided
02:23:07.250 --> 02:23:10.740
by community based organizations through community outreach,
02:23:10.740 --> 02:23:14.460
education sessions and individual case management.
02:23:14.460 --> 02:23:17.600
During the shelter in place, community based organizations
02:23:17.600 --> 02:23:19.860
had to close their offices,
02:23:19.860 --> 02:23:22.170
which reduce the number of services provided.
02:23:23.830 --> 02:23:25.500
The number of consumers provided
02:23:25.500 --> 02:23:29.300
with education services fell from about 5000 in March
02:23:29.300 --> 02:23:32.120
to about 1400 in April.
02:23:32.120 --> 02:23:37.120
The Team and Changes CBOs rely on in person events
02:23:37.700 --> 02:23:40.210
to provide education services,
02:23:40.210 --> 02:23:41.860
their clientele does not typically
02:23:41.860 --> 02:23:44.980
use web based presentation software.
02:23:46.530 --> 02:23:49.300
The Team and Changes clients rely heavily on bringing
02:23:49.300 --> 02:23:53.660
in bills and paperwork physically to the CBO offices
02:23:54.650 --> 02:23:59.650
and individual case assistance fell from about 740 consumers
02:24:00.150 --> 02:24:03.730
to just under 600 in April.
02:24:03.730 --> 02:24:07.400
The CBOs have really tried to work around this issue
02:24:07.400 --> 02:24:08.770
to the extent that they could
02:24:08.770 --> 02:24:10.820
but the number of services were impacted.
02:24:12.180 --> 02:24:13.130
Next slide, please.
02:24:16.840 --> 02:24:21.610
So the good news is that consumer protections are working.
02:24:21.610 --> 02:24:24.690
Our disconnection and payment arrangement contacts
02:24:24.690 --> 02:24:28.430
are down significantly compared to last year,
02:24:28.430 --> 02:24:31.190
from March 15 to June 13 of this year,
02:24:31.190 --> 02:24:34.860
we received about 300 contacts related to disconnections
02:24:34.860 --> 02:24:36.900
and payment arrangements.
02:24:36.900 --> 02:24:38.900
And last year, during that same period,
02:24:38.900 --> 02:24:41.910
we received more than 1000 consumer contacts related
02:24:41.910 --> 02:24:42.743
to these issues.
02:24:43.730 --> 02:24:47.180
The utilities have been extremely responsive
02:24:47.180 --> 02:24:50.510
to reconnection and payment arrangement requests.
02:24:50.510 --> 02:24:52.910
They've been flexible.
02:24:52.910 --> 02:24:55.260
They've been in constant communication with us.
02:24:56.500 --> 02:24:58.460
We have received the same feedback from
02:24:58.460 --> 02:25:00.220
the Team and Changes contractor
02:25:01.900 --> 02:25:05.740
and about 80% of disconnection and payment arrangement cases
02:25:05.740 --> 02:25:07.690
were resolved in favor of the consumer.
02:25:09.000 --> 02:25:09.900
Next slide please.
02:25:14.150 --> 02:25:18.040
So the good news is that our contacts related to COVID
02:25:18.040 --> 02:25:20.320
are trending down.
02:25:20.320 --> 02:25:23.160
I will note that since this chart was produced,
02:25:23.160 --> 02:25:27.210
the outage contacts have ticked up a little bit
02:25:27.210 --> 02:25:29.297
and I do believe that is related
02:25:29.297 --> 02:25:31.770
to AT&T service outage contacts.
02:25:34.160 --> 02:25:35.110
Next slide, please.
02:25:38.490 --> 02:25:40.420
We do have concerns about
02:25:40.420 --> 02:25:43.660
the disconnection moratoriums ending
02:25:44.640 --> 02:25:47.860
as well as the assistance program renewal.
02:25:50.200 --> 02:25:54.030
Once these moratoriums and we do expect a surge in cases
02:25:54.030 --> 02:25:55.530
including LifeLine appeal.
02:25:57.220 --> 02:25:59.490
We also anticipate increases in contacts
02:25:59.490 --> 02:26:03.220
when public safety power shut off to resume.
02:26:03.220 --> 02:26:05.640
Last year we received a significant amount
02:26:05.640 --> 02:26:07.660
of contacts related to PSPS
02:26:08.554 --> 02:26:09.850
and if shelter in place continues,
02:26:09.850 --> 02:26:12.090
we expect even more contacts from consumers
02:26:12.090 --> 02:26:12.960
about this issue.
02:26:14.660 --> 02:26:15.560
Next slide please.
02:26:18.780 --> 02:26:21.660
So during this crisis, we really have focused
02:26:21.660 --> 02:26:25.800
on helping consumers maintain service.
02:26:27.520 --> 02:26:29.730
CAB staff transition into working from home
02:26:29.730 --> 02:26:33.590
and we've been able to maintain our service levels
02:26:33.590 --> 02:26:36.520
and stay available to assist consumers.
02:26:37.430 --> 02:26:40.340
All disconnection and payment arrangement cases
02:26:40.340 --> 02:26:42.110
are being prioritized.
02:26:42.110 --> 02:26:45.050
Our staff and our management are in constant communication
02:26:45.050 --> 02:26:48.790
with the utilities as well as the consumers.
02:26:48.790 --> 02:26:52.130
As a management team we regularly talk about any cases
02:26:52.130 --> 02:26:53.480
that are not resolved.
02:26:54.990 --> 02:26:58.840
We've helped 84 customers get service reconnected
02:26:58.840 --> 02:27:01.550
and helped 89 consumers with payment arrangements.
02:27:02.980 --> 02:27:06.840
And I wanna note that although consumers contacted us
02:27:06.840 --> 02:27:09.860
about disconnection not all of them
02:27:09.860 --> 02:27:12.380
were actually disconnected at that time.
02:27:12.380 --> 02:27:14.370
Just a lot of consumers are really concerned
02:27:14.370 --> 02:27:17.360
that they would be disconnected and so it was our job
02:27:17.360 --> 02:27:20.610
to put them in contact with the utility and just reassure
02:27:20.610 --> 02:27:22.430
them that they're not being disconnected
02:27:22.430 --> 02:27:25.450
they will maintain service for as long as the moratoriums
02:27:25.450 --> 02:27:26.283
are in place.
02:27:27.810 --> 02:27:31.990
Right now we are focused on processing cases
02:27:31.990 --> 02:27:35.460
as quickly as possible and keeping our case load down.
02:27:36.360 --> 02:27:39.440
If there is a surge in cases we want to make sure
02:27:39.440 --> 02:27:40.890
that we're prepared for that.
02:27:42.030 --> 02:27:44.640
And CAB staff have done a great job supporting consumers
02:27:44.640 --> 02:27:46.490
and processing cases.
02:27:46.490 --> 02:27:49.270
Our analytical staff and our operation staff
02:27:49.270 --> 02:27:52.300
have been working together to make sure
02:27:52.300 --> 02:27:55.080
that we're serving consumers in the best way possible.
02:27:56.070 --> 02:28:00.650
And the industry divisions have been very active
02:28:00.650 --> 02:28:03.910
and engaged on the consumer cases.
02:28:03.910 --> 02:28:05.920
And they've been assisting us
02:28:05.920 --> 02:28:07.710
with resolving outstanding issues.
02:28:07.710 --> 02:28:09.220
They ask us a lot of questions.
02:28:09.220 --> 02:28:10.390
There's a lot of back and forth.
02:28:10.390 --> 02:28:11.990
So I've really appreciated that.
02:28:12.980 --> 02:28:13.930
Next slide, please.
02:28:16.970 --> 02:28:18.950
And let me know if you have any questions.
02:28:23.930 --> 02:28:25.270
You're on mute.
02:28:25.270 --> 02:28:28.060
Amy I really wanna thank you for the presentation
02:28:28.936 --> 02:28:32.650
I had and I also of course want to thank Ed as well
02:28:32.650 --> 02:28:35.770
I had asked that this be agendized
02:28:35.770 --> 02:28:37.300
because I thought it was so important
02:28:37.300 --> 02:28:40.550
that we collectively noted how
02:28:40.550 --> 02:28:45.050
we were dealing with disconnections and other outages,
02:28:45.940 --> 02:28:49.950
to out all of our regulatory responsibilities.
02:28:52.080 --> 02:28:56.530
So Amy, I really want to thank you and CAB you perform
02:28:56.530 --> 02:29:00.180
an incredible service you are I consider our frontline
02:29:01.660 --> 02:29:06.660
to the consumers and helping out the ratepayers
02:29:06.990 --> 02:29:10.060
and the consumers every day solving their issues,
02:29:10.060 --> 02:29:13.970
connecting them with the utilities and continuing to stay
02:29:13.970 --> 02:29:16.730
on the case is as it were,
02:29:16.730 --> 02:29:20.950
I just really appreciate how hard you all work.
02:29:20.950 --> 02:29:24.260
And and I want to congratulate the entire team.
02:29:24.260 --> 02:29:27.723
This has been a really important time during
02:29:27.723 --> 02:29:31.320
the COVID-19 emergency,
02:29:31.320 --> 02:29:35.920
it will continue to be and I know that working from home,
02:29:37.178 --> 02:29:40.800
as you all do and sheltering in place also been
02:29:40.800 --> 02:29:44.020
quite amazing how you all have not missed a beat.
02:29:44.020 --> 02:29:46.850
So thank you, Amy, for your leadership.
02:29:46.850 --> 02:29:50.100
And a special thanks to all of your team members.
02:29:50.100 --> 02:29:52.690
They've just worked tremendously.
02:29:52.690 --> 02:29:55.320
And I'd love to see an update if I may,
02:29:55.320 --> 02:29:56.620
on the utilities that received
02:29:56.620 --> 02:29:59.920
most COVID-19 related contacts by category.
02:29:59.920 --> 02:30:03.570
You mentioned that AT&T's complaints have surpassed
02:30:03.570 --> 02:30:06.980
those of Southern California Edison and I'd like to see
02:30:06.980 --> 02:30:10.580
an updated chart not, when you have the time,
02:30:10.580 --> 02:30:14.430
but I'd like to see that new some of that new information.
02:30:14.430 --> 02:30:17.540
So Amy, thank you, thank you, thank you very much,
02:30:17.540 --> 02:30:21.520
and all very useful information and thank the team.
02:30:21.520 --> 02:30:24.030
I'm going to now turn to my fellow Commissioners
02:30:24.030 --> 02:30:26.540
for comments and their thoughts.
02:30:26.540 --> 02:30:29.780
I think I saw Commissioner Rechtschaffen raise his hand.
02:30:33.080 --> 02:30:35.380
Yes, let me echo my thanks to Amy
02:30:35.380 --> 02:30:39.130
for all your fantastic work and the dedication commitment
02:30:39.130 --> 02:30:41.780
of CAB and more important than ever,
02:30:41.780 --> 02:30:43.920
they do such great work for us.
02:30:44.880 --> 02:30:49.880
I was disheartening to see your slide on Team and Changes.
02:30:50.830 --> 02:30:54.410
Of course it makes sense that they do most of the work
02:30:54.410 --> 02:30:56.970
at community meetings and gatherings.
02:30:57.870 --> 02:31:00.470
But the drop off is pretty dramatic.
02:31:00.470 --> 02:31:03.170
And those are the of course those are the CBOs
02:31:03.170 --> 02:31:05.230
that reach the most vulnerable
02:31:05.230 --> 02:31:08.230
and linguistically isolated communities.
02:31:08.230 --> 02:31:11.400
I'm wondering if there are other workarounds
02:31:11.400 --> 02:31:13.500
that we can suggest that you're suggesting
02:31:13.500 --> 02:31:14.430
that they could think about.
02:31:14.430 --> 02:31:18.030
You mentioned they're starting to try some work around
02:31:18.030 --> 02:31:22.547
but what else can we do to get encouraged
02:31:23.610 --> 02:31:26.950
to work our payment changes to continue to the direction
02:31:28.140 --> 02:31:29.930
where consumers really,
02:31:29.930 --> 02:31:33.040
we don't want people going to public spaces of course
02:31:33.040 --> 02:31:36.210
and we don't want them to go community meetings
02:31:36.210 --> 02:31:41.210
and other events where they're usually county's customers.
02:31:41.970 --> 02:31:43.570
What else are we thinking about?
02:31:45.130 --> 02:31:46.460
That's a great question.
02:31:46.460 --> 02:31:50.680
We have focused more money on outreach.
02:31:50.680 --> 02:31:53.710
So although consumers can't walk by the office
02:31:53.710 --> 02:31:57.740
or find out about the programs at a community event,
02:31:58.930 --> 02:32:01.490
we can make more media placements,
02:32:01.490 --> 02:32:04.440
so that they're aware of that the services
02:32:04.440 --> 02:32:05.690
are available to them.
02:32:07.601 --> 02:32:10.720
I think that the contractor feels pretty strongly
02:32:10.720 --> 02:32:15.720
that online forms of education may not be effective,
02:32:17.780 --> 02:32:21.910
but we're having regular conversations with them trying
02:32:21.910 --> 02:32:26.910
to think of ideas of how we can increase the services.
02:32:28.630 --> 02:32:30.420
But it is a challenge for us.
02:32:33.460 --> 02:32:38.460
Thanks yeah, I agree online is not gonna get too many of
02:32:39.950 --> 02:32:44.950
these communities that's just not tools that they use,
02:32:44.950 --> 02:32:49.950
I don't know PSAs or as in local media
02:32:50.431 --> 02:32:54.780
or different language media might help but anyway,
02:32:54.780 --> 02:32:57.970
I encourage you to continue brainstorming about it.
02:32:58.910 --> 02:32:59.820
Of course.
02:32:59.820 --> 02:33:01.270
Commissioner Shiroma thank you,
02:33:01.270 --> 02:33:02.130
Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
02:33:02.130 --> 02:33:03.180
Commissioner Shiroma.
02:33:04.260 --> 02:33:05.110
Yes, thank you.
02:33:06.080 --> 02:33:09.380
Amy this is such important information
02:33:09.380 --> 02:33:14.050
and I appreciate the efforts of the,
02:33:15.180 --> 02:33:19.370
of your team in being the interface with customers.
02:33:19.370 --> 02:33:22.690
Like any of us Commissioners from time to time received
02:33:22.690 --> 02:33:27.690
an inquiry from a customer with water, telco, energy,
02:33:29.890 --> 02:33:31.150
transportation so forth.
02:33:31.150 --> 02:33:36.150
And it's great that we can then provide that inquiry
02:33:37.250 --> 02:33:40.290
to your group to troubleshoot and to help out
02:33:40.290 --> 02:33:45.290
the customer navigate through the utility process.
02:33:46.050 --> 02:33:51.050
Now, we may have covered this but are you sharing
02:33:52.290 --> 02:33:55.260
the trends that you're seeing in your group
02:33:55.260 --> 02:33:59.296
with the utilities, you know, AT&T then I found the SMAP
02:33:59.296 --> 02:34:01.060
(indistinct) for it's on.
02:34:01.060 --> 02:34:04.680
Because it is insightful to say.
02:34:06.262 --> 02:34:09.190
What are the key things that we as a Commission
02:34:09.190 --> 02:34:11.500
are seeing from your customers?
02:34:14.560 --> 02:34:16.910
Yes, we have been actually
02:34:18.800 --> 02:34:21.350
one issue that's come up recently, of course,
02:34:23.150 --> 02:34:24.450
related to COVID
02:34:24.450 --> 02:34:29.450
but a lot of Spectrum consumers are contacting us.
02:34:30.280 --> 02:34:33.350
Spanish speaking consumers are contacting us
02:34:33.350 --> 02:34:35.370
because they think that our phone number
02:34:35.370 --> 02:34:37.950
is the utility's phone number.
02:34:37.950 --> 02:34:41.580
So that's something that we plan to discuss with Spectrum
02:34:41.580 --> 02:34:43.040
and just make sure their consumers
02:34:43.040 --> 02:34:45.160
have the right information.
02:34:46.240 --> 02:34:50.510
But yeah, anytime a consumer comes to us and they said,
02:34:50.510 --> 02:34:52.010
you know, we've been disconnected
02:34:52.010 --> 02:34:54.100
or I need a payment arrangement.
02:34:54.100 --> 02:34:59.100
We talked to the staff at the utilities
02:34:59.670 --> 02:35:02.270
and kind of identify those issues with them.
02:35:02.270 --> 02:35:06.140
It's a constant conversation but
02:35:07.542 --> 02:35:10.000
as well as with staff, you know, we have staff meetings
02:35:10.000 --> 02:35:12.600
and so we'll ask the reps, you know what kind of trends
02:35:12.600 --> 02:35:14.230
are you seeing we'll ask the analysts,
02:35:14.230 --> 02:35:15.800
what kind of trends you're seeing.
02:35:15.800 --> 02:35:18.570
And then we'll bring up those issues with the utilities.
02:35:19.680 --> 02:35:22.510
And then you know that the industry divisions within CPUC,
02:35:22.510 --> 02:35:27.060
they are looking at this data that you are providing, again,
02:35:27.060 --> 02:35:31.030
to see if there are areas of needed focus.
02:35:32.200 --> 02:35:33.033
Thank you.
02:35:33.033 --> 02:35:35.100
They are, they regularly asked me questions
02:35:35.100 --> 02:35:38.000
about cases they're extremely responsive.
02:35:38.000 --> 02:35:40.200
They've helped us in a couple of situations,
02:35:41.191 --> 02:35:43.191
get the issue resolved for the consumer.
02:35:49.280 --> 02:35:51.450
Yes, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:35:53.200 --> 02:35:56.700
Thank you, Amy and just to also reiterate,
02:35:56.700 --> 02:35:59.370
the tremendous work that all the CAB reps do
02:35:59.370 --> 02:36:03.330
and dealing most often with really frustrated people
02:36:03.330 --> 02:36:05.160
that are facing a hard situation
02:36:05.160 --> 02:36:09.550
so it's almost like social work I know it's very exhausting.
02:36:09.550 --> 02:36:13.130
And if you could just reiterate our appreciation
02:36:13.130 --> 02:36:15.860
for everything that they do every day.
02:36:18.015 --> 02:36:20.770
You know, a couple of months ago when this COVID
02:36:20.770 --> 02:36:24.290
first started a few months ago now.
02:36:24.290 --> 02:36:27.710
We have a customer call us from Salinas
02:36:27.710 --> 02:36:30.920
about his cell phone.
02:36:30.920 --> 02:36:35.920
And I just wonder and your folks helped them kind of work
02:36:36.330 --> 02:36:39.760
through that through multiple calls and then again,
02:36:39.760 --> 02:36:43.940
when the problem was, came back up like a month later,
02:36:43.940 --> 02:36:45.770
they really appreciate that.
02:36:45.770 --> 02:36:50.420
I wonder even if, anecdotally if you have a sense of,
02:36:50.420 --> 02:36:54.860
you know, I just feel like we have such great protections
02:36:54.860 --> 02:36:57.980
as I've mentioned, none of our electricity, gas customers
02:36:57.980 --> 02:36:59.170
are disconnected.
02:37:00.641 --> 02:37:02.180
And we certainly can't say that for
02:37:02.180 --> 02:37:04.300
the telco communication side.
02:37:04.300 --> 02:37:08.970
And I wonder what kind of response
02:37:08.970 --> 02:37:11.810
have you seen a change over the last few weeks?
02:37:11.810 --> 02:37:14.820
I don't know if the pledges some of their pledges
02:37:14.820 --> 02:37:17.800
may have expired President Batjer
02:37:17.800 --> 02:37:20.680
and I sent a letter requesting kind of an update
02:37:20.680 --> 02:37:23.920
on the status of their commitments during this time.
02:37:24.770 --> 02:37:28.320
It's all over the place and I wonder do you see
02:37:28.320 --> 02:37:33.160
a difference or are the companies still being responsive?
02:37:33.160 --> 02:37:34.470
Are they reconnecting people?
02:37:34.470 --> 02:37:38.180
Are they forgiving, late fees and getting people
02:37:38.180 --> 02:37:39.110
on payment plans?
02:37:39.110 --> 02:37:42.850
Or do you have any general sense on what
02:37:42.850 --> 02:37:46.680
what if any changes you've seen from the telco side?
02:37:49.430 --> 02:37:51.080
From the telco side,
02:37:53.220 --> 02:37:54.830
I'd have to look into the data more
02:37:54.830 --> 02:37:56.430
and get back to you on that one.
02:37:58.325 --> 02:38:00.040
But definitely, the energy utilities have been
02:38:00.040 --> 02:38:01.110
more flexible.
02:38:02.050 --> 02:38:06.790
They've reduced payment or extended them to great lengths
02:38:07.905 --> 02:38:10.700
and they've really gone above and beyond to reconnect people
02:38:10.700 --> 02:38:14.890
who were disconnected even before the moratorium.
02:38:16.656 --> 02:38:21.656
But the communications utilities most of the concerns about
02:38:22.020 --> 02:38:26.100
are about outages which you know,
02:38:26.100 --> 02:38:27.210
we've had a couple of cases where
02:38:27.210 --> 02:38:28.849
they've been very responsive
02:38:28.849 --> 02:38:32.800
they sent a crew out, they fix the issue right away.
02:38:39.870 --> 02:38:41.300
Okay, are there any other,
02:38:42.350 --> 02:38:44.740
any other questions or comments of Amy?
02:38:46.440 --> 02:38:47.273
02:38:48.142 --> 02:38:51.240
I don't have any questions but I just wanted
02:38:51.240 --> 02:38:55.310
to echo Commissioner Guzman Aceves thanks to CAB.
02:38:55.310 --> 02:38:57.630
That is a really, really hard job.
02:38:57.630 --> 02:39:02.300
And I know it's very much appreciated by consumers
02:39:02.300 --> 02:39:04.220
in the state that they have someone to call
02:39:04.220 --> 02:39:09.220
and ask these questions and you know get some assistance
02:39:09.970 --> 02:39:14.970
and get some help other than just from the utility.
02:39:16.400 --> 02:39:21.030
So I just wanna thank again the folks who are
02:39:21.030 --> 02:39:23.270
doing that work day in and day out.
02:39:23.270 --> 02:39:24.880
Thank you.
02:39:24.880 --> 02:39:25.713
Thank you.
02:39:27.880 --> 02:39:32.100
And again Amy, thank you so much for your terrific work
02:39:32.100 --> 02:39:33.790
and that of your team.
02:39:33.790 --> 02:39:37.290
As I said you all are on the front line for consumers
02:39:37.290 --> 02:39:39.250
and ratepayers and we so appreciate it.
02:39:39.250 --> 02:39:40.083
Thank you.
02:39:41.000 --> 02:39:42.140
Thank you.
02:39:42.140 --> 02:39:44.400
These are these are definitely difficult times
02:39:44.400 --> 02:39:47.340
and as we all know, the pandemic has altered our lives
02:39:47.340 --> 02:39:49.200
in so many ways.
02:39:49.200 --> 02:39:52.380
As people are trying to adjust to what we're calling
02:39:52.380 --> 02:39:57.260
this new normal and appreciate that the CPUC is making sure
02:39:57.260 --> 02:40:00.300
that residents are able to keep the lights on
02:40:00.300 --> 02:40:03.320
and more easily get access to the internet for work
02:40:03.320 --> 02:40:04.450
and for school.
02:40:04.450 --> 02:40:08.360
And we are committed to meeting our core responsibility
02:40:08.360 --> 02:40:11.410
of ensuring the safe delivery of our services
02:40:11.410 --> 02:40:16.410
the Californians so rely on to conduct their daily lives.
02:40:17.710 --> 02:40:20.390
And we would really again like to thank,
02:40:20.390 --> 02:40:22.580
I would like to thank my fellow Commissioners,
02:40:22.580 --> 02:40:26.530
thank all the CPUC staff for their dedication, hard work
02:40:26.530 --> 02:40:28.020
and carrying out our mission.
02:40:28.020 --> 02:40:30.520
These have been difficult times for all of us.
02:40:30.520 --> 02:40:33.780
And I really do appreciate how hard everyone is working
02:40:33.780 --> 02:40:36.870
and the adjustments they have made professionally
02:40:36.870 --> 02:40:38.120
and personally.
02:40:38.120 --> 02:40:40.020
Make sure we are carrying out our mission.
02:40:40.020 --> 02:40:44.340
So once again, our deep thanks.
02:40:44.340 --> 02:40:46.390
So thank you very much.
02:40:46.390 --> 02:40:49.820
We will now move on to the Commissioners report.
02:40:49.820 --> 02:40:52.870
And as I always say who would like to go first?
02:40:56.230 --> 02:40:57.980
Okay, Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:41:02.410 --> 02:41:04.180
Okay, thank you very much.
02:41:04.180 --> 02:41:05.990
Just two quick updates.
02:41:05.990 --> 02:41:09.340
One is just FYI next week,
02:41:09.340 --> 02:41:12.610
we will have the state's broadband council meeting,
02:41:12.610 --> 02:41:17.610
where we will continue to look at as the state agencies
02:41:17.730 --> 02:41:21.840
what we can do for collective response to this moment.
02:41:21.840 --> 02:41:25.140
So I will be updating you guys on that as
02:41:26.753 --> 02:41:29.010
the meeting takes place after.
02:41:29.010 --> 02:41:33.130
Also, I wanted to just recognize a retiree.
02:41:33.130 --> 02:41:38.130
I learned of Charlotte Turkers to retirement recently
02:41:40.820 --> 02:41:45.330
and I didn't know how long she'd worked at the Commission.
02:41:45.330 --> 02:41:48.610
So I asked Jonathan to check in with Helen Miscavige,
02:41:48.610 --> 02:41:51.600
who of course is the institutional no knows
02:41:51.600 --> 02:41:53.960
much of everyone's history here.
02:41:53.960 --> 02:41:57.320
And Helen said that when she got here,
02:41:57.320 --> 02:41:59.820
Charlotte was already in ALJ at the CPUC
02:41:59.820 --> 02:42:02.220
and that was back in 1986.
02:42:02.220 --> 02:42:05.640
So I still don't know, but I'm guessing is probably
02:42:06.610 --> 02:42:10.822
around 40 years that she's worked at the CPUC.
02:42:10.822 --> 02:42:12.890
02:42:12.890 --> 02:42:14.340
Interrupting you.
02:42:15.503 --> 02:42:16.710
Your're going to cover some of
02:42:16.710 --> 02:42:19.020
I'm gonna cover some of that shortly.
02:42:19.020 --> 02:42:22.860
Oh, and you'll see like, you will find out the mystery
02:42:22.860 --> 02:42:24.551
of when Charlotte started.
02:42:24.551 --> 02:42:25.800
02:42:25.800 --> 02:42:26.633
That's good well,
02:42:26.633 --> 02:42:30.190
I'm glad because I've learned a lot about all the work
02:42:30.190 --> 02:42:32.640
she's done and my advisors Julie,
02:42:33.600 --> 02:42:36.620
were the ones who said, you know,
02:42:36.620 --> 02:42:39.600
they have obviously worked with her and they just focus
02:42:39.600 --> 02:42:44.030
how hard working intelligent, friendly and generous
02:42:44.030 --> 02:42:46.570
she was always this good time.
02:42:46.570 --> 02:42:49.070
So I wanna thank Charlotte and I'm really glad to hear
02:42:49.070 --> 02:42:53.020
President Batjer that you'll be doing that as well for her,
02:42:53.020 --> 02:42:56.460
her service and her graceful service
02:42:56.460 --> 02:42:58.030
for the state of California.
02:42:59.051 --> 02:43:01.970
And I look, I hope you enjoy your retirement
02:43:01.970 --> 02:43:06.020
and as you much deserve it, thank you.
02:43:09.150 --> 02:43:12.360
Okay, thank you Commissioner Guzman Aceves.
02:43:12.360 --> 02:43:13.610
Yes Commissioner Shiroma.
02:43:15.200 --> 02:43:16.270
Thank you.
02:43:16.270 --> 02:43:19.750
Yes so as one of our public speakers
02:43:19.750 --> 02:43:21.420
Professor Bloom indicated,
02:43:22.910 --> 02:43:27.340
President Batjer and I attended a July 7 and 9
02:43:27.340 --> 02:43:30.560
Energy Commission workshop on microgrids.
02:43:30.560 --> 02:43:33.430
It's part of their series on their
02:43:33.430 --> 02:43:35.929
integrated energy policy report.
02:43:35.929 --> 02:43:38.550
The IEPR report, in this case.
02:43:39.620 --> 02:43:43.380
Their chapter on microgrids and I do want to thank
02:43:43.380 --> 02:43:48.380
Commissioner Junya Scott and also chair David Hokes
02:43:48.470 --> 02:43:53.470
for hosting us and our very own Jessica Tees
02:43:54.190 --> 02:43:57.560
for the microgrids team who is in the team
02:43:57.560 --> 02:44:01.650
provided an update on where we are at the CPUC.
02:44:02.871 --> 02:44:07.670
And as I mentioned before, we are into track two
02:44:07.670 --> 02:44:12.180
of the proceedings and we have an August 5 workshop
02:44:12.180 --> 02:44:15.570
coming up, all of this information for the viewing audience
02:44:15.570 --> 02:44:19.100
is on our website as far as how to participate
02:44:19.100 --> 02:44:23.450
and how to listen in on that workshop.
02:44:23.450 --> 02:44:26.660
Our assigned judge, Judge columnnism
02:44:27.780 --> 02:44:32.240
will be issuing a ruling soon with a track to staff proposal
02:44:32.240 --> 02:44:35.920
which will have all a lot of good information in there
02:44:37.080 --> 02:44:39.950
about this next step for the proceeding.
02:44:41.140 --> 02:44:46.140
And also just want to do another reminder that
02:44:46.580 --> 02:44:50.750
we will be doing a focus workshop on alternative
02:44:50.750 --> 02:44:53.530
to diesel backup generation right
02:44:53.530 --> 02:44:56.610
and that information will be forthcoming soon as far as
02:44:56.610 --> 02:45:01.610
exact date, time, how to log on, how to participate.
02:45:02.230 --> 02:45:07.117
Then I also want to share that on Friday, July 24
02:45:09.730 --> 02:45:11.040
we have our next phase of
02:45:11.040 --> 02:45:16.040
the wheelchair accessibility proceeding it's on track three.
02:45:17.390 --> 02:45:22.390
And it'll go into what's called TNC offset requirements
02:45:23.780 --> 02:45:26.740
is a transportation network company offset requirements,
02:45:26.740 --> 02:45:31.740
how to access or how the fun dispersements should look
02:45:33.260 --> 02:45:36.110
like going forward, reporting requirements and so forth.
02:45:36.110 --> 02:45:38.690
So that'll be on July 24.
02:45:39.900 --> 02:45:43.270
And gosh, I think that's it for me today.
02:45:43.270 --> 02:45:44.103
Thank you.
02:45:45.370 --> 02:45:47.530
You're always busy Commissioner Shiroma.
02:45:47.530 --> 02:45:48.900
Thank you so much.
02:45:48.900 --> 02:45:51.760
Next hey, Commissioner Rechtschaffen.
02:45:53.260 --> 02:45:56.740
Thank you, I although it seems like a long time ago,
02:45:56.740 --> 02:45:58.990
June 30, was not that long ago
02:45:58.990 --> 02:46:01.670
and I do wanna take a moment to call out
02:46:01.670 --> 02:46:04.240
the significant milestone that we passed
02:46:04.240 --> 02:46:07.160
when PG&E avert for bankruptcy.
02:46:07.160 --> 02:46:10.050
That of course was the date they were statutorily required
02:46:10.050 --> 02:46:13.780
to do so and they accomplished that by getting approval
02:46:13.780 --> 02:46:16.720
from the federal bankruptcy court for their plan
02:46:16.720 --> 02:46:19.440
of reorganization, which substantially mirrored
02:46:19.440 --> 02:46:22.850
the plan that we approved in May.
02:46:22.850 --> 02:46:25.890
So, PG&E is now out of bankruptcy,
02:46:25.890 --> 02:46:29.790
they made their contribution of nearly $5 billion
02:46:29.790 --> 02:46:32.450
from their shareholders to the state's wildfire
02:46:33.700 --> 02:46:36.700
fund established by AB 1054.
02:46:36.700 --> 02:46:39.450
They brought in a new slate of board members.
02:46:39.450 --> 02:46:44.380
They have new chief risk officer, new chief safety officer,
02:46:44.380 --> 02:46:47.940
taking steps to establish regional districts designed
02:46:47.940 --> 02:46:52.030
to bring those senior leadership closer to their customers,
02:46:52.030 --> 02:46:53.930
and so forth.
02:46:53.930 --> 02:46:58.030
So they're out and we should take a moment to call that out.
02:46:58.030 --> 02:47:00.570
As we said, when we approved the bankruptcy decision,
02:47:00.570 --> 02:47:04.140
this has been a long and difficult, challenging road.
02:47:04.140 --> 02:47:07.480
The outcome may not be perfect or one that everyone
02:47:07.480 --> 02:47:09.760
is the most satisfied for.
02:47:09.760 --> 02:47:14.240
But it does protect ratepayers and consumers and put PG&E
02:47:14.240 --> 02:47:17.690
on a path to becoming transformed in a safer
02:47:17.690 --> 02:47:21.090
and more reliable utility, which is the bottom line for us.
02:47:21.090 --> 02:47:23.990
So you should pause to recognize that
02:47:23.990 --> 02:47:26.190
and I wanna give another round of thanks
02:47:26.190 --> 02:47:27.920
to our legal division.
02:47:29.100 --> 02:47:31.960
Our please argument our chief counsel Jeff Driven side
02:47:31.960 --> 02:47:35.580
and Candace Morey, Ed Randolph and Michael Conklin
02:47:35.580 --> 02:47:36.710
from the energy division,
02:47:36.710 --> 02:47:39.960
Rachel Peterson and Elisa Malashenko from
02:47:39.960 --> 02:47:42.560
the statement Enforcement Division who was so critical
02:47:42.560 --> 02:47:44.580
in the legal proceedings.
02:47:44.580 --> 02:47:47.480
Along with our very capable outside counsel
02:47:47.480 --> 02:47:50.190
who represented us in bankruptcy court,
02:47:50.190 --> 02:47:53.500
they have always steps ahead they protected our interests,
02:47:53.500 --> 02:47:56.380
made sure that our climate policy and our other stakeholds
02:47:56.380 --> 02:47:59.830
were were addressed and so I'm very,
02:47:59.830 --> 02:48:03.480
very thankful that we're on the other side of June 30.
02:48:05.470 --> 02:48:09.370
Secondly, I wanna remark on something that I think
02:48:09.370 --> 02:48:11.750
we should continue to talk about going forward,
02:48:11.750 --> 02:48:16.440
which is one of the side benefits of COVID
02:48:17.870 --> 02:48:19.510
and hopefully that one that, alas, was that we've
02:48:19.510 --> 02:48:22.980
had more indifferent types of public participation.
02:48:23.870 --> 02:48:28.000
At our meetings, we're having more remote participation
02:48:28.000 --> 02:48:30.500
from the public comment via conference line
02:48:30.500 --> 02:48:31.660
at the voting meetings.
02:48:31.660 --> 02:48:34.500
I think we've had more than we've had before.
02:48:36.460 --> 02:48:38.910
Southern California Edison's generate case
02:48:38.910 --> 02:48:41.310
had a public participation hearing,
02:48:41.310 --> 02:48:42.670
chaired by Commissioner Shiroma,
02:48:42.670 --> 02:48:44.880
where there were over 500 people I think,
02:48:44.880 --> 02:48:46.880
that turned out for participation.
02:48:46.880 --> 02:48:51.490
We wanna build on these and other successes as we go forward
02:48:51.490 --> 02:48:54.990
and get back to normalcy whatever that is.
02:48:54.990 --> 02:48:55.870
And while we're talking
02:48:55.870 --> 02:48:58.350
about promoting public participation,
02:48:58.350 --> 02:49:03.350
I do wanna put a plug in for the public to know that
02:49:03.500 --> 02:49:06.360
you can participate electronically
02:49:06.360 --> 02:49:10.750
and submit written comments on any of our proceedings
02:49:10.750 --> 02:49:11.720
or our websites.
02:49:12.590 --> 02:49:14.100
There are instructions for doing this
02:49:14.100 --> 02:49:17.810
on our public advisors Office Web page
02:49:17.810 --> 02:49:21.220
or you can type in public comments in the search window
02:49:21.220 --> 02:49:22.120
on our website.
02:49:22.120 --> 02:49:24.620
The first step will be the instruction.
02:49:24.620 --> 02:49:26.970
It works we've tested it and we really are trying
02:49:26.970 --> 02:49:31.720
to encourage a broader range of participation make it easier
02:49:31.720 --> 02:49:35.630
for folks to participate in our processes this is one tool.
02:49:35.630 --> 02:49:38.290
I wanna give a shout out too, Thank you.
02:49:41.010 --> 02:49:43.380
And Commissioner Rechtschaffen thank you so much
02:49:43.380 --> 02:49:46.790
for mentioning that historic event.
02:49:46.790 --> 02:49:51.790
Not only our passage of the bankruptcy decision in May
02:49:53.400 --> 02:49:58.130
but Pacific Gas and Electric coming across the line June 30.
02:49:58.130 --> 02:50:03.130
We all it seemed anticlimactic that's so darn important.
02:50:03.160 --> 02:50:06.640
And I personally wanna thank you as my Begley team,
02:50:06.640 --> 02:50:11.640
partner in how hard you and your staff worked during
02:50:13.910 --> 02:50:17.240
the period of time that you and I were working,
02:50:17.240 --> 02:50:20.270
night and day, holidays, even on vacation
02:50:20.270 --> 02:50:22.700
when I was skiing a little bit in Innsbruck
02:50:23.960 --> 02:50:25.240
I just wanna thank you,
02:50:25.240 --> 02:50:29.340
I could not I was new to the Commission
02:50:29.340 --> 02:50:33.730
and we jumped right in and you've guided me and helped me
02:50:33.730 --> 02:50:36.540
and taught me and I wanna thank you personally
02:50:36.540 --> 02:50:39.280
and thank you for bringing it up because June 30
02:50:39.280 --> 02:50:41.740
seems like a century ago already.
02:50:41.740 --> 02:50:42.573
So thank you.
02:50:43.790 --> 02:50:44.890
Commissioner Randolph.
02:50:45.990 --> 02:50:48.550
I don't really have a report but I
02:50:48.550 --> 02:50:49.840
and I know President Batjer
02:50:49.840 --> 02:50:53.540
is gonna cover Charlotte's retirement but I just wanted to
02:50:53.540 --> 02:50:56.440
take a moment to say how much I enjoyed working with her
02:50:56.440 --> 02:51:00.990
as well she's always very knowledgeable and very pleasant
02:51:00.990 --> 02:51:05.990
to work with and has been a great asset to the Commission
02:51:06.080 --> 02:51:08.160
and we will miss her.
02:51:08.160 --> 02:51:10.940
Thank you, and that reminds me how much I miss seeing people
02:51:10.940 --> 02:51:12.390
in the halls of the building.
02:51:13.240 --> 02:51:14.510
Because there are so many people that
02:51:14.510 --> 02:51:18.370
you don't necessarily interact with on your proceedings
02:51:18.370 --> 02:51:21.300
but that you always enjoy saying hello to you.
02:51:21.300 --> 02:51:23.990
So I would take a moment to say how much I miss
02:51:23.990 --> 02:51:25.740
all of the folks at the Commission.
02:51:44.230 --> 02:51:46.490
Sorry, I didn't realize I was on mute.
02:51:46.490 --> 02:51:50.540
I wanna also echo how much I'm miss seeing people
02:51:50.540 --> 02:51:55.060
and being new to the Commission soon to be a year on.
02:51:55.060 --> 02:51:58.020
I always meeting people for the first time hearing
02:51:58.020 --> 02:52:00.840
their names and now I'm missing that terribly.
02:52:00.840 --> 02:52:05.360
So thank you for reminding all of us have those times
02:52:05.360 --> 02:52:09.910
when we if you learn so much just walking down the hall.
02:52:09.910 --> 02:52:14.280
And so thank you for mentioning that Commissioner Randolph
02:52:14.280 --> 02:52:16.790
And so I guess it's now my turn.
02:52:19.410 --> 02:52:21.460
Last month I informed you all that
02:52:21.460 --> 02:52:23.290
the Commission established
02:52:23.290 --> 02:52:25.740
the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion working group
02:52:25.740 --> 02:52:28.600
to be made up of staff from varying divisions
02:52:28.600 --> 02:52:32.110
in levels of the organization to advise the Commission
02:52:32.110 --> 02:52:35.580
on the organizational changes aim to achieve diversity,
02:52:35.580 --> 02:52:37.380
equity, inclusion as a cultural
02:52:37.380 --> 02:52:39.770
and institutional imperative
02:52:39.770 --> 02:52:41.160
there at the Commission.
02:52:41.160 --> 02:52:44.210
I will be announcing the members of the diversity Equity
02:52:44.210 --> 02:52:48.340
and Inclusion working group in the next couple of days.
02:52:50.990 --> 02:52:55.510
I've spoken to almost all of the invited participants
02:52:55.510 --> 02:52:58.790
to the working group and I'm thrilled about their excitement
02:52:58.790 --> 02:53:03.650
to be part of this group and the energy and thinking
02:53:03.650 --> 02:53:07.440
they will bring to the table and their experience
02:53:07.440 --> 02:53:09.850
their collective experience here at the PUC
02:53:09.850 --> 02:53:13.960
as well as their personal experience in their lives.
02:53:13.960 --> 02:53:16.030
The Commissioners and I are committed to ensuring
02:53:16.030 --> 02:53:20.640
this organization is workplace where the values
02:53:22.007 --> 02:53:24.630
are values of diversity and inclusion, equity,
02:53:24.630 --> 02:53:26.750
permeate excuse me,
02:53:26.750 --> 02:53:30.060
through our entire culture and our practices.
02:53:30.060 --> 02:53:33.110
It creates where people are respected as individuals,
02:53:33.110 --> 02:53:36.030
their ideas, their perspectives are heard
02:53:36.030 --> 02:53:38.020
and their work at the Commission and contributions
02:53:38.020 --> 02:53:40.670
to California are indeed valued.
02:53:40.670 --> 02:53:44.980
We know that real lasting change will take time
02:53:44.980 --> 02:53:46.720
and is an ongoing effort.
02:53:46.720 --> 02:53:51.000
But I am excited for these well overdue
02:53:51.000 --> 02:53:53.720
and important initiatives and activities
02:53:53.720 --> 02:53:56.870
and I'm hoping that our first meeting of the working group,
02:53:58.066 --> 02:54:01.120
if we can get it, get everyone's scheduled together.
02:54:01.120 --> 02:54:03.040
We'll be indeed next week.
02:54:03.040 --> 02:54:08.040
So I thank all of you for your help with forming
02:54:08.340 --> 02:54:12.180
the group, the working group and much to be done.
02:54:13.110 --> 02:54:16.070
So as Commissioner Shiroma said last week,
02:54:16.070 --> 02:54:19.310
she and I attended the California Energy Commission, IPER
02:54:20.584 --> 02:54:23.570
at microgrid workshop.
02:54:23.570 --> 02:54:25.860
The workshop was incredibly educational and very,
02:54:25.860 --> 02:54:26.870
very helpful to me.
02:54:26.870 --> 02:54:28.870
I really appreciated the dialogue
02:54:28.870 --> 02:54:32.720
really appreciated learning of some of the commercialization
02:54:32.720 --> 02:54:34.500
of the microgrids.
02:54:34.500 --> 02:54:38.450
Unfortunately had to miss some of the workshop that was able
02:54:38.450 --> 02:54:40.480
to review the slides.
02:54:40.480 --> 02:54:45.240
And really thank the Energy Commission Vice Chair Scott
02:54:45.240 --> 02:54:48.850
and and for all of the work and putting together
02:54:48.850 --> 02:54:52.610
such an excellent workshop.
02:54:52.610 --> 02:54:55.280
And I know we'll be taking this all into account
02:54:55.280 --> 02:54:58.740
as we ramp up for phase two of the microgrids
02:54:58.740 --> 02:55:00.830
and resiliency proceeding.
02:55:00.830 --> 02:55:04.390
And as we think through a larger question around the grid,
02:55:04.390 --> 02:55:06.340
modernization and system planning.
02:55:06.340 --> 02:55:10.040
So that was excellent and I so enjoyed your participation
02:55:10.040 --> 02:55:11.770
as well Commissioner Shiroma.
02:55:13.450 --> 02:55:16.910
I would also now like to take a moment to say a few words
02:55:16.910 --> 02:55:20.270
about one of our outstanding colleagues, Lee Palmer,
02:55:20.270 --> 02:55:23.400
the director of the safety Enforcement Division,
02:55:23.400 --> 02:55:25.460
here at the CPUC.
02:55:25.460 --> 02:55:29.550
As my Commissioner colleagues are aware,
02:55:29.550 --> 02:55:32.120
along with leading SED,
02:55:32.120 --> 02:55:35.740
Lee also served in the California National Guard
02:55:35.740 --> 02:55:38.360
is a lieutenant colonel and commands
02:55:38.360 --> 02:55:41.030
the 40th brigade Support Battalion
02:55:41.030 --> 02:55:43.630
a battalion of 700 soldiers.
02:55:43.630 --> 02:55:48.500
In April as the COVID-19 virus began to impact Los Angeles.
02:55:48.500 --> 02:55:52.630
Governor Newsom activated the California National Guard
02:55:52.630 --> 02:55:55.560
and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti requested
02:55:55.560 --> 02:55:57.050
its presence there.
02:55:57.050 --> 02:56:00.440
Lieutenant Colonel Palmer and his battalion were deployed
02:56:00.440 --> 02:56:02.650
to Los Angeles, where they provided assistance
02:56:02.650 --> 02:56:06.920
to emergency responders, nursing homes
02:56:06.920 --> 02:56:10.460
and other essential workers on the front lines.
02:56:10.460 --> 02:56:13.430
Lee and the 700 soldiers under his command were
02:56:13.430 --> 02:56:16.510
in Los Angeles for over a month away from their families,
02:56:16.510 --> 02:56:20.190
their communities and their jobs and reforming the duties
02:56:20.190 --> 02:56:23.860
requested of them by our state and local leaders.
02:56:23.860 --> 02:56:26.880
Additionally, Lee and his battalion were further called upon
02:56:26.880 --> 02:56:30.270
at the City of Los Angeles to ensure the safety of life
02:56:30.270 --> 02:56:32.930
and to protect the ability of Californians
02:56:32.930 --> 02:56:36.370
to peacefully demonstrate in pursuit of social equality
02:56:36.370 --> 02:56:37.650
and justice.
02:56:37.650 --> 02:56:40.660
I would like to thank Lee for his service that he performs
02:56:40.660 --> 02:56:45.340
on behalf of California imposes jobs leading SED
02:56:45.340 --> 02:56:48.610
and as Lieutenant Colonel Palmer.
02:56:48.610 --> 02:56:51.890
I deeply appreciate Lee's commitment and the sacrifices
02:56:51.890 --> 02:56:52.730
he has made.
02:56:52.730 --> 02:56:54.290
Thank you Lee, very, very much.
02:56:55.980 --> 02:56:59.660
Talking about Lee, gives me an additional opportunity
02:56:59.660 --> 02:57:02.030
to talk about Charlotte.
02:57:02.030 --> 02:57:06.330
A long time CUPC employee already mentioned by
02:57:06.330 --> 02:57:08.410
two of my Commissioners today.
02:57:10.579 --> 02:57:13.923
She retired as of June 30, drumroll.
02:57:13.923 --> 02:57:14.756
02:57:14.756 --> 02:57:16.980
Since 2014, Charlotte led
02:57:16.980 --> 02:57:19.870
the electric safety and reliability branch in SED.
02:57:20.944 --> 02:57:23.490
Because of her deep experience with SED,
02:57:23.490 --> 02:57:27.260
Lee tapped her to provide critical support and leadership
02:57:27.260 --> 02:57:29.370
during his National Guard deployment.
02:57:29.370 --> 02:57:32.990
But long before that, Charlotte had already proved herself
02:57:32.990 --> 02:57:36.570
to be one of those invaluable employees,
02:57:36.570 --> 02:57:39.350
who was an asset in a number of different jobs
02:57:39.350 --> 02:57:41.020
as the Commission.
02:57:41.020 --> 02:57:45.940
Charlotte first came to the Commission in 1980.
02:57:46.970 --> 02:57:50.440
After earning a master's degree in Electrical Engineering
02:57:50.440 --> 02:57:52.460
at the University of Illinois.
02:57:52.460 --> 02:57:54.400
She started in the energy division
02:57:54.400 --> 02:57:56.740
and was a staff witness testifying
02:57:56.740 --> 02:57:59.050
about the first commercial wind energy project
02:57:59.050 --> 02:58:00.600
in California.
02:58:00.600 --> 02:58:04.190
Charlotte served as an advisor for Commissioner Vic Calvo
02:58:04.190 --> 02:58:07.730
during the first Governor Brown administration.
02:58:07.730 --> 02:58:10.800
She served more recently as Chief of Staff
02:58:10.800 --> 02:58:14.490
for Commissioner Mark Theron and then Interim Chief of Staff
02:58:14.490 --> 02:58:16.540
for Commissioner Michael Picker,
02:58:16.540 --> 02:58:19.460
both during the second Brown administration,
02:58:19.460 --> 02:58:23.060
so she belongs to the rarefied group of people who served
02:58:23.060 --> 02:58:27.680
at the CPUC under both the first and second administration
02:58:27.680 --> 02:58:29.690
of Governor Jerry Brown.
02:58:29.690 --> 02:58:33.250
Charlotte also was an Administrative Law Judge
02:58:33.250 --> 02:58:36.770
and an assistant chief ALJ at the Commission.
02:58:36.770 --> 02:58:39.880
She handled primarily communications, electricity
02:58:39.880 --> 02:58:44.880
and transmission cases and help develop joint CPUC
02:58:45.740 --> 02:58:48.340
and California Energy Commission recommendations
02:58:48.340 --> 02:58:50.870
regarding our CAB and trade program
02:58:50.870 --> 02:58:53.050
for greenhouse gas emissions.
02:58:53.050 --> 02:58:57.070
She also serves in Assistant Chief ALJ for several years,
02:58:57.070 --> 02:59:00.450
Charlotte, from all of us at the CUPC.
02:59:00.450 --> 02:59:02.730
I wish you the best in your retirement
02:59:02.730 --> 02:59:07.390
and thank you for your years of service to the people
02:59:07.390 --> 02:59:08.740
of the state of California.
02:59:10.650 --> 02:59:13.040
Thank you, thank you.
02:59:13.040 --> 02:59:14.780
Thank you so much Charlotte.
02:59:14.780 --> 02:59:17.630
Come visit when we're all back together again.
02:59:18.700 --> 02:59:23.040
So I now want to turn to an another announcement.
02:59:23.040 --> 02:59:27.280
Very exciting announcement long incoming
02:59:27.280 --> 02:59:32.280
and that is a big CPUC welcome to Kenneth Holbrook.
02:59:33.320 --> 02:59:36.150
Kenneth was appointed by Governor Newsom
02:59:36.150 --> 02:59:40.350
as our new tribal advisor and was sworn in last week
02:59:40.350 --> 02:59:44.060
by Commissioner Guzman Aceves and myself.
02:59:44.060 --> 02:59:46.090
It was a lovely ceremony.
02:59:47.560 --> 02:59:51.170
Ken will help us strengthen our engagement with tribes
02:59:51.170 --> 02:59:55.050
and ensure that their interests are represented in our work
02:59:55.050 --> 02:59:58.330
and served as president of the native forest Resources Inc
02:59:58.330 --> 03:00:01.790
since 2019 was the executive director of
03:00:01.790 --> 03:00:06.410
the Maidu Summit Consortium from 2012 to 2019.
03:00:06.410 --> 03:00:10.430
He's the founding member and vice president of Tasman.
03:00:10.430 --> 03:00:12.370
Sorry, Martha, you're going to help me pronounce
03:00:12.370 --> 03:00:13.870
it correctly.
03:00:13.870 --> 03:00:14.900
03:00:14.900 --> 03:00:17.020
Can you repronounce that soundation.
03:00:17.020 --> 03:00:20.090
Tasmam, Tasman (indistinct)
03:00:20.090 --> 03:00:22.210
Thank you so much and served
03:00:22.210 --> 03:00:23.660
as a chief information officer
03:00:23.660 --> 03:00:27.300
and director of the board of Native Land Trust Council.
03:00:28.270 --> 03:00:31.790
So thank you and welcome big welcome to Ken
03:00:31.790 --> 03:00:33.740
we so look forward to working with you.
03:00:36.060 --> 03:00:40.420
So with that, my management excuse me,
03:00:40.420 --> 03:00:43.730
my Commission report is in finalized.
03:00:46.240 --> 03:00:48.620
So I if there's nothing else
03:00:55.550 --> 03:00:57.870
Oh, I am so sorry you know what?
03:00:57.870 --> 03:01:00.900
I skipped two important people that also wanted to make
03:01:00.900 --> 03:01:02.200
some comments on Charlotte.
03:01:02.200 --> 03:01:04.950
So Eric, please.
03:01:04.950 --> 03:01:07.760
General Counsel, would you like to say a few words?
03:01:09.240 --> 03:01:13.920
Sure thank you, President Batjer and I know
03:01:13.920 --> 03:01:15.010
the meetings going long,
03:01:15.010 --> 03:01:17.020
so I'll try to be quick.
03:01:17.020 --> 03:01:22.020
But I just really wanted to stress how,
03:01:23.400 --> 03:01:27.440
what to such a not only a wonderful person, Charlotte,
03:01:27.440 --> 03:01:30.930
is that people have already commented on.
03:01:30.930 --> 03:01:34.220
But she really represents the best of what public service
03:01:34.220 --> 03:01:35.120
is all about.
03:01:36.370 --> 03:01:41.370
And she served in many different capacities
03:01:42.200 --> 03:01:45.760
at the Commission and you've kind of went
03:01:45.760 --> 03:01:47.930
through her experience there.
03:01:47.930 --> 03:01:50.430
And I had the pleasure of interacting with her
03:01:50.430 --> 03:01:52.710
in those various roles over the years.
03:01:54.560 --> 03:01:59.560
And she was just an incredible partner in
03:02:03.763 --> 03:02:05.840
the regulatory work of the Commission.
03:02:05.840 --> 03:02:09.290
She you know, worked hard she was conscientious
03:02:09.290 --> 03:02:12.730
she had tremendous expertise
03:02:12.730 --> 03:02:16.140
and was always calm during the storm
03:02:16.140 --> 03:02:18.920
and had a lot of has a lot of grace.
03:02:20.590 --> 03:02:24.250
But she also was able to be firm
03:02:24.250 --> 03:02:26.140
and her positions on things.
03:02:28.250 --> 03:02:32.190
And I think these retirements that are happening
03:02:32.190 --> 03:02:37.190
under COVID-19 are challenging because
03:02:38.600 --> 03:02:41.400
we can't really set people the way
03:02:41.400 --> 03:02:46.130
we would like and there's been several retirements
03:02:46.130 --> 03:02:51.130
and there's some coming of some other long term employees
03:02:51.620 --> 03:02:55.880
of the PUC who've really contributed greatly
03:02:55.880 --> 03:03:00.880
to our institution and we did do a retirement set
03:03:02.630 --> 03:03:07.010
for Charlotte and it was a virtual one
03:03:07.010 --> 03:03:09.150
with a lot of participants including
03:03:10.720 --> 03:03:14.980
former Commissioner Mark Ferran and it was a lot of fun.
03:03:16.490 --> 03:03:18.870
Not quite as good as being able to do it in person
03:03:18.870 --> 03:03:23.830
but it still was a great way to honor Charlotte.
03:03:23.830 --> 03:03:28.820
So anyway, that was it.
03:03:28.820 --> 03:03:33.070
I just wanted to recognize her for years of public service
03:03:33.070 --> 03:03:36.390
and she will definitely be missed here at the Commission.
03:03:37.660 --> 03:03:42.340
Thank you very Eric now turn to Anne Simon chief ALJ.
03:03:43.870 --> 03:03:46.010
Thank you, President Batjer.
03:03:46.010 --> 03:03:48.250
Charlotte Turkers was one of the first friends
03:03:48.250 --> 03:03:50.800
I made when I came to the Commission.
03:03:52.510 --> 03:03:53.680
I was new to the Commission.
03:03:53.680 --> 03:03:57.170
She was returning to the Commission from a few years
03:03:57.170 --> 03:04:00.630
in the Midwest serving on the at
03:04:00.630 --> 03:04:05.630
the Missouri Public Utilities Commission in Illinois.
03:04:05.980 --> 03:04:08.450
And she then came back to our Commission
03:04:08.450 --> 03:04:10.150
and and she and I found ourselves
03:04:10.150 --> 03:04:15.150
in the same windowless room in HR filling out forms
03:04:15.160 --> 03:04:19.690
on the same day and kind of struck up a friendship
03:04:19.690 --> 03:04:24.370
which has been very valuable to me ever since.
03:04:27.130 --> 03:04:29.810
What I would like to say about Charlotte at work
03:04:31.230 --> 03:04:33.860
is that she brought her A game every day.
03:04:35.050 --> 03:04:39.950
And that example of seriousness
03:04:40.950 --> 03:04:45.950
and kind of direct involvement with the work
03:04:45.990 --> 03:04:50.840
all the time was an inspiration to everyone around her
03:04:50.840 --> 03:04:53.950
and serves to help make everyone who worked
03:04:53.950 --> 03:04:55.940
with her work better.
03:04:55.940 --> 03:05:00.290
And I will miss her at work
03:05:00.290 --> 03:05:02.550
and wish her the best in retirement.
03:05:15.750 --> 03:05:17.700
There we go, thank you.
03:05:17.700 --> 03:05:20.500
Thank you very much Anne that was inspiring.
03:05:20.500 --> 03:05:21.840
Thank you.
03:05:21.840 --> 03:05:26.120
So if there is no other comment that finishes
03:05:26.120 --> 03:05:30.170
our Commissioner reports and this public meeting
03:05:30.170 --> 03:05:31.470
is now adjourned.
03:05:31.470 --> 03:05:33.260
Thank you all very much.
03:05:33.260 --> 03:05:35.620
You need to log off your computers and dial into
03:05:35.620 --> 03:05:38.700
the WebEx event for the closed session on legal matters.
03:05:39.770 --> 03:05:40.680
Thank you all.