WEBVTT 00:00:06.839 --> 00:00:08.980 Good morning. This meeting of the public utility commission 00:00:08.980 --> 00:00:11.240 of texas will come to order to consider matters that 00:00:11.240 --> 00:00:13.390 have been duly posted with the secretary of State of 00:00:13.400 --> 00:00:16.679 texas for february 10th 2022 for the record my name 00:00:16.679 --> 00:00:18.570 is Peter Lake and with me today are well, Mcadams, 00:00:18.890 --> 00:00:22.690 laura Cobos and jimmy Gladfelter. Mr jones. Could you 00:00:22.690 --> 00:00:25.879 please walk us through the consent items on today's 00:00:25.890 --> 00:00:29.500 agenda? Good morning. Commissioners by individual ballot 00:00:29.500 --> 00:00:31.949 The following items were placed on your consent agenda 00:00:32.039 --> 00:00:37.560 1279, 10, 13, 16 and 17. And for the record commissioner 00:00:37.560 --> 00:00:39.859 Cobos has recused herself from item 10. 00:00:41.539 --> 00:00:43.670 Thank you sir. Is there a motion to approve the items 00:00:43.670 --> 00:00:44.719 just described by Mr? 00:00:46.250 --> 00:00:50.460 All in favor say, aye, I don't oppose. The motion passes 00:00:52.039 --> 00:00:54.979 as we move into the public comment. A portion of our 00:00:54.979 --> 00:00:57.170 agenda. I'd like to remind parties and stakeholders 00:00:57.170 --> 00:00:59.549 they should not approach the table unless oral argument 00:00:59.549 --> 00:01:02.380 has been granted or they have been invited by a commissioner 00:01:02.570 --> 00:01:06.739 at this time. We'll open for public comment. Oral comments 00:01:06.750 --> 00:01:09.810 related to a specific agenda item will be heard when 00:01:09.810 --> 00:01:13.359 that item has taken up. This segment of public comment 00:01:13.370 --> 00:01:16.290 is for general comments. Only speakers will be limited 00:01:16.290 --> 00:01:19.359 to three minutes each. Mr United. Do we have anyone 00:01:19.359 --> 00:01:22.060 from the public signed up to speak? No, sir. No one 00:01:22.060 --> 00:01:23.060 signed up on the list 00:01:25.840 --> 00:01:29.200 In that case. Public comment is now closed. We will 00:01:29.200 --> 00:01:31.450 not be taking up item 21 today. 00:01:33.540 --> 00:01:36.670 The first two items were consented. I don't have anything 00:01:36.670 --> 00:01:41.640 on number three which brings us to Item # four. That 00:01:41.650 --> 00:01:46.219 out for us. Mr Journeay (item:4) Item four is docket 51249. 00:01:46.219 --> 00:01:51.060 It's the petition of cook rose to amend lindell Rural 00:01:51.060 --> 00:01:53.959 Water Supply Corporation CCN. By expedited release 00:01:54.739 --> 00:01:58.250 The petitioner filed a motion to withdraw because a 00:01:58.250 --> 00:02:00.489 proposed order has already been filed in this docket 00:02:00.500 --> 00:02:03.260 The motion must be addressed by the commission. 00:02:05.439 --> 00:02:09.020 Thank you. Sir. Creek Rose is moving for the withdrawal 00:02:09.020 --> 00:02:12.599 of their own petition. Seems to make sense to me any 00:02:12.599 --> 00:02:14.979 other thoughts or comments I would think they'd know 00:02:14.979 --> 00:02:19.909 best that they know what to do Enough. Is there a motion 00:02:19.909 --> 00:02:22.469 to find good cause for the reasons discuss and to grant 00:02:22.479 --> 00:02:24.810 Cook Rose's motion for withdrawal 00:02:26.419 --> 00:02:31.139 all in favor say, aye, I don't oppose the motion passes 00:02:31.349 --> 00:02:36.439 Item no five, (item:5) Item five is Chris Chris Harps Appeal 00:02:36.439 --> 00:02:38.610 of the cost of obtaining service from Mount Zion Water 00:02:38.610 --> 00:02:41.800 Supply Corporation Before use the draft. Preliminary 00:02:41.800 --> 00:02:46.110 order filed on February two. Thank you sir. Preliminary 00:02:46.110 --> 00:02:52.569 order sets out the issues nicely. I do have a concern 00:02:53.280 --> 00:02:57.479 or an opportunity to add another question given the 00:02:57.479 --> 00:02:59.150 extraordinary cost for a single 00:03:00.939 --> 00:03:03.360 Family resident connection and an 8" line. 00:03:05.840 --> 00:03:09.560 That seems odd for both from the cost and the size 00:03:09.560 --> 00:03:14.099 of the infrastructure, so happy to hear thoughts but 00:03:14.110 --> 00:03:17.520 I'd like to add a question that is much more pointed 00:03:17.530 --> 00:03:21.539 than any of the questions currently in that order asking 00:03:21.550 --> 00:03:26.550 if those facilities that the 8" line and and the cost 00:03:27.240 --> 00:03:32.639 or being installed to plan for future growth or for 00:03:32.639 --> 00:03:36.199 the benefit of future customers should that cost be 00:03:36.210 --> 00:03:39.460 allocated not to just Mr hart but also those future 00:03:39.460 --> 00:03:40.259 customers and 00:03:43.629 --> 00:03:46.800 thoughts, comments. I support your effort. Yeah, that 00:03:46.860 --> 00:03:47.819 that sounds logical. 00:03:49.439 --> 00:03:51.810 Yes, I agree. I think that's a great question to ask 00:03:51.819 --> 00:03:54.750 from a cost, consumer cost standpoint on cost allocation 00:03:56.139 --> 00:04:01.050 I agree. Okay, I've got some language here read for 00:04:01.050 --> 00:04:06.340 your consideration if the facilities Add this two part 00:04:06.340 --> 00:04:08.919 of question 10 if the facilities necessary to provide 00:04:08.919 --> 00:04:12.629 service. Mr Harper capable benefiting other or future 00:04:12.629 --> 00:04:15.520 customers should Mr harper's cost to obtain service 00:04:15.520 --> 00:04:18.420 be reduced to reflect the benefits that are newer to 00:04:18.420 --> 00:04:20.660 all customers of the utility. 00:04:22.339 --> 00:04:24.050 That makes sense? Yes, I agree with it. 00:04:28.230 --> 00:04:31.910 Other thoughts, comments. Alright, motion is there 00:04:31.910 --> 00:04:34.310 a motion to approve the preliminary order as modified 00:04:34.310 --> 00:04:38.709 by the additional question I just laid out second all 00:04:38.709 --> 00:04:42.759 in favor say, aye, I don't oppose. The motion passes 00:04:44.139 --> 00:04:46.250 brings us to item number six mr 00:04:49.740 --> 00:04:52.959 (item:6) Item six is docket 52493. It's the complaint of 00:04:52.959 --> 00:04:56.660 Brad White against Arledge Ridge Water Supply Corporation 00:04:57.040 --> 00:05:00.060 A draft lottery order was filed on February two, 00:05:02.740 --> 00:05:06.899 similar situation here, the preliminary order covers 00:05:06.899 --> 00:05:10.160 most issues well, a similar question 00:05:11.740 --> 00:05:15.490 regarding Mr White and the cost of infrastructure needed 00:05:15.500 --> 00:05:19.800 for just one home or is it for the future development 00:05:19.800 --> 00:05:21.259 or expansion 00:05:23.339 --> 00:05:26.720 the language any thoughts or comments if I can propose 00:05:26.720 --> 00:05:31.009 some language still like it? Okay. Uh in this case 00:05:31.009 --> 00:05:33.410 add the question to the Prime Minister order that says 00:05:33.410 --> 00:05:35.819 if the facilities necessary to provide service to Mr 00:05:35.819 --> 00:05:38.759 White are capable of benefiting other or future customers 00:05:39.139 --> 00:05:42.509 Should mr White's cost to obtain service be reduced 00:05:42.509 --> 00:05:44.629 to reflect benefits that energy of all customers of 00:05:44.629 --> 00:05:47.939 the utility if that makes sense. 00:05:50.959 --> 00:05:54.160 We've got a motion and a second to approve the preliminary 00:05:54.160 --> 00:05:58.529 order has modified by this question. All in favor say 00:05:58.529 --> 00:06:03.240 aye, aye, I'm not opposed the motion passes. Number 00:06:03.240 --> 00:06:06.379 seven was consented. I don't have anything on number 00:06:06.389 --> 00:06:09.160 eight. Number 9 was consented 00:06:11.139 --> 00:06:15.399 which was 10 which brings us to (item:11) item number 11. Docket 00:06:15.410 --> 00:06:17.259 number 51912, 00:06:19.319 --> 00:06:22.939 item 11 is docked at 51912 is the application of a 00:06:22.939 --> 00:06:28.060 P tech system in their CCN for a transmission line 00:06:28.069 --> 00:06:32.060 and then the referrals and Patricio counties. A proposal 00:06:32.060 --> 00:06:35.399 for decision was filed on December 22 exceptions to 00:06:35.410 --> 00:06:39.389 50 and replies to those exceptions were filed. So a 00:06:39.389 --> 00:06:42.449 judge filed a letter on february 2nd with two corrections 00:06:42.449 --> 00:06:46.180 to the PFD and I have filed a memorandum with proposed 00:06:46.180 --> 00:06:49.620 changes to the PFD. In addition, the commission has 00:06:49.620 --> 00:06:51.360 granted oral argument in this matter. 00:06:53.639 --> 00:06:54.449 Thank you sir. 00:06:56.740 --> 00:07:01.779 As in all of these routing cases, it's always a challenging 00:07:01.779 --> 00:07:02.259 decision. 00:07:05.050 --> 00:07:08.300 I think we traditionally here or oral argument first 00:07:08.310 --> 00:07:12.540 if that works for you all well call up witnesses. Uh 00:07:12.550 --> 00:07:16.350 first on the list is David Brown uh and I assume the 00:07:16.360 --> 00:07:18.360 usual three minutes, sir. Yes, sir. 00:07:23.250 --> 00:07:26.769 Would you like me to station myself? Perfect, thank 00:07:26.769 --> 00:07:27.250 you. Thank 00:07:34.040 --> 00:07:36.850 Good morning. I'm David Brown and with the law firm 00:07:36.850 --> 00:07:39.879 of you'll brown blanket night here in Austin represent 00:07:39.879 --> 00:07:43.160 team Michael O'Connor and his family uh in there 00:07:44.699 --> 00:07:47.230 and we're also a member of what we call the aligned 00:07:47.230 --> 00:07:51.290 interveners who have sought to to establish a slightly 00:07:51.290 --> 00:07:54.860 different route, so I'm here to speak. Uh give you 00:07:54.860 --> 00:07:58.470 comments on two different analyses. The first one is 00:07:58.480 --> 00:08:03.230 what we call Z mod route Z mod. Uh If you've read 00:08:03.230 --> 00:08:05.290 all of the briefing and I'm sure you've been briefed 00:08:05.290 --> 00:08:10.459 on the briefing at least Z mod provides for uh some 00:08:10.470 --> 00:08:14.399 changes that are all voluntary on the part of landowners 00:08:14.399 --> 00:08:17.670 that that actually caused bifurcation of their properties 00:08:17.680 --> 00:08:21.290 as opposed to avoiding it. But that's all in the interest 00:08:21.300 --> 00:08:27.100 of protecting the aransas river valley. And if I could 00:08:27.100 --> 00:08:30.949 go through that real quickly, we've proposed modifications 00:08:30.949 --> 00:08:37.850 to, to links 21 C 21 A 54 52 and 50, which 00:08:37.850 --> 00:08:42.690 are all on Route Z. Uh It would in fact remove sharp 00:08:42.690 --> 00:08:47.679 terms, it would shorten lengths, It would remove all 00:08:47.690 --> 00:08:51.600 aransas river crossings uh and it would substantially 00:08:51.600 --> 00:08:54.990 reduce the burden and the destruction of, of the bottomland 00:08:54.990 --> 00:08:56.659 forests along the Francis river valley. 00:08:58.740 --> 00:09:04.730 Perhaps equally important. It removes almost all involuntary 00:09:04.730 --> 00:09:09.590 bifurcation of properties. Uh And it reduces that to 00:09:09.600 --> 00:09:13.360 about a half a mile. Uh one landowner, about half a 00:09:13.360 --> 00:09:19.529 mile now in the, in the PFD, the LJ noted that that 00:09:19.529 --> 00:09:20.360 there was 00:09:22.840 --> 00:09:25.370 what they called insufficient evidence of the cost 00:09:25.370 --> 00:09:28.019 savings. But but in fact, on cross examination, if 00:09:28.019 --> 00:09:31.750 you review the record, you'll find that we found that 00:09:31.759 --> 00:09:35.429 we were able to establish that The types of modifications 00:09:35.429 --> 00:09:37.610 we were talking about would would eliminate a number 00:09:37.610 --> 00:09:41.090 of very sharp turns, some more than 90°1 minute left 00:09:41.100 --> 00:09:43.759 Thank you. It would shorten some of the links, it would 00:09:43.759 --> 00:09:46.419 remove all Renzi's river crossings and it would eliminate 00:09:46.419 --> 00:09:51.259 the bifurcation. So All of those things together reduce 00:09:51.259 --> 00:09:54.179 the cost by an estimated $5 million. And we've put 00:09:54.179 --> 00:09:58.419 that actually $5.5 million which would make route Z 00:09:58.419 --> 00:10:01.879 as modified one of the least costly routes offered 00:10:01.879 --> 00:10:07.330 in the in the and the and the application ah jumping 00:10:07.330 --> 00:10:10.279 to route in versus route T, which is where most of 00:10:10.279 --> 00:10:12.490 the briefing most recently and in the exceptions is 00:10:12.490 --> 00:10:17.240 focused were supporters of route in. Uh And if you 00:10:17.240 --> 00:10:19.990 look at page three of our brief, you'll see we've mapped 00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:24.500 the two areas of bifurcation from those two. First 00:10:24.500 --> 00:10:29.139 of all, the bifurcation that's caused by route in is 00:10:29.139 --> 00:10:38.039 about 1/3 of that. That's caused by route T. And just 00:10:38.039 --> 00:10:39.409 to close out. Um 00:10:42.809 --> 00:10:45.179 If you analyze the factors, the best thing that the 00:10:45.179 --> 00:10:48.450 supporters of route we can say is it's almost as good 00:10:48.460 --> 00:10:51.870 as route in. They can't find anything where it's better 00:10:51.870 --> 00:10:56.299 than Route End and Route End provides far less bifurcation 00:10:56.299 --> 00:10:56.759 of property. 00:10:59.139 --> 00:11:02.259 So for the, the O'Connor family, we request that you 00:11:03.139 --> 00:11:10.679 adopt Z mod or barring that route in. Thank you. Next 00:11:10.679 --> 00:11:12.129 up is tom Forrester 00:11:22.139 --> 00:11:22.460 Mhm. 00:11:26.440 --> 00:11:26.759 Mhm. 00:11:28.340 --> 00:11:32.049 Good morning commissioners. Tom ford steer. I'm an 00:11:32.049 --> 00:11:35.509 attorney with the law firm of Winstead Pc. I have the 00:11:35.509 --> 00:11:38.259 privilege of representing Burke Holland Corporation 00:11:38.789 --> 00:11:41.490 that's a family owned corporation which owns the Thompson 00:11:41.490 --> 00:11:44.990 ranch, which is located on the far north end of the 00:11:44.990 --> 00:11:49.840 study area. Uh It has the Grissom station located on 00:11:49.840 --> 00:11:54.269 it and one of the occupational hazards of having a 00:11:54.279 --> 00:11:56.500 substation on your property is there's gonna be a lot 00:11:56.500 --> 00:12:00.389 of links that go into it. There are 11 alternate route 00:12:00.389 --> 00:12:04.149 links that eventually terminate in the Brisbane station 00:12:04.639 --> 00:12:08.340 That's about 20% of the total number of alternate route 00:12:08.340 --> 00:12:14.919 links for this project represents about 13.6 miles 00:12:15.120 --> 00:12:17.460 of different ways to get into the Grissom station. 00:12:17.940 --> 00:12:22.860 For that reason, my client worked very hard through 00:12:22.860 --> 00:12:26.120 this entire proceeding to try and figure out a way 00:12:26.129 --> 00:12:31.639 to provide a safe and reliable and cost efficient entrance 00:12:31.639 --> 00:12:34.289 into the Grissom station. We were part of route I. 00:12:34.289 --> 00:12:37.700 S. R. Which was presented to the commission and the 00:12:37.700 --> 00:12:40.769 commission in august declined to accept it and asked 00:12:40.769 --> 00:12:44.529 the parties go back to work harder to try and find 00:12:44.539 --> 00:12:48.850 a more cost efficient way to do it. And we all did 00:12:48.860 --> 00:12:53.440 we worked as hard as we could. And I didn't realize 00:12:53.440 --> 00:12:55.779 this or I guess I had forgotten until I went back and 00:12:55.779 --> 00:12:59.809 looked at the PFD. But we opposed route in from the 00:12:59.809 --> 00:13:04.360 very beginning, which is what the PFD has recommended 00:13:05.000 --> 00:13:10.610 route intakes. This line almost completely off of my 00:13:10.610 --> 00:13:14.090 client's property, but we we rejected it and declined 00:13:14.090 --> 00:13:17.340 to endorse it principally because it resulted in so 00:13:17.340 --> 00:13:21.899 much bifurcation of land for the same reason we opposed 00:13:21.899 --> 00:13:26.149 route T so vigorously. Um, I think you'll hear later 00:13:26.149 --> 00:13:29.240 this morning from the folks that are directly impacted 00:13:29.240 --> 00:13:32.789 by route in. And the one thing that my client shares 00:13:32.799 --> 00:13:36.480 in common with those folks is that nobody wants their 00:13:36.480 --> 00:13:40.240 land to be bifurcated or bisected. But there is a difference 00:13:40.240 --> 00:13:44.129 between the concept of not in my backyard and not on 00:13:44.129 --> 00:13:47.139 my property line. They don't want it in their backyard 00:13:47.309 --> 00:13:50.440 nor do they want it on their property line and it's 00:13:50.440 --> 00:13:52.889 gotta go somewhere and there's not gonna be a perfect 00:13:52.889 --> 00:13:57.159 solution. What I would tell all of you to please consider 00:13:57.539 --> 00:14:01.919 is route Z is 20%. Even without the modifications and 00:14:01.919 --> 00:14:05.440 the voluntary bifurcation and by sections that many 00:14:05.440 --> 00:14:09.370 of the landowners on route Z mod are offering it results 00:14:09.370 --> 00:14:14.129 in a 20% cost savings relative to route I. S. R. Which 00:14:14.139 --> 00:14:18.240 uh the commissioners declined to accept 20% is significant 00:14:18.250 --> 00:14:21.090 if you take into consideration the modifications maybe 00:14:21.090 --> 00:14:24.840 $5.5 million worth of additional savings. It's an even 00:14:24.840 --> 00:14:29.700 greater cost results in greater cost savings. So in 00:14:29.700 --> 00:14:34.649 conclusion, on behalf of bark collar corporation, we 00:14:34.649 --> 00:14:37.690 would ask you to please consider around Z or Z mod 00:14:38.240 --> 00:14:42.840 We stand by our opposition around T. And if you decline 00:14:42.850 --> 00:14:47.190 to adopt Z or Z mod, we would ask you two, Please 00:14:47.200 --> 00:14:51.389 adopt the recommendation of the PhD for route in. Thank 00:14:51.389 --> 00:14:56.029 you for your time. Thank you. Next next up is Patrick 00:14:56.029 --> 00:14:56.480 Resnick. 00:15:06.440 --> 00:15:10.279 Good morning Chair Fellow Commissioners. My name is 00:15:10.279 --> 00:15:12.980 Patrick Resnick. I'm an attorney with braun in Gresham 00:15:12.980 --> 00:15:15.559 and I've been representing landowners in these routing 00:15:15.559 --> 00:15:20.950 cases for a long time. And when we came to you some 00:15:20.950 --> 00:15:23.730 months ago, it's become known as the $20 million dollar 00:15:23.730 --> 00:15:28.730 increase. We understand why you rejected that because 00:15:28.730 --> 00:15:31.490 of the cost. We had unanimous support, both with all 00:15:31.490 --> 00:15:35.149 of the landowners who had intervened AP and P. C. Staff 00:15:35.940 --> 00:15:39.100 as Mr Forrester said, we went back to the drawing board 00:15:39.110 --> 00:15:42.200 All of the landowners ap and staff. I've never seen 00:15:42.200 --> 00:15:45.429 a case in all these years where people have worked 00:15:45.429 --> 00:15:49.259 so hard, including the utility company and staff to 00:15:49.259 --> 00:15:52.250 come up with a route from a community value standpoint 00:15:52.740 --> 00:15:56.600 to support stool dynamics and all the landowners and 00:15:56.600 --> 00:15:59.720 all the concerns that all the landowners have. I represent 00:15:59.720 --> 00:16:05.830 walter Wildlife Foundation and we oppose routes and 00:16:05.830 --> 00:16:09.600 and T and we support route Z along with almost well 00:16:09.679 --> 00:16:12.289 with all of the lined interveners and there's only 00:16:12.289 --> 00:16:15.950 one landowner. Mrs webcasting is here today. And Mr 00:16:15.950 --> 00:16:21.120 Carr who is impacted by that who is opposed to route 00:16:21.120 --> 00:16:26.139 Z. I would appreciate this this this commission to 00:16:26.139 --> 00:16:29.490 seriously consider the impact that the efforts that 00:16:29.490 --> 00:16:35.330 everybody has made and to deny those efforts and deny 00:16:35.340 --> 00:16:40.049 quite frankly round Z given the cost and all the criteria 00:16:40.049 --> 00:16:43.600 that Mr Brown and Mr Forrester has stated and that 00:16:43.610 --> 00:16:47.409 I also in the testimonies of Mr Taylor and Mr Armstrong 00:16:47.409 --> 00:16:49.909 and their numerous clients. They are not here today 00:16:49.919 --> 00:16:51.769 but they also support route. See 00:16:53.639 --> 00:16:57.269 it would be unfortunate and it would be disheartening 00:16:57.279 --> 00:17:00.539 and our balloons would be deflated about the efforts 00:17:00.539 --> 00:17:03.590 that we have really had its like why why go to the 00:17:03.590 --> 00:17:07.069 trouble anymore? Just pick a route and the utility 00:17:07.069 --> 00:17:10.279 company gets the recommended route and it's done with 00:17:10.279 --> 00:17:14.869 that concerns and the future impacts of this very very 00:17:14.869 --> 00:17:17.940 important case. World Wildlife Foundation Board has 00:17:17.940 --> 00:17:22.200 asked me to give a statement I pared it down. But the 00:17:22.200 --> 00:17:25.460 World Wildlife Foundation was set up in 1954 is a non 00:17:25.460 --> 00:17:28.470 profit wildlife education and research foundation. 00:17:28.789 --> 00:17:32.210 Mr Welder set it up for the purposes he described in 00:17:32.210 --> 00:17:34.420 his will and that's in the record. You've got about 00:17:34.420 --> 00:17:38.000 a minute. It's all in the briefing but his desire was 00:17:38.000 --> 00:17:41.509 to afford all the communities students the public, 00:17:41.519 --> 00:17:45.190 everybody an opportunity to experience what he experienced 00:17:45.190 --> 00:17:48.250 in nature with all of the development that is happening 00:17:48.250 --> 00:17:51.769 It's a rare opportunity to have this type of while 00:17:51.769 --> 00:17:54.349 it's private, it's open completely to the public and 00:17:54.349 --> 00:17:58.079 while the PFD does not recognize it as a park this 00:17:58.190 --> 00:18:01.880 world, Wildlife Foundation supports quite frankly more 00:18:01.880 --> 00:18:04.720 openness than even texas. Parks and Wildlife Department 00:18:04.730 --> 00:18:07.869 can support. It's an incredible value to the community 00:18:07.869 --> 00:18:11.279 It already has a 345 transmission line on the eastern 00:18:11.279 --> 00:18:14.519 ports that bisects the property. While this would be 00:18:14.519 --> 00:18:17.220 on the western edge, it's a second transmission line 00:18:17.230 --> 00:18:19.460 high vaulted 3 45 transmission line. 00:18:21.539 --> 00:18:25.390 I could go on. I'm passionate about my clients as everybody 00:18:25.390 --> 00:18:28.799 is but I really would appreciate serious consideration 00:18:28.809 --> 00:18:31.420 for route Z. And of course route seem odd even though 00:18:31.420 --> 00:18:33.720 neither one of those affect directly our clients, it 00:18:33.720 --> 00:18:37.740 affects every one of our neighbors and we all sit and 00:18:37.740 --> 00:18:40.359 have a coca cola together. Thank you appreciate it 00:18:42.339 --> 00:18:45.220 Mm hmm. Next up is Jr Turnbull 00:19:02.640 --> 00:19:05.279 Good morning. J. R. Turnbull. This is my wife blair 00:19:06.039 --> 00:19:09.720 Blood. Um I don't know really what to say right here 00:19:12.140 --> 00:19:16.259 The we're just trying to keep trying to create a 00:19:18.240 --> 00:19:21.210 home out in the country for our family to go to relax 00:19:21.210 --> 00:19:23.960 and we can have some privacy and teach them the importance 00:19:23.960 --> 00:19:26.779 of land and taking care of it. The values of it. We 00:19:26.779 --> 00:19:29.099 don't understand where food actually comes from and 00:19:29.099 --> 00:19:31.059 appreciate that stuff. That was the whole purpose of 00:19:31.059 --> 00:19:34.279 buying the place to create all this, What's across 00:19:34.279 --> 00:19:36.250 my fence is none of my business, but we had nothing 00:19:36.250 --> 00:19:40.359 to do in creating all this. I don't I would rather 00:19:40.359 --> 00:19:43.990 not have it on us, not to mention the we have 00:19:45.539 --> 00:19:47.930 these must go through the gates being left open and 00:19:47.930 --> 00:19:52.759 all that stuff or concerns also. Um and that part has 00:19:52.759 --> 00:19:53.769 already been kind of 00:19:55.730 --> 00:19:58.980 about how to say changed significantly since when we 00:19:58.980 --> 00:20:00.559 purchased the property. Um 00:20:02.539 --> 00:20:06.769 I don't know what else, sorry? Yeah, I mean, I would 00:20:06.769 --> 00:20:10.519 say he um as a career rancher, it's a daily basis where 00:20:10.519 --> 00:20:13.970 we're like living on the ranch um that we've submitted 00:20:13.970 --> 00:20:16.240 the house plans that were already set to break ground 00:20:16.240 --> 00:20:20.000 before the initial town hall meeting was meant to discuss 00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:23.369 this, and we're a family that's on the property on 00:20:23.369 --> 00:20:26.670 a daily basis, raising cattle raising Children. Um 00:20:27.039 --> 00:20:30.529 and all of those concerns that come with, there's already 00:20:30.529 --> 00:20:33.029 a transmission line on one side of our property. Um 00:20:33.029 --> 00:20:35.490 So we took that into account when trying to pick a 00:20:35.490 --> 00:20:38.559 spot to build our house and so this has halted the 00:20:38.559 --> 00:20:43.190 entire plan. So just I believe that um being a family 00:20:43.190 --> 00:20:45.789 that's on the ranch on a daily basis, working cattle 00:20:46.289 --> 00:20:50.750 to sustain, you know, untouched land is um just something 00:20:50.750 --> 00:20:53.170 we'd like you to consider and all the properties. 00:20:54.740 --> 00:20:55.549 Thank you all for being here. 00:20:57.839 --> 00:21:00.859 Mhm. Next up is jay car, 00:21:11.440 --> 00:21:12.759 Good morning Commissioners, 00:21:14.740 --> 00:21:19.109 My name is jake Are I have a ranch in the middle 00:21:19.109 --> 00:21:22.960 of this mess. It's been in my family since 1949. 00:21:25.539 --> 00:21:26.859 I live on the ranch. 00:21:32.410 --> 00:21:35.460 My wife and my father, 00:21:37.640 --> 00:21:40.940 we've run the ranch were there every day on a constant 00:21:40.940 --> 00:21:45.079 basis and I take care of my ranch. Like I would say 00:21:45.279 --> 00:21:50.170 your backyards, It's very unusual. The ranchers kept 00:21:50.180 --> 00:21:50.859 pristine. 00:21:52.740 --> 00:21:55.559 There's not another ranch around that looks like 00:21:57.140 --> 00:22:00.690 we spend all our time there. It's a rescue, there's 00:22:00.690 --> 00:22:04.670 no animal shot there. My wife rescues animals from 00:22:04.670 --> 00:22:08.299 all over and they come back and release them on the 00:22:08.299 --> 00:22:08.859 ranch. 00:22:10.940 --> 00:22:16.769 If I do not understand why burke Holland has allowed 00:22:16.769 --> 00:22:21.490 all this and why the line just can't be tea and stay 00:22:21.490 --> 00:22:22.160 on their property. 00:22:25.140 --> 00:22:29.210 There's a just no reason to go across a virgin piece 00:22:29.210 --> 00:22:31.609 of land. There's not an easement, there's not anything 00:22:31.609 --> 00:22:34.269 on my land. It's clean piece of land which is very 00:22:34.269 --> 00:22:34.859 rare today 00:22:36.539 --> 00:22:37.130 and 00:22:38.740 --> 00:22:41.630 It's going to end up being within probably 1000 ft 00:22:41.630 --> 00:22:42.460 of my homes. 00:22:46.039 --> 00:22:47.660 I just don't know what else to do. 00:22:51.339 --> 00:22:53.180 Please consider not taking in 00:22:59.200 --> 00:23:01.849 that will do that. Thank you for being here. 00:23:04.839 --> 00:23:06.670 Next up is Kathy web team. 00:23:17.339 --> 00:23:17.559 Mhm, 00:23:52.140 --> 00:23:52.470 mm hmm. 00:23:54.640 --> 00:23:54.890 Thanks 00:23:56.539 --> 00:23:56.769 first. 00:24:12.440 --> 00:24:12.670 Thank you. 00:24:17.839 --> 00:24:20.160 Good morning. Mr Chairman Commissioners Kathy Webb 00:24:20.160 --> 00:24:23.940 King here on behalf of the Turnbull family and the 00:24:23.940 --> 00:24:27.069 Carr family there in the northwest corner of this study 00:24:27.069 --> 00:24:32.960 area and and they have participated in earnest in this 00:24:32.960 --> 00:24:38.289 project. Early on file, participated in the open meetings 00:24:38.839 --> 00:24:44.089 um public meetings and then also filed extensive testimony 00:24:44.170 --> 00:24:46.599 to detail the impact of these various segments on their 00:24:46.599 --> 00:24:50.990 property and um I've told them trust in the process 00:24:50.990 --> 00:24:53.599 the process is there, you have evidence in the record 00:24:53.599 --> 00:24:56.420 to discuss you know, your impacts and we've worked 00:24:56.420 --> 00:24:58.990 in earnest throughout this process and appreciate all 00:24:58.990 --> 00:25:04.059 the parties that have all done so um with regard to 00:25:04.640 --> 00:25:08.119 the commission standards as you know, um The rules 00:25:08.130 --> 00:25:11.779 talk about land use, compatible land use moderating 00:25:11.779 --> 00:25:15.210 impacts where possible to landowners. In this case 00:25:15.220 --> 00:25:19.349 we have um the car in Turnbull properties are surrounded 00:25:19.839 --> 00:25:22.910 On three sides really buy property owned by Burke Hollow 00:25:22.910 --> 00:25:27.670 Corporation. That that property is 29,000 acres has 00:25:27.670 --> 00:25:30.779 been leased for wind development has a new Blackjack 00:25:30.789 --> 00:25:33.990 Wind farm that's um going in service as we speak I 00:25:33.990 --> 00:25:38.500 think and um is also leased for uranium mining in this 00:25:38.500 --> 00:25:44.490 area. The the record is clear. This the documents I 00:25:44.490 --> 00:25:46.720 handed you are just reference materials compilations 00:25:46.720 --> 00:25:49.289 of of evidence in the record. Just to give you the 00:25:49.289 --> 00:25:51.579 visuals. I'm a very visual person and sometimes that 00:25:51.579 --> 00:25:55.130 helps. Um So up in the northwest corner is the Grissom 00:25:55.130 --> 00:25:57.660 substation that was uh 00:25:59.240 --> 00:26:03.190 purchased. The property was was installed. It was all 00:26:03.190 --> 00:26:08.200 installed by agreement with Barkalow after Mr Carr 00:26:08.200 --> 00:26:11.460 and Mr Turnbull um took ownership of their properties 00:26:11.460 --> 00:26:13.880 And of course Mr Carr talked about he's had generations 00:26:13.880 --> 00:26:16.980 on the property but Mr Turnbull purchased the property 00:26:16.980 --> 00:26:20.269 more recently but there was no substation there when 00:26:20.269 --> 00:26:25.240 he did. You have one minute. So with regard to N. And 00:26:25.240 --> 00:26:28.730 T. We put extensive information in the records. The 00:26:28.730 --> 00:26:32.240 next map on there. The second map shows the specific 00:26:32.250 --> 00:26:35.140 bifurcation of these properties. And when people talk 00:26:35.140 --> 00:26:39.259 about bifurcation in this case bifurcation that goes 00:26:39.259 --> 00:26:41.680 right through the hearts of these properties separates 00:26:41.680 --> 00:26:44.630 them into two. Equal parts are roughly equal parts 00:26:44.630 --> 00:26:47.970 That is bifurcation and that is what this commission 00:26:47.970 --> 00:26:51.250 has always tried to avoid. I think it's something that 00:26:51.250 --> 00:26:55.450 ap considered in their filing in there um identification 00:26:55.450 --> 00:26:58.950 of route T. It's not a um this is not just requesting 00:26:58.950 --> 00:27:01.819 a simple rubber stamp. What what the utility filed 00:27:01.819 --> 00:27:04.940 there's extra evidence in the record of why that is 00:27:04.940 --> 00:27:07.410 a reasonable choice in the overall thing. We did sign 00:27:07.410 --> 00:27:11.880 on to the original um modified route but we understand 00:27:11.880 --> 00:27:15.630 your concerns about that. We do want to make sure that 00:27:15.640 --> 00:27:19.390 if um the next listing there is a listing of all the 00:27:19.390 --> 00:27:22.559 routes all the segments sorted by cost. The way this 00:27:22.559 --> 00:27:25.019 case came forward. The environmental assessment shows 00:27:25.029 --> 00:27:29.769 five routes more or less ranked very very close and 00:27:29.779 --> 00:27:34.160 um L. M. And N. N. N. T. In order of cost 00:27:34.740 --> 00:27:39.019 he is what ap is recommending and what what is we support 00:27:39.029 --> 00:27:44.380 L. And M. Are also less cost and imminently more reasonable 00:27:44.390 --> 00:27:49.799 from our perspective than uh and because specifically 00:27:49.799 --> 00:27:52.559 the impacts here as well as you know, all of the discussions 00:27:52.559 --> 00:27:56.269 that we've had um Mr Forestier talked about occupational 00:27:56.269 --> 00:28:00.259 hazard. Go ahead and wrap it up. Absolutely. And that 00:28:00.259 --> 00:28:03.700 occupational hazard is an occupational hazard of the 00:28:03.700 --> 00:28:07.750 property being used for electric generation. And it's 00:28:07.759 --> 00:28:10.029 appropriate that transmission lines are associated 00:28:10.029 --> 00:28:13.670 with that Mr car Mr Turnbull and the record make clear 00:28:13.789 --> 00:28:16.559 the difference here in those land uses. Thank you very 00:28:16.559 --> 00:28:17.759 much. Thank you. 00:28:24.039 --> 00:28:27.970 That's all sir. Oh no, I'm sorry. Yeah, you knew I 00:28:27.970 --> 00:28:32.730 couldn't, I had to mess it up once Kerry McGrath is 00:28:32.730 --> 00:28:34.269 our next one speaker. 00:28:36.140 --> 00:28:36.559 Mhm. 00:28:42.339 --> 00:28:45.250 Good morning. Commissioners Kerry McGrath for ap texas 00:28:45.839 --> 00:28:48.519 I want to just very briefly reiterate what we said 00:28:48.519 --> 00:28:51.240 in our written filings and asked the commission not 00:28:51.250 --> 00:28:55.400 to approve what's referred to as rounds mod because 00:28:55.400 --> 00:28:59.000 the the modifications that are discussed are not well 00:28:59.000 --> 00:29:01.759 defined in the record and we're concerned about being 00:29:01.759 --> 00:29:05.049 ordered to build a route that's not specifically defined 00:29:05.640 --> 00:29:10.339 Um The BOJ's address routes. Semen on page 16 of the 00:29:10.349 --> 00:29:14.450 PFD and say the newly proposed route has not been evaluated 00:29:14.450 --> 00:29:17.829 by ADP texas and the A. L. J. Has rejected the Aligned 00:29:17.839 --> 00:29:21.450 interveners, untimely emotion for additional discovery 00:29:21.460 --> 00:29:24.680 concerning the route. There is not sufficient evidence 00:29:25.079 --> 00:29:28.339 to support this hitherto unstudied route which was 00:29:28.339 --> 00:29:31.160 proposed via the filing of a stipulation after the 00:29:31.160 --> 00:29:34.329 close of the discovery period and shortly before the 00:29:34.329 --> 00:29:38.849 hearing, ap texas and other parties had no opportunity 00:29:38.859 --> 00:29:43.630 to vet and respond to that proposal. The doj is denied 00:29:43.630 --> 00:29:45.960 the Aligned interveners, late efforts to litigate these 00:29:45.960 --> 00:29:49.730 modifications, both before and during the hearing and 00:29:49.730 --> 00:29:53.250 many of the assertions regarding rounds mod and a line 00:29:53.259 --> 00:29:57.950 interveners briefing lack evidentiary support. So uh 00:29:57.960 --> 00:30:01.099 we are more than willing to work with the aligned interveners 00:30:01.099 --> 00:30:05.259 of the commission's inclined to approve route Z and 00:30:05.259 --> 00:30:08.180 work with them on minor modifications, but we asked 00:30:08.180 --> 00:30:10.940 the commission not to approve routes, seem odd because 00:30:10.940 --> 00:30:14.799 it's not well enough to find. Thank you. Thank you 00:30:14.799 --> 00:30:15.049 sir, 00:30:17.640 --> 00:30:22.480 can I ask you a question here? Um in in the record 00:30:23.509 --> 00:30:28.519 is Mhm How much of this line is needed for reliability 00:30:28.519 --> 00:30:32.559 in the region? How much is needed for the wind farm 00:30:32.569 --> 00:30:34.589 Obviously we know we have a steel facility and things 00:30:34.589 --> 00:30:36.940 that are going in but how much of it is reliability 00:30:36.940 --> 00:30:40.740 that's related to the wind farm versus the steel facility 00:30:40.740 --> 00:30:44.380 in the region, this line is part of a series of lines 00:30:44.390 --> 00:30:48.400 that are ERCOT approved to serve both the steel facility 00:30:48.400 --> 00:30:51.880 and additional industrial growth in that very north 00:30:51.880 --> 00:30:55.849 of Corpus Christi. So it is entirely a reliability 00:30:55.849 --> 00:30:59.609 related project. It's been deemed critical by ercot 00:30:59.660 --> 00:31:02.420 reliability and as part of the 18 Corpus Christi North 00:31:02.420 --> 00:31:05.019 Shore project which is intended to address just an 00:31:05.019 --> 00:31:07.490 expected load increase in the area. That's right. Both 00:31:07.490 --> 00:31:09.759 the steel mill and other facilities. 00:31:14.839 --> 00:31:20.259 Any other questions for this 1? No thanks, thank you 00:31:24.240 --> 00:31:28.349 these, these are never easy. Um and typically 00:31:30.079 --> 00:31:34.589 I know this is critical um Mhm. This is a critical 00:31:34.589 --> 00:31:39.559 line reliability, but anytime we hear oral arguments 00:31:40.039 --> 00:31:43.740 I usually by the best too take some time to process 00:31:43.740 --> 00:31:48.460 that digested. So I'm happy to hear anything thoughts 00:31:48.460 --> 00:31:53.019 comments, but I also want to make sure that the entire 00:31:53.019 --> 00:31:55.670 commission has time to digest what we've heard today 00:31:56.960 --> 00:32:02.980 Any any thoughts, comments? No, just looking at the 00:32:02.990 --> 00:32:07.390 the universe of options before us. Um Look if route 00:32:07.390 --> 00:32:12.839 t again, a piece preferred um is selected, looks like 00:32:12.849 --> 00:32:15.369 you know, we'll be hearing from the Edwards um and 00:32:15.369 --> 00:32:17.799 I'm sure the O'Connors will have another opinion about 00:32:17.809 --> 00:32:24.359 that if it's if it's in um I mean I understand bisecting 00:32:25.329 --> 00:32:28.559 two ranches to family owned ranches, so 00:32:30.240 --> 00:32:33.990 that's why it's a tough job. I'd be grateful for the 00:32:33.990 --> 00:32:37.420 time to digest. Um We're choosing between neighbors 00:32:37.420 --> 00:32:42.990 here. No, I would say similarly. I mean I love this 00:32:42.990 --> 00:32:46.029 area of the state. Um I've hunted down there for for 00:32:46.029 --> 00:32:51.190 many, many years and um I think that and have developed 00:32:51.190 --> 00:32:53.440 wind farms, you know, been with companies that have 00:32:53.440 --> 00:32:59.109 developed wind farms and um I know you know, they you 00:32:59.109 --> 00:33:04.170 know, they have a visual impact but the land is still 00:33:05.140 --> 00:33:08.730 available for use but probably not in the eyes of the 00:33:08.730 --> 00:33:12.500 landholder in the exact exact the same way that one 00:33:12.500 --> 00:33:17.190 where that has a wind lease on it. So I kind of 00:33:17.640 --> 00:33:20.509 you know, I would like to look a little bit more at 00:33:20.509 --> 00:33:26.180 those lines that go across the wind lease um they seem 00:33:26.180 --> 00:33:30.799 fairly long, which might be a cost issue on the, on 00:33:30.799 --> 00:33:33.180 the north side of the route. On the south side of the 00:33:33.180 --> 00:33:36.809 route, it seems like the only um edge that that cross 00:33:36.809 --> 00:33:39.609 would be the welder wildlife area on that side. So 00:33:39.619 --> 00:33:42.180 I would like the time to keep looking at this and and 00:33:42.180 --> 00:33:45.980 see where um hopefully we can bring it up at the next 00:33:45.980 --> 00:33:49.089 open meeting. I think it's important that this line 00:33:49.099 --> 00:33:52.759 get completed and we give it the appropriate time to 00:33:52.759 --> 00:33:55.430 do so, but a little bit more time would be good for 00:33:55.430 --> 00:34:00.990 me. Thank you. I agree as well. Um you know, the proposed 00:34:00.990 --> 00:34:04.170 routes um that have been discussed today and that are 00:34:04.170 --> 00:34:07.769 in the cell PFD I think are all, you know in some 00:34:07.769 --> 00:34:10.659 respects, some of them are close calls and I think 00:34:10.670 --> 00:34:14.170 it would be a good idea to have more time to evaluate 00:34:14.630 --> 00:34:18.079 the routes as we are impacting property of of these 00:34:18.079 --> 00:34:20.210 landowners that are taking the time to come here and 00:34:20.210 --> 00:34:23.059 and others that would be potentially impacted by the 00:34:23.059 --> 00:34:26.349 transmission line. Um you know, the line is important 00:34:26.360 --> 00:34:29.269 as I stated earlier, it's been in critical for liability 00:34:29.269 --> 00:34:32.489 by ERCOT it's part of a broader package of transmission 00:34:32.489 --> 00:34:35.679 projects that are intended to meet expected load and 00:34:35.690 --> 00:34:39.440 and enhance reliability in the corpus Christi area 00:34:39.840 --> 00:34:43.460 and um with that respect I think you know as we set 00:34:43.460 --> 00:34:45.780 out to do the last open meeting we took out we took 00:34:45.780 --> 00:34:48.699 up this case is you know, we're we're trying to balance 00:34:48.699 --> 00:34:53.750 reliability and cost um and and I think it's important 00:34:53.750 --> 00:34:56.949 to take the time to ensure that we strike the right 00:34:56.949 --> 00:34:58.349 balance in selecting the route. 00:34:59.940 --> 00:35:03.559 Yeah, well we'll put all, none of these decisions are 00:35:03.559 --> 00:35:08.210 never easy but it's critical for reliability across 00:35:08.210 --> 00:35:13.170 our entire state. Let's table this item until the next 00:35:13.170 --> 00:35:18.670 open meeting. What's we'll be ready to make a decision 00:35:19.139 --> 00:35:22.800 next open meeting on this item given the criticality 00:35:22.800 --> 00:35:23.079 of it. 00:35:25.300 --> 00:35:29.860 Well I appreciate I appreciate all of the witnesses 00:35:29.860 --> 00:35:34.539 who spoke today for being here. Thank you for your 00:35:34.539 --> 00:35:37.159 time and your efforts that you put into this issue 00:35:41.739 --> 00:35:44.480 Item 11 is tabled until the next open meeting which 00:35:44.480 --> 00:35:48.650 brings us to item 12 mr Journeay could you lay this 00:35:48.650 --> 00:35:52.219 out for us? (item:12) Item 12 is docket 52074 00:35:52.219 --> 00:35:55.579 application of Southwestern Public service company 00:35:55.579 --> 00:36:00.750 for approval of a consultant fee writer A revised proposed 00:36:00.750 --> 00:36:04.099 order was filed on October 13 and I have a memorandum 00:36:04.099 --> 00:36:06.739 with proposed changes to the revised order. 00:36:09.230 --> 00:36:10.199 Thank you sir 00:36:12.610 --> 00:36:16.969 in general like the proposed order but the have some 00:36:16.969 --> 00:36:23.219 concerns about the carrying cost recovery fee as including 00:36:23.219 --> 00:36:27.659 an equity returns rather than just cost of debt, any 00:36:28.329 --> 00:36:34.320 after discussing I agree or any any comments on the 00:36:34.320 --> 00:36:38.170 case. I agree. I think there's a several issues. I 00:36:38.170 --> 00:36:42.849 think one is um the application is filed has a retroactive 00:36:42.849 --> 00:36:45.840 time period that will have to address in terms of um 00:36:45.849 --> 00:36:49.409 you know, potentially considering making the proposed 00:36:49.409 --> 00:36:52.760 order um are included revising the proposed order and 00:36:52.760 --> 00:36:55.380 include an effective date. Um That we use the date 00:36:55.380 --> 00:36:57.420 when the order is signed. That way we're not sort of 00:36:57.429 --> 00:36:59.730 using the back date because SPS didn't ask for interim 00:36:59.730 --> 00:37:03.820 rates as well. So Um I agree with you on the carrying 00:37:03.820 --> 00:37:06.389 charge interest rate. I think that's a very high interest 00:37:06.389 --> 00:37:13.019 rate of 7.13% And I think we have some options to use 00:37:13.030 --> 00:37:15.760 um you know commissioner approved interest rates for 00:37:15.769 --> 00:37:18.969 customer over building and under building. Um commissioner 00:37:18.969 --> 00:37:22.280 approved interest rates for deposits or or we could 00:37:22.280 --> 00:37:24.900 even use the cost of debt from the last um rape case 00:37:24.900 --> 00:37:27.670 That SPS filed, all of them would be substantially 00:37:27.679 --> 00:37:32.519 less than the 2% and 4% range. And um I also think 00:37:32.519 --> 00:37:35.760 that it's important to lay out that any over under 00:37:35.760 --> 00:37:40.239 recovery um should be reconciled and SPS is next um 00:37:40.250 --> 00:37:43.489 annual consulting fee writer case um as we want to 00:37:43.489 --> 00:37:48.610 ensure that um that money gets screwed up and in the 00:37:48.610 --> 00:37:52.400 next case. So I think there was a few issues in there 00:37:52.400 --> 00:37:55.650 and I guess three is I'm sort of seeing 00:37:57.170 --> 00:37:59.210 that would need to be addressed the effective date 00:37:59.269 --> 00:38:04.119 the carrying cost interest rate um and reconciliation 00:38:04.119 --> 00:38:06.510 of any under or over recovery and revising the date 00:38:06.510 --> 00:38:07.650 to address those three issues. 00:38:10.019 --> 00:38:13.369 Oh, I'm sorry the the under recovery or over recovery 00:38:13.920 --> 00:38:17.920 by the writer that we approved approved here today 00:38:18.719 --> 00:38:22.539 and addressing that any over recovery or under recovery 00:38:23.019 --> 00:38:26.789 um reconciling that in the company's next consulting 00:38:26.800 --> 00:38:28.969 the rape case next year. So they followed on an annual 00:38:28.969 --> 00:38:31.329 basis and just making sure the revised order has language 00:38:31.329 --> 00:38:34.940 in there that would address that issue. Gotcha. 00:38:36.960 --> 00:38:41.179 It's the same here. Mr Chairman. Um Look if nobody 00:38:41.190 --> 00:38:43.389 brought it up, I was going to bring it up way to 00:38:43.389 --> 00:38:46.179 cost the capital may be problematic for down the road 00:38:46.179 --> 00:38:49.840 as a presidential effect um as as we continue to review 00:38:49.840 --> 00:38:54.280 these cases and as their scale expands, I mean it's 00:38:54.289 --> 00:38:57.869 it's one of one thing to consider these small and I 00:38:57.869 --> 00:39:00.289 hate to apply de Minimus amounts but they're they're 00:39:00.289 --> 00:39:02.860 small right now but we need to get ahead of this. So 00:39:02.860 --> 00:39:05.849 if we're prepared to do that today, I would support 00:39:05.849 --> 00:39:07.840 that wholeheartedly. Okay, 00:39:09.780 --> 00:39:14.699 thoughts. I mean, I think it makes a lot of sense what 00:39:14.699 --> 00:39:16.900 both of, y'all said, especially given that this is 00:39:17.420 --> 00:39:20.449 it was essentially alone, not invested capital that 00:39:21.989 --> 00:39:23.590 receives a return on equity. 00:39:25.119 --> 00:39:30.079 So then also, I think your point about addressing this 00:39:30.079 --> 00:39:32.889 and said the president sooner rather than later is 00:39:32.889 --> 00:39:37.460 helpful for these companies to know what our expectations 00:39:37.460 --> 00:39:41.110 as a commission are and so they know that we can set 00:39:41.110 --> 00:39:44.289 that standard. So they're not today. And their investors 00:39:44.289 --> 00:39:47.139 are not surprised when the amounts are bigger, 00:39:51.619 --> 00:39:54.949 anybody have a motion. So with that 00:39:56.909 --> 00:39:59.980 we need to pick a rate. That's right. So we are going 00:39:59.980 --> 00:40:04.159 down to a weighted cost of debt. I just yes, I'd go 00:40:04.159 --> 00:40:08.090 with the cost of debt. This bs has cost of debt. Okay 00:40:08.090 --> 00:40:11.849 And my understanding. Okay. Right. And and my understanding 00:40:11.849 --> 00:40:14.690 based on uh commissions house feedback, is that the 00:40:14.690 --> 00:40:19.489 cost of that would be 4.34%. I think that's right in 00:40:19.489 --> 00:40:24.889 this case. Okay. 1.3 something with with the I guess 00:40:26.510 --> 00:40:28.750 I guess delegation for you to insert whatever it is 00:40:28.750 --> 00:40:31.519 from SPS last rate case in in the revised order, which 00:40:31.519 --> 00:40:34.579 I believe is 4.34. But if you go back and see it's 00:40:34.579 --> 00:40:37.320 a little bit different. Um I think that's what we're 00:40:37.809 --> 00:40:43.099 mainly approving. Set. Set the return at the on the 00:40:43.099 --> 00:40:46.980 carrying costs. That SPS is cost of debt from the last 00:40:46.980 --> 00:40:50.829 race there last rate case. Okay, So that's your 00:40:53.070 --> 00:40:55.630 I think that makes sense. I think that makes sense 00:40:55.639 --> 00:41:00.909 Um You know, 4.34%. I mean, we could go lower to 2.35 00:41:00.909 --> 00:41:05.550 or 2.21. Um I'm kind of open on it. But if you 00:41:05.559 --> 00:41:08.929 you know, there's agreement on 4.34. I'm fine with 00:41:08.929 --> 00:41:09.139 that. 00:41:10.829 --> 00:41:13.110 Yeah. Just as long as a consistent approach for me 00:41:13.119 --> 00:41:15.329 you know, as long as they can look back and All right 00:41:15.340 --> 00:41:19.980 this is what the universe is that. It makes sense logically 00:41:22.789 --> 00:41:26.480 It's a short term that. So we'll treat it consistently 00:41:26.659 --> 00:41:29.199 across the board. We're talking about rates right? 00:41:29.199 --> 00:41:31.199 We're not talking about consumer deposits over building 00:41:31.199 --> 00:41:34.949 or under building so we can tie it to a known figure 00:41:34.949 --> 00:41:38.090 from a prior rape case. That I think that makes its 00:41:38.090 --> 00:41:40.860 consistent with terms of rate making, you know policy 00:41:40.860 --> 00:41:44.750 I guess good point. And your intent is to apply that 00:41:44.750 --> 00:41:47.360 same rate going forward to the next reconciliation 00:41:47.360 --> 00:41:49.829 of any under or over recovery balance that's carried 00:41:50.909 --> 00:41:55.110 Yes. So language in the order and and this is potentially 00:41:55.119 --> 00:41:56.829 you know, something for y'all to consider. Would would 00:41:56.840 --> 00:42:00.289 be to the extent that the approved rates differ from 00:42:00.289 --> 00:42:04.380 the amounts already collected under SPS is 2020 consulting 00:42:04.380 --> 00:42:08.739 fee writer, if any SPS must reconcile any over or under 00:42:08.739 --> 00:42:11.650 recovery in next year's consulting fee writer application 00:42:11.960 --> 00:42:17.159 with interest on on over or under recovery calculated 00:42:17.159 --> 00:42:22.280 using ah the cost of that from SPS prior rape case 00:42:22.519 --> 00:42:25.010 The most recent rate case most recent rate case. Yes 00:42:26.099 --> 00:42:30.630 Okay, so I that language works for me to be added to 00:42:30.630 --> 00:42:32.760 the the border 00:42:35.329 --> 00:42:36.010 the 00:42:38.900 --> 00:42:42.010 we want to set the motion to include the effective 00:42:42.019 --> 00:42:44.320 date the date the order is signed, you mentioned, the 00:42:44.320 --> 00:42:48.119 timing is that I think that makes sense. Um given the 00:42:48.119 --> 00:42:50.489 fact that you know, the time period that they're referred 00:42:50.489 --> 00:42:53.269 to in. Their application is now expired. Um that was 00:42:53.269 --> 00:42:58.400 September one through 31 December 2021 SPS didn't include 00:42:58.409 --> 00:43:01.530 um a request for interim rates. So in order to just 00:43:01.530 --> 00:43:04.320 make it clean, just you know, make it effective from 00:43:05.880 --> 00:43:07.420 the date the order is signed by the commission. 00:43:09.000 --> 00:43:14.119 That makes sense to work for you. Okay. So we got him 00:43:15.800 --> 00:43:16.119 you know, 00:43:18.800 --> 00:43:21.460 building blocks together this motion to set the writers 00:43:21.769 --> 00:43:24.719 Yeah. No, no, that's what if somebody wants me to say 00:43:24.719 --> 00:43:28.019 it. I'm writing it out. Alright, but go ahead if you've 00:43:28.030 --> 00:43:31.300 got it. So move to adopt the proposed order as modified 00:43:31.300 --> 00:43:35.900 by amending the effective date to the date the order 00:43:35.900 --> 00:43:40.860 is signed. one um two 00:43:42.500 --> 00:43:49.690 tie the cost of debt to the last great case fair. And 00:43:49.690 --> 00:43:52.869 then third was the additional troops. 00:43:54.599 --> 00:43:58.019 Yeah, that's true of the paragraph she just read yes 00:43:59.019 --> 00:44:02.190 and I will say maybe tie instead of the cost of debt 00:44:02.190 --> 00:44:07.219 Maybe say tie the carrying cost associated with with 00:44:07.219 --> 00:44:11.800 the writer um to SPS has cost the debt from their most 00:44:11.800 --> 00:44:12.960 recent base rate case. 00:44:16.000 --> 00:44:20.409 And it's modified by my memorandum. Okay, So move to 00:44:20.420 --> 00:44:24.320 adopt as modified by commissions discussion on this 00:44:24.329 --> 00:44:28.219 case. Exactly. I love it. We got a motion second 00:44:29.889 --> 00:44:33.219 in a motion and a second all in favor say aye don't 00:44:33.219 --> 00:44:37.530 oppose the motion passes. Teamwork. The next item is 00:44:37.530 --> 00:44:39.590 consented 14 mr journey. 00:44:41.989 --> 00:44:47.309 (item:14) Ah 14 is docket 52314 is the application of 00:44:47.309 --> 00:44:51.400 TMP to reconcile their final amS cost. A proposed order 00:44:51.400 --> 00:44:55.550 is filed on october 19th. No exceptions or corrections 00:44:55.550 --> 00:44:56.510 were filed on that order. 00:44:58.590 --> 00:45:03.460 Thank you. Sir. Thoughts comments on this one. Mm hmm 00:45:04.590 --> 00:45:05.909 Yeah. So 00:45:08.690 --> 00:45:12.940 I I believe we need to exclude exclude expenses related 00:45:12.949 --> 00:45:19.909 to dock at 47472. Uh yeah, to um with the principle 00:45:19.909 --> 00:45:26.230 being that only those expenses tied to um break cases 00:45:26.239 --> 00:45:30.619 you know, are are allowable. So we need to remain consistent 00:45:30.949 --> 00:45:35.320 with a policy that you just can't lump in other proceedings 00:45:35.320 --> 00:45:40.510 that aren't rate cases to recover your costs. So that's 00:45:41.780 --> 00:45:44.019 that's 1st and 2nd issue for me 00:45:45.929 --> 00:45:51.469 Doc at force 742 not a rate making proceedings. So 00:45:51.469 --> 00:45:54.739 that's those expenses aren't recovered in this. Aren't 00:45:54.739 --> 00:45:55.889 able to recover in this proceeding. 00:45:57.789 --> 00:46:01.219 I agree. I am. I think we can approve the proposed 00:46:01.219 --> 00:46:05.480 order with modification to exclude All of those expenses 00:46:05.480 --> 00:46:09.070 all the great case expenses from back at number 4 74 00:46:09.070 --> 00:46:14.280 72. Mm hmm. Some of those great cases are duplicative 00:46:14.289 --> 00:46:16.639 or and definitely don't apply to a rate making proceedings 00:46:17.150 --> 00:46:21.730 And look this, this is just to dovetail and support 00:46:21.730 --> 00:46:23.599 us because I know people are gonna bang down our door 00:46:23.599 --> 00:46:27.210 about this. It's the law. I mean you can't apply uh 00:46:27.980 --> 00:46:30.590 expense recovery to something that's not a rape case 00:46:30.599 --> 00:46:34.619 So go change the law. You want to do that? We need 00:46:34.619 --> 00:46:38.710 to have a bright line. Um Bright line on this president 00:46:39.579 --> 00:46:43.829 I think it's important. And it's the law. As you say 00:46:43.869 --> 00:46:44.860 it's important. 00:46:46.840 --> 00:46:50.090 It's pretty straightforward. I'm on the bandwagon. 00:46:50.679 --> 00:46:52.690 Alright. Any other blood tracks? 00:46:55.679 --> 00:47:00.360 All right. So um get a motion on that. I would move 00:47:00.360 --> 00:47:03.369 to approve as modified to exclude expenses related 00:47:03.369 --> 00:47:06.860 to dock at 47472. All right. We have a 2nd 2nd. All 00:47:06.860 --> 00:47:10.710 in favor say, aye, aye. Don't oppose the motion passes 00:47:12.179 --> 00:47:18.889 Item 15 Mr Journeay (item:15) Item 15 is docket 52356 petition 00:47:18.900 --> 00:47:22.730 of sweat co for approval of a consultant fee writer 00:47:23.380 --> 00:47:27.000 A revised proposed orders filed on December 30 and 00:47:27.000 --> 00:47:29.599 no exceptions or corrections to the revised order were 00:47:29.599 --> 00:47:30.099 filed. 00:47:33.280 --> 00:47:37.300 It seems to be a similar problem here. Um 00:47:39.480 --> 00:47:42.340 I suspect we have similar thoughts about what's being 00:47:42.340 --> 00:47:42.909 used. 00:47:44.480 --> 00:47:48.210 How do we feel about using the same methodology methodology 00:47:48.210 --> 00:47:54.610 on the cost of death from the last great case. I agree 00:47:54.610 --> 00:47:57.190 we have to have a bright line clear precedent on that 00:47:57.190 --> 00:47:58.590 and I support using the casa DE 00:48:00.340 --> 00:48:01.440 the most recent base rate case 00:48:03.170 --> 00:48:09.869 ah thoughts on Mhm. The over under recovery that we 00:48:09.869 --> 00:48:12.980 had on the last one. We can start that language. Same 00:48:12.980 --> 00:48:15.570 language in there, correct? 00:48:17.269 --> 00:48:19.190 Ah Alright. So we 00:48:20.869 --> 00:48:24.559 work on a motion to approve approve the proposed order 00:48:24.559 --> 00:48:28.530 modified to set the carrying costs on fees to the cost 00:48:28.530 --> 00:48:30.929 of debt from approved by the commission on swept codes 00:48:30.929 --> 00:48:36.099 last most recent rape case. In addition to an ordering 00:48:36.099 --> 00:48:36.900 paragraph 00:48:38.769 --> 00:48:41.929 that to the extent the approved rates differ from amounts 00:48:41.929 --> 00:48:44.260 already collected under swept coast interim rates. 00:48:44.260 --> 00:48:46.989 Whitcomb must reconcile any over and under recovery 00:48:47.469 --> 00:48:51.019 in next year's consulting fee rider application with 00:48:51.019 --> 00:48:53.699 interest on over under recovery calculated using its 00:48:53.699 --> 00:48:58.519 cost of debt as a proven its most recently case methodology 00:48:58.519 --> 00:48:59.090 Looking forward. 00:49:00.969 --> 00:49:01.500 All right 00:49:04.469 --> 00:49:10.750 motion to do that. So I would move that seconded, we've 00:49:10.750 --> 00:49:16.199 got a motion and we got we got a preemptive I other 00:49:16.199 --> 00:49:21.460 three any all in favor say aye none opposed motion 00:49:21.460 --> 00:49:23.639 passes. You got everything you need. Yeah, so much 00:49:23.639 --> 00:49:25.900 for that high school teacher said don't use that so 00:49:25.900 --> 00:49:26.739 much. 00:49:29.969 --> 00:49:33.650 The next few items were consented which brings us to 00:49:33.659 --> 00:49:37.920 item number 18 mr Journeay (item:18) item 18 is docket 52929 00:49:37.920 --> 00:49:42.940 uh notice of violation of OCI Alamo one For 00:49:42.940 --> 00:49:47.639 violations of commission rules. A draft preliminary 00:49:47.639 --> 00:49:49.489 order was followed on February three. 00:49:53.530 --> 00:49:57.769 Alright, this is related to violations preliminary 00:49:57.769 --> 00:50:01.019 order. It says to me any other officer comments. 00:50:03.559 --> 00:50:07.210 Okay, I was good with the preliminary orders. Um Obviously 00:50:07.210 --> 00:50:10.889 these are very important cases that will be um you 00:50:10.889 --> 00:50:13.530 know, thoroughly evaluating as part of our weatherization 00:50:13.530 --> 00:50:17.960 efforts and so um I'm good with with the preliminary 00:50:17.960 --> 00:50:20.360 order in this case right now. Yeah and and it's the 00:50:20.360 --> 00:50:23.980 same for me Uh I can't overemphasize how the importance 00:50:23.989 --> 00:50:28.539 of of these dockets um as we examine who did what and 00:50:28.539 --> 00:50:34.019 when what remediation action was taken and when um 00:50:34.179 --> 00:50:36.380 and trying to show a good faith effort that everybody's 00:50:36.380 --> 00:50:39.190 trying to comply. So I look forward to seeing the results 00:50:40.559 --> 00:50:41.070 from this. 00:50:42.590 --> 00:50:43.949 Certainly breaking new ground with these. 00:50:45.760 --> 00:50:48.940 Alright, is there a motion to approve the preliminary 00:50:48.940 --> 00:50:53.789 order? Still moved second? All in favor say, aye, I 00:50:53.840 --> 00:50:57.710 don't oppose the motion passes item number 19 please 00:50:57.710 --> 00:51:01.409 Mr Journeay (item:19) item 19 is docket 52931 it's a notice of 00:51:01.409 --> 00:51:05.250 violation of by texas. Big springs for violations of 00:51:05.250 --> 00:51:09.079 commission rules and ERCOT protocols related to the 00:51:10.159 --> 00:51:14.860 winter weather stuff. Drop culinary order was filed 00:51:14.860 --> 00:51:19.420 on February three related to that related to that stuff 00:51:19.429 --> 00:51:25.280 Yes sir, a similar issue. Any thoughts, comments. Mhm 00:51:25.760 --> 00:51:28.280 Same thoughts on this one. Very important. Look forward 00:51:28.280 --> 00:51:29.000 to seeing the results 00:51:31.559 --> 00:51:35.579 bingo. Alright, is there a motion to approve the preliminary 00:51:35.579 --> 00:51:40.139 order Second all in favor say, aye, aye, I'm not opposed 00:51:40.139 --> 00:51:44.420 the motion passes item number 20 please (item:20) Item twenty's 00:51:44.420 --> 00:51:48.389 project 21072 the go for natural gas capacity Commission 00:51:48.389 --> 00:51:51.190 staff filed amendment random with a proposed order 00:51:51.659 --> 00:51:54.179 That would grant exceptions to the requirements of 00:51:54.190 --> 00:51:57.940 25 1 72 regarding the annual report and publication 00:51:57.940 --> 00:51:58.769 and information. 00:52:01.150 --> 00:52:08.789 Thank you sir. This is annual process, thoughts, questions 00:52:08.920 --> 00:52:14.079 comments, man, I disagree with the logic behind computation 00:52:14.079 --> 00:52:16.559 excluding renewables on this thing. It totally defeats 00:52:16.559 --> 00:52:20.590 the legislative policy when they enacted it? I'm fully 00:52:20.590 --> 00:52:24.929 realized. I may be a lone ranger on this. Um, the world 00:52:24.929 --> 00:52:31.079 is changing and the the amount of dispatch hable versus 00:52:31.079 --> 00:52:33.889 intermittent has has really come into play in terms 00:52:33.889 --> 00:52:36.449 of the calculation or what we have to look at for resource 00:52:36.449 --> 00:52:40.869 adequacy coming into place and understand well said 00:52:40.880 --> 00:52:47.750 And um, so no, I mean, I understand where the rule 00:52:47.750 --> 00:52:51.690 was formulated under the thinking that it's all in 00:52:51.690 --> 00:52:55.980 how you read that one line of statute excluding renewables 00:52:56.550 --> 00:52:57.059 Ah 00:52:58.650 --> 00:53:01.929 anyway, I think you could bear some some digging into 00:53:01.929 --> 00:53:06.199 this, but I realized this needs to move forward. But 00:53:06.210 --> 00:53:10.440 um, I've, I've said my piece in the workshops and and 00:53:10.440 --> 00:53:16.369 other commission proceedings that the legislature intended 00:53:16.750 --> 00:53:21.570 that gas needs to be a dominant resource Adequacy tool 00:53:21.800 --> 00:53:25.829 and this was a, a mechanism that they built to ensure 00:53:25.829 --> 00:53:30.150 that. So if we don't count renewables in this equation 00:53:30.469 --> 00:53:37.670 then it cuts the policy. So that's my piece. Is this 00:53:38.349 --> 00:53:42.400 Well, but is this a rulemaking issue at the commission 00:53:42.400 --> 00:53:46.010 or a legislative issue and statutes? Well, it's, it 00:53:46.010 --> 00:53:49.699 could cut both ways. I I agree. But what else would 00:53:49.699 --> 00:53:52.449 you put it in there if you're going to anyway? I'm 00:53:52.449 --> 00:53:53.820 just trying to, I'm trying to get in the mind of a 00:53:53.820 --> 00:53:57.960 legislator and it is, it's You make an important point 00:53:57.960 --> 00:54:01.699 that the legislator starting January 1, 2000 different 00:54:01.699 --> 00:54:02.969 world a different world. 00:54:05.440 --> 00:54:11.710 Yeah, so your point is well taken. Is this a rulemaking 00:54:11.710 --> 00:54:14.280 or is this a source of clarification? The legislature 00:54:14.280 --> 00:54:16.539 I think it would be a great opportunity for the legislature 00:54:16.539 --> 00:54:20.599 to discuss it. Um and I will be deferential to uh to 00:54:20.599 --> 00:54:23.869 the will of this commission um in moving forward with 00:54:23.869 --> 00:54:28.639 the rule and affirming it. But clarity would be great 00:54:28.639 --> 00:54:31.050 for all of us other thoughts. 00:54:33.639 --> 00:54:39.050 I got another alleged wreck to work on. Oh great, okay 00:54:41.039 --> 00:54:45.150 all right. We do need to approve the proposed order 00:54:45.150 --> 00:54:48.059 We have a motion to do that. 00:54:49.780 --> 00:54:53.349 Is there a motion to approve the proposed order? Second 00:54:53.590 --> 00:54:54.719 all in favor say aye, 00:54:57.340 --> 00:55:01.219 unopposed. Abstaining Alex. Can I abstain. Can I abstain 00:55:01.219 --> 00:55:04.760 Stephen if that's your wish sir. I'd love to abstain 00:55:04.760 --> 00:55:08.099 on this one. You can't get a night out of you. Sure 00:55:10.530 --> 00:55:13.389 that's not an abstention sir. No, it isn't taking a 00:55:13.389 --> 00:55:15.159 position. I disagree with you 00:55:20.239 --> 00:55:22.559 in between two worlds. Here. Trying to politic and 00:55:22.559 --> 00:55:25.510 diplomatic. The will. The commission is determined 00:55:25.510 --> 00:55:26.679 by three sir. That's true. 00:55:28.539 --> 00:55:35.559 We have three eyes and one Nay motion motion passes 00:55:39.039 --> 00:55:43.789 well done sir. I don't have anything on items. 21 through 00:55:43.789 --> 00:55:49.230 25 which brings us to item Um just real quick. I wanted 00:55:49.230 --> 00:55:53.889 to touch base on 24 um on our most recent filing just 00:55:53.889 --> 00:55:58.159 briefly. (item:24) Um so um thank you for calling for your filing 00:55:58.159 --> 00:56:01.230 on the backstop reliability service. Um there are just 00:56:01.230 --> 00:56:03.449 a couple of points, there are you know thoughts I wanted 00:56:03.449 --> 00:56:06.949 to share and I know we're in the process of um hire 00:56:06.949 --> 00:56:09.389 an independent consultant and we'll be looking at a 00:56:09.389 --> 00:56:13.610 lot of issues uh more thoroughly as we look to to build 00:56:13.610 --> 00:56:17.349 the backstop um and and I understand um you know ERCOT 00:56:17.349 --> 00:56:21.000 made recommendations to ensure that we have an efficient 00:56:21.010 --> 00:56:24.400 implementation or or at least provide recommendations 00:56:24.400 --> 00:56:26.889 on how we can most efficiently implement a backstop 00:56:26.889 --> 00:56:31.610 reliability service. Um so in that as I look at ERCOT 00:56:31.619 --> 00:56:34.550 filing and and thank you for that um that is important 00:56:34.550 --> 00:56:37.349 to know what would be most efficient, I really want 00:56:37.349 --> 00:56:40.760 to ensure that we leave um cost allocation on a lower 00:56:40.760 --> 00:56:45.849 ratio share basis um tied to coincidence at peak load 00:56:45.849 --> 00:56:48.619 on the table that that was a very important design 00:56:48.619 --> 00:56:53.070 feature of the memo I put out and and it was ultimately 00:56:53.219 --> 00:56:55.820 became part of the chairman's memo and then into the 00:56:55.820 --> 00:57:00.170 blueprint um that that piece of cost allocation is 00:57:00.170 --> 00:57:02.719 really important. I recognize that might complicate 00:57:02.730 --> 00:57:05.360 settlement and everything but I want to just make sure 00:57:05.360 --> 00:57:09.559 that um that remains on the table, that is a piece 00:57:09.559 --> 00:57:12.840 a central piece of the backstop in that it would um 00:57:13.329 --> 00:57:15.849 provide an incentive for demand response 00:57:17.380 --> 00:57:21.239 in with that service. The other um thought that I wanted 00:57:21.239 --> 00:57:24.829 to share or at least encourage your ERCOT and others 00:57:24.829 --> 00:57:28.940 to explore is that in the recommendations for efficient 00:57:28.940 --> 00:57:31.309 implementation. ERCOT states that the deployment of 00:57:31.309 --> 00:57:36.710 BRS resources um could be used via scott and rug processes 00:57:36.719 --> 00:57:40.289 um as we enter into this new world of ERCOT reforms 00:57:40.289 --> 00:57:43.900 with firm fuel product and and now BRS um you know 00:57:43.900 --> 00:57:47.429 we're ERCOT is sort of using the rug process not only 00:57:47.429 --> 00:57:49.610 for reliability in general as they have throughout 00:57:49.610 --> 00:57:54.420 the summer and and into the winter, but rock is being 00:57:54.420 --> 00:58:00.840 used to um you know from an operational basis now um 00:58:00.849 --> 00:58:06.969 to um bring on, don't feel capable units with on site 00:58:06.969 --> 00:58:10.329 fuel oil storage and now ERCOT is recommending the 00:58:10.329 --> 00:58:15.300 rug process with BRS and I just want to make sure that 00:58:15.309 --> 00:58:19.239 as we um move forward with these ERCOT reforms especially 00:58:19.239 --> 00:58:24.090 firm fuel product um as we solidify that that we that 00:58:24.090 --> 00:58:28.389 ERCOT makes sure that there are no unintended consequences 00:58:28.400 --> 00:58:33.670 from the direction that the process is currently um 00:58:33.679 --> 00:58:37.960 headed in in the air ERCOT stakeholder process um and 00:58:37.960 --> 00:58:40.610 and would encourage your cut to work with the stakeholders 00:58:40.610 --> 00:58:44.119 to ensure that Any changes to the rug process in the 00:58:44.119 --> 00:58:48.820 future um you know, via NPR to 93, that's very clear 00:58:48.820 --> 00:58:51.619 cut but I just want to make sure that ercot opens up 00:58:51.619 --> 00:58:54.650 that hood and ensures that there's not any unintended 00:58:54.650 --> 00:58:58.019 consequences that will negate the ERCOT reforms and 00:58:58.030 --> 00:59:01.539 actions that we're seeking to take to en enhance reliability 00:59:01.539 --> 00:59:02.650 and resiliency in the future? 00:59:06.179 --> 00:59:08.760 That is all I have. Thank you. Is it is it fair 00:59:08.760 --> 00:59:18.829 to say be careful. That's okay. I agree What? All right 00:59:18.840 --> 00:59:21.400 thank you. Commissioner kovacs and other thoughts, 00:59:21.400 --> 00:59:22.110 comments on their own. 00:59:25.519 --> 00:59:30.190 That brings us to item 26. (item:26) Item 26 This project Class 00:59:30.190 --> 00:59:34.059 2934. Review rules adopted by the Independent Organization 00:59:34.719 --> 00:59:36.969 Commission. Staff out a memorandum with the proposed 00:59:36.969 --> 00:59:39.250 order that would approve rules approved by the Technical 00:59:39.250 --> 00:59:42.389 Advisory Committee on January 31 and the associated 00:59:42.389 --> 00:59:43.650 ERCOT impact statement. 00:59:46.119 --> 00:59:50.489 Thank you sir. A couple of rules seemed pretty straightforward 00:59:50.489 --> 00:59:54.349 to me but happened here comments questions, thoughts 00:59:55.219 --> 00:59:59.969 based on my review of the guide revisions, I I'm comfortable 00:59:59.969 --> 01:00:04.840 with them and um would be in favor of approving. Same 01:00:04.840 --> 01:00:07.030 here. I I know that we're working through all of our 01:00:07.039 --> 01:00:12.590 processes and in terms of how we we view these moving 01:00:12.590 --> 01:00:18.110 through uh both the subcommittee uh level of review 01:00:18.110 --> 01:00:21.670 at ERCOT and then tack and then finally board approval 01:00:21.670 --> 01:00:25.849 and then our subsequent ratification. Um we're gonna 01:00:25.849 --> 01:00:30.199 get there. Um and all of these were unanimous. Um it 01:00:30.199 --> 01:00:32.610 showed a good collaboration from all stakeholders to 01:00:32.610 --> 01:00:37.820 get these through. So I support I would tend to agree 01:00:37.829 --> 01:00:42.210 with Commissioner Mcadams process questions. Um I don't 01:00:42.210 --> 01:00:43.829 want to feel like we're rubber stamping things at the 01:00:43.829 --> 01:00:46.059 very end of the process. I want to be able to have 01:00:46.070 --> 01:00:48.460 some time to be able to understand the pros and the 01:00:48.460 --> 01:00:50.940 cons of each one rather than get something filed the 01:00:50.940 --> 01:00:53.500 day before we have to vote on it and uh look forward 01:00:53.500 --> 01:00:55.760 to, you know, working with staff to figure out how 01:00:55.760 --> 01:00:59.510 we improve the entire Change in this dynamic as we 01:00:59.510 --> 01:01:04.530 go forward 100% agree and we're in a period of transition 01:01:04.829 --> 01:01:06.920 and that will be, I think that is something I know 01:01:06.920 --> 01:01:12.960 the new archive board has made a priority oh, to change 01:01:12.960 --> 01:01:16.630 and improve the process of these kind of changes, this 01:01:16.630 --> 01:01:22.940 doesn't happen overnight, but I think yes, your point 01:01:23.019 --> 01:01:28.150 that sending something down to come back and last minute 01:01:28.269 --> 01:01:32.440 is not not a ideal efficient streamlined process 01:01:34.610 --> 01:01:38.739 and what get there working with the new ERCOT board 01:01:39.710 --> 01:01:44.639 Oh, but take a little time to sort it out. Great, I 01:01:44.650 --> 01:01:48.599 agree, yes, Alright, is there a motion to approve the 01:01:48.599 --> 01:01:49.329 proposed order 01:01:51.210 --> 01:01:57.639 all in favor? Say aye not opposed motion passes, I 01:01:57.650 --> 01:02:02.409 think we have anything on 27 through 29 which brings 01:02:02.409 --> 01:02:08.050 us to (item:30) item 30, ask mr Woodfin to come up to discuss 01:02:08.219 --> 01:02:12.579 last week's storm, the extreme winter weather event 01:02:12.590 --> 01:02:15.929 and ERCOT operations, 01:02:18.099 --> 01:02:23.159 response and performance dan Woodfin with ERCOT So 01:02:23.170 --> 01:02:27.639 um last week, ERCOT started using official notifications 01:02:27.639 --> 01:02:30.500 of the coming winter winter storm on thursday january 01:02:30.500 --> 01:02:32.719 27th, so about a week ahead of time. We started warning 01:02:32.719 --> 01:02:35.630 folks, this was coming issued an operating condition 01:02:35.630 --> 01:02:39.579 knows at that time um the various global weather models 01:02:39.579 --> 01:02:42.869 were still varying at that point um and continue to 01:02:42.869 --> 01:02:45.530 vary all the way through the event into the event on 01:02:45.530 --> 01:02:48.719 how deep the cold, how cold the temperatures were and 01:02:48.730 --> 01:02:52.369 how much exactly precipitation, we were gonna get precipitation 01:02:52.369 --> 01:02:55.630 part lined up at the end, but the depth of the cold 01:02:55.630 --> 01:02:58.809 weather was, was still varying even as the storm was 01:02:58.809 --> 01:03:03.280 upon us. Um, ERCOT continually prepared for load levels 01:03:03.280 --> 01:03:05.380 that were based on the coldest of these global weather 01:03:05.380 --> 01:03:10.280 model forecasts um, and the most icing impacts on wind 01:03:10.280 --> 01:03:12.300 generation. So we, that was what we were preparing 01:03:12.300 --> 01:03:15.420 for load wound up being within the level we've projected 01:03:15.420 --> 01:03:19.389 with a peak demand on thursday evening of 67.9 gigawatts 01:03:19.739 --> 01:03:23.130 and 68.9 gigawatts on the morning of friday february 01:03:23.139 --> 01:03:26.460 4th, the wind turbine blade icing was significantly 01:03:26.460 --> 01:03:29.869 less than the worst case that we had planned for At 01:03:29.869 --> 01:03:32.829 the highest. We saw about 6.6 gigawatts of installed 01:03:32.829 --> 01:03:35.250 capacity from the wind generation that was out due 01:03:35.250 --> 01:03:39.230 to icing. Um, in spite of that icing in some areas 01:03:39.239 --> 01:03:41.630 Uh, the actual wind production across the system was 01:03:41.630 --> 01:03:45.280 about 15 gigawatts for thursday evenings peak And about 01:03:45.289 --> 01:03:50.210 12 GW for Friday morning speak the thermal generation 01:03:50.219 --> 01:03:53.960 uh, availability was good during the storm with very 01:03:53.960 --> 01:03:56.550 few generation outages that could even possibly be 01:03:56.550 --> 01:03:58.500 because of weather issues and we're in the process 01:03:58.500 --> 01:04:02.980 of investigating that handful. Um, we did see some 01:04:02.980 --> 01:04:05.780 generation that was unavailable due to gas restrictions 01:04:06.190 --> 01:04:09.300 and particularly in north texas and a few other units 01:04:09.300 --> 01:04:12.190 were outages or D rated as the, as the storm went on 01:04:12.199 --> 01:04:15.070 due to gas pipeline pressure issues, more operational 01:04:15.070 --> 01:04:19.050 issues. Um, online reserves remained very high during 01:04:19.050 --> 01:04:22.460 the event. Most of the online generation was self committed 01:04:22.460 --> 01:04:26.519 by, by ERCOT participants about two gigawatts of capacity 01:04:26.550 --> 01:04:28.639 that would have otherwise been unavailable because 01:04:28.639 --> 01:04:31.960 of the gas restrictions was committed by, ran on fuel 01:04:31.960 --> 01:04:34.920 oil through most of the event. Some of that was self 01:04:34.920 --> 01:04:38.309 committed for for some hours and some of it was rocked 01:04:38.320 --> 01:04:40.690 by ERCOT If the mark participants weren't going to 01:04:40.690 --> 01:04:44.570 commit that on their own, only two units were committed 01:04:44.579 --> 01:04:47.309 for a few hours for a reason other than fuel oil. So 01:04:47.309 --> 01:04:49.699 most of the reliability unit commitments we did were 01:04:49.699 --> 01:04:54.079 due to the fuel oil. Um, with the exception of a few 01:04:54.079 --> 01:04:56.809 intervals on friday evening real time prices generally 01:04:56.809 --> 01:05:00.059 stayed low during the event. Obviously there was a 01:05:00.070 --> 01:05:03.090 lot of, a few areas where people lost power due to 01:05:03.090 --> 01:05:05.559 icing of local distribution lines and that kind of 01:05:05.559 --> 01:05:08.960 thing. But overall there were no significant reliability 01:05:08.960 --> 01:05:11.159 problems for the grid as a whole as a result of this 01:05:11.159 --> 01:05:13.460 winter weather. So happy to answer any questions you 01:05:13.460 --> 01:05:19.480 may have. Thank you dan questions, comments. Just a 01:05:19.480 --> 01:05:23.619 comment. Um, dan, I thought operationally. Um, you 01:05:23.619 --> 01:05:28.940 did what you were supposed to and thanks. So I think 01:05:28.940 --> 01:05:33.119 the system worked in concert and I mean all systems 01:05:33.130 --> 01:05:37.800 on on this occasion gas ERCOT we were all talking um 01:05:38.250 --> 01:05:43.059 to a great degree As we as we move forward um I 01:05:43.059 --> 01:05:44.820 wanted to highlight for the commission there was something 01:05:44.820 --> 01:05:48.199 in our clips on February two. It was from the oil and 01:05:48.199 --> 01:05:52.369 gas magazine. It was a editorial uh put forward by 01:05:52.369 --> 01:05:56.099 heart energy. It identified something that you may 01:05:56.099 --> 01:05:59.719 have seen during the event and maybe lives with encore 01:05:59.730 --> 01:06:04.699 in their Permian system. Um They described a migration 01:06:04.710 --> 01:06:08.460 from natural gas fired gathering pipeline compressor 01:06:08.460 --> 01:06:10.949 stations. Okay so those compressor stations that move 01:06:10.949 --> 01:06:14.130 molecules through the gathering system at the wellhead 01:06:14.139 --> 01:06:17.800 to primary transmission lines that move across state 01:06:18.280 --> 01:06:21.030 Um they described the phenomenon of conversion or at 01:06:21.030 --> 01:06:23.719 least I'm sorry as they were building out those gathering 01:06:23.719 --> 01:06:29.409 lines from 2018 to now, utilization of electric compressor 01:06:29.409 --> 01:06:32.750 stations rather than natural gas fired compressor stations 01:06:33.070 --> 01:06:35.789 to cope with environmental regulations which obviously 01:06:35.800 --> 01:06:38.969 that's a dc thing that transcends down to the state 01:06:38.969 --> 01:06:43.679 level but it's it was an excellent piece for us to 01:06:43.679 --> 01:06:47.829 note a business trend that is affecting or could potentially 01:06:47.829 --> 01:06:51.360 affect your operations and on course ability or https 01:06:51.360 --> 01:06:53.739 ability or T and M. P. S. Ability out in the Permian 01:06:53.869 --> 01:06:59.619 to normalize the the electric load um in tight conditions 01:06:59.619 --> 01:07:03.650 brought on by cold weather. So uh the the takeaway 01:07:03.650 --> 01:07:09.300 was Um flaring issues were a problem 2018 to now. Uh 01:07:09.309 --> 01:07:12.159 environmental regulations came in that forced oil and 01:07:12.159 --> 01:07:15.630 gas operators to cut those emissions thus they depended 01:07:15.630 --> 01:07:19.960 more heavily on electric technology. electric based 01:07:19.969 --> 01:07:23.920 technology and when um any type of even a localized 01:07:23.929 --> 01:07:27.110 outage might be experienced that affects those gathering 01:07:27.110 --> 01:07:30.949 systems because again it freezes, they go off and those 01:07:30.949 --> 01:07:34.889 molecules don't move and they freeze. So I think um 01:07:35.340 --> 01:07:38.769 everything that we have done is still uh allowing us 01:07:38.769 --> 01:07:43.110 to manage that system because Ercot as they noted, 01:07:43.119 --> 01:07:46.980 our encore as they noted, experienced a increase of 01:07:46.980 --> 01:07:51.929 critical facility designations from 130 Prior to our 01:07:51.929 --> 01:07:54.920 rural implementation to over 1100 out in the Permian 01:07:55.380 --> 01:07:58.159 that's probably a fair amount of those compressor stations 01:07:58.159 --> 01:08:01.360 that are now listed and accounted for on a megawatt 01:08:01.360 --> 01:08:06.059 basis for rotating outages. So um, I just want to point 01:08:06.059 --> 01:08:08.030 that out, this is just one more thing that you're having 01:08:08.030 --> 01:08:11.099 to manage through right now, but that as a part of 01:08:11.099 --> 01:08:15.579 our puc, ERCOT railroad commission's overhaul and will 01:08:15.579 --> 01:08:18.310 certainly be envisioned in the mapping process. This 01:08:18.310 --> 01:08:20.939 is something that's, it's coming to light now that 01:08:20.939 --> 01:08:24.199 we are building and have built a system that is resilient 01:08:24.439 --> 01:08:25.189 to cope with it. 01:08:26.869 --> 01:08:29.779 Yeah, very, very good point. And that's why the new 01:08:29.779 --> 01:08:32.439 rule as of November 30 in conjunction with the railroad 01:08:32.439 --> 01:08:35.289 commission was so important in identifying that 01:08:37.069 --> 01:08:39.579 critical infrastructure and we're seeing the benefits 01:08:39.579 --> 01:08:43.420 of that, that's a rule making that happened in three 01:08:43.420 --> 01:08:46.979 months ago and we've seen the fruits was that article 01:08:46.979 --> 01:08:49.600 in our clips. It was and I just thought it was so 01:08:49.600 --> 01:08:54.380 profound because we never saw the degree of gas curtail 01:08:54.390 --> 01:08:56.829 or at least I don't remember it at the legislative 01:08:56.829 --> 01:09:00.659 level hearing about this prior to two now, but it's 01:09:00.659 --> 01:09:02.949 because of the build out of that infrastructure that 01:09:02.949 --> 01:09:05.670 was experienced because of natural gas pipeline constraints 01:09:05.670 --> 01:09:07.840 trying to get that crude and gas out of the Permian 01:09:08.369 --> 01:09:11.210 and to build out those gathering lines so quickly to 01:09:11.210 --> 01:09:14.310 get that crude and gas out of the Permian and they 01:09:14.310 --> 01:09:16.319 were utilizing a different technology than they had 01:09:16.319 --> 01:09:19.380 in the past that is dependent on our system. And so 01:09:19.380 --> 01:09:21.930 our identification of that system and maintaining that 01:09:21.930 --> 01:09:25.319 system is incredibly important now and that's why we 01:09:25.319 --> 01:09:30.939 experience these this phenomenon of gas concerns um 01:09:31.119 --> 01:09:36.409 now rather than in the past very insightful um Commissioner 01:09:36.409 --> 01:09:38.649 Mcadams, do you think that there's any opportunities 01:09:38.649 --> 01:09:41.430 to work from an environmental standpoint with TC Q 01:09:41.430 --> 01:09:45.819 On on this issue? Um with respect to gas compressors 01:09:45.819 --> 01:09:48.369 versus electric compressors and any additional resiliency 01:09:48.369 --> 01:09:52.500 we can gain by, I think as they as they move forward 01:09:52.500 --> 01:09:55.229 with their their rules and regulations, it just behooves 01:09:55.239 --> 01:09:58.500 all of us railroad puc, which we're doing through through 01:09:58.500 --> 01:10:02.619 turk and and the other organizations created by the 01:10:02.619 --> 01:10:06.000 reforms from the legislature. Um I think we all need 01:10:06.000 --> 01:10:09.270 to collaborate about, okay, when, when you make a move 01:10:09.279 --> 01:10:12.289 what are the unintended consequences within our regular 01:10:12.300 --> 01:10:16.550 regulatory ecosystems that we need to account for great 01:10:16.550 --> 01:10:22.060 point, very insightful information. Um I had a couple 01:10:22.060 --> 01:10:24.960 of, I guess, questions or comments to dan. First of 01:10:24.960 --> 01:10:27.500 all, thank you very much for for your hard work from 01:10:27.500 --> 01:10:30.470 an operational standpoint. I mean, I think it's just 01:10:31.060 --> 01:10:35.640 resound that ERCOT did a great job in doing their job 01:10:35.649 --> 01:10:39.539 last week. And um, all of the actions we've been taking 01:10:39.550 --> 01:10:44.890 up until then with the commission and ERCOT um, I had 01:10:44.890 --> 01:10:47.939 an opportunity to show their stripes right last week 01:10:47.939 --> 01:10:51.949 in terms of weatherization, bringing reserves on online 01:10:51.949 --> 01:10:55.380 earlier through uh enhanced org. C that was effective 01:10:55.380 --> 01:10:58.760 january 1st critical load designation as the chairman 01:10:58.760 --> 01:11:02.159 and commissioner Mcadams have noted, um, you know, 01:11:02.170 --> 01:11:06.100 sending signals to our firm fuel discussions that we 01:11:06.100 --> 01:11:08.229 are going to have a firm fuel product in place that 01:11:08.229 --> 01:11:12.340 led to business decisions for generators to have dual 01:11:12.340 --> 01:11:15.310 fuel capable on site fuel oil storage. All of all of 01:11:15.310 --> 01:11:17.899 those discussions and actions we've taken culminated 01:11:17.899 --> 01:11:21.960 into very um successful operational actions for ERCOT 01:11:21.960 --> 01:11:24.880 last week. And I come into you and, and in your work 01:11:25.359 --> 01:11:29.000 um, I, I just have some questions that you may not 01:11:29.000 --> 01:11:31.600 have answers to today, but I would like to understand 01:11:31.600 --> 01:11:35.699 you know, I know there was, you know, ERCOT projections 01:11:35.699 --> 01:11:40.220 on peak demand and and ultimately what, what, what 01:11:40.220 --> 01:11:43.159 came out of peak demand was, was less. Um, I would 01:11:43.159 --> 01:11:46.319 like to understand if if there's um some aggregated 01:11:46.329 --> 01:11:50.819 price, responsive demand response information, um, 01:11:50.829 --> 01:11:53.539 ERCOT can provide us whether it's in the post action 01:11:53.550 --> 01:11:57.470 post in the report that or could be putting together 01:11:57.470 --> 01:12:00.350 on on last week's weather or maybe you have figures 01:12:00.350 --> 01:12:02.909 today. I know you can't break it down by different 01:12:02.909 --> 01:12:05.829 types of customers but I would like to understand that 01:12:05.850 --> 01:12:09.640 impact. I mean I can give you a preliminary answer 01:12:09.649 --> 01:12:13.710 um By and large the pricing impacts during this event 01:12:13.720 --> 01:12:18.510 weren't high enough to see really uh price responsive 01:12:18.510 --> 01:12:24.010 demand. And I have some data on on the prices but we 01:12:24.010 --> 01:12:28.890 do do a um to give you an absolute answer. What we 01:12:28.890 --> 01:12:33.229 do is we work with the retail electric providers to 01:12:33.229 --> 01:12:39.369 see what their customers did that report. We don't 01:12:39.380 --> 01:12:43.609 start getting that data until um I believe september 01:12:43.619 --> 01:12:48.229 and we published the report on an annual basis in the 01:12:48.229 --> 01:12:53.699 december time period. So that would lead to the kind 01:12:53.699 --> 01:12:57.659 of final annual report on price responsive demand. 01:12:58.050 --> 01:13:02.859 But if you looked at at the prices um the real time 01:13:02.859 --> 01:13:08.220 ERCOT never got above $95, that was the highest real 01:13:08.220 --> 01:13:15.479 time ERCOT price. And that price only lasted um for 01:13:15.489 --> 01:13:18.069 approximately um 01:13:20.350 --> 01:13:26.399 uh one hour. So if I'm trying to respond to real time 01:13:26.399 --> 01:13:31.869 prices there there wasn't a lot of incentive there 01:13:32.449 --> 01:13:36.920 Um We can talk some more about the drivers but by and 01:13:36.920 --> 01:13:40.979 large, I don't want to say prices weren't high but 01:13:40.979 --> 01:13:45.000 they weren't you know anywhere near the maximum that 01:13:45.010 --> 01:13:51.470 the h cap represents or anything along those lines 01:13:51.949 --> 01:13:57.260 So the day ahead cleared around $400 for that day. 01:13:57.649 --> 01:14:01.159 And the ancillary service prices kind of followed that 01:14:01.539 --> 01:14:05.949 But again that was only for a couple of hours at most 01:14:06.640 --> 01:14:10.720 Um so that's from a pricing story, there's not a lot 01:14:10.720 --> 01:14:15.409 of incentive for demand to respond. I did read lots 01:14:15.409 --> 01:14:20.720 of articles about folks voluntarily uh curtailing but 01:14:20.720 --> 01:14:24.659 that wouldn't necessarily be on price. The one last 01:14:24.659 --> 01:14:29.170 point I would like to share with you on that is while 01:14:29.180 --> 01:14:32.680 um system wide the prices weren't high, there were 01:14:32.680 --> 01:14:36.960 some high prices due to congestion. There were some 01:14:37.340 --> 01:14:42.350 Length time periods where the price was $3500 but that 01:14:42.350 --> 01:14:45.920 was at a resource node um and it was at a resource 01:14:45.920 --> 01:14:50.520 note that couldn't respond to price. Um however, if 01:14:50.600 --> 01:14:55.699 we had um for example controllable load resources on 01:14:55.699 --> 01:15:01.359 a nodal price rather than Zonal average price, there's 01:15:01.359 --> 01:15:04.619 a higher probability that that we would have seen more 01:15:04.619 --> 01:15:08.619 price responsive demand and that feature is in your 01:15:08.619 --> 01:15:14.949 phase one roadmap. Um so we are working through uh 01:15:14.960 --> 01:15:18.670 incorporating that but that is not in place as of today 01:15:19.640 --> 01:15:20.310 Thank you. 01:15:21.840 --> 01:15:24.319 I appreciate you pointing that out. Commissioner Cobos 01:15:24.319 --> 01:15:26.329 and one thing that our communications team did a great 01:15:26.329 --> 01:15:29.939 job of identifying was in advance of the storm around 01:15:29.939 --> 01:15:33.770 the state. We saw both co ops monies and independent 01:15:34.119 --> 01:15:38.449 retail electric providers engage with their customers 01:15:38.460 --> 01:15:42.159 And what that looks like in practice is the notices 01:15:42.159 --> 01:15:45.159 you get an email saying keep your bill low this month 01:15:45.170 --> 01:15:50.869 you know, use your smart thermostat engage in this 01:15:50.869 --> 01:15:54.029 program or that program. And that's even though we 01:15:54.029 --> 01:15:57.000 didn't see high prices, that's the ERCOT doing and 01:15:57.000 --> 01:15:59.970 the independent retail ERCOT doing what it's supposed 01:15:59.970 --> 01:16:03.159 to do. And that's what we, that's what we want to see 01:16:03.460 --> 01:16:07.710 We want those companies competing for customers by 01:16:07.710 --> 01:16:11.409 offering more capabilities, more resources, more rewards 01:16:11.409 --> 01:16:16.380 refunds, credits for utilizing demand response. And 01:16:16.380 --> 01:16:19.649 so it's, that's an excellent sign. We don't like to 01:16:19.649 --> 01:16:23.149 see events like that. But during extreme weather, events 01:16:23.149 --> 01:16:26.409 like that, it's excellent to see the competitive retail 01:16:26.409 --> 01:16:31.800 ERCOT healthy and competing in those initiatives and 01:16:31.800 --> 01:16:34.350 programs well. And as you point out Mr chairman, they 01:16:34.350 --> 01:16:36.100 were incentivized to, they were trying to keep those 01:16:36.100 --> 01:16:40.079 prices low because they were gonna have to pass those 01:16:40.079 --> 01:16:43.210 on, on their meter charges. So even though we didn't 01:16:43.210 --> 01:16:46.159 spike, we don't know, it might have been their monthly 01:16:46.159 --> 01:16:49.439 hedge may not have been for the low they need to serve 01:16:49.439 --> 01:16:51.430 in which they still need to conserve. They still don't 01:16:51.430 --> 01:16:54.909 want to have to go out and by additional megawatts 01:16:55.829 --> 01:16:58.750 So it's good to see that ecosystem 01:17:00.430 --> 01:17:04.039 acting as it should and, and responding in a healthy 01:17:04.039 --> 01:17:04.409 way 01:17:06.029 --> 01:17:09.899 questions comments for dan no, I guess I, since we're 01:17:09.899 --> 01:17:11.729 talking about the storm, I just want to say one thing 01:17:11.729 --> 01:17:15.199 and that is, I appreciate the efforts and the response 01:17:15.199 --> 01:17:18.550 that went into this, not only among, you know, folks 01:17:18.560 --> 01:17:20.729 here in Austin, but most importantly, the folks that 01:17:20.729 --> 01:17:22.750 actually get out there, the lineman, the crews that 01:17:22.750 --> 01:17:26.949 were actually um, working on these distribution lines 01:17:26.949 --> 01:17:29.250 that had been down that cut off power to our different 01:17:29.250 --> 01:17:31.750 regions. They don't deserve enough credit, we don't 01:17:31.750 --> 01:17:34.359 give them enough credit um, that they get out there 01:17:34.359 --> 01:17:37.149 during dangerous times and I didn't hear of any accidents 01:17:37.149 --> 01:17:39.880 which I think is great and hopefully every one of them 01:17:39.880 --> 01:17:43.220 comes home every day. And so that's a great point. 01:17:43.229 --> 01:17:47.069 Commissioner Mr Chairman. Just the amount of, of bucket 01:17:47.069 --> 01:17:50.289 trucks and lineman that were deployed on this thing 01:17:50.489 --> 01:17:54.199 Look as I said, if this was a military operation, everything 01:17:54.199 --> 01:17:57.829 was humming in concert. They had pre deployed assets 01:17:57.840 --> 01:18:00.640 Um, for our transmission and distribution companies 01:18:00.640 --> 01:18:04.899 are generators were teed up ready to go. Um, machines 01:18:04.899 --> 01:18:08.699 were weatherizing. Uh, matter of fact, the forced outage 01:18:08.699 --> 01:18:12.390 rate was incredibly low and, and sustained at a low 01:18:12.390 --> 01:18:16.609 level um, for a long time. So whether this is just 01:18:16.619 --> 01:18:22.020 PTSD from yuri or uh, people's fear of penalties or 01:18:22.020 --> 01:18:24.069 just everybody wanted to do the right thing because 01:18:24.069 --> 01:18:28.310 nobody wanted to be cold. Um, the system worked. Yeah 01:18:28.319 --> 01:18:30.420 these are real reforms enacted an incredibly short 01:18:30.420 --> 01:18:33.380 amount of time yielding dividends in an extreme weather 01:18:33.380 --> 01:18:33.649 event 01:18:35.920 --> 01:18:39.579 dan canon or cut entire ERCOT team. Thank you all. 01:18:39.579 --> 01:18:42.000 Not only for the excellent performance last week, but 01:18:42.000 --> 01:18:45.050 all the hard work over the last year that got us to 01:18:45.050 --> 01:18:48.039 the point where we can not only go through an extreme 01:18:48.039 --> 01:18:51.720 weather event like that that shuts down airports, highways 01:18:52.720 --> 01:18:58.010 But go through it with such robust reserve 86 85,000 01:18:58.010 --> 01:19:02.149 MW at the peak on friday morning That even if we had 01:19:02.149 --> 01:19:08.960 experienced the 76, megawatt peak that You, that would 01:19:08.960 --> 01:19:11.100 have been the peak load of Yuri, we still had another 01:19:11.100 --> 01:19:14.989 10,000 MW in cushion. Um, that's that's an extraordinary 01:19:14.989 --> 01:19:17.649 accomplishment in a very, very short amount of time 01:19:18.279 --> 01:19:21.590 So thank you all for all the hard work the puc team 01:19:21.600 --> 01:19:25.899 who's been digging deep to write these rules to get 01:19:25.899 --> 01:19:30.229 these policies and reforms initiated. I echo Commissioner 01:19:30.229 --> 01:19:33.439 Gladfelter his point about all the men and women sitting 01:19:33.439 --> 01:19:35.840 out in the cold even if there wasn't a problem yet 01:19:35.850 --> 01:19:39.920 just sitting out in the out in the cold days and nights 01:19:39.920 --> 01:19:43.939 waiting for a problem. A lot of folks at R. T. Dus 01:19:44.420 --> 01:19:46.590 went out to sit at substations that they were never 01:19:46.590 --> 01:19:49.840 needed thankfully, but they were there away from their 01:19:49.840 --> 01:19:52.970 families away from the warmth of the house, their houses 01:19:53.520 --> 01:19:57.670 Um, I would also like to thank TDM chief kid and their 01:19:57.670 --> 01:20:00.899 whole team for running the state operations center 01:20:01.229 --> 01:20:04.939 as smoothly and as efficiently as they always do. Um 01:20:05.569 --> 01:20:07.729 and especially our partners at the railroad commission 01:20:08.149 --> 01:20:12.180 T. C. Q relates to water issues and most importantly 01:20:12.180 --> 01:20:15.710 text the coordination, the new coordination that we've 01:20:15.710 --> 01:20:19.180 set up to have teammates from each of our agencies 01:20:19.180 --> 01:20:21.899 shoulder to shoulder in the state operations center 01:20:22.159 --> 01:20:25.800 during events like this showed its its benefits, textile 01:20:25.800 --> 01:20:28.689 was getting roads prioritizing roads that needed to 01:20:28.689 --> 01:20:32.380 get crews to local outages. The Railroad commission 01:20:32.500 --> 01:20:36.369 team was on hand incredibly responsive to the very 01:20:36.369 --> 01:20:40.130 few minor issues we had during that event. So all around 01:20:40.130 --> 01:20:42.829 an extraordinary effort to keep 01:20:44.510 --> 01:20:48.939 grid reliable people in texas warm in their homes and 01:20:48.939 --> 01:20:52.640 safe. Uh, and of course I appreciate the governor's 01:20:52.640 --> 01:20:55.989 leadership throughout the event. Um, he was in constant 01:20:55.989 --> 01:20:58.420 communication with the people of texas as were the 01:20:58.420 --> 01:21:03.130 agencies involved. So extraordinary. I hope extraordinary 01:21:04.109 --> 01:21:07.619 to see what all of these teams combined have been able 01:21:07.619 --> 01:21:08.119 to do 01:21:09.810 --> 01:21:12.119 to ensure reliability in such a short amount of time 01:21:12.609 --> 01:21:15.529 Thank you. Chairman, thank you Chairman for getting 01:21:15.529 --> 01:21:17.720 out there and serving as our face for the commission 01:21:17.720 --> 01:21:22.119 and at the at the sock throughout the weather um, event 01:21:22.130 --> 01:21:24.710 and um speaking on our behalf and all the hard work 01:21:24.710 --> 01:21:27.619 that we have been working on for the last several months 01:21:27.619 --> 01:21:30.300 in concert with ERCOT and other stakeholders. So thank 01:21:30.300 --> 01:21:32.229 you for your hard work during that week at the sock 01:21:33.189 --> 01:21:35.609 appreciate. And it's not just me at the stock, we've 01:21:35.609 --> 01:21:40.270 got a whole crew of people. Sean chuck nick Mackenzie 01:21:40.270 --> 01:21:44.159 at the soccer and there 24 7 sleeping under the desk 01:21:44.159 --> 01:21:49.250 kind of thing. Glad you weren't alone. Yeah. One more 01:21:49.260 --> 01:21:51.250 One more shot at Mr Chairman, if I could because I 01:21:51.250 --> 01:21:53.340 know this will probably make the local news stations 01:21:53.340 --> 01:21:55.920 all over the state, but we sincerely appreciate the 01:21:55.920 --> 01:21:59.069 participation and responsiveness of the consumers out 01:21:59.069 --> 01:22:02.010 there to um, well, we were all wondering if everybody 01:22:02.010 --> 01:22:05.159 would go home and jack up their heaters to 85 degrees 01:22:05.170 --> 01:22:09.760 um, and just try to make their house as warm as possible 01:22:09.760 --> 01:22:13.779 But uh, the consumer classes of all types seemed to 01:22:13.789 --> 01:22:16.640 do the right thing in cold weather, which is not overburden 01:22:16.640 --> 01:22:19.760 any particular system but just act responsibly. And 01:22:19.760 --> 01:22:22.640 it was incredible to watch in real time on the part 01:22:22.640 --> 01:22:25.390 of of us here at the commission in ERCOT in the control 01:22:25.390 --> 01:22:28.960 room. I'm sure so um, I I hope everybody 01:22:31.069 --> 01:22:33.069 and our industrial partners, thank you for everything 01:22:33.069 --> 01:22:36.409 you did. Alright, well put, thank you gentlemen, 01:22:39.000 --> 01:22:41.439 That concludes business on item 30, which takes us 01:22:41.439 --> 01:22:45.850 to item 31 (item:31) regarding state and federal legislation 01:22:45.850 --> 01:22:50.010 affecting electricity markets, etc, etc. As you all 01:22:50.010 --> 01:22:55.000 know, the federal government last year passed the Infrastructure 01:22:55.000 --> 01:22:59.449 investment and jobs Act, which means a lot of federal 01:22:59.449 --> 01:23:04.789 money out there, particularly related to I don't electricity 01:23:04.789 --> 01:23:09.289 and electric infrastructure and to make sure that texas 01:23:09.300 --> 01:23:14.229 is leading from the front on maximizing the state's 01:23:14.229 --> 01:23:17.800 ability to benefit from those federal dollars and to 01:23:17.810 --> 01:23:22.229 ensure we use every resource possible to the most benefit 01:23:22.239 --> 01:23:26.510 of our citizens. I've asked Commissioner Cobos too 01:23:28.000 --> 01:23:32.140 take on an initial review of possible applications 01:23:32.140 --> 01:23:36.130 for those funds and to make sure that over the next 01:23:36.289 --> 01:23:37.079 months 01:23:38.670 --> 01:23:42.199 and potentially years the state of texas gets the most 01:23:42.199 --> 01:23:46.220 benefit from those federal funds. Thank you. Chairman 01:23:46.220 --> 01:23:49.529 Lake, I happily accept that assignment and look forward 01:23:49.529 --> 01:23:51.760 to working with the utilities and other stakeholders 01:23:51.760 --> 01:23:54.930 that could stand to benefit from this funding is is 01:23:54.939 --> 01:23:57.369 chairman stated, there's billions of dollars out there 01:23:57.380 --> 01:24:00.520 for grid resiliency and reliability. And my goal is 01:24:00.520 --> 01:24:02.689 to try to work with the various stakeholders to try 01:24:02.689 --> 01:24:05.529 to maximize the amount of funds we can get for texas 01:24:05.529 --> 01:24:09.560 for these very important initiatives. Thank you. Mr 01:24:09.560 --> 01:24:12.800 Chairman. I might add that. I have mentioned this in 01:24:12.800 --> 01:24:14.659 other open meetings but I've had discussions with some 01:24:14.659 --> 01:24:18.619 of our national labs um to uh potentially help us with 01:24:18.619 --> 01:24:21.409 some modeling efforts. Um I've had those discussions 01:24:21.409 --> 01:24:24.270 with ERCOT as well uh as well as some of the universities 01:24:24.270 --> 01:24:27.579 around the state and uh trying to put together a little 01:24:27.579 --> 01:24:30.710 plan but some of this might or might not rely on federal 01:24:30.710 --> 01:24:34.119 funds but we will work with Commissioner Cobos and 01:24:34.130 --> 01:24:37.100 the entire Commission to make sure that strings attached 01:24:37.100 --> 01:24:42.000 are very very few and that uh we can create something 01:24:42.000 --> 01:24:44.630 that's great for the state to allow us to analyze our 01:24:44.630 --> 01:24:47.189 grid going forward very much appreciate that and I 01:24:47.189 --> 01:24:52.159 know, you know, I've been working on how to move those 01:24:52.170 --> 01:24:57.039 initiatives, your initiatives forward a lot of opportunity 01:24:57.810 --> 01:25:02.529 In fact, we've seen some of the work product in some 01:25:02.529 --> 01:25:05.550 segments of the industry related to modeling and there's 01:25:05.649 --> 01:25:11.529 room for improvement if you will. Ah All right, thank 01:25:11.529 --> 01:25:13.760 you all and thank you Mr Chavez. 01:25:15.890 --> 01:25:20.130 I don't have anything on item 32 or 33 which brings 01:25:20.130 --> 01:25:23.060 us to an update from our executive director on item 01:25:23.060 --> 01:25:28.979 34. (item:34) Thank you. Mr Chairman Commissioners, just to uh 01:25:28.989 --> 01:25:31.939 go along with our our kudos for everything that happened 01:25:31.939 --> 01:25:33.810 in State Operations Center. I wanted to let y'all know 01:25:33.810 --> 01:25:36.649 I received calls from multiple other state agencies 01:25:36.649 --> 01:25:39.250 and companies about how instrumental to our success 01:25:39.250 --> 01:25:42.600 at the sock sean hazard is and how he streamlines everything 01:25:42.600 --> 01:25:45.569 everyone knows that they can get the most updated and 01:25:45.579 --> 01:25:47.560 critical information from him. So I want to make sure 01:25:47.560 --> 01:25:51.100 to mention him as well because him is our Emergency 01:25:51.100 --> 01:25:53.170 Management Coordinator is is instrumental in all of 01:25:53.170 --> 01:25:54.920 our efforts at the State Operations Center. 01:25:56.890 --> 01:26:00.140 Um a couple of meetings ago I reported that we had 01:26:00.140 --> 01:26:03.100 hired a Chief Administrative Officer, much to my delight 01:26:03.100 --> 01:26:05.329 and someone that can focus on getting Commissioner 01:26:05.329 --> 01:26:08.050 Gladfelter his office built in a in a timely manner 01:26:08.050 --> 01:26:13.760 So Hayley is back there. So I just wanted to put a 01:26:13.770 --> 01:26:17.779 face with a name and um does the definition of timely 01:26:17.779 --> 01:26:22.180 only apply to starting that time. Now, I believe on 01:26:22.180 --> 01:26:24.670 that project timely is whatever Commissioner Gloat 01:26:24.670 --> 01:26:26.819 felt he feels. So we're probably starting from behind 01:26:26.819 --> 01:26:28.750 but I would hope that the clock would start over now 01:26:28.750 --> 01:26:31.140 that we have a different face to to you know really 01:26:31.140 --> 01:26:36.000 implement that um going forward so and patient. Yes 01:26:36.000 --> 01:26:38.920 sir and thank you for that. We appreciate it. Um and 01:26:38.920 --> 01:26:43.689 finally we have a turk spot to fill Laurie Simpson 01:26:43.699 --> 01:26:47.510 is leaving constellation, she fills our generator segment 01:26:47.510 --> 01:26:50.409 seat on turk so we'll be running that same process 01:26:50.409 --> 01:26:52.840 that we did last time where I'll be asking for applications 01:26:52.840 --> 01:26:55.850 and recommendations for someone in the generator segment 01:26:55.850 --> 01:26:58.069 to to fill that spot and I'll come by and talk with 01:26:58.069 --> 01:27:00.800 you all before I make a final decision, appreciate 01:27:00.800 --> 01:27:03.789 that. Thank you your questions. Your comments for thomas 01:27:06.279 --> 01:27:11.170 All right. That brings us to item 35 and 36 but by 01:27:11.170 --> 01:27:13.729 the way, it should be noted that you get a new office 01:27:13.729 --> 01:27:19.050 too. So don't blame this all true. Yeah. No, absolutely 01:27:19.050 --> 01:27:21.979 not. But I would not, I would not even try to put 01:27:21.979 --> 01:27:24.810 my needs in the same stratosphere as your needs to 01:27:24.810 --> 01:27:30.989 get your your work done sir. So yes. So I think that 01:27:30.989 --> 01:27:35.100 was Stephen but you couldn't tell because of the mask 01:27:36.880 --> 01:27:37.359 that 01:27:39.079 --> 01:27:40.789 one More. One more time. 01:27:43.779 --> 01:27:45.970 All right. We don't have any other business on item 01:27:45.970 --> 01:27:54.420 35 or 36. (item:37) So having oh yeah, I'm holding up um having 01:27:54.420 --> 01:27:56.670 convened in duly noticed. Open meeting the commission 01:27:56.670 --> 01:28:01.680 will now at 11:05AM on february 10th 2020 to 01:28:01.680 --> 01:28:04.670 hold a closed session pursuant to chapter 501, the 01:28:04.670 --> 01:28:08.899 texas government code section 551.71551 point 074 and 01:28:08.899 --> 01:28:14.390 551.76. We'll be back in a bit. Sure. 01:28:38.270 --> 01:28:42.039 Closed session is hereby concluded at 11:30 a.m. On 01:28:42.039 --> 01:28:44.890 february 10th 2022 the commission will resume its public 01:28:44.890 --> 01:28:47.329 meeting. No action will be taken by the commission 01:28:47.329 --> 01:28:49.859 regarding matters discussed in closed session. There 01:28:49.869 --> 01:28:51.729 being no further business before the commission is 01:28:51.729 --> 01:28:53.899 meeting, the Public Utility commission of texas is 01:28:53.899 --> 01:28:56.600 hereby adjourned.