00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.540
And for October 12th, 2021
00:00:02.540 --> 00:00:04.800
on our public participation policy,
00:00:04.800 --> 00:00:07.760
anyone designed to offer
public testimony on any items that
00:00:07.760 --> 00:00:09.780
are not noticed on today's agenda
00:00:09.780 --> 00:00:11.860
was required to register in advance.
00:00:11.860 --> 00:00:14.580
We did not have anyone
registered in advance
00:00:14.580 --> 00:00:15.660
for this meeting.
00:00:15.660 --> 00:00:18.040
The Commission will consider
the items on the agenda as
00:00:18.040 --> 00:00:19.960
posted on the agenda.
00:00:19.960 --> 00:00:22.623
Let's get started with agenda item one.
00:00:23.600 --> 00:00:25.730
Good morning,
chairman and Commissioners.
00:00:25.730 --> 00:00:26.563
For the record,
00:00:26.563 --> 00:00:29.870
My name is Claudia Godoy
with the market oversight section
00:00:29.870 --> 00:00:32.200
of the oversight and safety division.
00:00:32.200 --> 00:00:36.430
The first agenda before you
today is case number 69 39.
00:00:36.430 --> 00:00:39.380
The application of Texas
Gas Service company,
00:00:39.380 --> 00:00:41.100
for test year 2020
00:00:41.100 --> 00:00:43.250
annual interim rate adjustment for the
00:00:43.250 --> 00:00:45.950
unincorporated portion
of the Rio Grande valley
00:00:45.950 --> 00:00:47.100
service area.
00:00:47.100 --> 00:00:50.100
This is the fourth interim
rate adjustments since the
00:00:50.100 --> 00:00:53.077
company's last rate case.
GUD number 1 0 6 5 6.
00:00:54.076 --> 00:00:58.140
This adjustment represents
an incremental increase of
00:00:58.140 --> 00:00:59.703
two million three
hundred and 48 thousand,
00:01:01.441 --> 00:01:02.274
$919 dollars
00:01:03.170 --> 00:01:04.003
of which
00:01:04.003 --> 00:01:06.580
one hundred and eighty
one nine hundred I'm sorry,
00:01:06.580 --> 00:01:08.423
one hundred and eighty one
00:01:08.423 --> 00:01:09.620
nine hundred and thirty nine
00:01:09.620 --> 00:01:12.990
is recoverable from customers
impacted by this order.
00:01:12.990 --> 00:01:15.730
I recommend approval of
the interim rate adjustment.
00:01:15.730 --> 00:01:17.386
I'm available for questions.
00:01:17.386 --> 00:01:18.219
Thank you, Claudia.
00:01:18.219 --> 00:01:20.020
Are there any questions?
00:01:20.020 --> 00:01:20.853
No questions.
00:01:20.853 --> 00:01:23.125
I'll move we approve the
examiners recommendation.
00:01:23.125 --> 00:01:23.958
Is there a second?
00:01:23.958 --> 00:01:24.791
00:01:24.791 --> 00:01:26.470
second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:01:26.470 --> 00:01:28.794
Thanks. It
wasn't me, but that's okay.
00:01:28.794 --> 00:01:30.454
You did.
I heard you grunt.
00:01:30.454 --> 00:01:32.850
00:01:32.850 --> 00:01:33.683
00:01:33.683 --> 00:01:36.538
I revise that it was
Commissioner Wright.
00:01:36.538 --> 00:01:38.353
Was the second
All in favor, say aye.
00:01:38.353 --> 00:01:39.380
00:01:39.380 --> 00:01:42.144
Any opposed motion passes.
00:01:42.144 --> 00:01:45.351
That item is approved.
Let's go to item agenda two.
00:01:45.351 --> 00:01:47.970
Good morning.
Chairman, Commissioners.
00:01:47.970 --> 00:01:50.230
For the record my name is
Sarah Montoya Voglesong,
00:01:50.230 --> 00:01:52.966
and I'm representing the
market oversight section of the
00:01:52.966 --> 00:01:54.660
oversight and safety division.
00:01:54.660 --> 00:01:57.950
Agenda item number
two is case number 5 6 7 5.
00:01:57.950 --> 00:02:01.440
The application filed by
Wheeler Pipeline LLC,
00:02:01.440 --> 00:02:03.670
pursuant to the natural gas policy act,
00:02:03.670 --> 00:02:06.290
section three 11 for review
of the reasonableness
00:02:06.290 --> 00:02:07.993
of the transportation rate.
00:02:07.993 --> 00:02:10.560
The applicant provided
testimony and supporting data
00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:13.270
demonstrating that the
requested rates do not exceed a
00:02:13.270 --> 00:02:14.900
cost-based rate
00:02:14.900 --> 00:02:16.769
and staff recommends
approval of these rates.
00:02:16.769 --> 00:02:18.371
May I answer any questions?
00:02:18.371 --> 00:02:20.670
Are there
any questions members?
00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:21.530
00:02:21.530 --> 00:02:22.363
Hearing none
00:02:22.363 --> 00:02:24.020
I move we approve the
examiners recommendation.
00:02:24.020 --> 00:02:24.853
Is there a second?
00:02:24.853 --> 00:02:26.054
00:02:26.054 --> 00:02:27.730
second by Commissioner
Craddick, all in favor,
00:02:27.730 --> 00:02:28.852
say aye.
00:02:28.852 --> 00:02:29.685
00:02:29.685 --> 00:02:32.433
Any opposed motion
passes. That item is approved.
00:02:32.433 --> 00:02:34.875
Thank you. Also go ahead.
00:02:34.875 --> 00:02:36.560
Item number three go ahead
00:02:36.560 --> 00:02:38.370
I also have the third item.
00:02:38.370 --> 00:02:41.180
The third item is case number 69 4 0.
00:02:41.180 --> 00:02:44.440
The application filed by
Texas Gas Service Company
00:02:44.440 --> 00:02:45.790
for the test of year 2020
00:02:45.790 --> 00:02:47.490
annual interim rate adjustment for the
00:02:47.490 --> 00:02:50.573
unincorporated areas of
the north Texas service area.
00:02:51.500 --> 00:02:54.200
This case represents the third
interim rate adjustment since
00:02:54.200 --> 00:02:55.960
the company's most recent rate case
00:02:55.960 --> 00:02:58.433
GUD number 1 0 7 3 9.
00:02:58.433 --> 00:03:01.097
This adjustment represents
an incremental increase of
00:03:01.097 --> 00:03:04.713
00:03:08.233 --> 00:03:10.740
of which $151,967 is
recoverable from customers
00:03:10.740 --> 00:03:11.790
subject to the order.
00:03:12.685 --> 00:03:13.518
In this case
00:03:13.518 --> 00:03:15.550
The recommended adjustment
does not include any costs
00:03:15.550 --> 00:03:16.920
associated with the winter weather
00:03:16.920 --> 00:03:19.332
event in February of 2021.
00:03:19.332 --> 00:03:22.080
Staff recommends approval
of the interim rate adjustment
00:03:22.080 --> 00:03:23.570
and I'm available to
answer any questions.
00:03:23.570 --> 00:03:25.640
Are there
any questions members?
00:03:25.640 --> 00:03:26.630
00:03:26.630 --> 00:03:27.597
Hearing none I move we approve
00:03:27.597 --> 00:03:29.190
the examiners recommendation.
00:03:29.190 --> 00:03:30.023
Is there a second?
00:03:30.023 --> 00:03:30.856
00:03:30.856 --> 00:03:32.564
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:03:32.564 --> 00:03:33.490
All in favor say aye.
00:03:33.490 --> 00:03:34.472
00:03:34.472 --> 00:03:35.728
Any any opposed?
00:03:35.728 --> 00:03:37.130
Motion passes.
00:03:37.130 --> 00:03:38.530
That item is approved.
00:03:38.530 --> 00:03:39.559
Item number four.
00:03:39.559 --> 00:03:41.623
We have, I believe Veronica coming.
00:03:41.623 --> 00:03:42.456
00:03:42.456 --> 00:03:44.320
Good morning. Chairman Commissioners.
00:03:44.320 --> 00:03:47.330
I'll be presenting items four and five.
00:03:47.330 --> 00:03:49.290
Item number four is the application
00:03:49.290 --> 00:03:50.940
by the Sabine mining company
00:03:50.940 --> 00:03:54.210
requesting release of phase
one reclamation obligations
00:03:55.732 --> 00:03:57.990
for 1369.3 acres
00:03:57.990 --> 00:04:00.810
within south Hospital number one mine
00:04:00.810 --> 00:04:02.260
permit number 33 I.
00:04:02.260 --> 00:04:03.763
located in Harrison county.
00:04:04.600 --> 00:04:06.090
After notice a request for a
00:04:06.090 --> 00:04:08.800
hearing was made by Mr. Ernal Brewster.
00:04:08.800 --> 00:04:11.590
Subsequently the parties
contacted him to address his
00:04:11.590 --> 00:04:13.740
concerns for the application.
00:04:13.740 --> 00:04:17.103
He did not indicate any
any disagreement to them.
00:04:18.060 --> 00:04:20.795
Following a reasonable time
period and opportunity was
00:04:20.795 --> 00:04:23.053
provided to Mr. Brewster
to indicate whether he
00:04:23.053 --> 00:04:24.796
wanted to proceed with a hearing
00:04:24.796 --> 00:04:27.853
or whether he wanted
to withdraw his request.
00:04:28.730 --> 00:04:31.140
No response was filed by Mr. Brewster.
00:04:31.140 --> 00:04:32.621
No hearing was held.
00:04:32.621 --> 00:04:34.550
Evidence in the record supports that
00:04:34.550 --> 00:04:36.890
Sabine has satisfied all
requirements for the requested
00:04:36.890 --> 00:04:39.500
release of the subject area.
00:04:39.500 --> 00:04:42.960
The permit is bonded
upon the worst case method.
00:04:42.960 --> 00:04:45.870
No changes to the current
bond are request in this docket.
00:04:45.870 --> 00:04:48.390
No exceptions were
filed to the proposed order.
00:04:48.390 --> 00:04:51.280
It is recommended that the
requests for phase one release
00:04:51.280 --> 00:04:53.440
for the subject area be approved
00:04:53.440 --> 00:04:55.910
and that Sabine be not be
eligible to reduce the amount
00:04:55.910 --> 00:04:57.330
of bond at this time.
00:04:57.330 --> 00:04:59.098
I'm available for questions.
00:04:59.098 --> 00:04:59.931
Any questions members
00:04:59.931 --> 00:05:00.764
I do?
00:05:00.764 --> 00:05:02.130
Is there anybody from Sabine here?
00:05:03.540 --> 00:05:05.222
Anybody from Sabine company?
00:05:05.222 --> 00:05:07.720
I just want to know
how many loads it took
00:05:07.720 --> 00:05:11.154
to move that dragline (Chuckles)
00:05:13.112 --> 00:05:13.945
I don't know.
00:05:13.945 --> 00:05:15.070
Would you quit being trivial
00:05:15.070 --> 00:05:17.010
you don't have to put jokes in our
00:05:17.010 --> 00:05:17.843
Okay are there any questions
00:05:17.843 --> 00:05:19.403
of legitimacy members?
00:05:19.403 --> 00:05:21.060
00:05:21.060 --> 00:05:23.090
I know we approved the
examiners recommendation,
00:05:23.090 --> 00:05:23.923
is there a second?
00:05:23.923 --> 00:05:24.756
00:05:24.756 --> 00:05:25.589
Second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:05:25.589 --> 00:05:26.422
All in favor, say aye.
00:05:26.422 --> 00:05:27.910
00:05:27.910 --> 00:05:28.743
Any opposed?
00:05:28.743 --> 00:05:29.576
Motion passes.
00:05:29.576 --> 00:05:33.060
That item is approved. Let's
move on to item number five.
00:05:33.060 --> 00:05:34.880
Item number five
is the application
00:05:34.880 --> 00:05:36.910
for the Texas municipal power agency
00:05:36.910 --> 00:05:39.430
requesting release of
phase three reclamation
00:05:39.430 --> 00:05:43.960
obligations for 85.1 acres
within Gibbons Creek lignite,
00:05:43.960 --> 00:05:47.743
mine permit number 2060
located in Grimes county.
00:05:47.743 --> 00:05:50.671
The approved post My
land uses pastureland.
00:05:50.671 --> 00:05:53.040
Evidence in the record supports TMPA
00:05:53.040 --> 00:05:54.520
has satisfied all requirements
00:05:54.520 --> 00:05:57.150
for the request it released
to the subject area.
00:05:57.150 --> 00:05:57.983
After notice,
00:05:57.983 --> 00:06:00.670
no comments or requests
for hearing were received.
00:06:00.670 --> 00:06:03.880
TMP and staff are the only
parties to the proceeding.
00:06:03.880 --> 00:06:04.995
No exceptions were filed,
00:06:04.995 --> 00:06:07.608
no changes to the current
bond or requested in this docket.
00:06:07.608 --> 00:06:10.877
It is recommended that the
request for phase three release
00:06:10.877 --> 00:06:13.335
for the subject area
be approved and that
00:06:13.335 --> 00:06:16.260
TMPA be eligible to reduce
the amount of the bond
00:06:16.260 --> 00:06:17.093
for the part.
00:06:17.093 --> 00:06:18.333
I'm available for questions.
00:06:18.333 --> 00:06:20.220
Any questions members?
00:06:20.220 --> 00:06:21.053
00:06:21.053 --> 00:06:21.886
Okay. Is there uh,
00:06:21.886 --> 00:06:24.100
I move we approve
examiners recommendation
00:06:24.100 --> 00:06:25.030
is there a second?
00:06:25.030 --> 00:06:25.863
00:06:25.863 --> 00:06:27.280
Second by Commissioner Wright?
00:06:27.280 --> 00:06:28.920
All in favor say aye.
00:06:28.920 --> 00:06:29.753
00:06:29.753 --> 00:06:30.586
Any opposed?
00:06:30.586 --> 00:06:32.840
Motion passes that item is approved.
00:06:32.840 --> 00:06:34.500
Item number six.
00:06:34.500 --> 00:06:36.833
00:06:40.041 --> 00:06:42.523
Good morning chairman
and Commissioners.
00:06:42.523 --> 00:06:43.430
Good morning.
00:06:43.430 --> 00:06:46.190
Good morning, I'm Jennifer
Cook Administrative Law Judge
00:06:46.190 --> 00:06:48.390
with the Hearings division.
00:06:48.390 --> 00:06:51.040
In item six there was a complaint filed
00:06:51.040 --> 00:06:54.610
against NGL Water Solutions
Permian and Engleford
00:06:54.610 --> 00:06:57.380
regarding protests in GL files.
00:06:57.380 --> 00:06:59.360
This was presented
at the last conference
00:06:59.360 --> 00:07:01.270
in past with comments.
00:07:01.270 --> 00:07:03.080
Based on the comments a revised order
00:07:03.080 --> 00:07:06.340
has been prepared and
provided for your consideration
00:07:06.340 --> 00:07:07.910
and I'm available for questions.
00:07:07.910 --> 00:07:09.983
Are there
any questions members?
00:07:09.983 --> 00:07:10.816
00:07:10.816 --> 00:07:13.051
I move we adopt the
final order as revised.
00:07:13.051 --> 00:07:13.920
Is there a second?
00:07:13.920 --> 00:07:15.100
00:07:15.100 --> 00:07:15.933
All in favor say aye.
00:07:15.933 --> 00:07:17.370
00:07:17.370 --> 00:07:18.930
Any opposed?
00:07:18.930 --> 00:07:19.780
Motion passes,
00:07:19.780 --> 00:07:21.740
that item is approved and Commissioner
00:07:21.740 --> 00:07:23.100
Craddick did the second
00:07:24.293 --> 00:07:25.460
You got it wrong
00:07:26.480 --> 00:07:27.800
I did. She did she second.
00:07:27.800 --> 00:07:28.633
Yeah you got it right
00:07:28.633 --> 00:07:30.210
Okay, thank you
00:07:30.210 --> 00:07:31.043
keep up here.
00:07:31.043 --> 00:07:33.478
Hey you keep putting
words in my mouth
00:07:33.478 --> 00:07:34.400
that are not in my mouth
00:07:34.400 --> 00:07:35.950
Hey, Hey, y'all calm down.
00:07:35.950 --> 00:07:37.940
Okay. This is important business okay.
00:07:37.940 --> 00:07:38.773
All right.
00:07:38.773 --> 00:07:41.750
We've got Joe here. He'll task you out.
00:07:41.750 --> 00:07:42.606
You get that.
00:07:42.606 --> 00:07:43.439
00:07:43.439 --> 00:07:44.720
Good morning chairman,
00:07:44.720 --> 00:07:46.386
Commissioners, for the record,
00:07:46.386 --> 00:07:49.350
Joe Manifee paralegal
with the Hearings division.
00:07:49.350 --> 00:07:52.590
I'll be presenting items 7, 3 11,
00:07:52.590 --> 00:07:56.170
all of which are P five
motions for rehearing
00:07:56.170 --> 00:07:59.070
filed as a result of a final order
00:07:59.070 --> 00:08:02.210
denying renewal of the operators P five
00:08:02.210 --> 00:08:03.610
because of wells that were
00:08:03.610 --> 00:08:07.140
noncompliant with Statewide rule 15.
00:08:07.140 --> 00:08:10.493
Item number seven in
its motion for rehearing,
00:08:12.108 --> 00:08:14.910
Mitchell Enrich Oil and Gas LLC
00:08:14.910 --> 00:08:18.240
states its failure to
timely request a hearing
00:08:18.240 --> 00:08:21.060
was due to mistake or accident,
00:08:21.060 --> 00:08:22.736
that compliance is eminent
00:08:22.736 --> 00:08:25.600
and that granting the
rehearing will not delay
00:08:25.600 --> 00:08:27.520
or hinder the Commission.
00:08:27.520 --> 00:08:30.720
Staff opposes the
motion at this time.
00:08:30.720 --> 00:08:33.930
11 wells remain non-compliant.
00:08:33.930 --> 00:08:36.480
It's recommended the motion be denied.
00:08:36.480 --> 00:08:39.680
The motion will be
overruled by operational law
00:08:39.680 --> 00:08:41.280
on November 11th.
00:08:41.280 --> 00:08:42.753
I'm available for questions.
00:08:42.753 --> 00:08:44.202
Questions members?
00:08:44.202 --> 00:08:45.290
00:08:45.290 --> 00:08:48.160
We approved examiners
recommendation. Is there a second?
00:08:48.160 --> 00:08:48.993
00:08:48.993 --> 00:08:50.080
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:08:50.080 --> 00:08:51.914
All in favor say aye.
00:08:51.914 --> 00:08:52.747
00:08:52.747 --> 00:08:55.340
Any opposed? Motion
passes that item is approved.
00:08:55.340 --> 00:08:57.220
Agenda item eight.
00:08:57.220 --> 00:09:00.330
Item number eight and
its' motion for rehearing.
00:09:00.330 --> 00:09:03.380
Nessa Tour West Texas LLC
00:09:03.380 --> 00:09:06.640
states it's failure to
request a hearing was due to
00:09:06.640 --> 00:09:10.230
mistake or accident,
that compliance is eminent
00:09:10.230 --> 00:09:12.730
and that granting the
rehearing will not delay
00:09:12.730 --> 00:09:14.310
or injure the Commission.
00:09:14.310 --> 00:09:16.510
Staff opposes the motion.
00:09:16.510 --> 00:09:19.770
At this time three wells
remain non-compliant
00:09:19.770 --> 00:09:21.710
with Statewide rule 15.
00:09:21.710 --> 00:09:24.310
It's recommended the motion be denied.
00:09:24.310 --> 00:09:27.580
The motion will be overruled
by operation of law on
00:09:27.580 --> 00:09:28.950
November 11th.
00:09:28.950 --> 00:09:30.588
I'm available for questions.
00:09:30.588 --> 00:09:31.990
Any questions members?
00:09:31.990 --> 00:09:32.890
00:09:32.890 --> 00:09:36.000
I move we adopt the approved
examiners recommendation.
00:09:36.000 --> 00:09:36.833
Is there a second?
00:09:36.833 --> 00:09:37.666
00:09:37.666 --> 00:09:38.580
Second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:09:38.580 --> 00:09:39.480
All in favor say aye.
00:09:39.480 --> 00:09:40.930
00:09:40.930 --> 00:09:41.870
Any opposed?
00:09:41.870 --> 00:09:42.703
Motion passes.
00:09:42.703 --> 00:09:44.230
That item is approved.
00:09:44.230 --> 00:09:45.754
Item number nine.
00:09:45.754 --> 00:09:47.380
Item number nine.
00:09:47.380 --> 00:09:50.117
Subsequent to filing
its motion for rehearing
00:09:50.117 --> 00:09:54.050
Oz Gas Corporation has
come into compliance.
00:09:54.050 --> 00:09:58.071
Therefore, it's recommended
the motion be granted and the
00:09:58.071 --> 00:10:01.460
underlying docket dismissed this mood.
00:10:01.460 --> 00:10:03.117
I'm available for questions.
00:10:03.117 --> 00:10:03.950
Any questions members?
00:10:03.950 --> 00:10:04.827
00:10:04.827 --> 00:10:07.190
I move we approved the
examiners recommendations.
00:10:07.190 --> 00:10:08.023
Is there a second?
00:10:08.023 --> 00:10:08.856
00:10:08.856 --> 00:10:09.689
Second by Commissioner Wright.
00:10:09.689 --> 00:10:10.540
All in favor Say aye.
00:10:10.540 --> 00:10:11.760
00:10:11.760 --> 00:10:12.770
Any opposed?
00:10:12.770 --> 00:10:13.680
Motion passes.
00:10:13.680 --> 00:10:14.870
That item is approved.
00:10:14.870 --> 00:10:16.880
Agenda item 10 Joseph.
00:10:16.880 --> 00:10:19.880
Item Number 10 and
its motion for rehearing
00:10:19.880 --> 00:10:23.360
P F O G Operations LLC
00:10:23.360 --> 00:10:25.620
states it's failure to request a hearing
00:10:25.620 --> 00:10:28.000
was due to mistake or accident.
00:10:28.000 --> 00:10:31.210
That compliance is eminent
and that the Commission
00:10:31.210 --> 00:10:35.050
would not be injured by
granting the rehearing.
00:10:35.050 --> 00:10:38.310
Staff opposes the motion at this time.
00:10:38.310 --> 00:10:41.080
One well remains noncompliant
00:10:41.080 --> 00:10:43.300
with Statewide rule 15.
00:10:43.300 --> 00:10:47.610
Due to its failure to comply
with H five requirements,
00:10:47.610 --> 00:10:49.781
it's recommended the motion be denied.
00:10:49.781 --> 00:10:53.320
The motion will be
overruled by operation of law
00:10:53.320 --> 00:10:54.850
on November 11.
00:10:54.850 --> 00:10:56.477
I'm available for questions.
00:10:56.477 --> 00:10:57.617
Any questions members?
00:10:57.617 --> 00:10:58.740
00:10:58.740 --> 00:11:00.770
I move we approve the
examiners recommendation.
00:11:00.770 --> 00:11:01.690
Is there a second?
00:11:01.690 --> 00:11:02.523
00:11:02.523 --> 00:11:03.356
Second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:11:03.356 --> 00:11:05.020
All in favor say aye.
00:11:05.020 --> 00:11:05.853
00:11:05.853 --> 00:11:06.780
Any opposed?
00:11:06.780 --> 00:11:09.140
Motion passes that item is approved.
00:11:09.140 --> 00:11:11.110
Item number 11.
00:11:11.110 --> 00:11:12.440
I'm number 11.
00:11:12.440 --> 00:11:15.930
Subsequent to filing
its motion for rehearing,
00:11:15.930 --> 00:11:19.960
R M B Operating LLC
has come into compliance
00:11:19.960 --> 00:11:22.140
with Statewide rule 15.
00:11:22.140 --> 00:11:24.620
It is recommended the motion be granted
00:11:24.620 --> 00:11:27.780
and the underlying
docket dismiss this mood.
00:11:27.780 --> 00:11:29.297
I'm available for questions.
00:11:29.297 --> 00:11:31.340
Any questions members?
00:11:31.340 --> 00:11:32.173
00:11:32.173 --> 00:11:33.522
I move we approve the
examiners recommendations.
00:11:33.522 --> 00:11:35.523
Is there a second, <v
00:11:35.523 --> 00:11:36.356
All in favor say aye.
00:11:36.356 --> 00:11:37.570
00:11:37.570 --> 00:11:38.540
Any opposed?
00:11:38.540 --> 00:11:40.970
Motion passes that item is approved.
00:11:40.970 --> 00:11:41.847
Thank you, sir.
00:11:41.847 --> 00:11:43.311
We like good news
00:11:43.311 --> 00:11:45.150
We had to work him hard today.
00:11:45.150 --> 00:11:46.570
Good news on a few
00:11:46.570 --> 00:11:47.410
pay raise for him.
00:11:47.410 --> 00:11:48.920
That'd be good to him.
00:11:48.920 --> 00:11:51.700
Okay let's move on to um item
00:11:51.700 --> 00:11:53.021
You just put that
on record for him
00:11:53.021 --> 00:11:54.786
so he's gonna be in right?
00:11:54.786 --> 00:11:55.619
Ought to,
00:11:55.619 --> 00:11:57.285
ought to, I didn't
say we were going to
00:11:57.285 --> 00:11:58.790
its a year away.
00:11:58.790 --> 00:11:59.630
00:11:59.630 --> 00:12:02.000
Let's move on to the oil
and gas Consent Agenda.
00:12:02.000 --> 00:12:04.590
There are 33 items on
the Consent Agenda.
00:12:04.590 --> 00:12:07.430
I move to approve items 12 through 44.
00:12:07.430 --> 00:12:08.685
Is there a second ?
00:12:08.685 --> 00:12:10.070
00:12:10.070 --> 00:12:11.260
second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:12:11.260 --> 00:12:12.693
All in favor say aye.
00:12:12.693 --> 00:12:13.534
00:12:13.534 --> 00:12:14.367
Any opposed?
00:12:14.367 --> 00:12:17.365
Motion passes those items are approved.
00:12:17.365 --> 00:12:21.224
Let's move on to rule
15 and active well items.
00:12:21.224 --> 00:12:22.224
There are 15
00:12:23.065 --> 00:12:26.290
rule 15 and it has that, 15
rule 15 inactive well items.
00:12:26.290 --> 00:12:29.946
I move that we approve
items 45 through 63
00:12:29.946 --> 00:12:35.619
except four items
46 51 56 and 62.
00:12:35.619 --> 00:12:36.452
Is there a second?
00:12:36.452 --> 00:12:37.285
00:12:37.285 --> 00:12:39.044
second by Commissioner Wright.
00:12:39.044 --> 00:12:39.877
All in favor say aye.
00:12:39.877 --> 00:12:40.710
00:12:40.710 --> 00:12:41.543
Any opposed?
00:12:41.543 --> 00:12:43.173
Motion passes those items are approved.
00:12:43.173 --> 00:12:46.210
Let's move to the master default orders.
00:12:46.210 --> 00:12:48.520
There are three master default orders.
00:12:48.520 --> 00:12:51.670
I move we approve items 64 through 66.
00:12:51.670 --> 00:12:52.503
Is there a second?
00:12:52.503 --> 00:12:53.336
00:12:53.336 --> 00:12:54.169
All in favor say aye.
00:12:54.169 --> 00:12:55.002
00:12:55.002 --> 00:12:55.860
Second by
Commissioner Craddick.
00:12:55.860 --> 00:12:56.790
00:12:56.790 --> 00:12:57.660
Any opposed?
00:12:57.660 --> 00:12:59.880
Motion passes those items are approved.
00:12:59.880 --> 00:13:02.740
I just feel like I need to
state the second record.
00:13:02.740 --> 00:13:04.950
You. Just really just
don't care what I'm saying.
00:13:04.950 --> 00:13:05.797
Today at all.
00:13:05.797 --> 00:13:07.360
Well you said I
said you did it. Okay.
00:13:07.360 --> 00:13:08.760
She ain't miss me too. So.
00:13:10.020 --> 00:13:11.570
Equal opportunity.
00:13:11.570 --> 00:13:13.670
We never treated you like this.
00:13:13.670 --> 00:13:14.503
What's going on.
00:13:14.503 --> 00:13:15.336
00:13:15.336 --> 00:13:16.169
All right,
00:13:16.169 --> 00:13:17.680
let's move on to the
agreed enforcement orders.
00:13:17.680 --> 00:13:20.590
There are 166 agreed enforcement orders.
00:13:20.590 --> 00:13:24.610
I move we approve items 67 to 232.
00:13:24.610 --> 00:13:25.580
Is there a second?
00:13:25.580 --> 00:13:26.951
00:13:26.951 --> 00:13:28.077
second by Commissioner Wright?
00:13:28.077 --> 00:13:28.910
All in favor say aye.
00:13:28.910 --> 00:13:29.860
00:13:29.860 --> 00:13:30.693
Any opposed?
00:13:30.693 --> 00:13:32.770
Motion passes those items are approved.
00:13:32.770 --> 00:13:34.530
That concludes the hearing section.
00:13:34.530 --> 00:13:36.910
We will now take up our
administrative agendas.
00:13:36.910 --> 00:13:38.033
Agenda item 2 33.
00:13:38.033 --> 00:13:40.366
00:13:42.509 --> 00:13:44.084
Good morning Chairman,
00:13:44.084 --> 00:13:44.940
00:13:44.940 --> 00:13:46.300
For the record. RJ D'Silva,
00:13:46.300 --> 00:13:49.260
interim director of government
relations for the Commission
00:13:49.260 --> 00:13:52.392
agenda item 2.33 pertains
to section three of Senate bill
00:13:52.392 --> 00:13:53.740
00:13:53.740 --> 00:13:57.730
which requires the Commission
to appoint five people who
00:13:57.730 --> 00:14:00.890
represent the natural gas
supply chain to the Texas energy
00:14:00.890 --> 00:14:02.500
reliability council.
00:14:02.500 --> 00:14:05.971
Staff recommendation is to
appoint the following members
00:14:05.971 --> 00:14:07.640
as alternates representing the operation
00:14:07.640 --> 00:14:10.773
of wells producing natural
gas is Jason Herrick,
00:14:11.961 --> 00:14:15.305
alternate as Richard Richard
BA representing the pipeline
00:14:15.305 --> 00:14:16.786
industry is Grant Ruckle.
00:14:16.786 --> 00:14:18.510
Alternate is Larry Bell representing
00:14:18.510 --> 00:14:19.760
injection and storage of
00:14:19.760 --> 00:14:21.930
produced water is Danny Wesson.
00:14:21.930 --> 00:14:25.200
Alternate as Luke Garrett
representing gas processing is
00:14:25.200 --> 00:14:26.550
Grant Bacon.
00:14:26.550 --> 00:14:28.740
Alternate is Don Baldric
00:14:28.740 --> 00:14:30.940
and finally representing gas
00:14:30.940 --> 00:14:33.270
distribution companies is Keith Wall.
00:14:33.270 --> 00:14:35.230
Alternate is John Paris.
00:14:35.230 --> 00:14:37.610
And I'd like to point out that Mr. Wall
00:14:37.610 --> 00:14:40.140
is here in back of the room as well.
00:14:40.140 --> 00:14:42.717
Okay well
thank you very much.
00:14:42.717 --> 00:14:44.158
And thank you Mr. Wall for offering
00:14:44.158 --> 00:14:46.100
to volunteer for such duty.
00:14:46.100 --> 00:14:46.933
I appreciate.
00:14:46.933 --> 00:14:49.205
Offering to volunteer
is the real key to this
00:14:49.205 --> 00:14:50.038
so thank you for the work
00:14:50.038 --> 00:14:52.350
and we are glad to
keep this moving forward
00:14:52.350 --> 00:14:55.320
we appreciate the members
that are willing to serve on this
00:14:55.320 --> 00:14:57.000
Yeah. Thank you.
00:14:57.000 --> 00:14:59.530
All. You all represent the
natural gas supply chain
00:14:59.530 --> 00:15:01.900
and the production pipelines.
00:15:01.900 --> 00:15:05.140
I'm very proud to do you guys
have volunteered to do that
00:15:05.140 --> 00:15:07.457
and thank you for volunteering.
00:15:07.457 --> 00:15:08.565
Yeah, me too.
00:15:08.565 --> 00:15:10.710
And I appreciate the
natural gas industry
00:15:10.710 --> 00:15:11.920
that has been so good.
00:15:11.920 --> 00:15:13.590
I remember during, during your hearing,
00:15:13.590 --> 00:15:15.310
I believe it was Senator
Nichols that stated
00:15:15.310 --> 00:15:17.520
natural gas saved Texas.
00:15:17.520 --> 00:15:19.783
I think that was a great comment there.
00:15:21.250 --> 00:15:23.932
So I move that we adopt
staff recommendation
00:15:23.932 --> 00:15:26.890
for appointments to the
Texas energy reliability council.
00:15:26.890 --> 00:15:28.820
Is there a second,
00:15:28.820 --> 00:15:31.640
Second by Commissioner
Craddick all in favor say aye.
00:15:31.640 --> 00:15:32.473
00:15:32.473 --> 00:15:33.480
Any opposed?
00:15:33.480 --> 00:15:34.330
Motion passes.
00:15:34.330 --> 00:15:35.520
That item is approved.
00:15:35.520 --> 00:15:37.020
Thank you very much.
00:15:37.020 --> 00:15:39.620
Agenda item 2 34 is
an update from the office
00:15:39.620 --> 00:15:40.520
of general counsel.
00:15:40.520 --> 00:15:42.440
Good morning Chairman
and Commissioners.
00:15:42.440 --> 00:15:44.120
For the record my name is Alec shock.
00:15:44.120 --> 00:15:47.273
general counsel on railroad
Commission item 2 34 is
00:15:47.273 --> 00:15:50.070
updates on the pending
or contemplated litigation or
00:15:50.070 --> 00:15:50.903
rule makings.
00:15:50.903 --> 00:15:52.040
Today we don't have any updates.
00:15:52.040 --> 00:15:54.700
We've had some past few
weeks, but nothing to report today.
00:15:54.700 --> 00:15:57.230
Thank you No
news is good news.
00:15:58.353 --> 00:15:59.186
And then comes today.
00:15:59.186 --> 00:16:01.810
Agenda item 2 35 is
oil field cleanup report,
00:16:01.810 --> 00:16:04.970
quarterly status
report Clay Woodall.
00:16:04.970 --> 00:16:05.803
Keith May
00:16:05.803 --> 00:16:08.866
Keith May they
have Clay Woodall down here
00:16:08.866 --> 00:16:10.027
(mixed laughter)
00:16:10.027 --> 00:16:13.051
They walked out
on you huh and left it to you
00:16:13.051 --> 00:16:14.840
Good morning
Chairman , Commissioners.
00:16:14.840 --> 00:16:15.673
Good morning
00:16:15.673 --> 00:16:16.860
My name is Keith May
with the oil and gas division.
00:16:16.860 --> 00:16:17.816
your sure?
00:16:17.816 --> 00:16:18.649
00:16:18.649 --> 00:16:21.703
I'm gonna
correct it in my book here.
00:16:21.703 --> 00:16:24.073
Item 2 35 is the oil field cleanups
00:16:24.073 --> 00:16:25.660
oil field cleanup program
00:16:25.660 --> 00:16:28.640
Fourth quarter sash
report for fiscal year 2021.
00:16:28.640 --> 00:16:31.590
During the fourth quarter
of fiscal year 2021 plugging
00:16:31.590 --> 00:16:35.060
operations were completed
and follows are closed on 384
00:16:35.060 --> 00:16:40.320
wells at a cost of
12 million $58,210.
00:16:40.320 --> 00:16:42.820
This includes only those
wells that were plugged,
00:16:42.820 --> 00:16:44.740
invoiced by the plugin contractor
00:16:44.740 --> 00:16:46.996
and approved for
payment by field operations
00:16:46.996 --> 00:16:48.550
During the same period,
00:16:48.550 --> 00:16:50.770
346 new Wells that were
approved for plugging
00:16:50.770 --> 00:16:52.360
with state funds.
00:16:52.360 --> 00:16:54.228
At total of 1,485.
00:16:54.228 --> 00:16:58.070
Wells are physically plugged
during fiscal year 2021
00:16:58.070 --> 00:17:03.377
of which 1,453 were
closed at a cost of 36 million
00:17:03.377 --> 00:17:06.383
00:17:07.340 --> 00:17:10.196
Site remediation's performance
during the fourth quarter
00:17:10.196 --> 00:17:12.120
included 114 cleanup activities
00:17:12.120 --> 00:17:15.117
completed and closed
at a cost of 11 million,
00:17:15.117 --> 00:17:21.500
$242,352 as well as
three cleanup activities
00:17:21.500 --> 00:17:26.894
completed at a cost of
$54,450 using grant funds
00:17:26.894 --> 00:17:28.543
And additional 52 new activities
00:17:28.543 --> 00:17:30.663
were approved during the same period.
00:17:31.570 --> 00:17:35.130
The fiscal year 2021 performance
reset remediation included
00:17:35.130 --> 00:17:39.160
a total of 275 cleanup
activities at a total cost of
00:17:39.160 --> 00:17:40.080
13 million
00:17:41.622 --> 00:17:45.600
$116,181 may I
answer any questions.
00:17:45.600 --> 00:17:46.790
work. I tell you our
00:17:46.790 --> 00:17:48.400
our staff,
00:17:48.400 --> 00:17:51.780
our complete workforce is
such an example to the world
00:17:51.780 --> 00:17:53.711
on how to clean the oil up.
00:17:53.711 --> 00:17:56.140
It's amazing you hear this
environmental cleanup stuff
00:17:56.140 --> 00:17:58.050
and and all this that goes on.
00:17:58.050 --> 00:17:59.596
Do you know?
00:17:59.596 --> 00:18:02.350
Probably the oldest environmental
agency in the nation is
00:18:02.350 --> 00:18:04.000
the railroad Commission of Texas.
00:18:04.868 --> 00:18:06.100
It is in our charter for cleanup.
00:18:06.100 --> 00:18:08.870
I remember from Kil gore
where we went in there,
00:18:08.870 --> 00:18:10.400
we went in the agency
went in there and gosh,
00:18:10.400 --> 00:18:12.681
back in the fifties
and did that cleanup.
00:18:12.681 --> 00:18:14.940
Also a cost basis analysis.
00:18:14.940 --> 00:18:16.470
I'm an old financial guy.
00:18:16.470 --> 00:18:17.303
00:18:17.303 --> 00:18:19.447
So I did a cost based
analysis what does it cost?
00:18:19.447 --> 00:18:21.066
What's the value and picking on the,
00:18:21.066 --> 00:18:23.760
what happened didn't perform
during the storm versus what
00:18:23.760 --> 00:18:25.350
did perform during the storm.
00:18:25.350 --> 00:18:28.710
You know oil derrick
lasts from 50 to 70 years
00:18:28.710 --> 00:18:30.200
in production for oil and gas okay.
00:18:30.200 --> 00:18:32.220
Cost to take it down is what
00:18:32.220 --> 00:18:35.300
15 to 20,000 average
and not paid for directly
00:18:35.300 --> 00:18:36.750
by the taxpayer.
00:18:36.750 --> 00:18:38.300
Industry takes care of this.
00:18:38.300 --> 00:18:43.180
A windmill life expand
is 10 to 15 years.
00:18:43.180 --> 00:18:46.830
The cost to take it down is $535,000.
00:18:46.830 --> 00:18:47.663
00:18:47.663 --> 00:18:49.430
Now that's renewable energy
00:18:49.430 --> 00:18:52.680
but the cost is kind of
high to renew that sucker.
00:18:52.680 --> 00:18:53.736
So I commend what you do
00:18:53.736 --> 00:18:56.534
and commend what our
employees have done.
00:18:56.534 --> 00:18:58.440
I agree with you.
00:18:58.440 --> 00:19:01.200
I think our goal was 1400
wells to plug this year.
00:19:01.200 --> 00:19:02.033
Is that correct?
00:19:02.033 --> 00:19:02.866
Yes sir.
00:19:02.866 --> 00:19:04.720
And you you've
exceeded that so far.
00:19:04.720 --> 00:19:05.870
That's that's good job.
00:19:07.120 --> 00:19:07.953
Thank you'll.
00:19:07.953 --> 00:19:10.688
Thank you for your report.
00:19:10.688 --> 00:19:14.020
Agenda item 2 36 is our
public participation item.
00:19:14.020 --> 00:19:17.040
No one is registered indicating
that they wish to speak on
00:19:17.040 --> 00:19:19.360
any non posted items.
00:19:19.360 --> 00:19:20.720
Agenda item 2 37
00:19:20.720 --> 00:19:22.280
which is our executive session item
00:19:22.280 --> 00:19:24.540
which we will not be going into today.
00:19:24.540 --> 00:19:27.180
Are there any other duly posted
matters to be brought before
00:19:27.180 --> 00:19:28.623
the Commission at this time?
00:19:29.640 --> 00:19:30.473
Hearing none,
00:19:30.473 --> 00:19:31.980
this meeting of the Railroad
Commissioner of Texas
00:19:31.980 --> 00:19:32.813
is adjourned.
00:19:33.710 --> 00:19:34.543
Thank you everyone.
00:19:34.543 --> 00:19:35.543
Thank you.