00:00:11.923 --> 00:00:13.243
All right. Good morning.
00:00:13.243 --> 00:00:15.950
This meeting of the Railroad
Commission of Texas
00:00:15.950 --> 00:00:17.910
will come to order to consider matters,
00:00:17.910 --> 00:00:20.590
which have been duly posted
with the Secretary of State for
00:00:20.590 --> 00:00:23.190
September 14th, 2021.
00:00:23.190 --> 00:00:25.330
Under a public participation policy,
00:00:25.330 --> 00:00:29.190
anyone desiring to offer public
testimony on any items that
00:00:29.190 --> 00:00:32.240
are not noticed on today's
agenda was required to register
00:00:32.240 --> 00:00:33.520
in advance.
00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:35.800
We've had several people
registering in advance.
00:00:35.800 --> 00:00:37.953
The Commissioner
considers items on the agenda
00:00:37.953 --> 00:00:40.350
as posted on the agenda.
00:00:40.350 --> 00:00:42.070
Number one. Good morning, John.
00:00:42.070 --> 00:00:43.860
Good morning, Chairman
and Commissioners.
00:00:43.860 --> 00:00:44.840
Good morning.
00:00:44.840 --> 00:00:46.460
I'm Administrative
Law Judge John Dodson
00:00:46.460 --> 00:00:47.640
with the Hearings division.
00:00:47.640 --> 00:00:50.643
Agenda item one, GUD 10606
00:00:50.643 --> 00:00:53.210
was presented most
recently at the previous
00:00:53.210 --> 00:00:54.620
conference and was passed.
00:00:54.620 --> 00:00:57.050
I remain available for
questions if there are any.
00:00:57.050 --> 00:00:57.883
Thank you.
00:00:57.883 --> 00:00:58.950
Are there any questions of John?
00:00:58.950 --> 00:01:01.140
And we also have representatives from
00:01:01.140 --> 00:01:05.270
SINOC and Williamson
Mockingbird here available for
00:01:05.270 --> 00:01:06.273
questions as well.
00:01:07.979 --> 00:01:10.713
Have any questions of
any of those three people?
00:01:10.713 --> 00:01:11.840
I have none.
00:01:11.840 --> 00:01:12.673
00:01:12.673 --> 00:01:14.850
If not, Madam Chairman, Commissioners,
00:01:14.850 --> 00:01:16.720
our last open meeting on August 24th,
00:01:16.720 --> 00:01:19.975
I distributed an alternative
final order in this case,
00:01:19.975 --> 00:01:22.533
and I have four copies.
If anybody needs it.
00:01:22.533 --> 00:01:24.910
Now, that you've had
time to review that order,
00:01:24.910 --> 00:01:27.580
I would like to answer
any questions you have.
00:01:27.580 --> 00:01:29.973
Are there any questions regarding this?
00:01:30.910 --> 00:01:32.141
I have none.
00:01:32.141 --> 00:01:34.110
If there are no
questions, I'd like to make a
00:01:34.110 --> 00:01:36.800
motion adopting that final order.
00:01:36.800 --> 00:01:38.160
Based on the evidence in the record,
00:01:38.160 --> 00:01:40.530
I respectfully disagree
with some of the findings of
00:01:40.530 --> 00:01:43.960
fact and conclusions of law
contained in the final order,
00:01:43.960 --> 00:01:46.780
presented with the
proposal for decision by the
00:01:46.780 --> 00:01:48.480
Administrative Law Judge.
00:01:48.480 --> 00:01:51.080
I moved to substitute
the final order proposed
00:01:51.080 --> 00:01:52.630
by the Administrative Law Judge
00:01:54.027 --> 00:01:56.270
with the final order I distributed
to the Commissioners at
00:01:56.270 --> 00:01:58.938
the Commissioners' open
meeting on August 24th.
00:01:58.938 --> 00:02:02.921
I further move that the
Commission adopt that final order as
00:02:02.921 --> 00:02:04.583
00:02:05.775 --> 00:02:08.810
Are there
any discussions?
00:02:08.810 --> 00:02:09.743
I second that.
00:02:10.850 --> 00:02:12.262
All in favor, say aye.
00:02:12.262 --> 00:02:13.095
00:02:13.095 --> 00:02:13.928
00:02:13.928 --> 00:02:15.483
Motion passes, that aye is approved.
00:02:16.960 --> 00:02:18.910
Thank you, John, for your work on this.
00:02:20.070 --> 00:02:20.903
All right.
00:02:20.903 --> 00:02:22.443
Item number two.
00:02:24.719 --> 00:02:27.790
Good morning,
Chairman, Commissioners.
00:02:27.790 --> 00:02:29.930
My name is Peter Buva,
Technical Examiner,
00:02:29.930 --> 00:02:31.369
with the Hearings division.
00:02:31.369 --> 00:02:34.060
Item number two, is the application of
00:02:34.060 --> 00:02:36.210
Overflow Energy Permian, LLC.
00:02:36.210 --> 00:02:39.640
Pursuant to Statewide
Rule 46, to inject fluid into
00:02:39.640 --> 00:02:41.835
a formation productive of boiler gas
00:02:41.835 --> 00:02:45.042
for the Valkyrie SWD
lease, well number one,
00:02:45.042 --> 00:02:48.943
Sandbar (Bone Spring)
Field in Reeves County, Texas.
00:02:49.931 --> 00:02:53.050
The application is protested
by NGL Water Solutions,
00:02:53.050 --> 00:02:55.010
Permian, LLC.
00:02:55.010 --> 00:02:57.730
NGL contends that the
proposed injection well is not
00:02:57.730 --> 00:03:00.370
in the public interest and yellows or
00:03:00.370 --> 00:03:03.276
expressed concerns that
the proposed Valkyrie SWD
00:03:03.276 --> 00:03:06.070
will endanger it's
seven fresh water wells.
00:03:06.070 --> 00:03:07.970
All within four and a half mile radius
00:03:07.970 --> 00:03:09.153
from the proposed well.
00:03:11.040 --> 00:03:14.280
Overflow protest presented
evidence addressing each of the
00:03:14.280 --> 00:03:17.726
requirements in Statewide
Rule 46 regarding protestants
00:03:17.726 --> 00:03:20.570
claims about the
lack of public interest.
00:03:20.570 --> 00:03:23.380
The examiners find that
overflow provided evidence in
00:03:23.380 --> 00:03:27.060
support of the industry
need for the proposed well.
00:03:27.060 --> 00:03:29.916
NGL's claim, that the
protestants own operations are
00:03:29.916 --> 00:03:32.570
sufficient to address the industry need.
00:03:32.570 --> 00:03:33.403
To the exclusion of
00:03:33.403 --> 00:03:35.983
other disposable operators
in the particular area.
00:03:35.983 --> 00:03:38.840
It's not an argument in
favor of the public interest,
00:03:38.840 --> 00:03:40.543
but against market competition.
00:03:41.810 --> 00:03:44.180
Overflow also showed
evidence that the proposed well
00:03:44.180 --> 00:03:47.060
will not endanger fresh water resources.
00:03:47.060 --> 00:03:49.750
The examiners recommend
approval of the application,
00:03:49.750 --> 00:03:52.138
exceptions and replies have been filed,
00:03:52.138 --> 00:03:53.980
and I'm available for any questions.
00:03:53.980 --> 00:03:54.837
Thank you, Peter.
00:03:54.837 --> 00:03:56.523
Are there any questions?
00:03:56.523 --> 00:03:57.356
00:03:57.356 --> 00:03:58.501
Alright, I
move we approve
00:03:58.501 --> 00:04:00.180
the examiners recommendation.
00:04:00.180 --> 00:04:01.566
Is there a second?
00:04:01.566 --> 00:04:02.399
00:04:02.399 --> 00:04:03.650
Second by
Commissioner Christian.
00:04:03.650 --> 00:04:04.890
All in favor, say aye.
00:04:04.890 --> 00:04:05.723
00:04:05.723 --> 00:04:06.635
00:04:06.635 --> 00:04:07.800
Motion passes. That item's approved.
00:04:07.800 --> 00:04:09.324
Thank you.
00:04:09.324 --> 00:04:10.157
Item number three.
00:04:13.120 --> 00:04:14.760
Good morning, Chairman
and Commissioners.
00:04:14.760 --> 00:04:16.920
For the record, my name is Ezra Johnson,
00:04:16.920 --> 00:04:20.280
Administrative Law Judge
with the Hearings division.
00:04:20.280 --> 00:04:23.687
Item three concerns the
application of TEP Barnett USA, LLC
00:04:25.830 --> 00:04:28.060
to amend the original
drilling permit for
00:04:28.060 --> 00:04:31.200
the Princeton lease,
well, number one,
00:04:31.200 --> 00:04:33.200
in the Newark East (Barnett Shale) field
00:04:34.079 --> 00:04:36.350
in Tarrant County, Texas.
00:04:36.350 --> 00:04:39.240
The well was originally permitted
and drilled by Chesapeake
00:04:39.240 --> 00:04:43.794
Operating Inc. in 2010 on
the pooled Princeton units,
00:04:43.794 --> 00:04:46.677
with a no perforation zone, or NPZ,
00:04:48.030 --> 00:04:51.810
totaling 1,099 feet
of horizontal lateral
00:04:51.810 --> 00:04:54.720
between the penetration
point in the permitted
00:04:54.720 --> 00:04:58.920
corelative interval, and the
first take point in the well.
00:04:58.920 --> 00:05:02.930
TEP Barnett seeks removal
of the NPZ designation
00:05:02.930 --> 00:05:06.620
and requests a new
exception to Statewide Rule 37,
00:05:06.620 --> 00:05:09.168
to re-complete the well
with take points closer
00:05:09.168 --> 00:05:12.790
than allowed by the
applicable field rule
00:05:12.790 --> 00:05:16.300
to unleash tracks
within the Princeton unit.
00:05:16.300 --> 00:05:20.640
TEP Barnett claims that an
exception to Statewide Rule 37
00:05:20.640 --> 00:05:23.632
is needed to prevent waste
of a significant volume of
00:05:23.632 --> 00:05:27.993
hydrocarbons or in the
alternative to prevent confiscation.
00:05:28.900 --> 00:05:31.680
Janet Ketter, who
owns an unleashed track
00:05:31.680 --> 00:05:35.520
approximately eighty-five
feet from the NPZ
00:05:35.520 --> 00:05:38.260
filed a protest to the application.
00:05:38.260 --> 00:05:41.524
Ms. Ketter protested, in
this case, because she felt
00:05:41.524 --> 00:05:44.090
that TEP Barnett would
continue to damage
00:05:44.090 --> 00:05:45.710
her community in the manner that
00:05:45.710 --> 00:05:49.357
she felt that other operators
had done by drilling wells and
00:05:49.357 --> 00:05:52.570
operating pipelines in the area.
00:05:52.570 --> 00:05:55.850
TEP Barnett provided
evidence sufficient to show that
00:05:55.850 --> 00:06:00.040
re-completion of the well
remove the NPZ is necessary to
00:06:00.040 --> 00:06:02.640
prevent confiscation of property.
00:06:02.640 --> 00:06:03.980
The Examiners recommend the
00:06:03.980 --> 00:06:06.260
Commission approve the application.
00:06:06.260 --> 00:06:08.580
No exceptions or replies were filed,
00:06:08.580 --> 00:06:10.193
and I'm available for questions.
00:06:11.270 --> 00:06:12.940
Thank you. Are
there any questions?
00:06:12.940 --> 00:06:13.773
00:06:13.773 --> 00:06:15.550
All right, I move we approve
the Examiners recommendation.
00:06:15.550 --> 00:06:16.830
Is there a second?
00:06:16.830 --> 00:06:17.663
00:06:17.663 --> 00:06:18.780
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:06:18.780 --> 00:06:20.163
All in favor. Say aye.
00:06:20.163 --> 00:06:20.996
00:06:20.996 --> 00:06:22.410
Aye. Motion passes,
that item is approved.
00:06:22.410 --> 00:06:23.263
Thank you, Ezra.
00:06:24.846 --> 00:06:26.466
Item number four, Commissioners,
00:06:26.466 --> 00:06:28.160
I'd like to take some
more time to review this,
00:06:28.160 --> 00:06:30.360
so I'd just like to pass this
item this morning if that's
00:06:30.360 --> 00:06:31.193
00:06:31.193 --> 00:06:32.026
That's good with me.
00:06:32.026 --> 00:06:32.859
00:06:32.859 --> 00:06:36.310
All right, let's move on to the
oil and gas Consent Agenda.
00:06:36.310 --> 00:06:40.543
There are 32 items on
this, items five through 36.
00:06:41.880 --> 00:06:45.200
I move we approve items five through 36.
00:06:45.200 --> 00:06:46.778
Is there a second?
00:06:46.778 --> 00:06:47.866
00:06:47.866 --> 00:06:50.734
Second by Commissioner
Christian, all in favor, say aye.
00:06:50.734 --> 00:06:51.714
00:06:51.714 --> 00:06:52.860
Aye, motion passes.
Those items are approved.
00:06:52.860 --> 00:06:54.280
I'm sorry, I forgot to
ask if there were any
00:06:54.280 --> 00:06:55.113
comments or questions.
00:06:55.113 --> 00:06:56.260
I would like to
make some comments,
00:06:56.260 --> 00:06:57.093
if you don't mind.
00:06:57.093 --> 00:06:57.926
I apologize.
00:06:57.926 --> 00:06:58.759
Yes sir.
00:06:58.759 --> 00:07:01.200
As we like to see, there's
some good news again.
00:07:01.200 --> 00:07:03.160
There are multiple
operators, which have reduced
00:07:03.160 --> 00:07:06.660
the reaffirming volume,
some by as much as 92%.
00:07:06.660 --> 00:07:08.400
Other operators, who are not connected
00:07:08.400 --> 00:07:10.538
to a Midstream Takeaway Operator,
00:07:10.538 --> 00:07:12.520
are in the process of doing so.
00:07:12.520 --> 00:07:14.620
This is good progress,
because the gas is now
00:07:14.620 --> 00:07:17.180
being used for a marketable purpose.
00:07:17.180 --> 00:07:19.940
In addition, the examiners
are continuing to do a great job
00:07:19.940 --> 00:07:22.270
of reducing requested
two year exception terms
00:07:22.270 --> 00:07:24.230
down to shorter terms.
00:07:24.230 --> 00:07:26.130
Unfortunately, there
is at least one operator
00:07:26.130 --> 00:07:28.590
who is not connected to a
Midstream Takeaway Operator,
00:07:28.590 --> 00:07:30.180
and represents to the Commission
00:07:30.180 --> 00:07:32.790
that is not economical to do so.
00:07:32.790 --> 00:07:35.790
However, the examiner in
that matter correctly notes
00:07:35.790 --> 00:07:39.030
that the operator fails
to take into consideration
00:07:39.030 --> 00:07:40.770
the value of the produced oil
00:07:40.770 --> 00:07:44.110
or the produced other
commodities in that equation,
00:07:44.110 --> 00:07:46.300
as the oil is the primary
source of revenue
00:07:46.300 --> 00:07:47.250
for the operator.
00:07:47.250 --> 00:07:49.130
The examiner has correctly recommended
00:07:49.130 --> 00:07:51.170
that the requested
two year exception term
00:07:51.170 --> 00:07:52.910
be reduced to one year,
00:07:52.910 --> 00:07:55.420
which should give the
operator more than enough time
00:07:55.420 --> 00:07:57.230
to consider and implement a solution
00:07:57.230 --> 00:07:59.700
that reduces or eliminates
the unnecessary waste
00:07:59.700 --> 00:08:01.490
of our natural resources.
00:08:01.490 --> 00:08:03.630
I think that's the right call.
00:08:03.630 --> 00:08:04.840
I would strongly suggest
00:08:04.840 --> 00:08:07.020
that if operators in these situations
00:08:07.020 --> 00:08:09.950
cannot fully utilize the
stranded gas for lease use
00:08:09.950 --> 00:08:13.540
and who refuse to connect to
a midstream takeaway provider
00:08:13.540 --> 00:08:14.720
for economic reasons,
00:08:14.720 --> 00:08:16.660
that they contact a third party vendor
00:08:16.660 --> 00:08:19.770
to help utilize otherwise
flowed gas for a
00:08:19.770 --> 00:08:21.546
useful purpose.
00:08:21.546 --> 00:08:24.200
There are more and more
vendors out there who will be able
00:08:24.200 --> 00:08:27.181
to fully utilize stranded
gas for a variety of purposes,
00:08:27.181 --> 00:08:30.030
including electrical
generation, Bitcoin mining,
00:08:30.030 --> 00:08:33.270
hydrogen production,
and graphene production.
00:08:33.270 --> 00:08:35.940
Many of these vendors
processes eliminate
00:08:35.940 --> 00:08:37.640
the vast majority of emissions that
00:08:37.640 --> 00:08:41.200
flooding producers and even
pay the operator for the gas.
00:08:41.200 --> 00:08:43.320
If the gas is simply
being wasted, however,
00:08:43.320 --> 00:08:46.850
I'm not inclined to vote to
consistently approve a flowing
00:08:46.850 --> 00:08:49.220
exception where no improvement is shown.
00:08:49.220 --> 00:08:50.562
That's all the comments
I have. Thank you.
00:08:50.562 --> 00:08:52.350
Thank you, and
I am sorry I forgot
00:08:52.350 --> 00:08:53.183
to do the comments before.
00:08:53.183 --> 00:08:54.016
Madam Chairman?
00:08:54.016 --> 00:08:54.950
Yes, sir.
00:08:54.950 --> 00:08:55.783
Can I say something?
00:08:55.783 --> 00:08:56.616
I just want to.
00:08:56.616 --> 00:08:57.552
No, no comments for you.
00:08:57.552 --> 00:09:00.465
00:09:00.465 --> 00:09:02.490
No, I want to compliment
Commissioner Wright
00:09:02.490 --> 00:09:05.060
for following through on this issue.
00:09:05.060 --> 00:09:07.500
And I think it's, it's encouraging
00:09:07.500 --> 00:09:09.650
and I want to remind
all of us that this is,
00:09:09.650 --> 00:09:11.550
what he's watching is
that the private industry
00:09:11.550 --> 00:09:13.540
is correcting the problem.
00:09:13.540 --> 00:09:15.490
It's not the, we are monitoring,
00:09:15.490 --> 00:09:18.150
We are encouraging, the
Railroad Commission is watching,
00:09:18.150 --> 00:09:19.950
which our staff is tremendous at that.
00:09:19.950 --> 00:09:21.290
But by and large,
00:09:21.290 --> 00:09:23.720
last last I heard was flaring in Texas,
00:09:23.720 --> 00:09:26.990
was down according to
Rubber Commission currently
00:09:26.990 --> 00:09:29.870
to 7/10 of a percent of, of natural gas.
00:09:29.870 --> 00:09:33.230
That means 99.3% is
going to its intended purpose,
00:09:33.230 --> 00:09:34.600
clean and usable.
00:09:34.600 --> 00:09:38.340
So I just commend Commissioner
Wright for keeping up on
00:09:38.340 --> 00:09:42.300
this issue and commend our
industry and let the public know
00:09:42.300 --> 00:09:44.630
that maybe some of this that
you're hearing in the press is
00:09:44.630 --> 00:09:48.360
not quite as drastic as they present,
00:09:48.360 --> 00:09:51.610
but when the entire
problem that the have created
00:09:51.610 --> 00:09:53.860
in the financial markets,
these environmental, social,
00:09:53.860 --> 00:09:54.693
and governance funds,
00:09:54.693 --> 00:09:58.140
but the state of Texas has
passed our legislature against
00:09:58.140 --> 00:10:01.868
any dollars from Texas doing
it are based on such things as
00:10:01.868 --> 00:10:04.520
7/10 of 1%.
00:10:04.520 --> 00:10:06.400
And that's not exactly catastrophic.
00:10:06.400 --> 00:10:09.000
It's not climate catastrophe.
00:10:09.000 --> 00:10:13.970
It's simply an issue that
the market is taking care of.
00:10:13.970 --> 00:10:15.240
I couldn't agree more.
00:10:15.240 --> 00:10:18.580
I think the industry in itself
has done a wonderful job
00:10:18.580 --> 00:10:22.460
about reducing any, any type
of flaring and or emissions.
00:10:22.460 --> 00:10:25.030
We continue to have
technologies that's improving that,
00:10:25.030 --> 00:10:27.100
and can continue to
expand those markets.
00:10:27.100 --> 00:10:30.150
I just want to continue to try
to encourage everyone to look
00:10:30.150 --> 00:10:33.610
for markets that are developing,
that are taking this gas.
00:10:33.610 --> 00:10:36.260
I think it's a great thing.
We've seen a huge reductions,
00:10:36.260 --> 00:10:37.780
especially this year.
00:10:37.780 --> 00:10:39.540
Yeah. Thank you
both for your comments.
00:10:39.540 --> 00:10:40.373
I agree.
00:10:40.373 --> 00:10:43.410
We're moving the right direction
and thank you for keeping
00:10:43.410 --> 00:10:45.453
tabs on it for us, Fisher.
00:10:47.440 --> 00:10:52.440
Okay. We're back to
Rule 15 inactive well items,
00:10:52.810 --> 00:10:55.340
numbers 37 through 68.
00:10:55.340 --> 00:10:58.310
And I understand that
number 65 is in compliance.
00:10:58.310 --> 00:10:59.910
Yes ma'am, all right.
00:10:59.910 --> 00:11:01.906
Are there any comments on these?
00:11:01.906 --> 00:11:06.430
All right, I move we
approve items 37 through 68,
00:11:06.430 --> 00:11:09.200
except for item number 65.
00:11:09.200 --> 00:11:10.230
Is there a second?
00:11:10.230 --> 00:11:11.063
00:11:11.063 --> 00:11:12.380
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:11:12.380 --> 00:11:13.926
All in favor. Say aye.
00:11:13.926 --> 00:11:14.759
00:11:14.759 --> 00:11:16.800
Aye. Motion passes.
Those items are approved.
00:11:16.800 --> 00:11:18.910
Master default orders.
00:11:18.910 --> 00:11:23.910
There are 37 master default
orders, Items 69 through 105.
00:11:25.120 --> 00:11:28.100
I move that we approve
Items 69 through 105.
00:11:28.100 --> 00:11:28.933
Is there a second?
00:11:28.933 --> 00:11:29.770
00:11:29.770 --> 00:11:31.570
Second by
Commissioner Christian.
00:11:31.570 --> 00:11:32.530
All in favor, say aye.
00:11:32.530 --> 00:11:33.363
00:11:33.363 --> 00:11:36.140
Aye, motion passes.
Those items are approved.
00:11:36.140 --> 00:11:39.010
Let's go to agreed enforcement orders.
00:11:39.010 --> 00:11:43.830
There are 155 of these
items, 106 through 260.
00:11:43.830 --> 00:11:47.040
I move that we approve
items 106 through 260.
00:11:47.040 --> 00:11:48.530
Is there a second?
00:11:48.530 --> 00:11:49.363
00:11:49.363 --> 00:11:50.800
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:11:50.800 --> 00:11:51.740
All in favor, say aye.
00:11:51.740 --> 00:11:52.573
00:11:52.573 --> 00:11:54.780
Aye, motion passes.
Those items are approved.
00:11:54.780 --> 00:11:57.130
That concludes hearing sections matters.
00:11:57.130 --> 00:11:59.333
I will now take up
administrative agenda,
00:12:00.537 --> 00:12:02.025
and we've got 261.
00:12:02.025 --> 00:12:02.893
Good morning.
00:12:04.060 --> 00:12:06.100
Good morning, Chairman
and Commissioners.
00:12:06.100 --> 00:12:08.630
For the record, I am Wei
Wang, Executive Director.
00:12:08.630 --> 00:12:10.390
As we start a new fiscal year,
00:12:10.390 --> 00:12:13.700
I thought I would just
give y'all a highlight on our
00:12:13.700 --> 00:12:15.980
performance from last year.
00:12:15.980 --> 00:12:20.620
And first I could speak to some
of the performance measures.
00:12:20.620 --> 00:12:23.340
I am glad to report all four
departments exceeded their
00:12:23.340 --> 00:12:26.800
inspection performance
target set by the legislature,
00:12:26.800 --> 00:12:30.710
specifically pipeline for
specialized inspection.
00:12:30.710 --> 00:12:35.280
The goal was 1,200 and we
have conducted over 2,000
00:12:35.280 --> 00:12:38.593
specialized inspections
for standard comprehensive,
00:12:39.952 --> 00:12:42.652
comprehensive pipeline
inspections that go with 3,129.
00:12:44.173 --> 00:12:47.640
And we ended the year
with 3,598 for oil and gas.
00:12:48.953 --> 00:12:51.650
The target was 189,000.
00:12:51.650 --> 00:12:54.630
And our inspector completed over
00:12:54.630 --> 00:12:56.442
300,000 inspections.
00:12:56.442 --> 00:12:57.630
[Commissioner] Wow!
00:12:57.630 --> 00:12:59.330
Significantly exceeding that goal.
00:13:00.210 --> 00:13:04.010
For few safety department,
the goal was 20,000 inspections
00:13:04.010 --> 00:13:07.740
and we have finished 20,604.
00:13:07.740 --> 00:13:10.220
And lastly, for our mining department,
00:13:10.220 --> 00:13:13.270
the goal with 400 inspections
and we finished the year with
00:13:13.270 --> 00:13:14.553
00:13:15.410 --> 00:13:18.210
Now, on the well plugging
front, our performance target
00:13:18.210 --> 00:13:20.373
with 14 hand-rolled
orphaned wells plugged.
00:13:21.537 --> 00:13:23.940
And as of August 31st, we have plugged,
00:13:23.940 --> 00:13:25.980
paid and completed the files
00:13:27.620 --> 00:13:29.860
for 1,453 wells.
00:13:29.860 --> 00:13:31.390
Now, in addition to meeting,
00:13:31.390 --> 00:13:33.290
we're exceeding performance targets.
00:13:33.290 --> 00:13:37.192
I'm also pleased to report that
we completely re-vamped our
00:13:37.192 --> 00:13:39.030
00:13:39.030 --> 00:13:41.910
We have a brand new
website and that not only has
00:13:41.910 --> 00:13:43.516
a complete new look,
00:13:43.516 --> 00:13:47.410
we also added feature to
make it easier for people to
00:13:47.410 --> 00:13:50.206
navigate through our website
and make it easier to find
00:13:50.206 --> 00:13:51.360
00:13:51.360 --> 00:13:54.470
We also added a few
new tools to our website
00:13:54.470 --> 00:13:56.650
to make it more transparent,
00:13:56.650 --> 00:14:00.590
including a new pipeline
inspection permitting evaluation
00:14:00.590 --> 00:14:02.640
system, which we call PIPES.
00:14:02.640 --> 00:14:06.920
This will allow our inspectors
to put their inspection
00:14:06.920 --> 00:14:09.970
reports and that information
is available to the public as
00:14:09.970 --> 00:14:11.480
soon as it's complete.
00:14:11.480 --> 00:14:14.910
And also making data query
available on our website.
00:14:14.910 --> 00:14:17.150
So, in closing,
00:14:17.150 --> 00:14:20.600
I look forward to another
great year in 2022,
00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:23.790
and also I'd like to take the
opportunity to thank our staff
00:14:23.790 --> 00:14:26.030
for their hard work during last year.
00:14:26.030 --> 00:14:27.812
Excellent job, Wei.
00:14:27.812 --> 00:14:28.645
Thank you, Wei.
00:14:28.645 --> 00:14:29.920
We've gotten some
of the best staff going.
00:14:29.920 --> 00:14:32.520
So I appreciate the report.
Thank you for your work.
00:14:35.320 --> 00:14:36.590
262, Good morning.
00:14:36.590 --> 00:14:38.020
Good morning
Chairman, Commissioners.
00:14:38.020 --> 00:14:40.000
David Cooney from the
Office of General Counsel,
00:14:40.000 --> 00:14:43.007
standing in for Alex Shock
with a report on federal
00:14:43.007 --> 00:14:46.553
developments, nothing
specific, just general news.
00:14:47.460 --> 00:14:51.190
The Waters of the United
States rule is looming coming from
00:14:51.190 --> 00:14:52.023
the federal government.
00:14:52.023 --> 00:14:53.970
We're looking for that, EPA and
00:14:53.970 --> 00:14:56.750
the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers recently announced
00:14:56.750 --> 00:15:00.120
that returning to using pre-2015
00:15:00.120 --> 00:15:02.520
Waters of the United States rule,
00:15:02.520 --> 00:15:06.690
and we will be monitoring
or we're on the lookout for,
00:15:06.690 --> 00:15:09.730
we expect a rule-making
proposal to come from them.
00:15:09.730 --> 00:15:12.920
And we're also on the lookout
for the proposal on the oil
00:15:12.920 --> 00:15:14.630
and gas methane rule.
00:15:14.630 --> 00:15:16.330
We are maintaining contact with our
00:15:16.330 --> 00:15:19.170
sister agencies and the
Office of Attorney General.
00:15:19.170 --> 00:15:21.400
So we can assure coordination.
00:15:21.400 --> 00:15:23.580
That's the report on the federal front.
00:15:23.580 --> 00:15:25.510
Thank you. Any questions?
00:15:25.510 --> 00:15:28.360
On the methane side, have
you, have you heard anything?
00:15:29.458 --> 00:15:31.804
I also think I saw an article
this morning that was saying
00:15:31.804 --> 00:15:35.070
that they were looking
at possibly taxing that.
00:15:35.070 --> 00:15:36.980
Have you heard anything in that regard?
00:15:36.980 --> 00:15:39.700
All I've heard is
that they're expecting
00:15:39.700 --> 00:15:44.447
some pretty tight
standards in the proposal.
00:15:44.447 --> 00:15:45.860
Thank you, David.
00:15:45.860 --> 00:15:49.390
Thank you for continuing to
monitor. Here they come again.
00:15:49.390 --> 00:15:50.371
Thank you.
00:15:50.371 --> 00:15:51.780
00:15:51.780 --> 00:15:52.830
All right.
00:15:52.830 --> 00:15:54.400
Item 263.
00:15:54.400 --> 00:15:55.820
Good morning.
00:15:55.820 --> 00:15:57.190
Good morning.
Chairman, Commissioners.
00:15:57.190 --> 00:15:59.890
Haley Cochran with the
Office of General Counsel.
00:15:59.890 --> 00:16:02.440
Item number 263 is
staff's recommendation
00:16:02.440 --> 00:16:04.960
to publish proposed new Rule 16,
00:16:04.960 --> 00:16:08.900
Texas Administrative Code
Section 3.65 and published
00:16:08.900 --> 00:16:12.200
proposed amendments to Section 3.107.
00:16:12.200 --> 00:16:16.680
Section 3.65 is proposed
pursuant to House Bill 3648 and
00:16:16.680 --> 00:16:19.193
Senate Bill 3 from the
87th Regular Session.
00:16:20.070 --> 00:16:22.321
House Bill 3648 and Senate Bill 3
00:16:22.321 --> 00:16:26.295
added Section 81.073 to
the Natural Resources Code,
00:16:26.295 --> 00:16:29.310
which requires the
Commission to adopt rules,
00:16:29.310 --> 00:16:32.990
to designate natural gas
facilities as critical customers
00:16:32.990 --> 00:16:36.890
and critical gas suppliers
during an energy emergencies.
00:16:36.890 --> 00:16:39.490
The rules must provide
that those designated critical
00:16:39.490 --> 00:16:42.780
provide critical customer
information as defined by the
00:16:42.780 --> 00:16:44.580
Commission to the electric entities.
00:16:45.500 --> 00:16:47.340
Commission staff collaborated with staff
00:16:47.340 --> 00:16:49.680
from the Public Utility
Commission of Texas,
00:16:49.680 --> 00:16:51.410
while drafting the proposed rule,
00:16:51.410 --> 00:16:53.864
which implements Section
4 of Senate Bill 3 and
00:16:53.864 --> 00:16:57.540
Section 1 of House Bill 3648.
00:16:57.540 --> 00:17:00.950
The proposed new rule specifies
the criteria and process by
00:17:00.950 --> 00:17:03.360
which entities associated
with providing natural gas
00:17:03.360 --> 00:17:06.123
in Texas are designated
as critical customers during
00:17:06.123 --> 00:17:07.795
an energy emergency.
00:17:07.795 --> 00:17:09.840
In accordance with Senate Bill 3,
00:17:09.840 --> 00:17:12.360
the proposed rule requires
that only facilities that are
00:17:12.360 --> 00:17:15.130
prepared to operate during
a weather emergency may be
00:17:15.130 --> 00:17:17.660
designated as critical customers.
00:17:17.660 --> 00:17:19.640
Designation as a
critical customer prompts
00:17:19.640 --> 00:17:21.480
a requirement for
the facilities operator
00:17:21.480 --> 00:17:24.850
to directly provide electric
entities with critical customer
00:17:24.850 --> 00:17:26.120
00:17:26.120 --> 00:17:27.950
Providing the information positions,
00:17:27.950 --> 00:17:30.400
a critical customer to receive
power during an energy
00:17:30.400 --> 00:17:34.180
emergency so that it can
continue to supply natural gas for
00:17:34.180 --> 00:17:36.850
power generation or
other important uses.
00:17:36.850 --> 00:17:39.530
The proposed amendments
to Section 3.107,
00:17:39.530 --> 00:17:41.260
add references to the requirements of
00:17:41.260 --> 00:17:43.800
proposed new Section 3.65.
00:17:43.800 --> 00:17:46.030
Staff requests the
Commission's approval to publish
00:17:46.030 --> 00:17:47.630
the new rule and amendments
00:17:47.630 --> 00:17:50.390
and the Texas Register
for a 30 comment period.
00:17:50.390 --> 00:17:51.290
If approved today,
00:17:51.290 --> 00:17:53.960
the proposal should appear
in the October 1st issue of the
00:17:53.960 --> 00:17:55.210
Texas Register.
00:17:55.210 --> 00:17:57.700
The proposal in an online
comment forum would also be made
00:17:57.700 --> 00:17:59.720
available on the Commission's website,
00:17:59.720 --> 00:18:02.610
giving people additional time
to review and submit comments.
00:18:02.610 --> 00:18:05.780
House Bill 3648 requires that
the Commission adopt the new
00:18:05.780 --> 00:18:08.600
rules not later than
December 1st of this year.
00:18:08.600 --> 00:18:10.140
May answer any questions?
00:18:10.140 --> 00:18:11.950
Thank you.
Are there questions?
00:18:11.950 --> 00:18:12.783
00:18:12.783 --> 00:18:14.766
I appreciate staff's
work on this and PUC.
00:18:14.766 --> 00:18:17.489
I know we are going to hear
from them in a few minutes,
00:18:17.489 --> 00:18:19.990
but I appreciate that, and that
we were up and going, right?
00:18:19.990 --> 00:18:22.630
All right. I move, we approve
the staff's recommendation.
00:18:22.630 --> 00:18:23.550
Is there a second?
00:18:23.550 --> 00:18:24.383
00:18:24.383 --> 00:18:25.570
Second by
Commissioner Christian.
00:18:25.570 --> 00:18:26.858
All those in favor, say aye.
00:18:26.858 --> 00:18:27.691
00:18:27.691 --> 00:18:28.524
Aye. Motion passes.
00:18:28.524 --> 00:18:29.357
That item is approved.
00:18:29.357 --> 00:18:30.780
Thank you, Haley.
00:18:30.780 --> 00:18:34.500
All right, and item 264 as
our Public Participation item,
00:18:34.500 --> 00:18:36.400
we have several who've registered.
00:18:36.400 --> 00:18:38.430
So, I think we'll start
with Thomas Gleason.
00:18:38.430 --> 00:18:41.870
If he, since we're, we'll
just go right into his,
00:18:41.870 --> 00:18:43.089
since we just finished this issue.
00:18:43.089 --> 00:18:44.430
And thanks for being here today,
00:18:44.430 --> 00:18:45.810
we appreciate working with you all.
00:18:45.810 --> 00:18:46.643
Yes ma'am.
00:18:46.643 --> 00:18:47.640
Thank you Madam Chair, Commissioners.
00:18:47.640 --> 00:18:49.510
For the record, Thomas
Gleason Executive Director
00:18:49.510 --> 00:18:51.720
of the Public Utility
Commission of Texas.
00:18:51.720 --> 00:18:53.380
And as your staff just stated, we've,
00:18:53.380 --> 00:18:56.010
we've worked collaboratively
on the rule that was just
00:18:56.010 --> 00:18:59.190
proposed and other rules
and projects dealing with
00:18:59.190 --> 00:19:02.593
weatherization of
infrastructure, communications,
00:19:03.760 --> 00:19:05.350
information, sharing a number of,
00:19:05.350 --> 00:19:06.840
of items coming out of a session.
00:19:06.840 --> 00:19:10.230
I think it's clear from the
legislative session that that
00:19:10.230 --> 00:19:13.300
was our mandate was to work
more collaboratively together to
00:19:13.300 --> 00:19:16.670
find solutions to the issues
that came to bear from winter
00:19:16.670 --> 00:19:17.700
storm Uri.
00:19:17.700 --> 00:19:20.250
And I'm, from the PUC
perspective, I'm practicing,
00:19:20.250 --> 00:19:22.266
I think, I think we're
meeting that mark.
00:19:22.266 --> 00:19:25.966
We have multiple project teams
that meet one to three times
00:19:25.966 --> 00:19:27.220
a week.
00:19:27.220 --> 00:19:29.510
I meet with your executive
director once a week to talk
00:19:29.510 --> 00:19:32.420
holistically about issues
facing our two agencies and any
00:19:32.420 --> 00:19:34.130
industries that we regulate.
00:19:34.130 --> 00:19:36.900
And so I think it is fair to
say at this point that we're
00:19:36.900 --> 00:19:39.710
moving in the right direction
to meet the mandate from the
00:19:39.710 --> 00:19:42.760
legislature to produce the
results that the people of Texas
00:19:42.760 --> 00:19:43.593
00:19:43.593 --> 00:19:45.970
And I want to thank you all
and your executive director and
00:19:45.970 --> 00:19:47.440
your staff for, for the great work
00:19:47.440 --> 00:19:48.990
that we've been able to do together.
00:19:48.990 --> 00:19:52.040
You all have been more than
willing to share your resources,
00:19:52.040 --> 00:19:53.867
your ideas and information with us.
00:19:53.867 --> 00:19:55.710
And we really appreciate it.
00:19:55.710 --> 00:19:57.240
Thank you. Anybody?
00:19:57.240 --> 00:19:59.080
And thank you guys
for opening your doors
00:19:59.080 --> 00:20:00.430
and getting our two agencies
00:20:00.430 --> 00:20:02.920
to work really strongly on these issues.
00:20:02.920 --> 00:20:04.187
Yes, sir.
00:20:04.187 --> 00:20:06.170
I mean the winter storm
showed the real interdependence
00:20:06.170 --> 00:20:08.410
between our two systems.
00:20:08.410 --> 00:20:10.620
And so I think this is a long
time coming and I'm proud to
00:20:10.620 --> 00:20:12.520
say that we're, we're getting there.
00:20:12.520 --> 00:20:13.353
Thank you.
00:20:13.353 --> 00:20:14.560
And I, I appreciate
the leadership y'all
00:20:14.560 --> 00:20:16.690
are doing in this and commend you for
00:20:16.690 --> 00:20:18.080
taking the bull by the horns.
00:20:18.080 --> 00:20:20.270
And it was a terrible
thing that happened.
00:20:20.270 --> 00:20:22.050
And I hope we step up.
00:20:22.050 --> 00:20:24.430
Like we in Texas always
have, and come through
00:20:24.430 --> 00:20:26.880
for the people and
your agency is doing it.
00:20:26.880 --> 00:20:28.200
Thank you for listening to us.
00:20:28.200 --> 00:20:29.033
Yes, sir. Thank you.
00:20:29.033 --> 00:20:31.352
Thank you,
Thomas, for working with us.
00:20:31.352 --> 00:20:32.733
We look forward to
continued collaboration.
00:20:32.733 --> 00:20:33.566
Thank you.
00:20:33.566 --> 00:20:34.399
It's easy in the building.
00:20:34.399 --> 00:20:35.760
Thanks for coming down up and however,
00:20:35.760 --> 00:20:37.801
whichever direction we go.
00:20:37.801 --> 00:20:39.490
00:20:39.490 --> 00:20:42.263
All right, we also have,
I've got one, two, three,
00:20:42.263 --> 00:20:44.380
I think four people
that have registered.
00:20:44.380 --> 00:20:46.830
So I'm just going to
start with (indistinct).
00:20:46.830 --> 00:20:49.120
Ashley Williams Watt,
who is the landowner
00:20:49.120 --> 00:20:51.173
from, for Antifa.
00:20:53.150 --> 00:20:54.770
00:20:54.770 --> 00:20:55.903
Sarah Stogner?
00:20:58.720 --> 00:20:59.973
William Burch?
00:21:02.360 --> 00:21:03.263
Raymond Strop?
00:21:05.220 --> 00:21:06.053
00:21:07.170 --> 00:21:08.003
We don't, they aren't here.
00:21:08.003 --> 00:21:08.836
They've registered.
00:21:08.836 --> 00:21:11.420
So please note that they've
registered, but we're not here.
00:21:11.420 --> 00:21:12.493
As we've got to them.
00:21:13.660 --> 00:21:16.440
Item 265 is our executive items session,
00:21:16.440 --> 00:21:18.010
which we won't be going into today.
00:21:18.010 --> 00:21:20.150
Are there any other matters
to be brought before the
00:21:20.150 --> 00:21:22.000
Commission at this time?
00:21:22.000 --> 00:21:23.070
Hearing none.
00:21:23.070 --> 00:21:26.002
This meeting of the Railroad
Commission was adjourned.
00:21:26.002 --> 00:21:26.835
Thank you all very much.